(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Usually I also give the 90ml in parts ... But my MIL use 30ml also feed very slow... Feed and take out every other minute...

Now I try to hit a 1hr quota per day by brining bb down to her when bb awake. If I lazy, then I'll just tell her bbb sleeping.


Edie & ylc,

come lets meet up wif our bb nearby for coffee...today i brought my gal to taka to shop alone..hahaha...was walking alone and getting her stuffs...quite relax...at least i dun cooped at hme and feel so sian when my hb is working ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mummies,

think after my CL left, my milk totally decrease...sighs!! cos im alone at hme looking after her...and din eat well too..too stressed up and sometimes while hving my meals she cries...and got to attend to her after that dun feel like eating..no apetite..so sad..

wah, u gals lose weight so fast? i put on 22kg when i was preggie..b4 i was like 53kg...now only manage to lose abt 11kg..more to go...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


anyone of you have itchy skin or rashes during last trimister?

Im suffering from itchness from my bottom , will it heal after delivery?


i need some advise/help.

my bb already 1month old. Now BF & FM.

the problem is everytime latch on for BF, 2side of my breast for total of 1hr. My BB will still cry for more milk, when latch her on again, she will cry while latch on. refuse to close her mouth to continue sucking.

Then feed her FM then will satisfy her hunger.

Is my milk still not enough? But i always latch her on. Why is it not enough?

Anyone can advise ?

Omg! Mummies u r bringing ur bbs out already? It's such a nitemare! I brought my ger with me to office to give out cake vouchers. Abt half hour in office she start wailing cos she's hungry. Already fed her in e car but took too long. By the time reach office, almost time for her next feed... She needs food every 2 hrs. 1 hr to feed, 1 hr for me to coax her or rest, and, WALA! Next feed...

blue turtle,u r not alone,lol...I brought my bb out,not alone,with my MIL n my #1,only to coffee shop for breakfast,we oso can be so tire out.Cos bb keep crying,feed milk oso dun wan,put in pram oso dun wan.Cos he dun like to be carried,he wanna lie on bed or sarong.Then we bring him out,inside car can keep crying till we reach the destination.So how to bring him out I oso dunno.I rememeber for my #1 he is so easy,I can bring him anyway for how long oso can.

Diapers : I first used Huggies newborn, soon I found it too small for baby, so used Drypers newborn,I find the sides too tight leaving marks on bb's thighs, and also it leaks abit. Finally I tried Mamy poko newborn and Im so happy. It's really airy, material not as heavy as Huggies, and it has a poo pocket to hold poo. Not bad. Im sticking to mamy poko for the time being.

Mrs Lee, how do u bring bb our on yr own? U carry bb on those sarong slings? I wana bring bb down walk walk, like shop b save, but I cant seem to fit him into my baby carrier yet. And of coz dunt wana bring huge bulky stroller to go downstairs. How do u do it?

Those mummies, who live by yrself wif hubby, who is gng to look after yr bb when u start gng to work? Im curious, coz I know for myself Im hiring a maid, but those who dunt intend to hire one, how?

hi hi mummies!

Chiong out for the motherhood fair today. This fair seems a little better than the previous one I went to. Pampers got quite a good deal going @ $45 for 3packs size S.

I managed to get 3 pcs of nursing wear, 1 nursing bra, a pupsik pouch, and pampers. Super happy...then I chiong to tampines and bought a pair of shoes...wah like released from prison. Even my mum was quite shocked that I managed to buy so many things carrying my bb, best part is I didn't bring my pram. Now my back is breaking. Tomorrow going to make myself pretty for going back to office next week. My hair looks like a mop!


I take all kinds of tea, bubble tea, milk tea...but don't take too much coz tea also has caffeine. everything in moderation.


I think that depends on individual bb some have no problems switching between bottle and breast...I don't like to cup feed though, it's messy and precious milk gets spilled everywhere. My #1 didn't have problem switching when I introduced the bottle @ abt week 7 last time.


