(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Lucasmummy, the first 2 days without help is the worst I think. My1st 2 days after discharge was my worst days of my life.... then got used to nite feeding,household chores, fulldiaper changing,washing bb clothes all by myself...well if this continues think I really lose all my energy as both my mum n mil dunt comeover, but instead want me to pack bb things n go over to their house if need help. So no choice gotta get a maid to help out.


Bbf: i bought the bengawan solo vouchers liao. Got 10% discount if u purchase abv $150. Will be going back office to give out the vouchers. Bringing bb along so no one can make me stay in office for extended period of time... Hee..

Diapers: i'm using huggies... So far so good. Am getting them as gifts from friends when they ask wat gifts i want. I outrightly tell them i don't more birds nest, chicken essence or more standard clothes sets. Cash, vouchers, diapers appreciated.

Bbf: u r not alone on e noisy little sleeping bb. My ger makes A lot of noise too.. From ehh, ahhh, grunting sounds, to coos of laughter. One moment she can sound like she's upset, next moment she can be cooing happily.

blue turtle,me too,I ask my friends dun buy me hamper or tonic,I ask them to get my vouchers,indeed they all me NTUC vouchers.So I can buy bb stuffs from there.


I have to bring bb along too...no stash yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Told my hb abt it, I think he too workaholic aldy...coz the first thing he asked is if I attend the meeting how am I going to follow up.

When I told him that there is no need to follow up immediately. He said, "Oh then go and attend lor, since you won't be doing much anyway." Hmphhh Angry siah!!!....like I do nothing at home all day!

RE: Weird sleeping noises.

Funny but I don't remember #1 making so much noises....mayb it's too long ago.

Bbf, yes mine does and sometimes it's like false alarm when she starts making noises. I thought she's ready for feed and will get up and arrange my pillows, unbutton my pj and only to realize she's still sleeping. Too kan cheong already.

Feeding time again....

Bbf and Edie: same here... I got mistaken as well. I think I overfed him in the night... He is still making noises now...

Btw, he's 5 weeks now. Last check his stool, green and yellow. First time I see green. Is it tummy upset? last fed him with ebm, hopefully the beautiful creamy yellow returns....

Lilstarz: I think nepia is cheap. We bought fitti nb 52 pcs for $14. Heard of nepia before from other mummies in the forum. Care to share the link here please? Thanks!

My bb has nappy rash after wearing Drypers. So is a no no for us.

Morning mummies! Just did my 7am pump and can't get back to sleep liao.

My CL left last Friday and I hardly get any sleep since, managing my pumping sessions and feeding baby round the clock. The lack of rest and not eating properly (no more papaya soup and longan drink) is causing my milk ss to take a dip [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Any of your babies not pooing everday? Mine only poo about once in 3 to 4 days. When I checked with the doctor at the polyclinic, she says it's normal for TBF babies as breastmilk is highly digestible. But I'm still worried lor cos' sometimes when I see my girl cry and fuss for no reason I suspect she's having a stomache due to not pooing for days.

The Motherhood fair at Expo is starting today. Anyone going to check it out?

hey mummies whatz up?

Bad day yesterday. Became grumpy n showed it on hb (poor thing he took leave to be at home somemore...) i dun understand why men dun understand that we can go crazy being confined at home. they think its easy n 'fun'! n that we got ntg much to do! haiz!

Anne- I still havent had my bb's function. we r gona call it bb's naming ceremony bec we r hving it on his 2th mth. Most prob booking SIA sports club. Nearby my place and its nice venue..

can seat upto 300 pax. Rental is $710 for 4 hrs.

Where do u live? Get a venue nearby ur plc so tt dun hv to bring bb too far..

mrs Heng- very nice pictures! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blue turtle- ya! those gift sets! hahah i hv so many! can start gift shop alr. For my bb function i wud ask for diapers too! hahah

Loh- My hb totally anti FB. He hates showing off in FB. hahah. didnt allow me to put bb's pic there. however he allowed me to put up just 1 photo of my bb after his 40th day- which wud be after june 5. he scared ppl cast evil eye also..

