(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Lilstarz and Agginess: which bottles are you using? I'm using Avent, but will need to buy the bigger ones soon cos the small Avent ones only up to 125ml...thinking whether to try other brands if have good recommendations.

Tried Tommee Tipee but they dun fit so well into the Avent microwave steriliser cos the bottles are v fat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi mummies anyone try letting baby sleeping tummy down ? my baby sleeps better but not sure if its ok... btw pls update my details Naomi was born 4th May @ 2.75 KG


Tinospora.. ya i having that problem now and i dunno she learn from where cos i tried so hard to teach her to sleep in cot dun need to carry...so will end up play pacifier game pat pat pat... sometimes successful but sometimes really not at all...can be awake 3 hours... so at the end just let her cry it out until she shack (about 10mins) then she will KO... i feel like a damn terrible mum but if dun do that she refuse to nap at all!!

maggie mee, give your boy some water cause FM quite heaty one. You're not breast feeding your boy?

Actually if your baby can sleep longer time without crying for milk, don wake him up cause if you wake him up, later he will used to the timing and for sure will wake up every 3 hours.

AR : How did u clip his nails? I clipped them quite closely to his fingers but still they have sharp ends so I had no choice but to put on mittens. Any tip how u did it?

Tinopsora /Lilstar - I actually do regret not BFing him. I did have the supply there but, but due to stress reasons, me too decided to stop it as the environment was not too frenly to BF at tht time.So once stopped, eventually the supply dropped. Now I do feel sad not being able to BF him. Not too sure if we can bring back the flow..coz if I squeeze my nipples there r still drops of milk. But too lazy to pump n and test if I can bring back the supply.

As for bottles, I used to use Avent as well. As the milk intake increased I switched to Dr Browns. It has a tube which is supposed to get rid of Colic and also get bb to burp faster. Not exactly sure but since it looks more complicated, I do think its btr then Avent. Im using the big Avent Steriliser as well. The Dr Brown's bottles are long, although they have wide necked ones also, but all can fit into the steriliser. i just drop all of them into it.

tinospora, my baby also the same must carry and tap him to sleep. then after I put him down on baby seat or cot, he start cry again. I tink all baby are the same ba. Heard after 3 months old will turn better. so all mummies, let's jia you! another 2 more months to go!

Agginess, I also stopped putting mittens & swaddling when my baby tunrd 3 weeks old. He hates it cause he likes to kick his legs and hands so i feel poor thing to tight on him.

nanabear, um.. did asked anyone want to meet up at tampinese mid july but seem nobody interested leh.

I don think I can go far with my baby alone.

Oh! you're going back to work so fast?

Me going back end of july so still left about 13 days ML. Will keep for in case baby sick (touchwood!).


My place is very far from the station. Dunno if I have the confidence to drive with bb sitting at the back alone.


done birth certain thingy ay mt e but now still waiting the authorisationletter from govt. We opt for standard chartered. Not lump sum $6000? dollar for dollar from govt...?

How come got a $1000? Another kinda bonus?

tino/lilstar: same ! my bb aklso!! sigh she has been whining for the past 4 hrs! sigh

give her pacofier dun wan.. wan my breasts.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

luckyone : i stay pasir ris so am ok.. think more on east mummiess to meet up.. easier for them to bring bb too..

July Lunch/Tea

Venue : Tampines

1. Luckyone

2. nanabear





loh : my bb also same like urs.. dun like aircon.. prefers the warm living room.. lolz! its becos bb in our body which is 37 degrees mah. now come out.. temperature drop.. sure cant adapt.. hahahaa!

nicole : yea.. i let my bb sleep tummy down alraedy.. and she can flip on her own.. faintz! but if put tummy down.. remember cannot use pillow.. wait bb scaffocate..

hullo mummies... how to cure bb of their hiccups? my bb has it often.. isit ok?

Luckyone... my supply only 40ml after haf hr pump... so most of the time supp with FM ... guess my BM running low liao...

Hello mummies!

Qty n milk bottles:

My boy is drinking 130ml now every 3 hours. I am still using avent 125ml bottles. I bought the milky color bottle which is bpa free and comes with a ring that is meant for anti-colic. So far so good and will stick to it for the switch.

Bottee n mittens:

I removed mittens for him in the day and only put it on to bed.

I realize he is beginning to open his clenching fists and we have been letting him to hold things on his hands. I guess it all comes in after removing mittens. Still wearing bottees. Will remove it prob after 2nd month. However will still wear them to sleep.

Lilstarz and tinospora:

I believe u all didn't use pacifier ya?