I will bring bb to office on the meeting day itself. Will see if I make history @ office for attending tv conference with 1 month old bb in tow.


Do you pat your bbs to sleep? I don't like to carry and bounce my bb, but we pat him to sleep and he responds well.


I notice when my bb doesn't drink well, usually because his stomach quite full and haven't shit. Once he clears his bowels, he turns into a little piranha. Don't know if it is the same case as yours.


I suppose you want to do total BM which is why you question why your milk is not enough and you need to supplement. Unfortunately, there is no other way but to keep latching and reduce the FM until your bb takes only BM. Or you can pump after latching to increase supply, hopefully your BM will increase and you can reduce the FM slowly.

Blueturtle, shuyan,

when I first brought bb out wif hb last week, he cried quite a bit due to overstimulation. Today he was good with me, only fussed for milk so I managed to shop a lot. Mayb he got used to it.


what you need to understand is that your breasts will never be 'emptied' of milk, no matter how much you pump / latch. I tested this theory myself. I pumped for 10mins and almost 'emptied' everything out. But I still managed to latch my girl for an hour. Of course, she may initially be unhappy cos most of the milk is gone but what she did get still satisfied her.

Your scenario may be either 1. Your bb just want to comfort suck or 2. Your bb is going through a growth spurt and requires more feeding.

I recommend you to get a few nursing books to better understand the types of scenarios that you may encounter and solutions to tide through these problems.

My recommendation is 'The ABCs of Breastfeeding'. I bought my copy from Kinokunia at Taka. Basically, all the chapters will be summarized into 3 main points for easy adaptation and they do help.

Hey BBF, what time were you there at Expo? I was there until about 4 cos had to feed my little girl. Thanks for helping me with Edie's contact.

Edie, I did not get for you cos I left home before your message came through. So was trying to get your number when I reached Expo but still did not get for you cos I have left Expo already.

Ktsc, did you go to expo too? I was hoping to meet someone from our May 10 thread, but was not able to do so.

BB bao, pls PM me your add so I can drop by, most likely next week.

Mrs lee, yup let's meet up, we can go Ikea or Vivo city. U so steady, brought ur baby out alone. Now that my baby's so cranky don't know if she'll be easy to handle once outside.

Sue, my record was latch on and off for 6 hours before my baby is satisfied and ready for bed.

Rantingbaby, I actually got bbf to get the milk trays for me! Thanks for the info and offer to get it for me.

Bbf, thanks for helping me to get the milk trays will pick it up from u next week after confinement ends on wed.

Mng mummies!

yey! End of confinement! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But need to wait till tmr to go out bec all the rituals to mark end of confinement is tmr... I need a facial badly!

Edie- any change in stool color?- Mine 2 days alr.. still green... I pumped last night to see wats wrong.. first 7 mins high concentration of foremilk.. n my bb lazy to latch for 20 mins nowadays.. and everytime need to 'snack' me to go to sleep.. haiz!

bbf- how was motherhood fair?- i am planning to go tmr but wanna chk if its the same as the previous one in March... that one didnt hv much good deals tt caught my eye..

Ladies, hw are ur babies' sleeping pattern? My lil one behaving like stubborn teenager. refuse to take proper naps in the day time. and his bedtime is at midnight. Whole day doesnt slp much. only slp on my arms when latch on..

Agnes- Me n hb alone too. My MIL will babysit when io return to work. She is just 10 mins walking distance from us. So most probably every mng we'll drop him off there n pick him up in the evening..

BBF, don't mention. BM really works wonder : )

Understand that feeling (like release from prison) I also enjoy every moment even if it is only going for gynae follow up check or BB PD check. Wow, u bought so many things somemore bring BB out alone. How to carry so many things along the shopping trip from Expo until Tampines? U drive or take publc transport??

Rantingbaby, I reach Expo around 3 plus.

