(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


1st time round is the hardest for everyone. It's already v.good you managed to have come so far..things should get better from here. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

After I perservered through the stress and nagging, they just hand me the bb whenever he cries for the feeds.

Nowadays, they hand me the bb even when bb doesn't need milk and tell me he needs milk.

Your answer for bf quest:

1. Yes

2. http://www.kellymom.com/bf/pumping/milkcalc.html


that's great! Take the cue from your bb when they are full. My bb also takes mainly from one breast and then just a lil bit more from the other before he stops.

If you leave it and not pump the other breast, body will regulate supply based on your bb's intake.

If you empty the other breast you continue to maintain the supply and you can start on the stash, but that also means you will over supply what your bb needs. It's good if you want to start on the stash early. Downside is if you get lazy to pump, engorgement and all those problems might surface.

So you can decide if you want to be hardworking and build your stash now by pumping the excess or wait till a couple of weeks before you return to work to start building up your supply and stash.

Pls do not be mistaken.

I just HATE pumping thats y I'm delaying it till when it is necessary. So the 2 weeks is my personal deadline, it's not a universal guideline [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

aloe: initially i also have probs of latching 1 side for 20mins, den change side 5 mins bb goes to sleep. need to learn to wake the bb up to feed. the LC at TMC teach me to burp the bb or tickle the cheeks to wake her up, so i've been doing that.

kcpq: our body works such that demand = supply. so if u pump more often, your body will take it that more milk is needed. but like what bbf says, the downside is engorgement might come in if u miss the pump timing lar. that's why i rather do latch on now lor. at least body just produce whatever bb needs. so far, i dun have bad problems with engorgement, slight ones yes, but goes away with massage and i make bb suckle longer on the engorge side to clear it up. later on when ML finishing i will start pumping to stock up the fridge.

bbf: Thanks for the answers! u are really really great!

blue turtle7, oh oh... so i should increase the time i pump. hmm... every 2hrs? also how long to spend on each breast huh?

Gd Day Mummies

have the following to let go off

MUSTELA Physiobebe-No rinse Cleaning Fluid (50ml), comes with a Mustela Vitamin Barrier Cream (10ml)- letting go at $15/- (include postage)

& Medela Purelan 100 (used once)- (39.3ml)-smoothes sensitive or dry nipples, dry bb skin & dry skin-bought at metro at $19.30, letting go at $18/- (include postage)

Pls PM if interested, once again, apologise to disturb, tks n nice day

blue turtle n bbf: i would like to start building up my stash nw so that when i go out run errands I can just get the maid to bottle feed but on the hand I also quite dilema whether to start nw or weeks b4 for work. Nw i m quite happy with just the latch on no need to wash bottles n pumping. I think my concern now is if i go out for any medical appt or out for a few hrs it means there will be no BM for my lil gal.

By the way my sis passed me a bottle of fenugreek n some sachets of organic mother's milk not sure shld i take it nw. N which is better the organic tea or fenugreek?

Bbf - txs! you have been a great help.

kcpq - i experience the same problem. Decrease in bm. So for consecutive 3 days, i pump every hour and i saw an increase in my milk supply. So I guess, you can try pumping every 2 hr. But what they says about sore nipple is true. I got it after that. My massage lady also recommend fenugreek pills if we want supply to increase. But she says we have to be hardworking and pump out often. So if the regular pumping don't work, you can try the pills.

Usually i pump till the breast become real soft. then I will use hand compress and squeeze out every last drop. Trying to empty so that it will make more milk. But not sure if what i do is correct.

thanks bbhon, i will try pump additional 1 time in between my 3 hrs pump... eg: 7am, 830am, 10am, 1130am etc... each time 15mins per side. hopefully it works.. do u think its okie?

KCPQ... i am trying a every 2.5 hour pump.. then maybe at night 3hourly so can get more rest...

Just think you have to watch out for sore nipples if u going to pump so often! As it is now i pump for 15 mins every 2.5 hours can feel the nipple a bit pain!

lilstarz29, hmm... if once more supply comes in... is it alright for me to decrease e amount of time i pump? will it affect e supply?

bx: My hubby was also surprised our baby could sleep through his loud snoring.

nanabear: just normal green grapes? i went to pd today and her level was 12.3, pd asked me to supplement with about 10ml of water after feeding. am going to try it using a syringe, her eyes still v yellow, so poor thing.

bb hon: my cl had been using that herb to bath her for past few days. not really sure it works or not, going back on thurs to do follow up.

ktsc: you met my hubby at tmc again just now? everytime so coincidental.

lilstarz29, yea i will take ur advice. pump every 2.5 hrs... n 3hrs at night... so i won't become panda... now i got to jia you jia you!!

thank you so much for every one whom share w me on ur experience... appreciate ur help alot!

nanabear, thank u for sharing... Lol... im trying to find green grape... Lol...

Kcpq.. my gf was telling me once u pump every 2.5 hours and that volume is established... can slowly lengthen the pumping time to every 3 hourly or longer becos the volume already there... but must make sure got pump out everything faithfully.... i dunno whether thats true or not hopefully one of the 2nd time mummies would be able to enlighten us.

hon my MW told me to do exactly the same thing as what you're doing when I had my #1. Not only help with supply but thru' out the 15 mths that I was expressing I hardly had problems with blocked ducts. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lilstar : huh? never heard of tat before leh for milk to stable.. still back to my advice.. drink lots of fluid... n latch.. tats the best for milk to come..

Hi hi, may I check how much do u mummies managed to pump out each time? I managed to pump bout 60 ml each time. Is it reasonable?