Chloie!- hello!! LTNS! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take care of ur health n aim for rabbit bb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Agnes- u r not a bad mom.. we all feel the same way abt the sacrifices.. some just tahan n some cant.. dun beat urself up abt it... be careful abt getting a maid. get a trusted one from the agency since going to tc of ur baby.. maids n their minds... they can abuse the babies smtimes..

diapers- dryers wee wee dry is aweful! if over wet then the gel substance starts oozing out n sticks to bb skin n sometimes urine leaks out..

First choice (carrefour home brand)- ok for home use.. my bb has no rash but need to change each feed.

Pampers is like the thristy hippo!- super dry on bb's skin..

huggies is also good..

Finally it's the endofconfinement tomorrow. Officially! We will beholding full month at a Chinese restaurant because we are only inviting relatives (hubby side) and our own immediate family members. For my friends who had visited me and those who gave gifts, I will give bangawan solo vouchers. (easier this way)

R all working mummies bringing their little ones to the office to visit?

bb-bao: i felt exactly the same way too! I missed the bump in my womb when bb was born, so much so that i was declared having post natal blues. I then lamented that when she was in there, she was cute and perfect, and never gave me any problems. Now that she is out, she gives me heart attack every other day with problems like jaundice, eye infection, colic, and wailing which i cannot comprehend at all! I almost went bonkers cos she is only 3 weeks old, and i felt like i am now in hell suffering.

Somehow, i cannot bring myself to enjoy motherhood with so many problems that she has. I look at her and felt she is the cause of my misery, and i cannot love her as much anymore.

But then, after things get a little better (her wailings stopped for a while), i feel guilty for thinking this way.

Plus the fact that mil is around, adding salt and spice to everything, hubby blames me for things that has gone wrong with bb, i really wanted to walk away from all these. I used to condemn mothers who abandon their children, but now i tink i can understand why. There r always two sides to the story.

Last night i couldn't take it anymore and lashed out at hubby, asking him why he is so harsh towards me? I didn't want bb to have si many problems too, so why always blame me for things that is wrong with bb? When there r good things, such as good weight gain with bb, no one gives me credit for it. When things go wrong, fingers are pointed at me. I am going bonkers here.

Last night, both mil and hubby claimed that bb's unreasonable behaviour was becos she is always hungry and i dun hv enuff milk. I gave up, and asked them to get fm for bb. When bb is calmer this morning, they seemed to hv won, and think their theory is right. Even tho i am feeding bb round the clock, and i am certain that i hv enuff milk for bb.

Sometimes, i think i am not cut out for motherhood, and i think of the gd times me and hubby used to hv, and i really regretted having bb.

But as someone pointed out, there is no turning bk. So just hv to walk on and on.

Lucasmummy - http://www.nepia.com.sg/english/index.html

My babe dun get diaper rash with this brand. The only thing is have to buy 4 packs for them to deliver.

I tried huggies but i find the material like a bit hard.. and pampers is just too expensive to be holding pee and poop and throwing away...

Noisy sleeping baby - Aiyoh i thot mine was the only one.. grunts/groans/squeals/cackles/clears the throat like old granny etc.... soo noisy i cannot sleep at night!! Then dunno is it really awake or just sleeping sometimes...somemore when nearing to feeding time the noise become intermittent.. every 15 mins.. then 10 mins..then 5 mins... wha i can't wait for her to grow up faster...

Little Tiger.. dun beat up yourself over it.. i also got that feeling.. sometimes just want to walk away let somebody else take over take care then i can do my own thing... and then i feel damn guilty for feeling this way becos its my child.....some ppl love motherhood some find it harder to embrace.. i fall into the second category as well... maybe too used to our independence thats all...

Luckyone> Your hb scolded you? How come? He must understand the stress that you are facing mah! You would nag cos you have no one else to talk to other than your hb ah. But if you want to go back to work asap, then bb how? Bear to leave him alone so fast meh? How about going to rent a room temporarily to avoid the noise and conflicts with your in-laws?

bb-bao> Hope you are feeling better. I read before that bb are all very smart. They can sense when you are nervous/anxious and they would in return feel the same as you and therefore you would have a wailing baby is in front of you. So you need to RELAX!!!!!