At the fair, bought the nursing pillow. Tested it out yesterday, a great relief for my arms when BF bb : )

Edie, BBF or Rantingbaby, can advise wat usage is the milk tray for? Cos if it is useful for storage of milk, would consider to get it too. Still thinking wat is the best way to store EBM (bottle with caps, milk bags or the "milk trays") Thinking of gg Expo tomorrow again for the pampers offer.

Mrs Lee, ylc, Edie, RAISE hands :p me stay beri near area. Also tempted to bring BB out alone too (after his MAN yue). U all tried before bring BB out alone?

Blue Turtle... i brought my baby to my parents place... Parent's mind u... and the baby was already a nightmare!!!

Afternoon refused to nap refused to drink finish her milk cry almost non stop.. bring home also cry non stop... until late last night from 8pm to 11pm she was at her crankiest ever.. i suspect also cos carry the whole day so refused to sleep in cot... came to the point she was screaming her head off even though we were carrying her and walking around... and suddenly in mid scream.. she fell asleep.... gawd... i hope this doesnt happen everyday... my back and arms aching now as though i went gym or something..

Ar, back to yellow yesterday the whole day. What I did was after she unlatch herself I'll burp and change her and let her feed on the same breast until she start pulling at it then change side, to make sure she suck everything out and also cl cut out leafy vege to see if that's the cause, I didn't take and greens yesterday also. So don't know if vege is the culprit.

Ktsc, the milk tray isused to freeze into 1oz milk sticks. So if u're feeding your girl 90mls just take out 3 sticks and defrost it. Each tray can freeze up to 8 sticks, after freezing can transfer to freezer friendly Tupperware or ziplock.

I bought it because it saves space.

By the way, it's perfectly fine to freeze bm together with all the meat and fish right?

Oh ya, ktsc u stay around telok blangah right if I remembered correctly.

Hi mummies, sorry to interrupt:

I have the following items available for low prices as I have become a SAHM and my baby is latching on exclusively -

1) PIGEON PERISTALTIC NIPPLE for standard neck bottles - 0-3mths+ S sized teats

Available for sale at $4 per 2pc-pack

-> 2 packs available

2) PIGEON PERISTALTIC NIPPLE for standard neck bottles - 2-3mths+ M sized teats

Available for sale at $4 per 2pc-pack

-> 2 packs available

3) PIGEON PERISTALTIC NIPPLE for standard neck bottles - 2-3mths+ Y leak-proof teats

Available for sale at $4 per 2pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

4) PHILIPS AVENT AIRFLEX NIPPLE - 3mths+ Medium flow teats

Available for sale at $6 per 2 pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

5) NUK Breast Pads with Ultra Absorbent Polymer Core

Available for sale at $5 per 24 pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

6) Tollyjoy Breast Pads with Ultra Soft Maximum Comfort

Available for sale at $6.50 per 48 pc-pack

-> 1 pack available

Self collection: Jurong East MRT, Clementi MRT or Tiong Bahru MRT

Pls PM me to arrange if interested.

Edie, yup. Stayed near too. Jus wondering if bring BB out alone by ourselves and meet up, can we really cope when BB cry?? Think must try it out then would know :p

The milk tray sounds great in space and $$ saving cos can reuse. Compared to milk bags which cannot be reuse. How much is per tray?

1 Que: After freezing the EBM in the tray, if put the frosen sticks together in the freezer friendly Tupperware or ziplock, would they stick together?

Think it would be better not to put the tupperware or ziplock near uncooked food especailly meat for hygiene purpose. If really no choice, when take the tupperware out from freezer, wash hands before handling the sticks.

BBF or Rantingbaby, can advise at which stall can I buy this tray @ Expo?


i put her in the pram and took mrt. brought her to takashimaya..haha...must try cos nvr try nvr knw...give it a try..jia you!!


lets arrange. do u hv FB? if yes can add me..hehe..when u free to arrange? can go nearby nearby first...bring pram along cos we can shop while shes in the pram zzz...i went taka cos got nursing room there..can change her diaper and feed her when shes hungry..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


join us join us...heee

ya i brought her out yday to taka myself..after that hb came to pick us...