My bb of 8 days old is drinking bout 70ml every 4 hrs. Is it snuff? He treasures sleep more than milk...

ktsc - Grats!!! Finally ur bb decided to meet daddy n mummy!! Tmr gonna bring my bb for PD chkup...time really flies, it was 5days ago when we sms-ed. Can still rem the ordeal...lol

I'm down with fever today due to engorgement. Didnt latch my bb coz scare will spread to her...so sad dat i hv to watch her fr a distance. Now been trying to massage n pump as much as possible to clear the engorgement. Hopefully tmr morning can fully recover so i can carry my bb =(

Kcpq: think u need to pump until most of the milk is out. Thisvshd help minimise engorgement n make sure all e fore milk and hind milk are in e feed. The hind milk is e fatty part which keeps bb full. Think most ppl advise like 10 to 15mins per side.

For me doing latch on, i try to let bb suckle until breast feels soft unless she falls asleep n can't wake her. This takes about 15 mins for me. When this happens i let bb start with e unfinished side during next feed.

Blue turtle: sometime the breast soft until make me wonder is there any milk. But then everytime I see some milk overflow fr her mouth give me assurance tat I m producing milk to her demand. I m stil thinking shld I take fenugreek but then I enjoy the moment latching on n no engorgement.

Good evening Mums/Dads/MTBs/FTBs,

finally after 6 days of bb gal then we came to realise something. That she aint gettin enough milk thats y she kept waking up. we decided to do away with latching n switched to pumping instead so that we can monitor her intake. no wonder the first few days hardly c enough poo or pee in her diaper..

finally bb cleared jaundice chk n so no more pricking of heels n sunbathing liao. Yeah.

about caterer for full month, is Neo Garden better or Four Seasons??

KTSC n mummies who juz popped, congrats on Thebes addition!!!

bbf & Mrs Heng, thanks so much for ya advice.

Hello mummies and daddies,finally my confinement is over,bye bye to all the ginger,wine,longgan water...

KTSC, congrats.

My bb oso slp in the day n wake up at night.These few days he wants us to carry him till he slp.My MIL juz fix the sarong for him to slp.

I celebrate my bb full mth last sunday.I order the catering from YSL,food is good,portion is alot too.

Hello hello...

Chubby_tiger: if u think ur supply is decent then prob u should observe before u consider to take fenugeek?

Loh: have tried bothe neo n four. Most guests preferred neo but four was not bad too. Another caterer u may want to try is old chang kee.... But this time I want to try YSL that shuyan's using.

Shuyan: thanks! Good to know their portion is big and food is good! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LucasMummy,all along I had been using neogarden,but their food taste is not as good as before liao,so I change to YSL.Alot people comment tat their food is good so I try,indeed their food is good.But u dun order their prawn paste chicken its too dry.U must try their curry veggie its very spicy n nice esp when u eat it with beehoon.Their yam paste is good oso,not too sweet.But remember to ask for more gravy if u order food with gravy,cos I din request so its a bit dry for some of the dishes.Overall the food is good,can try...

congrats suyan! lol..am still not even half way thru already headache for full month.. lol..

i cant wait to meet u all! n take pics of the bbs together!!

Chubbytiger, i'm staying clear of milk production supplements for now. If bb needs more food i'll just feed more often. Let body adjust e supply accordingly. I dun want engorgement lar, pain! Need to stay in e pink of health so tt i can take care of bb.

Shuyan! So good u finish confinement. Congrats! I still have 2 weeks to go. Can decide if its a good thing or not, since i do enjoy my days now when i get served like a queen. Haha...

Yup. Agreed with blue_turtle7. If bb need more milk, we just feed a few more times. And if we want more supply to keep, we can try pumping out after each latch. The pills should be the last resort ba...

Am counting down to the end of my confinement.. 2 more days... and i can say bye bye to all the stuff that i ate for the past 1 month! YEAH!

Want to check with mummies here. Are your making any mao bi using bb hair or umbilical cord stamp?

any suggestion where to make? I saw this shop call taimaobi. but not sure if its good... any mummies try before?

hon (bb_hon)

I have made an appointment with Taimaobi to come to my house and do both mao bi and umbilical cord stamp this saturday.

Will update their service.

BTW, they will come to your house if you spend more than $100.


Sorry to intrude this thread.... just wanted to share some info... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If you are planning for 1-month Baby shower or birthday celebrations, you can try this link for pretty handmade decorated baby shower cookies / cute cookies at affordable price:



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hi may i know how many ml of milk is ur bb drinking now? my 1 week + bb is onli drinking 60-70ml of milk each round, at ard 3 hr interval...give him more he cannot swallow...pd commented it's too little n nid to push up to 90ml by 2 weeks if not need to send him bk n check if he is suffering from any uti or blood infection...got so serious??? i tot he is just a small eater ....

destiny, my baby starting drinking 90ml since week 2 and even shorter frequency of 90ml during the 3rd week (I heard its growth spurt).

He is 3 days to 1 month now and is still at 90ml. Once in awhile he will drink the recommended 120ml for 2-4 weeks old baby.

Goodday everyone,

I also use ysl cater and also ordered the yam paste which is the fastest to finish dish. Overall it's quite good and cheaper then neo garden.

My Bb drank 100 ml at 1 mth. His weight is 3.75 kg as of yesterday 1 mth old. Going to increase to 110ml this week.

destiny, my 8days old bb gal is drinking 60++ml now. more than that she will spit out. but her wake up interval is btw 1.5hr-4hrs. will upd ur details when i get hm.

my 11day old bb is taking 60ml at 3hrly intervals.

PD says 1-2week is 45ml (at least)

then every week add 10ml to the intake.


Anyone got medela milk bag for storage? How many bags are there in one packet?

And roughly how much? I think I need to get those instead of using bottles to store the milk in freezer... no space..

I am already freezing up 8 bottles...

