(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Anyone let baby sleep with you?

My CL said my baby doesn't like his cot and wants to sleep with her.

So she ask me to let baby sleep with me after she left.

But what if later baby get used to it and refuse to sleep baby cot?


Luckyone> my baby sleeps wif me cos everytime i put him in the cot, he cant slp long..he will cry suddenly..realised maybe its the foam mattress that makes him hot n frustrated..So nw he sleeps wif me on my bed..

Brenda, Mine baby too. Can't sleep long on his baby cot. then your husband sleep where?

My bed size is q size so if baby sleep in between us, I'm afraid later may accidenly hit or sleep on him..

Luckyone, no i dun sleep with my babe... have this fear of rolling over her and squashing her... plus me and hubby sleep not those type sleep can stay in one position..... so we rather not.....

AR, my husband also not allow me bring baby out alone.

Yeap, next wek end will bring my baby to hair cut cause he can't tahan hot.

Anyone know where to bring baby for hair cut?

I know the place "baby can swim" also have baby hair cut service but quite exp, $16.

my hb ah on the floor lor hahahahaha!!! Cos its too squeezy to slp all on the bed n also scared my comforter gets in his way! I also used to feed him similac then he keep vomiting out milk..so much phlegm so i think maybe milk not suitable for him..So i changed to enfalac the one lessen baby regugitation..and really helps abit he dun vomit every feed..oni sometimes maybe we overfed him haha he alwys wanna suck sumthg so my hb always tot he hungry cos dun wan latch on, dun wan pacifier ...

Brenda, at 1st we also don give my baby pacifier but he cried every hourly. We can't give him milk less than 2 hours so endup give him pacifier loh.

Lucky he will throw out after he sleep hehe

edie : Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ya she slept thru out.. but no have smiling shot .. nvm la.. better den nothing..

luckyone : i cut my ger's nails 3 times liaoz.. u wait for ur bb to zzz la.. den u cut..

Ya.. they said look like my elder one.. when came out look like me.. den now like the sis and the dad.. den today.. she change her look again.. hahahaha!

Luckyone: u going back end of july?? my boss ask me go back on 12 jul manz! i wanna cry! but i gonna travel la.. so see how first..

wanna arrange gather mid july??

Alsky, Lilstar - Great, which means pooing once a day is fine. My bb's poo is mustard and yes, super smelly.

I used to use Similac and he used to have difficulty pooing, it was way too runny and abit light greenish. So my fren recommended Mamex Gold. I am now using Mamex Gold, and now his poo is not runny and sometimes even twce a day.

I find Similac very heavy, and thick. And not sure tht is why his poo wasn;t normal. But Mamex is more watery and lighter. But now since I already bgt 2 Similac, I do give him Similac like once or twice a day. Which means its Mamex and Similac.

Those who wish to change Formula, think its ok to do so, coz I guess they r not fussy over the taste yet. So I intend to finish off Similac since its ex and already bgt it.

All - thanks on the baby lotion tip..gng to use it after bath..I intentionally bgt the bedtime series..hoping bb wld sleep more then 3 hrs strght!!!Which wld b nice...

hi just to check how do dry the sterilized bottles and pump parts? thinking of getting a drying rack but is it needed?

and for emb storage, can we transfer the chillied ebm to freezer if we didnt finish it before 48hrs?

Hullo mummies... today finally doing bb's 1st mth.. but just distributing cakes loh .. save trouble of having catering.. too tiring lah...

Im giving bb mamex gold.. so far he only poo once in morning but always must push hard n cry till face red leh.... any advise on this ??

luckyone.. my bb's behaviour quite same as yours leh... haha... so far only my mum cuts his nails...i hvn't tried yet and hvnt' even bath him yet... maybe will try next week onwards ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everybodyyyyyyyyyyyy... its been a week since i popped.

Loh, pls pls help me update..


3.71kg 53cm

csection + GA.

my birth story (been wanting to say this for ages)

4 am - 12 nn = endure cramps and bcg-like fire sensation at back, high and tummy

12 nn = go nuh, 5 cm dilated

1 pm = epidural adminostered

2pm = 7 cm dilate

4pm = 8 cm dilated

6pm = 9 cm dilated

7 pm = 10 cm dilated

7 - 10pm = push.

10pm = wheel to emergency or. baby faces up.

10.35pm = Baby Izz Zaidan pops. Weighing 37.1kg and 53cm long.


My baby on formula already. s26. no more milk supplu. bf him for 5 days. then supply just dwindle down. and, intend to bring him out next week so am fine with it.

My baby right foot a bit twisted coz of cramp. no space in womb. have to see phsyio end of month.. haiz..

i'm a mother!!!! ,> still cannot believe it leh..