Come to think about it, now I know why all the ah mas can handle bb so easily.

blue_turtle7> I'm doing fine! I love the pic of your bb frowning. LOL! So cute!

Mrs Heng> Your bb's pic are so cute too!

Sue> Next time can I ask your hb to take maternity shot for me? LOL! I still havent got my maternity shot pics from my friend.... Long story....

hello mummies!

u all very fast leh.. either there is no posts.. or its flooded with posts.. hahaha

Loh : my ILs will pray to their ancestors on full month day itself.. if we got celebration.. we just do it in the morning at their home lor..

mrs heng : Kelley is simply forever so good right? i wanted to do it for my #2.. but .. sigh.. was on tight budget during her 2nd week.. bo pianz.. nvm.. going for studio shoot.. hahaha!

Luckyone : i feel so scary leh.. wat's wrong with babies?? how come they are developing so fast? my ger flipped yesterday.. u in my fb right? u seen the video i posted?

diapers : drypers are ok ar.. not like those cheapo one will become lumpy lumpy one.. those i dun like..

but still huggies ultra best.. hahaha.. i was recommended sealers.. bought liao.. but haven try.. cos finish current drypers first..

lilstarz : noisy baby.. mine too! lolz!


My girl is like yours.. super impatient.. she'll start wailing if she misses the nipple a few times.. and she also has this habit of pulling my nipple.. think it's common for babies.. I always tell her NO in a stern voice whenever she does this.. but it has not stopped her.. sigh..


My turn without the CL starts today.. so far it's has been okay.. crossing fingers that it stays that way.. haha..

Mrs Heng,

Nice pics.. I, too, wished that I've taken it as well.. but she's a bit too old for it now.. 1 month already..


My girl grunts a lot too when she is asleep.. and I thought she is the only one who does that! Good to know that she is normal, as in there are babies out there who do the same..

To mommies who did not have a confinement lady to help out, kudos to you all.. it's really not easy to do that.. despite that there are some things which I can't stand my CL, I think I'll still go for a CL if I have another kid.. cos' I'll be doing c-sect again, so will be needing all the rest I can get in the first month... just have to 'close' my eyes to some things (as long as no negative impact in the baby)..

Hmm.. sounds like my girl is not drinking enough.. she's 1 month but still drinking only 70ml per feed for every 3 hours.. Not sure how much she weighs now cos' no weighing machine at home...

hi all mummies,

been quite awhile since I last logged in....

my delivery was quite long (abt 15+hrs)...and my bb has meconium aspiration (i.e. shitted and inhaled the meconium during labour). He was in NICU for 7 days; both my hubby and myself hv been running in and out of hospital though I was discharged earlier. Pretty depressed when I saw him with all needles & tubes, oxygen box, etc...and yet cannot carry him...

now he is back at home for a week and pretty settled down, at least no more alarms to startle his sleep. Only thing is that his breathing is still faster than normal (suspect its his lungs)

btw I am looking for a pd who has handled bb with breathing problems. anyone got any recommendations?

Hi Mummies..

My gal makes lots of noise when she sleeps too..

She is 5 weeks now and is drinking 125ml per feed every 2-3hrs... She is on half BM & FM.. My supply not enough for her as i'm only pumping 70ml-90ml every 3hrs... Hv tried latching her on but my supply just wont increase.. Anyone face this problem? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Chloie> I'm back to work on & off already... Maybe nx time might bump into u during lunch time..

Hi Mummmies,

I also had a newborn girl on 12 May. Noisy- phlegm sound is a reflux. This is common, burp the baby and keep in sleep slanting will help the vomiting. You can give a 1/3 of a bottle of "Bao yin dan" to reduce the phelgm.

I had 3 kids and now troubling as get to know my maid started to mix around with friends without my knowledge and yet do not tell me honestly when confronted. Headache as sending her off and yet to find a replacement. Have to look after my 3 kids with housechores, cooking , bf,etc all by myself.

INdependent and strong to comfort myself as hubby cannot help much though


my bb also sceam and wails loudly when she wanna milk..my hb cannt handle her at all and i got to do everything myself...sometimes really wonder y all these man want to jv kids but cannot even handle and do simple things...fed up!!!