My boy sleeping pattern seemed to change every week. He even sleep longer than his feedig time in the day but wakes up for his feeding in the night! Zzzz... I wish the opposite! And he likes to poo while drinking milk! Help!


Not sure when the sale will end but I bought quite a bit of stuff, total damage was abt $130. Went to the one at Parkway yesterday. Some of the 2-4 pcs sets on offer...very nice..esp the girl's selection but too bad I don't have girl or I will go crazy.

TBF mommies,

Do you feel hungry ALL the time?

I am always hungry!!! I've been snacking a lot and have been taking my tea break and supper on top of my regular meals. I don't think it's possible for me to lose the last 4 kgs anytime soon. So frustrated but if I don't eat I feel out of sorts. argh....

Mrs Teo.. first baby get bonus $4k.. they split it.. i not sure how they split..but dunno wat age get $1k then dunno wat age get a second amount then a 3rd amount... the $6k is u put money into the CDA account and they match dollar for dollar up to $6k and u got until ur babe becomes 6 years old to do it....2 different things altogether

Lucasmummy... i use pacifier... if i can use musking tape to keep it there i would!! she play game lor.. spit out cry i put back.. spit out cry i put back.... its a looong game....i everyday like experimenting different ways and means to make her take her day naps... sigh... go to nap earlier/later/go for walk outside/pacifier pat pat pat... then she sleeps for 10min/20mins then wakes up and wails and the pacifier game starts again....yeah she only poos when ppl feed/carry her hahahaha..the smell is the giveaway... and the maid bathes her... in a week she pees on the maid about 4x... dunno why...and when remove her diaper to change... she uses that precise moment to pee as well.... dunno whether to laugh or cry sometimes... the number of nappies i have wasted...

bbf : ya..i feel that way too! i feel that i am suppose to lose wt.. but .. i keep eating how to lose wt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hahaha!

maggie mee, it very common baby hiccups 3 to 4 times per day.

You don even need to give water immd.

Me too getting lower and lower haha... my friend can pump until no spare to store the milk...

nanabear, I'm only avib on weekday hor.

Cause my husband don let me bring bb out alone.

weekday I can go out a while when he's working hehe..


mmm am back again after several days...

feeding baby:

at week3.5, i'm still experimenting wif optimum proportion of latch on and EBM... seems like latch on is really xiong...

today, i was on the bed every 1hr just to latch on for 10min - 1hr..

last midnite, latch on from 3am-4+am, then proceeded to pump and only finished at 5+am...

yest, i tried to purely pump and have nanny bottle feed bb and it seems like i have more time to nap and eat and relax...

however i miss out on the bonding and worry that bb may not recognise my nipple anymore.. very boh liao worry rite...


also i wonder when my baby will stop fussing.. always eh eh eh in her sleep, and does that sucking action which makes nanny think she's still hungry after a latch on...

sighs.. how come my baby is never full from latch on lei?

we never get this prob if we shove her wif EMB.. hehe

in desperation, my bb gal will bite her mittens in a fury, is that a sign that she's hungry?

so tiring... just the act of feeding the babe...

oh ya, thinking about bonding wif the baby...

my massage lady was telling me about her working overseas and not going home for >3 yrs and her mum was really upset...

when i think of my gal doing it to me next time, i felt a heartache...

i think motherhood has made me paranoid, worrysome and emotional.. :/

anyone feeling the same?


well done mummy! 3 hrs of pushing! same same here.. really tiring hor...

me also feel hungry easily. I think bcause during confinement period we can't eat a lot of food stuff so make us feel more hungry haha..

I know I won't lose weight easily after delivered so I eat wholemeal bread and brown rice, drink only water. Hopefully can lose a little more...

Lucasmummy, Lilstarz: I tried pacifier! But like Lilstarz's experience, baby cannot hold it in on her own yet...haha really can understand the masking tape idea but too bad cannot use :p

July Weekday Lunch/Tea

Venue : Tampines

1. Luckyone

2. nanabear





luckyone : me also weekday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but y hubby dun allow u bring bb out alone? werid..

AR,u can try soaking in salt water,it ll heal the piles.Tat time my piles are very raw,the gynae ask me to soak in salt water daily for 10mins,then apply the antibiotic gel he gave me,after 2 weeks,he examine then say its ok already.

Bbf: I total expressing. Also feeling hungry all the time. But I see the snacks I very xianz... I wanted to drink water.. Alot alot alot of it but so afraid will get water retention.

Lilstarz and tinospora: oh.. My boy as well. Some times he suk suck drop then eh eh eh, if I am pumping at the same time, I have to pump pump stop, stand up, walk to

him n put it back. This goes on for a few times till finally he goes to sleep.