Nanabear: I scare my bb too rely on pac n When the teeth come out not nice. Yao LAN I don intend to let her slp full day mayb to make her slp then carry to her cot. I stil thinking which option best. I also scare my maid lazy to prep milk for her n just give heR Pac to slp this is smething I worry abt.

Hello Mummies,

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My baby boy born 2 May, so have been reading to get over breastfeeding woes even though this is my 3rd one!


I am also supplementing with Enfalac and bb has had pimple-like dots all over his face including his head for 2 weeks now. The gynae happened to see my bb yesterday and suggested that it might be the FM and told us to dilute it. I am going to see the PD tmr and see what she says...

Alina! Looks like you're really the last one among us to pop. Congrats! Your labour quite long but well done. Regarding the leg, should be okay right cos baby's bones still v soft, hopes that he gets well soon. Take Lots of rest during your


Bb first month: phew, finally over! I pushed forward 5 days and held it today, the turnout was more than expected, almost got no space for the guests at the restaurant. So glad it's over and baby super co operative. Sleep for first half then I nurse her and was wide awake and interactive the second half... Was so worried that she'll be cranky. So happy it's over, countdown 3 more days to end of confinement!

hi mummies, is it normal for a 8day of baby to feed abt 10min per feed? my baby used to latch on for 45-1hr per feed but today she just latch for a max of 20min. im worry that if she not feeding well on breast then supply will drop.

hi mummies, I am from June 2010 forum....

can i ask u all....Does your newborn sleep in air con room? my newborn baby boy refused to sleep in air-con room with me...end up I have to leave him alone in the living room wo aircon..very troubled. coz I dun bear to leave him alone there, not within my view and I really cant stand living room temperature wo aircon...can anyone give advices?

Ya my baby slps wif me in aircon room..He winches at first..realised its too cold for him..Try to swaddle him or cover him wif blanket..My hb pushed the aircon facing dwnwards and increased temp..So he now slps well..

Hi Daphne (baby_tigger),

My son was so afraid of cold during his first month that I have to sleep with him with fan during my confinement month. Now he is 1.5mths old, he slowly can sleep in air-con room.

You are not alone =)

I also find my bb sleeps better under fan condition. But he will end up body wet. I only turn on aircon occassionally, sometimes I will switch it off in the middle of the night and switch to fan... So it's not too hot for us to start with. He's in long sleeve n long pants. No swaddle. Just cover with blanket.


Congrats! Welcome to motherhood. Your bb is big! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I use the drying rack from munchkins.

It's ok even if it's 20mins latch, she probably mastered the art of drinking more efficiently. Sometimes bb got mood also. One moment they latch 10 mins and at other times 1hr or more.


Why won't bb sleep in aircon room with you? Is it too cold? I make my bb wear a sleep suit in aircon with a blanket.

I use a bb monitor. Can get those video type ones too. Then you will be able to see and hear bb anywhere in the house. It is useful when you and bb will be in separate rooms.

I am having the worse night ever! Bb woke up at 3am (which he was no suppose to bec his night feeds last him 5 hrs and shd only wake up at 5am) Realised that his daddy didnt change his diapers after the last feed!- it was over loaded. No wonder he was crying... changed him and pat him to sleep within 15 mins.. he is sound asleep... but i have been awake since.. bec of the pileS! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Very painful! tried to numb the pain.. cudnt.. use cold compress.. didnt work.. now seating on hot pack.. not much of help too.. haiz... it suppose to be a gd night with solid 5 hrs of slp... but now.. am a zombie.. cant slp.. hoping bb wud wake up soon for feed so that i can be distracted from the pain...

Anyone with gd recommendation for oilment/ pain relief for the piles?

A R.. I dunno about pain relief.. but i heard that ppl use witch hazel and dab on piles to make it go away faster..not sure if it helps...

wha so good 5 hours of sleep... haven't had that since baby was born..

nanabear - the photos r nicely taken!! Ur bb so chubby leh...how do u feed her? My bb seems to be eating less le..nt so chubby

My bb was not too comfrotable with aircon in the beginning. Now we r still training him by doing the aircon and fan thingy. When it gets too cold , we switch off the aircon and switch on the fan. He is slowly adapting to aircon. Cant wait to have him fully on aircon, so tht we need not worry thru the nite.

AR : Im waiting for this bb to fall alsp for 5 hrs strght too. The most is 4 hrs..and even then its like once in a while, most times still 3 hrs. He has a in-built alarm clock inside which rings every 3 hours.