JThan and bbf,

my gal makes alot of noises too..haha...ee..orrr...orrr....dunno wat shes toking..haha...initially tot shes awake liao but no le..shes still zz...my frd mum told me she wanna wake up for milk but bu she de also wanna zz...keke.!!

anyway, any mummies here stayg near queenstown? mayb can meet up and release our stresss...:D

Mrs Heng> Ur baby gal so pretty!! Pics so nice her eyes very nice leh...

Feel like gg Expo baby fair try find a better cooler mattress for my baby...The free baby cot mattress makes him perspire alot n he will not slp long..He screams when he is hot..Perspire alot so poor thing..even his pillow all wet wif perspiration..Can c he frustrated...So nw currently he slps wif me on my bed..he can slp longer at least..

sue, how u know how much emb or formula to give bb?

yesterday nite i kana so stressed by Cl that i went to take out my pump to sterilize and pump for the 1st time. but end up only with 1oz of emb so now super worry that bb is not getting enough that y she keep crying at nite. and its day5 since birth but i dont seems to be engorged just some hard lumps every now and then. am i producing enough?

went PD today and bb jaundice level is ok and she maintaining her birth weight so does it mean that she's getting enough?

im been feeding bb like crazy, latching on abt 10 time a day but still milk production seems to be low... so stressed

Chubby Tiger..my babe is very very small so she is still on newborn..Think should be about 3 - 4kg... haven't gone to S size yet no leakage so far so i think the cutting is fine.. i never tried fitti before so i dunno leh...but huggies S size still loose on her and will leak...

Mummies u know my babe already 5 weeks hor... i thot by now she should have some kind of routine or pattern emerging... but dun have leh.. i still got no idea when she will be sleepy or awake until the actual time comes....are ur babies on some kind of routine already?


did u pump after latch? if u did, usually the amt won't be much, especially this is only day 5. Continue latching at least 15 min per breast and throw in a few pumps a day to increase ss.

Mrs Lee, me!! I'm staying at Stirling Rd, good idea to meet up, I used to stay in Serangoon area so all my friends are all that side, now staying here I feel so out of the way, when friends want to come and visit I also don't want them to come cos it's so far. So, feeling a bit outcast, even my parents also lazy to travel all the way here to see their grand daughter. Sob Sob.

blurangel, glad that everything's under control now. Get more rest for yourself, sleep when baby sleeps.

lilstar29,my bb is 6weeks now,he too oso dun have any slp pattern.In the day he can slp for 2 hours then wake up for milk then slp again even there is a lot of noise.But when night time,even very light sound we make,he ll wake up,cry or scream.so mainly the whole night he is awake more than slp.

bx, yes, pumping after latch. i normally try to let bb latch as long as she wants. now feeling bb almost every 1.5 to 2 hrs. really hope to increase supply.

is there a recommend time on when to start fenugreek pill?


The amt of milk expressed may not be related to your supply. Expressing is a skill which improves with practice. Pumping effectiveness also depends on many factors like positioning, your ability to let down ie. be comfortable with the pump, and pump related factors like suction, speed, pump parts wear & tear etc. Overall, pumping is less effective than the bb at drawing milk.

If your bb is doing well latching then there is no need to express. As long has bb continues to pass pale yellow urine and stools. It means bb is doing fine and having enough.

Like the other TBF mummies here who are exclusively latching, it is normal to keep latching for long periods of time and frequently (even hourly) during the 1st 2 weeks.

It will be a stressful period. Trust your body to provide enough for your baby and don't let your CL pressure you into anything you are not comfortable with.

bbf: can so imagine your hubby giving that kinda "no need follow up den go meeting lor" look. if it's me, i might just box him. haha

mrs lee: when bb cries for milk and if u r latching, there's nothing hb can do lar. the only way to stop the wailing is to quickly give the milk. at least that's what happen to my baby. other than crying for milk, i try to let my hb do the coaxing whenever possible, change diaper etc. need him to be more involved so that bb will learn to be attached to him too.

mush: i tried to squeeze out a few drops after latch, dun even get a single drop sometimes. =P

shuyan: i'm keeping track of bb's feeding and diaper change pattern to see if there's any regularity. i'm also trying out a fixed night time sleep routine in the hope that with the fixed routine, my ger can quickly learn to sleep longer at night. after the 8pm or 9pm feed, we try not to talk or play with her anymore, and put her at a darker corner to sleep.

