(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

My bb 5days old drinking abt 90ml (bm n topup fm). I worry It might b too much but my pd said it's ok. Anyone engage dr koey as bb's pd? Any reviews?

AR - u mentioned b4 gripe water nt suitable for nb. wats the reason? Coz i saw 2 bottles in my house... Scare my mil will feed to my bb.


I seen ppl fr other forums recommend yls too. But I oso confuse if it's yls or ye lai siang..

Btw bb-bao delivered already!!!!!! Congrats Linda!

I seen recommendation


My bb 5days old drinking abt 90ml (bm n topup fm). I worry It might b too much but my pd said it's ok. Anyone engage dr koey as bb's pd? Any reviews?

AR - u mentioned b4 gripe water nt suitable for nb. wats the reason? Coz i saw 2 bottles in my house... Scare my mil will feed to my bb.


I seen ppl fr other forums recommend yls too. But I oso confuse if it's yls or ye lai siang..

Btw bb-bao delivered already!!!!!! Congrats Linda!

Hi mummies n mummies to be, I just Kay poh here a bit, Bb-bao(fairyz) have popped. I don't have the details, wait for her to fill you gals.

Mrs heng- shd only feed bb with gripe water after bb turn 1 mth. it written on the box and if u consult a PD abt it, they wud say the same..

Mrs Teo

the normal price for the storage bag is 32+ if after discount (depends on which store) is about 27plus. i found a cheaper supply, which cost SGD 17 for 50 bags. if u interested, i can pass u the contact.

KCPQ: hehehee.. like sicking nipple like that lor to them.. hahahaha.. ok.. try it out! when is ur next visit to check jaundice??

after the drastic drop.. mine is scheduled on friday.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i found the BM storage bag as the following link http://www.***********.com/Promotions.html

(i got no relationship with this company, just find it cheap and wanna share)

actually is 1 box 25 bags 8.5 SGD per box

i bought 2 boxes to try. I am using the medela bag now, but it's too expensive.

I also check out kiddy palace just now, the other brand's storage bag are not cheap either. about 12 to 15 sgd for 20 pics

Aloe: Wow..I also cannot tahan my hair n what i can do is bun my hair up esp this kind of extremely hot weather. Plan to color n rebond my hair after confinement and stil hv 10 days to mark the End day of my confinement..woohoo.

Me too stil thinkimg shld I order fr Neo garden for my lil gal bb shower. Any other recommendation

AR - oh I didntnotice it's written on box.. Gd gd.. Then I can show the prints to the elders.. Tks!

Lucasmummy - if it's yls, their charges considered quite cheap. Lowest $6/pax! Mayb I will try them for my bb shower

aloe : u finish confinement liao??

chubby : i also thinking leh.. but i tried chillipadi.. their food nice leh! i also still thinking .. hahaha~ !

no. confinement lady leaving on the 31th and my baby born on the 3rd .. so i guess confinement only end on the 2nd .

Sad to say my boy was given pacifier the day he came home. Thanks to his 2 grannies.

I dislike it very much. But my CL likes to give it to him too. I always wait till he wails badly then I stick it into his mouth. When he calms down I will pull it out.

He also need it to sleep now. So sad. He usu spits it out after he fell asleep but I will pull it out if I am there to watch him fall asleep. I rather carry n hold him tight. Anyone can tell me how could I stop him from getting used to it or stop this habit?

I don't mean that I want to stop giving him pacifier but not like such habit.

aloe : sorry if i kpo =)

chubby - i haven start .. lolz! saving it only fôr critical situation ! lol

i remembered giving my girl ât 2 months after 1 nite of non stop crying .. lucky it was easy to quit for her cos i only give her during nap / sleep time..

lucasmummy mayb u try only give when napping / sleeping ?

nanabear .. it's ok .. i have been going out every week during my confinement .. I guess for me is OK to go out. too boring at home.

pacifier : my #1 also used when he was young. and he just stop using it when he was about 13 mths.

Anne Raj (a_r) , congrats! Post your baby's pic soon!

aloe (aloe) : You are not alone, I dyed hair too during confinement period as Gynae said there's not scientific prove of hair dye affecting our BM. My confinement ends on 20 May and I did my dye job on 15 May. I went out too but only to nearby places to buy milk powder / diapers.

Hi guys, came home yesday, waiting for BM to kick in. Now feeding baby with colostrum. But seems like not enough...he was fed Fm in the hospital to supplement.Yesday at home, he was given 20ml every 2 hrs besides the colostrum...since last night he i demanding more and wake up every 1 hr...whole night me and mum no sleep. wat can we do?pls advise. Im spoon feeding him with FM.he loves it and enjoy and doesnt like to be bottle fed.So Dr also advised to maintain spoon feeding.Pls help!!!

Any mummies thinking of stopping breastfeeding after 1 month?

I'm really tired of waking up during midnight to pump my BM out. Not sure if I stop breastfeeding at 1 month is insufficient for my boy and no help in postpartum slimming.