Yesterday, I tried something new and bb slept and slept and slept, I mean , he did wake up for his feeds, but he slept thru out without having us to pat him, or put him to sleep. I really mean deep sleep.All I did was fed him abt 50ml milk, showerewd him, and massaged him with the Johnsons bedtime lotion, applied some Johnson's bedtime oil on his hair, then fed him with the remaining 100ml. And he really fall alsp. I was worried he was gng to wake up in the middle of the nite, since he was in deep sleep mode very early, thank god, he continued to sleep and only woke up for his feed.

Im gng to try this Johnson's bedtime bath n massage again, to test if its really wht is making him go into deep sleep. If this works, then good. Id do this before I bring him out alone shopping, so tht I can shop in peace...kekeke.

I also wana put him in pram n bring him out to taka....cant wait.I need a break.

AR : Well, I think its a norm indian family thingy. My mum also believe bb shldn't b brght out untill abt 4 mths plus. Then when he reaches 4 mths, they will say 6 mths btr. All crap, I told mum, if *touchwood* need to go checkup and all, how? Well, they always give funny reasons, good for u, U r obedient type. I cant give a hood. Ive brght bb out to orchard, vivo a couple of times wif hubby.

Agnes/ lilstarz.. hehehhe.. almost 5 hrs la.. but not everytime.. abt 4.5 to 5 hrs.. bec his last feed wud be at 11ish to midnight. I give him 150ml of formula.. thanks the magic.. day time is fully BF/EBM.

Agnes- ya la typical indian family.. my MIL wud make it sound like its a life threatenign thing to bring bb out.. haiz! well at least can use tt as an excuse to get her to babysit, then me and hb go out.. heheh.. we did that yesterday.. but e started missing him within 2 hrs.. heheh

Hi mummies,

I finally had the time to read the posts. Confinement nanny left on Friday... We've been juggling on our own... It's so tough. My bones are aching . Can't wait for the new helper to come. Now Mil does the 10am to 12pm shift and the 11pm to 1am shift. I am so gonna get a mini fridge because it's extra work getting up and down the house to get the ebm. Hubby fed bb 90ml of fm last nite and bb slept 5hr.

I also managed to get thru the full month lunch on sat.

bb sleep w parents, only do in noon nap nw but mus watch out how u place bb. i elbowed my bb when wify placed her near by elbow area. so wen i turn around, bb ganna my elbow. she cried real loud immed...hav advised wify to only place bb at our head area.

aircon, oso dun understand y bb dun lik. temp is already 27-28deg but she rather prefers my 30-31deg living room..

piles, best to c doc to get the pill which u insert in. works well. else i norm use 'tiger balm' to rub the area to soothe it. temp relief only.

finally done my bb full mth celebration, I mus say YLS catering is cheap n good (but one thing, their Har Gow is not really Har Gow). in the end got too much food left. gonna eat the leftover for all my meals today. so my fren's rule of thumb is rite, min is to minus off 10pax from ppl u inviting. I ordered from Amosco the mini choc eclair n cream puff. I would say cream puff is really good but wify differs. but u really need a large freezer to keep the eclair else they goes too soft.

Aircon room

My bb needs zircon and so tines have to partial remove her top even. Otherwise, she needs the fan to be blowing directly in her direction.

Goi g out with bb

Not sure if I can manage... Seems really tough. Especially carrying bb... They Are quite heavy.

All mummies settled the baby bonus thingy?

hi mommies,

Mothercare is having a sale on baby apparel at abt 30% off. Can go take a look. The girl's stuff are especially cute.

Lilstar, my baby only 1.5 mths. He dunt drink 150ml all the time, but becuz I was prepared to break the feeding into 2 times, I managed to squeeze 150ml. Else normally he drinks little. I increased to 130ml now, but still he leaves 15-20 ml each time. Worst times, he leaves a good 30ml..which means he only drinks a full 100ml to 110ml most times. Quite sad...maybe I shld break n give 150ml, like AR baby, hopefully he sleeps for 5 hrs...it wld be great.

AR: Like u mentioned, its a good idea lah. I wish to leave him at mums place for a good 5-8hrs sometimes, but worried my mum will complain and think Im abandoning baby and having a good time outside. I really need me n hubby time u know. I miss gng out to watch movies. Im soo tempted. I think Im gng to politely ask mum permission, and do it this week!

Baby Bonus thingy - I have not seemed to rcv any letter. After registering, I thght they will send a letter to go to OCBC. We have not rcved any notification yet.

Mrs Teo, use a pram. Have u bgt one? If u live in those new HDB flats, then its all very pram frenly.I have already planned a route which takes me from my doorstep to the MRT with no stairs involved. So he sits inside the stroller all the way to my destination. My home is 2 mins to the MRT, so no bus or feeder involved. Im gng to kidnap bb on pram n go shopping one of these days. Its scary, but well, I wana shop so badly I dunt mind giving it a shot! keke.

