(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

nobody wanna answer me.. maybe i ask again a bit later lor..

i also thinking wanna eat fernueek a not.. tat least i can store BM now when i go back to work.. i intend to stop.. or only pump at nite.. becos my timing at work .. dun think can allow me to pump at work..

do u all think i should take? but i hate the engroged feeling


nanabear,if gathering is on ll you all bring bb there?cos my bb super cranky,scare to bring him out alone.Even go coffee shop for awhile he oso can cry till mad.

Nanabear.. nobody answer bec the person who proposed it- luclyone, cant make it.. bec going back to work earlier... maybe end of june we raise the qn again bec all engrossed in their bf-ing problems.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If u wanna stop then why take fenugreek?- it will increase supply.. now even if i skip one feed my boobs ache alot.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

edie- hows the green stools? My bb hving yest n today.. dunno why.. i dun unlatch him.. he does himself n i also mix feed with fm.. Need to go find out...

shuyan : ya.. bring babies out along lor.. i also thinking leh.. recently my ger also so cranky .. must keep suckling something.. i scrumble to pacifier liaoz.. like new mum all over again hor?

AR : ya. maybe ask a bit later lor.. we stil can do it mah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i wanna stop only at 3 months.. den thinking i wanna stock up supply for the period i go back to work.. i also duunno leh.. sigh

Ar, it's back again today... I don't know why also cos each feed I use one side only so I make sure she suck everything out, afternoon ones were okay, greenish yellow but the last one I changed was green. Sigh...

My Hubby having a flu, n he cough in front of the bb without wearing mask or covering his mouth. M I crazy if I scared he may pass the virus to the bb? Cos my bb now only 3wks old n I always think she's fragile n me looks like having hormonal changes, always so moody


Bz n tiring day...

Tks mummies for the compliments on my bb! I feel dat still ok to bring bb for photoshoot when they r 1mth or 6mths old.

minty - i think for hygiene purpose, shouldnt cough infront of bb leh...If my hb do dat, i sure scold him de =X

NHK just going to add on to what bbf already said.

Does ebm+fm only decrease supply?

Well like bbf said if you pump diligently it won't. My #1 had difficulty latching on in the first few weeks so I was pumping as many times as he was feeding. At the beginning it was difiicult to keep up so had to supplement quite a few times with FM thru' out the day but with lots of hard work your supply will be able to catch up eventually. I did manage to phase out FM and my #1 was on EBM until he was 15 mths. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So yes you can get by with just pumping only but it's a very long and tiring journey. Which is why with my #2 I'm trying harder with latching on 'cos I know it'll be harder to EP with a toddler and a baby.

As for your other question about short latching

Well in my own experience when I did latch on my son even if it's only for a short while I usually made sure I emptied my breasts by a combination of pumping and hand expressing until hardly any thing came out. In fact I do that for every pump session as well. Breast pumps don't effectively remove all the milk so you need to hand express to empty out your breasts as much as possible. I think that's what helped me to maintain my supply I never found the need to take any supplements to increase supply.


Goodday Everyone!

It's been awhile since I post anything. First of all congrats to new mummies.

Have been feeling the tireness after CL left. Been looking after my BB round the clock when i'm not working. Wife pumping makes her tired, I let her rest when possible. Recently she decided to stop BM completely cause she keep having fever on and off. My wife have not take of bb alone yet, today will let her try with my help if she cannot handle. lol.

I'm using Drypers Wee Wee S size now, so far still ok la altho not really that good but at least still can hold his poo poo.

Thkz Mrs N for that extra input. This motivates me n I will try harder. Been thinking of giving up BM to bb as seems it's a difficult journey. Nevertheless, will try my best.

Edie, yes... The long labour was killing me. Contractions felt at intervals wo any painkillers. Not oni that, VE chk 0-2cm till the very last moment. I was on the verge of being trolley to c-sect. Lucky, dilation happened at the last half hr. Sudden of surge from 2 to 8cm within 10min. The oni thing on my mind during active labour was FOOD! Not given anything to eat for at least 20 hrs. If u ask me whether I will go for 2nd one, I would say Yes. I feel blessed when the bb was placed on my chest n suckled for the first time (thou the suckling sucks as it cause my nipples to sore n bleed) :p

Oh, just finished bb feed n gg for express now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope bb won't b waken by the pump else the cycle goes again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Aaarrrgghhh i need to grumble again!!! Soooo irritating my MIL!!!! Last night i and hubby go out short while to supermarket need to buy some groceries.... i told CL ok now is already 8 plus and baby's sleeping time... let her sleep in my room u dun go in unless necessary and make sure nobody come in as well.. i want baby sleep alone with no disturbances(leave only night light on)....