Nanabear: hold it longer at her mouth? I dunno eh... Hehehe... Rock n cradle her lor... Haa

sue: I have the same worry as u. I love the bonding when he latched on but my determination fails me. Hee...

hi sue, breast feeding can be really tough esp when bb doesnt coorperate. sometime i can have bb latch on for 20mins till she doesnt want to drink anymore, put her back to sleep and she start to fuss within half an hour. CL give emb and she still can finish it and go la la land happily. don understand leh... but still try to latch bb on whenever u can. i still feel that bb sucking is way better than machine pumping.

and don need to be worry abt things u cant control. just concentrate on present and do ur best...

Hi Bb-Boa, Im also facing the same issue. baby was on spoon feed at home and i BF totally and gives him FM as and when he doesnt get enough. Now just three days my mum inisist on introuducing bottle fed and he seem to refuse my breast last night and ts afternoon. Can ts a pro due to milk flow too? With bottle and he can continously feed while breast milk he will take breaks. Im so worried and stressed with my parents inisisting that i shd do their way..looks like they are encouraging BF...so angry and fedup!!!!

Another tg, can we mix FM and BM?

I am in the same situation too. My boy is going to 5 weeks this weekend.

He drinks EBM from bottle really fast, like in less than 5mins for 3 oz and can sleep for 3 to 4 hours straight!

For direct feed, he will drink, fuss, sleep and fuss again within an hour...no time for mommy to rest.

November/mush and bb-bao- can wat we do?any suggestions from 2nd time mummies? im against the Bottle feeding at the moment but no one listens to me at home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I cant wait for my parents to leave!!!

RE: Why bb latches X mins and still keeps fussing for more milk.

Milk flow for ebm is definitely much faster in comparison to latching coz the later is very dependent bb's ability to suck and mother's ability to let down and generate the same amt of milk on demand. For the same 120ml of milk, it will take only 5-10 mins to bottle feed while latching will require at least 3X longer even for an efficient drinker.

Bbs are generally unpredictable so when we let them decide how much they want to have and feed on demand, it is quite normal that they might latch 5 mins, feel satisfied, and fuss for more later.

Being in a systematic country like SG, I think it takes a while to get used to feeding on demand. Not every latch will last 2-3 hrs. It will be great if it does but the truth is we never know and latch time and period will vary according to bb's mood, ability to drink and our ability to let down. Have to go by faith, trust your body and leave the rest to our bbs.

For myself, once I let go the need of knowing how long and how much, my latching experience is much better and I don't go "Not again!" when my bb wants milk becoz I've lost count.

Thanks BBF for the info...i will try to latch him as much as possible and be patient. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbf - wow..bb boy u already spent $130. If bb gal, i think u will spend double! haha...I will chk out their store nex week. Hopefully they still have sales

hi mummies,

I gave up latching already, cos it seems like he only like to suckle my neh neh for comfort, not for milk. He fusses too much at my breasts, I get very frustrated also.

My hubby and I brought the baby out yesterday, but we didnt expect to stay out till so late. So ran out of milk and I tried to BF him.

OMG, he wailed until no voice came out. I was crying and BF-ing at the same time... told my hubby that I feel like such a failure, cant even BF my own child. SIGH~~ it was super depressing.

So I'm trying to pump as much as I can, but AIYOH, it's more painful than latching. But I guess I will stick to EBM and bottle feed him for now. But I will still try to latch him for a while each day and see what happens...

(hopefully he doesnt get even more confused!)

Agnes, I see. But for now my babys's feeding and nap time still like rubber. I'd like to introduce bedtime routine soon also. Let us know if it works for u tonight

AR this is what I usually do with piles. Clean the piles with dilute dettol, wipe dry and rub in the piles cream on the swelling. Do it several times a day (as and when I remember). Did this ritual after my two deliveries and both times the piles shrank in less than a week! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Agginess it's still possible to relactate if you still desire to bf. You can find info on how to go about doing it from the kellymom website. I know of some mums who relactated and went on to bf quite successfully. It's pretty hard work though getting things started so you need to be sure that is the road you want to take.

bbf me too! Always feel the need to fill my stomach ... especially with something sweet!!! Doesn't help that my MIL keeps baking a cake for us practically every week.