So quiet today.....

Ktsc, I think if transfer to the ziploc/Tupperware before it melts will not stick together. Can get it from mumsfairy booth, now they have 15percent off, after discount is 33 something for 2 trays, normal price is 38.

Ya, milk bags cannot reuse so v expensive and not environmental friendly. Hee.

Mrs lee, can I have ur email add? Or can add me [email protected]. I think use pram on mrt during off peak hours is the best, do u have fear with pram going on and off escalator? I don't know if I can or not especially if the escalator is v fast and crowded, scary...


okie okie add u now...i hv fear when gg down the escalator..gg up im ok.haha...

u not gg out? today i brought her to toa payoh walk walk and hv breakfast wif hb...hee..will feel beter after gg out..if not damn sian to stay hme le...can go crazy..mayb i flower leg..haha

Edie, thanks for the pricing.

Mrs Lee, thanks thanks. Would try go out with BB alone after his man yue.

Mummies, better don't risk gg down escalator with stroller. I always take the lift when have to travel down. Travel up is still manageable and less risky.

Hi mummies...

*blow... my laptop is collecting dust.

bbf: Thanks. After much observation, I think it should be the same as your boy's case. I increased another 10ml for him this week, somehow, he didn't wake up early to cry for his milk. He is probably still adjusting to it.

Any mummies with babies around 5 weeks old still checking their poo and pee before and after feeding? My boy has been pooing during his feed, especially in the night. Is there anyway that we can help them too poo with routine?

My baby has been sleeping since almost 4pm. Tried waking him up but he kept going back to sleep. I am standing-by and keeping fingers crossed, praying he would sleep all the way till daylight.

mrs lee and edie: We took the escalator, my hubby finds it easier going down... But if I am alone, I think I would make an effort to walk more to the lift. I ish clumsy.

Let me attempt to bring bb out alone, maybe next monday to compass point. Siam the crowds...


I was at the fair around 4 or 5. There was really a lot of pple...thought I would be able to catch you at the fair. But I may not recognize you now that you've shed all the pregnancy weight. Did you managed to get anything?


depends on what you want to get from the fair...overall, I think it was good for me coz I managed to get all my nursing stuff at slight discount. Pigeon had huge booth there too. There was also a diaper changing and nursing rooms so it was very convenient when bringing the bb along.


My sis gave me a lift, that's why managed to cover 2 places. Take mrt very jialat.


I like le sportsac. light n waterproof.


after your confinement, we can meet up with bb and I'll pass you the milk trays at the same time.

rantingbb,when r u going to bb bao hse?I can join u to visit her too,me stay at home till very bored liao...

lucasMummy,so far my bb only poo once a day,at night oso,my MIL ll open his diaper n pull his leg up n make the "eeee" sound,then he know to poo out.so maybe can train ur bb tis way too.


Sigh, I think I am losing my patience with my baby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I desperately need help with breastfeeding... I have been pumping and bottle feed him since we brought him home 'cos I would know how much he is drinking, plus hubby can help.

Problem now is, when I try to latch him on the past few times, he will suckle for 5-10 secs and then flinches/squirms/kicks himself away and pulls off the nipple crying hysterically - VERY fidgety. Then he'll go back and look for the nipple and the fidgeting starts again until I got so frustrated and gave him the bottle instead.

I'm not sure if he has 'forgotten' how to latch on my breast or what, since we introduced the bottle to him so early.

I want to BF him more, but if he cant even settle at my breast for even 5 min, I really dont know how to BF him.

Any advice/idea what's going on?

Is this a colic, or gas, or milk-flow related issue?