What do you know.. the moment me and hubby left the house MIL walks into our room...CL tell her say baby sleeping MIL say she want to sit in the room with the baby watch her sleep!! So CL tell her say teaching baby to sleep on the own without anybody there MIL got mad say as though she will disturb the baby.. she is the grandmother... why treat like outsider... she was so mad she pull black face the whole night apparently but luckily i didn't get to see her....

I really dun geddit... i very unreasonable meh..for that matter baby night time already why must she sit next to baby and watch her sleep in my bedroom with dim lights?! Wha damn sian ah... try to avoid her to prevent friction also got this type of stupid thing happen.....

NHk, u dilated 6cm within 10 mins, wow, if only it happened sooner than your labour will be so much shorter.

Lilstarz, I can imagine ur sianness... It's like for nothing and somebody is unhappy with u. Take it as it comes, don't get too affected, u didn't do anything wrong.


Mummies who gave pacifier, how do u control n under wat situation do u give? Any tips on how to wean off aft dat? My mil has been pesterin me to give to bb,.....

Hi mummies & daddies,

Hope everyone is doing well. I'm halfway thru my confinement, 2 more weeks to go...dying for a can of cold coke...

Can see that most mummies are very stress with milk supply, first baby usually will feel abit of post natal depression especially when everyone around you wants a say in the way you handle baby, just take it easy with their comments, one ear in one ear out yah, that will make your life better :")

As for milk supply, I've been blessed with ample milk this time round. I pumped every 3 hrs instead of direct latching cos I find it too troublesome to latch and after that got to pump again. I only pump max 10 mins per 3/4hrs on both breasts and each session can yield about 220-260ml of milk. My boy drinks about 140ml and the remainder I feed it to my elder girl.

Remember to eat well and rest well, a positive mind also helps in milk production. I'm much happier with this second birth and am enjoying myself. New mummies, hang in there, you will get used to the new lifestyle after 6 months. Second time mummies, we also hang in there, its really not easy to handle both kiddos at the same time huh :")

Mrs Heng,

Love your girl's photos, so beautiful!!

With regards to pacifier, I gave it to my elder girl cos she was constantly looking to suckle, once it pops in, she stop crying and was able to sleep. After her 1st birthday, we kept preping her to give up her pacifier, on her second birthday, she went to the dustbin to throw away her pacifier. For us, the rule of thumb is only give when she wants to sleep, else no sucking at all other times, don't let it develop into a habit that is impossible to remove later on.

HoneyB - Tks n glad u r coping well!

Meaning u only gave to her when she's sleepy but at the same time crying for something to suckle? But how do u prepare her to give up her pacifier?

Mrs Heng,

Usually when baby is sleepy, they will want to suckle for comfort, thats when I will give the pacifier to my girl to help her sleep. I do give it to her occassionally outside when she's making a scene. But once she is in deep sleep, I will pull out the pacifier, she's ok with it. After her 1st birthday, we keep telling her that by the time she turns 2 years old, she cannot eat tu-tu already else people will laugh at her hee, she somehow gets it and shortly after her 2nd birthday, one fine day with our encouragement, she just walked to the dustbin and dumped her beloved tu-tu and she never asked for it again.

The older folks will usually ask you to give pacifier cos they cannot stand baby crying...there's actually nothing wrong to give but you need to manage it loh else the quiting part will be tough.

Mrs heng,

for my elder gal, we gave her when she was few weeks old to stop her from crying. As she grew older, we only gave it to her when she needed to sleep. However, she grew more n more addicted and she kept asking for her "tu tu". I became very pek chek and removed it from her when she turned 2. It was really cold turkey for her when she kept "begging" us for her tu tu. So if can dun give, I wun give to my boy this time round. But I'll be flexible la. If really Bo pian then I'll give.

Hello everybody, how's things?? So tiring my gal refused to slp yest whole day, only slept like 3 hrs in the daytime. Keep crying n fussing hav to carry her calm her down. Finally she fell asleep at 11pm n I also KO. phew... Stressed like tat ahhh...

HoneyB, hehe I just had a can of iced peach tea... Also 2 wks left to end of confinement. Yeah looking forward to it! N u got a lot of milk loh!! Well done! So lucky yr two kids both hav bm.