Hi mummies

I've been reading posts fr u folks. It's really amaze at all the conversations n thots that each of u gave. It helps me a lot. I'm a May Mom too n ve all the issues u gals ve faced, problems like milk supplies, cranky bb, irregular patterns, wheezing sounds, depressions, jaundices, etc... All posts ve helped me to clear some of my depression - that I'm not alone.

I'm not an active person, hence been reading instead. And taking care of bb most of my time (wo CL) has keep me pretty hands-full. Moreover, using iPhone to input is a torture :p

I ve some qns.

Does ebm + fm Only decrease supply?

And, does short latch on sustain by fm decrease supply too?


My boy really drinks a lot and when he is full he will unlatch himself and goes off to lala land. However, at night he will demand more milk and i'm unable to supply cus my #1 will also demand to drink at the same time. So I usually have to nurse a longer time to satisfy his needs until he sleeps.

MrsLee, Edie,

Same here... we are all staying same area (queenstown) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Nepia Diapers,

All diapers cost $15.00 irregardless of size. Newborn has got 60 pcs, Small size 52 pcs? So as they grow bigger, its becoming more expensive! Sometimes if NTUC has an offer, its slightly cheaper than ordering from Nepia direct however, you will need to lug them home.

Grunting noises:

My son makes alot of noise... My hb was like asking me, how come our son makes so much noise as compared to our girl? I dun remember my #1 making so much noise when she was the same age....


haha...I want to box him too! Workaholic is like that one lah...


breasts will be soft, and when you use hand compression to squeeze aerola, you can only get a couple of drops and milk is opaque and not runny.


welcome to the thread! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gonna attempt to answer your difficult questions:

Does ebm + fm Only decrease supply?

It depends on how much feeds you want to supply. Your body will produce base on demand. If you pump dilligently I read that ebm supply can be sustained exclusively through pumping for almost a year. I've only pump at work and on biz trips, but I found that it is very difficult to sustain my supply without going back to my bb to latch.

And, does short latch on sustain by fm decrease supply too?

I thought it will be better to replace a full feed with ebm rather than supplementing with FM after a short latch on. IMHO for short latch on, supply may diminish because the breast is not fully emptied, that signals to the body to produce less in the long run. Same theory as pumping out only a little during engorgement and then supply reduces because the breast is not fully emptied. But I am not sure... Maybe some of the mummies who are doing this can comment.

I think the things are quite standard like the last baby fair. If got tops for 20 bucks I don't mind. But moms in mind's cutting like nt v nice. Kinda on the shorter side.

By the way, Is it normal that my baby has hiccups after spitting out milk. The hiccups seem to make her quite uncomfortable. I've burped her right after nursing her.


3-6 June at Singapore expo. 11.30am -9:30pm


I think spring maternity has a booth, I hope they have nursing tops there.

RE: hiccups

same for my bb, sometimes the hiccups occur after burping... If bb is in a lot of discomfort, I just continue burping until it subsides.

bbf, thankx for the info.

I've been trying to latch my girl but I ve very bad tailbone aches that prevent me to sit properly. Not sure is it due to epi.

Another qns. How do u mummy express ur milk? Do u hand squeeze/compress ur breast while pumping? I'm not able to get even 40ml wo compressing. At most 80-100ml w my extra compress. My girl is gg to b 4 weeks old n feeding on 90ml at 2hrs interval. My ebm is not able to sustain based on 3 hr pumping. Now, I've started on taking fenugreek but seems no effect (3capsules, 3 times a day). Like some of u, FM on last few feeds for the day. I do latch on at nite (not expressing) but girl doze off easily n wakes up half hourly for feed or staying awake thru-out the nite till 5am. This is driving me crazy... Anyone ve any solution or suggestions to it?


bbf, I saw the brochure by Spring maternity, they only advertised their stroller, car seats and cots. Nothing about the nursing wear, maybe they have but in small quantity?

NHK, wow, 48 hours. It must be tough and tiring, guess half way through the labour you must be thinking 'i don't want to go through this again.' it happened to me.