Anne I feel your frustrations as the same thing happened to my boy. But in my case it was my hubby who insisted on giving him a bottle when I took a break from latching due to soreness. He said #1 didn't have a problem with nipple confusion so didn't think it would happened with #2. Unfortunately it did and I had to insist on #2 going cold turkey with bottlefeeding b'cos it was affecting his latch and it was making it even more painful for me. We tried cup feeding for several days alongside latching but it got a bit messy when he started taking in more milk. In the end I decided to get the breastflow bottles so I can have the flexibility of bottlefeeding when is necessary without the worry of causing nipple confusion. It seems to be working well for us at the moment. Ideally I wouldn't have chosen to give a bottle this early but such is life and we just have to work things round sometimes to suit our circumstance. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

All I can say is just keep trying to put him at the breast whenever you can. Don't stress too much over it if he doesn't take it. He will latch on when he's ready to. As long as you keep trying all is not lost ... yet! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I tot water retention is caused by not drinking enough water? drink too much also will get water retention isit?


My weakness is the Cadbury fruit& nut choco bar. I can finish half a bar by myself in one day and I'm already trying to ration myself...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bb bao,

The success of motherhood is not defined by BF. And the success of BF does not define the mother.

Don't take it personally if bb does not want to be BF at that moment. It takes practice and familiarity can be re-established, so all is not lost if you still wish to prolong your BF journey with your bb.

bb-bao - i oso have difficulties in latching my bb gal. She is super impatient and will scream her lungs out. So i switched to total EBM instead. I'm happi as long as i can still supply BM to bb although my supply is not ample.

Totally agree with BBF. It doesnt matter whether bb is on EBM, latch or even FM as long as he/she is healthy & has all the love fr mummy & daddy. Dun blame urself k? =)


(For breast-feeding mums)

Selling off Blue-egg storage bag (thermal sensor) at $9.50/pack.(usual price $12.50) (Left with 6 packs)

And Anmum lacta milk(vanilla flavour) at $15 (usual price $20.80)

Interested pls email me at [email protected]

Home delivery if take all the above.


(For breast-feeding mums)

Selling off Blue-egg storage bag (thermal sensor) at $9.50/pack.(usual price $12.50) (Left with 6 packs)

And Anmum lacta milk(vanilla flavour) at $15 (usual price $20.80)

Interested pls email me at [email protected]

Home delivery if take all the above.


i gave in.. 40 ml of FM and she's drunk .. cannot .. die die must get fernueek later or tonite ..

from friday after i delivered cakes n sat full month cele.. my milk ss drop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] cos me very very tired n din drink enuff water .. i think tired n not enuff zzz will cause a dive leh!!!

fri noon i still can pump 70 ml.. after tat no more liao.. i sleep like only 4-5 hrs .. n sat nite also abt 5-6 hrs only.. den no more extra milk.. i latch all the time.. no extrra to pump..

today.. both my nipples are so sore cos she was practically feed every hour!!

bb bao : i can understand hw u feel.. hugz..

die die must eat fernugeek today!!!!!!!!

bbf / lucasmummy : water retention is drink not enuff water.. becos our body is like camel.. if we not ddrinkking enuff water.. our boody will 'store' water = water retention

Nanabear: let me know whether any supply increase after taking fernugreek cos I hv fernugreek with me but hv not try out yet. So far each pump I can get 100ml n just enough tor my gal day feeding n no surplus for storing n night supp wit fm so was like 50 bm 50 fm.

bb-bao, you are not alone, me too had given up latching my girl and started to pump exclusively since the 1st week. Don't be too hard on yrself. Like what the rest have said, motherhood is not defined by our ability to breastfeed our babies. We can still try our best to provide the goodness of breastmilk through expressing and bottlefeeding baby but at the end of the day if no choice but to turn to formula milk that's perfectly alright too.

Nanabear, I too realized that my yield is affected from lack of sleep and not drinking enough water. In fact since my confinement lady left my ss has been going downhill. Now drinking Mothers MIlk tea and hope that it'll help.

anne raj, i guess im a little more lucky than u. at least my bb still latch on well. but i try to control the amt of emb she take, coz still need her to regulate supply. so in morning i will still feed on demand.

Lucasmummy, according to my CL sometime breastfeeding will cause us to have low appetite and keep wanting to drink water. can go chinese medicine hall to buy 稣合丸. suppose to help to increase appetite.

just to check for chilled emb can we transfer them to freezer after 24hrs?


Dear mummies,

reading mummies trying so hard to latch their babies made me feel so bad. My boy intially latch but I decide to bottlefeed him instead. Reasons being i can take a break and others can help to him and not stuck to my breast 24/7. I also dun like the idea of dunno how much he is drinking

Increase of bm,

can try drinking more soup. I can yield 300ml per pumping session.