I have PM you my address [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You know where I stay right? heh heh #08-132

Ya next week I should be quite alone with baby, I hope I wont go crazy so soon. I am really, really at the brink of losing it liao..

bb-bao I had a similar problem to you. My hubby intro the bottle at day 3 against my advise when my nipples were too sore to latch on. After that my boy always try to fight with me when I try to latch him on and when he does he doesn't really suckle. So after 5 days of bottlefeeding I told my hubby we're going cold turkey with the bottle and try a combination of cup feeding and latching. Cup feeding is such a faff as quite a bit of milk gets wasted but it has improved the situation in the sense he doesn't fight with me anymore when I try to latch him and he opens his mouth wider making latch a little easier. I'm doing more latching now and a little cup feeding but as he is taking more milk it's a bit more time consuming with cup feeding. In the last 2 days I switched him to using the Breastflow bottle. Have you heard of it? It's supposed to be good for bf babies who wouldn't take the bottle but also works as a training aid for babies who wouldn't latch on so that they can be brought back to the breast. So far it seems to have worked for us.

It's probably your baby has gotten used to the fast flow of the bottle so the slow flow of the breast frustrates him. I didn't have this problem with my #1 even though he was bottlefed pretty much from the beginning as he wouldn't bf right from day 1. But after 6 weeks he decided to bf!!! And I never really had a problem switching betweem bottle and breasts with him. Ha! Ha! Different child different set of problems. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope you find somthing which works for you.

Mrs Heng, everafter lovely photos of your babies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So boring just staying at home but too tired to go out. Went to the village playground for the first time since the birth 2weeks ago. One of the mums who's usually there was surprised when I turned up with a baby. All the time I had been taking my #1 there she didn't even know I was expecting!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/lol.gif]

Hopefully will be able to go jalan jalan soon. How you all tahan to go out with full and leaky breasts huh? After every 2 hours it feels so uncomfortable and have to empty out.

Oh have added some of you to my fb. Can add me too if you like. My email is: [email protected]

Mrs Lee, Taka on yr own??? It wld be a dream trip for me...keke..Im not too confident. I cant wait to get a maid , then off i go to orchard. I really cant wait to go orchard shopping although I went once wif hubby and bb. But its not the same. Hubby dunt really encourage shopping coz he gets frustrated when bb cries when we r out. So I do not shop much wif hubby as his face very very cramp when bb gets fidgety in the pram.

Im seriously tired wif the feeding, washing of bb clothes. I dunt even have anymore energy by mid day.

Anyway, any full FM fed babies here? Mine is fully FM fed, and he poos one time day and alot. Is this normal? I thought bb should poo more than 3 times a day. If BM, then Im sure bb poos often, how abt FM fed, any idea ?

Ok more questions..

Anyone apply baby lotion on bb? I start to realise my bb hands n legs getting abit dry becuz I dust him with a fair bit of powder after his bath. But Im worried applying lotion during this hot weather as it will leave him sticky. Any advice on baby lotion?

Good news, baby is 1 and half month today. Cant wait for bb to become 3 months plus so tht he can get distrated with toys and objects so tht I can bring him out often. Now bb dunt know objects and toys, so I worried he will cry non stop and I cant do anything abt it.

Bbf, sure... We can go for tea at coffee club again... Mudpie.... Yum.

Lucasmummy, I guess for the first few times I'll use the lift but there are some malls the lifts are always slow and crowded, escalator faster.

Bb bao, whatever problem you're facing just remember you're not alone, I guess most of us are quite stress and tired, at any point of time u feel like breaking down, pass the baby to ur hubby and walk out of the room/house.

Agnes, my cl has been using baby lotion on my baby after bath. Not sticky at all. Her skin was peeling quite badly, much better after applying the lotion.

Hello mummies... decided to latch on by seating in the study room chair fir mng feed.. if not bb will fall asleep when i latch on lying down with him...

bbf- thanks for the heads up on the fair. Will go today bec we need to get a pram n I really need to go out somewhere! i hv been a gd girl for 40 days so need some reward! heheh! I wudnt be bringing bb bec he'll be a handful to handle.