Mrs Teo, u didn't settle the birth cert and baby bonus thing at Mount E? I think they deposited $1k into my account already... think they will deposit slowly at certain age...

Agginess yeah.. trying to figure out how much my princess drinks is damn annoying.. she turns 6 weeks tmrw.... she takes about 30 - 45 mins to drink.... when give her 105 ml she can finish.. next moment leave behind 30ml.... give 90ml sometimes can finish... then next moment leave behind 15-20ml... last night 105 ml she left behind 50ml... all i can say is thank gawd its not BM..... but i look at the way the FM finish damn heart pain also....

But how i know she drinking too much... cos sometime she will finish all... then suddenly 20mins later she will puke up the milk.. and can be alot... then dunno is it overfeed/reflux/never burp properly...

Agnes, what time did u give your baby a bath before bedtime?

My baby usually feed at 5.30pm, she'll sleep till 8 plus or 9 for feed and then wake up again during midnight. Do I consider 5.30pmas bed time or 8 plus? If she's still sleeping do I wake her up for bath? I'm trying to set a bedtime routine after nanny leaves, anyone can advise?

Mrs Teo, It is indeed heart pain to see the FM finishing fast, and especially when bb leaves behind 30ml, and its like one scoop FM wasted..keke. But well, wht to do, we have to try and tell ourselves, we do waste food as adults once in a while too!

Edie, I actually intend to make him go into deep sleep after his 12am feed, so tht he doesnt moans n fidget during the nite which will make me sleep more peacefully.

So if lets say there is a 7pm feed, then i start to shower him at 6.45, which means give him partial milk so tht he wunt cry due to hunger during his bath, else he will nvr enjoy his bath n will nvr stay thru patiently for his massage. Then I shower him n massage him, and by the time i finish massage or even during massage he is hungry I feed him the remaining milk, which means I finish the whole routine at 7.30 or 7.45pm, and he falls aslp.

But yesterday, I did this at 8plus, so he went into deepsleep at 9.45-ish, and only woke up for his feeds during the nite. Not soo sure this is gng to work tonite. But Im trying it again. Its nice when bb in deep sleep, we dunt need to rush to bb every 5-10mins pat him to sleep. Coz my baby every 10 mins minimum will make some noise, I have to rush over to check him.

All Mummies, Just wanted to check, all yr bb's still wearing mittens rite? i did snip off his fingernails but it still seems quite sharp, so still wearing mittens for him, anyone knows when we wld be removing them?

Also, anyone still swaddling baby, hands tightly? My baby dunt like his arms swaddled anymore, so stopped it long ago but just wrap him with blanket below his armpit so tht his arms r free.

agnes.. i stopped wearing mitten as of last friday.. week 6 he shd be beginning to realise his hands n legs.. thats y.. I would wear for him booties/ socks tt has rattle sound..

I also stopped swadding long long time ago.. he simply hates it.

we got our bb bonus alr.. we submited the forms when we did bb's BC at the hospital.. wh was 1 wk after his birthday.. then with 1 mth we got the baby bonus and CDA a/c.

Hi Agginess, Lilstarz, Alsky: My baby is also fully FM. She just turned 2 months. I've a lot a lot of ppl come and tell me how wasted it is that I didnt continue bf-ing...but i'm really glad i made the decision to stop altho i struggled big time emotionally. Long story, but baby needs a happy and sane mum more than my bm! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, my baby is drinking about 100-120ml every 2-3 hours. Sometimes she's v hungry then it'll be 2 hours...

Loh - i placed order with them for my bb shower on this comin sat. Hearing ur most recent review, think i can set my heart at ease.

bbf - wow 30%!! tks for sharing!..By chance do u know when the promo ends? Tot of gettin their sleepsuits. Did u buy anything fr the sale?

I clipped baby's nails but still wearing mittens cos sometimes she will scratch her face v hard! :p no real danger since nails are short, but still v painful! :p

Tinospora.. yeah my friends also keep scolding me cos i had supply.. not ample but at least enough for day feeds.... but i agree... can go crazy so decided to let go the one extra stressful factor....

so now that baby is 2 months...is it even easier to look after her?

My babe driving me nuts... tired yawn and yawn but put in cot refuse to sleep.. sigh... her naptimes are a battle...


Lilstarz: haha...supposed to be easier but she still cries a lot on some days...some good days and some days just cant wait for the day to end! ;p

She likes to be carried...so after she falls asleep in my arms, put her down only she wakes up and starts crying... :p