Today is my last session of massage w auntie Jumie. But I will prob still call her like once a week like tat to unknot my strain body fr taking care of bb.

MILs: sigh sometimes I also prefer to do things my way. But the elders hav their way of taking care of bb, like to carry them, rock them etc. I'm voicing out loh how I feel if my mil do something I dun agree w. She will hav her explaination but ultimately I just dun wan my gal to b accustom to certain comfort then next time she always wan to b carried or rocked then I headache ah. ESP at night I will die ah no need to slp Liao! But sometimes I think whether I'm like depriving my gal of the love n care she is getting anot too... I guess just hav to giv n take loh. I told my mil, can carry but dun rock her too much. Then once she slp put her in the cot dun carry anymore. Oh ya. N the usual when she cry mil will say she hungry... N when I carry her her head will auto turn to my breast ma whether she hungry anot then mil see le say there there she is hungry. Sigh. Fine now whenever she cry I will just feed her loh. So tired of hearing ppl say she is hungry like I ill treating her deprived her of milk like tat or worse not enough milk! grrrrrrr.......!

Mummies how much weight u all lose already? I only lost abt 10kg still got 8kg to go leh. Weight loss like sooo slow leh.

I don hv a weighing machine in my hme so cant constantly monitor my weight but then 2 weeks ago went to my gynae clinic for wound dressing n used their weighing machine n total dropped 9kg so i stil hv 6kg to lose. Can lose more better. =)

Honeyb, BX - tks for the information n tips. Guess most probably i will give in n try out pacifier.

Honeyb - so envy dat u have so much milk supply! Mine is going down most probably due to stress n not enuff rest. Sad thing is my bb wan to be carried in the aftn n aft my confinement i will be left alone with bb. Nt sure by then will hv time for pumpin anot =(

Sue, my baby started to drink 100ml FM last week (2 weeks++) and also drink every 1 half to 2 hours so it won't be too much. Infact sometime not enough for him.

My Cl said every week can add by 10ml it depend whether your baby can finished the milk or cry for more.

Chloie, yeap scolded by my husband loh.

He said he aso very stress on his job, that's true lah I'm being too nagging recently liao.

Sometimes I also can't stand myself ha ha.

nanbear, I haven't see leh. what's your name ah?

Yeap, baby are very smart now haha..

AR, nanbear & others, so sorry for the cancellation.

I wanted to meet up but have to go back to work early and can't cope with my baby alone.

If you all don't mind to meet up at Tampinese?

We can arrange a short garthering at Tampinese Swenser for lunch, mid July, after my baby turned 2 months?

Maybe after 2pm so not so crowded.

Taking about breast milk hor, I think I'm going to give up liao.

Every week getting lesser and lesser.

1st 2 weeks stil can pump 60 to 70ml, now only 40 to 50ml.

I told my husband I will stop pumping after my baby turned 3 months old.

cause that time I'm going back to work and will super busy with house work and taking care of my baby.

He said ok! That's reduce my stress!

Now when I pump my milk, during the half hour, I will keep looking at the pump, counting how many ml I've pump, super stress one!

Mrs Heng, recently just started to give my baby pacifier.

I give it to him only when he cry for milk or want to sleep (when I can make him stop from crying) cause don wan "wind" to go in to his stomach.

BUt anyway, he sometime will "throw out" the pacifier himself haha..

Anyone's baby sleep less that 1 hour?

My baby sleeping time not long...

Even the CL said so..

I read baby's magazine hor, baby will sleep 2 to 3 times in daytime (1 or 1 half hour each time) and night time about 2 to 3 hours each time.

But my baby daytime sleep only 15 to 30 mins and night time less than 2 hours!

My MIL and CL said after he turned 3 months old, mixed half teaspoon of brown rice powder at time to make him sleep longer.

I think I will give a try later.

Yesterday found "organic rice power" from NTUC, can start to eat 4 months++ so it should be safe if I just add hald a teaspoon after he truned 3 months old.

Taking about ending confinement and coke>

My CL said still can't take cold food stuff untill passed 40 days!!