Am envious of u mummies!- My hb will never allow me to go out with bb alone. He doesnt trust me with bb alone. He cited my inability to walk straight without hitting someone as a reason. hahah! My ILs are like the 'we-hv-a-million-protocols' family n bringing bb out for jln jln is a big no no until he is at least 4 mths! haiz!

bb-bao - ur bb most probably is doing tt bec got low milkflow.. ( my lil one does the exact same thing when slow milkflow) maybe u can offer ur 'better' side where milk flow is stronger.. then the other side pump and keep..

adding to what mrs N said- breast feedong btl- tommee tippee is a very gd brand. the teat is designed to duplicate the shape of a breast nipple... u can use tt btl.. so when u latch on bb can open his mouth big big to latch on.. their bottles are also BPA free and designed to be anti colic.. it worked for me.. dun gv up.. try to train bb to toggle btw btl and latch on..

Agnes- bb lotion is not sticky dear... its actually a better alternative to bb powder.. u know rgt shdnt use bb powder on bb's body area unless its pure cornstarch based... use bb lotion.. moisturizes and prevents/controls the heat rash .... use bb oil for bb's hair to keep the cradle cap away..

As for toys for 3 mth old- get the play gym mat or smtg.. then 3 mth old can start reading to him alr.. google on appropriate toys n books for him..toys r us and kiddy palace will hv gd ones..

oh just to share- I had pizza last ngt.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] rewarded myself for end of confinement.. heheh! but poor thing.. ithing bb got colicky aft tt bec latced on aft my dinner (had the bbq chicken from canadian pizza).. he was crying alot.. my hb had great difficulty putting him to bed.. so sayang... He gets tummy aches in the ngt time only.. really heart ache to seee him wail in pain..

Agginess, my baby full FM... poos once a day..... helluva ALOT siah..... and the smell..... wha piang.... damn terok.......

Colour can be mustard brown to khaki brown....

Agginess, lilistar,

My Bb have been full fm too, also poo once a day recently and also alot alot sometimes till his little brother also kana. The smell also very terrorizing. The color has been dark green.

mrs N - tks for the compliment n adding me to FB !

Lilstar, Alsky - R u feedin enfalac to ur bb? They seems to hv diff packing for infant formula..quite confusing which to get

Mommies, i got the following to let go.. Let me know if u r interested k.. Let go at 40%.

1. Avent Moisturising Light Oil, expiry 05/2011

2. Avent Moisturising Cream with SPF 15 expiry 01/2011

3. Avent Moisturising Lotion expiry 06/2012.

Self collection Bukit Batok or Jurong East.

Mummies: I'm using friso 1. Milk powder not cheap initially wanted to try mamil gold but then not sure my bb like it or not. I supplement fm at night feeds. Yest noon bought 1 pacifier for my gal n amazing she suckle it to slp but then think abt it i stil don prefer to give her pac. I stil considering Yao LAN or pac but which is easier to wean off? Any advise?

chubby tiger : if i were u .. i rather use pacifer.. imagine.. yaolan.. u go out den she wanna sleep how?? u gonna "yao" outside?

I also gonna use friso.. friso got all the way to step 4.. other brands also have la .. but for #1 i use friso .. so just continue.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yesterday just finish my full month celebration.. today my granny 'disappear' when i wake up liaoz.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] kinda miss her already.. cos me end of confinement liaoz!!

share some pics wic my friend took for me... but its not as good as kelley la.. but very good liao la! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



We've finished our baby full month part 1 last nite and tonite is part 2, super tired!!

Anyone cut your baby finger nils already?

My CL help me to cut last week but my baby's nails grow quite fast! Tried to cut myself but boy boy refue to let me cut (; ;) he close all his finger very hard.. ha..ha...

nanbear, your baby look like her sister right?

I remember your girl's looks so feel like she looks alike.

Your friend quite "Pro" leh..photo not bad, not bad.


hihi i also feeding enfalac for my baby...Dunno isit heaty or wad, my baby getting small pimple like thing on his forehead n cheeks..but he still poos alot...dunno wad causes it..

Past days have been latching on then finally today i pumped but my milk haf traces of blood..freaked me out..dunno isit baby bite or sucle too hard. so dun dare pump til now