10 more days to go~~ I missed ice-cream (;;)

Seems like most of the babies ia drinking alot,my bb only drink abt 80 to 100ml every 2hours nia.Dunno is it he is too small in size so he drink very little...

luckyone - my bb cant slp much in aftn...She wan to be carried. I juz tried pacifier on her..she happily suckling away n lying on bed. But when her pacifier dropped then she start to scream...duhz

shuyan - initally my bb drinking 90ml when she was 5days old. I tot dats alot...then now she 3weeks old still drinking 90-100ml. Now i start to worry if dats too little. I think oso coz my mil is feeding quite alot of water...dats y she drinking less milk..=(

hi mummies, gettin shoulder n arms aches ! Think cos by looking after baby..and pumping milk..

Luckyone> I also super stressed keep pumping n squeezing n looking at hw much i haf pumped so fat..Totally Pathetic!! I alwys wanna gif up but v bu gan yuan leh..Cum so far liao pumped n ache for 1 mth yet lydat..C hw long i can tolerate hehe..

Mrs heng> Me also gif baby pacifier when he winches cry when i dunno wad he wans ..I hold on to the pacifier thingy for sometime but noticed my baby alwys finding sumthg to suck..Latch on he cry..Then tot he hungry keep feeding him n increasing his milk intake but no difference still wan suck..Then my MIL also keep pestering frm the beginning to gif pacifier to him i say no haha!! I say i decided when..Then she keep asking my hb when u wan gif to the baby..She say baby suck pacifier easier to look after cos she say when they cry juz stuff into the mouth shut them up..I not v happy lor!! I oni gif to him at nite when he dun wan slp..but he will oni suck for awhile then throw out..

Luckyone> cannot take cold food? 40 days ah gosh i broked the rules alr haha..Yesterday end of my confinement i happily went expo baby fair n eat popcorn drink 100 plus hehe..Got a great deal..Pampers promotion!!! Grabbed 3 packets at oni less than 50!

Hi all,

After you express your milk, how do you feed your baby? using cup or bottle? I heard it's not recommended to feed via bottle as bb will get used to the bottle and reject breast is it true?


sorries wasn't quite busy pumping and resting my back..

seems like everytime i sit up for an hr or so, i get tail bone pain...

when i rest on bed, pain goes away..

worried tat it'll not go away after confinement...

btw.. looks like most of our babies know how to be cranky after the innocent initial 2 weeks.. haaaa.... then i don't need to over-worry about my kid being bad tempered..hehe

and thanks for all the input on BM and FM intake.. now i know my bb is not abnormal for wanting 90-100ml at 3 weeks old.. hee...


my hubby is happie to know got pple appreciate his pics.. we used to quarrel over this.. cos he always wants to take pics to document the preggy but i'm always too tired.. anyways, if u want, let's see the timing and need to take at my home in jb lor... cos those studio boxes, flash stands etc, not so easy to take ard..


oh.. i used the latch on + 60ml FM rule, based on my pd's advice for my <1week old nb then...

personally, i wished i had pumped more diligently during the first 2 weeks, cos that's the time we build our milk ducts.. i rather have to deal wif engorgement (then pump or latch on more) problem, than lesser milk duct problem, cos the latter is irreversible, while the former can be resolved more easily...

persevere..ur milk supply will increase wif diligent pumping.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihis brenda

mmm i oso noticed that my bb likes to find sth to suck..according to my nanny, that's cos she's hungry.. then i noticed that when i latch on (after pumping BM - means got not much BM for her), she also fusses and screams and yanks my nipple...

but when i latch on before a pump (means got milk for her), she happily sucks until she falls asleep wif milk spilling out of her mouth...

so far, my nanny's theory seems correct lei

My problem is baby will fall asleep and unlatch herself but woke up after I burped her, sometimes she'll play by herself but will make noise again after 15 mins. I don't know if she's hungry still or what but I just latch her on and she'll suckle. Sometimes after burping she'll have hiccups and if I let her be she'll start crying so I'll latch her on again until she really falls asleep. Any other way to soothe her? I've tried rocking and swaying and singing and also pacifier. Is it ok to keep using the nipple to soothe her to sleep?

Mrs Heng,

I can understand, my elder girl was also like that, she wanted to be carried all the time and slept very little during the day. When my confinement ended for the 1st birth, my breastfeeding career ended too. It was only when I gave in to sarong that she was able to sleep thru every 3 hrs and life was much easier for me. You will have to experiment different methods to find one that ur girl likes. Don't stress too much, if not enough BM then substitute with FM, my elder one was brought up with FM, she's very alert and super 'gao keng', we attribute that to the DHA and all the other good stuffs in FM :")

Hi mummies!!

My boy is not drinking well today. He usually will drink like somebody is snatching it away for him. But he was fussing, playing with nipplen taking his own sweet time. He even refused drinking at his last feed and only drank 90ml when he is already been drinking 120ml for the past week!

I took his temperature, no fever. I change his diaper, wiped his body, he still didn't want to drink. Anyone has any idea what's happening??? Super stress and upset he rejects my ebm now.

Edie, my bb is the same as yrs. She will latch on n suck til fall asleep. N wake up dreamily when I burp her. So norm I just carry her n comfort her back to slp before I put her down in the cot. Sometimes it works. Sometimes she will wake up again when I put her in the cot n start to cry. Tats when the whole cycle repeats again. Norm she latch on for abt 15-20mins one side only. Her feeds r norm between 2 - 3 hr intervals. I also dunno how else to pacify her except offering my nipple.

Besides pacifier any mummy also let their bb slp Yao lan alr?my #1 used to slp in Yao lan sincE his full month til 2yrs old n I feel they can slp longer but then cons is very diff to make them slp if u r at outside or somebody hme n they get cranky easily n probably too rely on it. Nw I m thnking shld I let my #2 to slp Yao lan but then this time rd wil rotate her wit cot n Yao lan if I wanted to switch her.


I'm a May MTB but not active on tis thread...i hv delivered my baby gal naturally with epidural on 31 May. She's 3.395kg. Do update for me yah! tks

Here's a pic of my baby gal to share with everybody [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4066520.jpg]

seems like with confinement, MILs are turning to be like possibly the most irritating person ever. its like nothing else can erase all their yucky-ness anymore.

everything my MIL does now irks me.

i find it ironic that people used to tell me that having a child, resolves all tension wif the inlaws

it's strange that many of us (me too la) feel the exact opposite...


at least huh, all older generation pple agree that BM is good for the kids..

those health advertisement and TV have done a successful job brainwashing & educating the stubborn old generation...

if only they can move on to educating these pple about modern day practices of caring for the infant... hehe

hihis edie, chillimum

mmm i have progressed or issit regressed, from a 10min latchon for my bb, to a 1hr latch-on for both sides, yet get a grouchy bb as an end result...

so... i'm in the same boat as u both....

everafter - grats n ur bb gal is so cute!!!

honeyb - tks for ur encouragement. I oso juz set up the sarong..hopefully it can help me to reduce the carrying n make my bb slp longer.

Mrs teo - same here !! Tmr is my 10th anniversary with hubby..So we wanna go out a while for a walk n dinner. When hubby told my MIL on our plan, she couldnt change his mind then she came to me insisted i cannot go out. B4 she came over to take over my CL, she mentioned b4 in case i wanna go out, dun get caught in rain. Now she tell me diff things. Then i oso got so fed up when she cant convince my hubby on certain things, she will come to me n haunt me! Gimme a breakkkkkk mannnnnn >.<

yes sue... and must include hygiene education also. SO IMPT.

MILs always have the "i-can-bring-up-my-son-why-can't-i-use-same-way-to-bring-up-grandkid" attitude.

MIL in my bedroom caring for her grandchild now, while i go to another room use internet ;)

If i stay inside, she'll make more comments... which I DO NOT NEED. If i can freaking have sex with my hubby and get preggy and have a kid... without her teaching me, i believe i can manage my own room, how i do things and also my child.

i am feeding my gal 90 - 100ml.. but everytime she wanna feed... then feed fucking slow... my gal lose appetite and takes only like 50ml.. and then waste my painfully squeezed neh neh goodness.

then also disrupt the 3hourly schedule. OMG. My confinement is over... but i am staying with MIL... so am still so stuck.

now she wanna feed, i'll just say i am latching...

ahahaha... mrs teo: wonder how ur mil will react when u actually verbalise ur thot to her lor..

maybe she'd try to teach u so called better ways to please her son in bed...whahahaha...

personally, i never heard more " i tell u hah - in hokkien" in my life than from my mil and in those jack neo movies...


mrs teo:

i make the confinement nanny do the marfun-est thing

after i latch on, my gal still gets hungry.. i suspect her sucking is not very efficient cos she's oso fed EBM via bottle..

so, i get nanny to warm up 30ml to feed first, then if gal is still hungry warm up another 30ml, and if still hungry, +20ml, and IF still hungry and wailing, get nanny to wake me up if at nite, if i awake - emmm never happened when i'm awake... heh