Jerbunny, i am seriously considering also after my confinement lady leaves... having to wake up to feed the baby and pump at the same time especially during the night... dunno if i can take it or not... but i feel like so guilty and bad...cos was hoping to go for as long as possible.... but now the confinement lady feed i only concentrate on pumping at night... so tired already....

Jerbunny, lilstar - dun give up if u already hv supply for ur bb. Mayb can give partial bm? Then supplement with fm. Latch or pump durin daytime. Nite time b4 slp pump again til veri last drop. Next morn pump again. Jia you!! Jia you!!

Anne - I think 20ml nt enuff dats y he hungry every hr. Coz when I read the record chart durin my stay in tmc, they fed my bb with 30-50ml of fm.

congrats AR!!

jerbunny / lilstar : jiayou ! dun give up.. i also tot of giving up so many times ... i managed to think of an idea i dunno if it works for u ..

lilstar esp pumping different from latching.. bb drink more while latching .. n pumping is not the actual amt we have ..

i try to feed at 12 .. den next feed will be at 3 âm .. den next will be 6 liao .. like tat technically we only wake up 2 times to feed .. dunno if u agree .. den after tat noon time can sleep .. hahaha .. i intend to stop ât 3 months though .. my work dun allow time for me pump .. but i still cant decide

Nanabear, i stopped latching cos she always fall asleep then after that end up wake every hour to feed became even more tiring. So at least if i know her intake i know she has enough to drink thats why i pump.

Her timing can be 2.5 hours to 3 hours. And in day time i notice become more awake. There will be a afternoon period where she will not sleep at all until the next feed. When the CL leaves she will be 5 weeks old.. hopefully i will be able to work out something by then cos just last night i started her on FM and she only sleep 3 hours.

Mrs Heng, won't u feel engorged if u extend all the way until the morning? for me 4.5 hours into the night is too painful have to wake up to pump aldy.


Sorry to interrupt this thread.

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Lilstarz n jerbunny. Y not supplement fm in the night at least nt so tiring. I also wake up abt 2 times at night to feed 1am n 3am then the next feed 5-6am I wil bf her cos breast quite full by the time. I stil pump 1 x at 3am feed n I don pump til the whole breast empty abt 10mins n I stop n then quickly zzz. This is hw I survive the feeding nights w/o anybody help. The motivation part is when u saw the sky is turning bright n u wld tel urself yes! I survived another night/challenges.

Nanabear: so u dcided on chillipadi n is a halal caterer, right?anyone know where can order nice ang ku kueh n do delivery

Pacifier: I'm also trying to delay or avoid using the pacifier for as long as possible. The other day bb was crying non stop and FIL went to dig out the pacifier for her! I was so mad when I found the packaging of the pacifier. Later found out that although pacifier worked, it was (the plastic part) was too big and bb couldn't breathe properly... so they removed it! Phew...

Don't really like the idea of using pacifier, i don't know why, prob a personal thing. Thot that pacifier will affect the bb's gums and next time won't have nice teeth.

BFing: I started a new schedule cos bb schedule change again. Arggg... day time i will try to wake bb up at least 3 hourly to feed, yes, if she is sleeping, i will wake her up to latch, but most of the time she wakes up by herself.

For nights, i feed on demand, so when she cries, i will latch. Longest interval between night latches so far is around 4.5hrs (i started to leak a little already...), shortest interval is 1hr (i suppose this is so cos she fell asleep during prev feeds so need more feeds subsequently).

I do agree with the mums that night feeds are extremely taxing on the body. Especially if you are handling all the feeding and diaper changing yourself. I've been doing that for the past 2 weeks. Night shift alone... I can feel my body breaking down already. Very tired. But for my ger, I will push on. I intend to put her in infant care after my ML is over, and I need her to build up her antibodies well so that she won't fall sick easily in future. Read that BM helps pass antibodies from mother to bb, so I will will will continue bfing for as long as I can.

Lilstarz n jerbunny: one gf's gynae told her that breastfeeding for 4-6 weeks is good enough for the intake of natural antibiotics. She believes in her gynae n stopped after 6 weeks of latching on.

I am not anti tbf or ebm here, just sharing from another gynae's point of view.

Lilstarz n jerbunny, I shared the same as both of u. U may not want to decide yet until the day come... May not be so bad after some adjustment and adapting. Give urself a pat on ur shoulder each time u pump.

Hello mummies,

ML is soo boring. I'm officially overdued. Edd today but no signs of nothing! Today will b visiting gynae to check if bb is engaged or not. Feels like I'm pregnant forever already. Agony!

congratz bb-bao n Anne!

Lucasmummy, hopefully loh bb will surprise me. If not shd b these few days n maybe csect birth. Will update once I popped. Envy u all talking abt bf but my bb dun wanna come out let me practice! Lolz

Chillimum, it's prob a blessing leh.. Ur baby hopes u can absorb more info first so it's less stressful when u already know some issues are pretty common among the mummies here...hehe...

hi mummies n daddies, tks for ur input on how much ur bb drinking now...i dun understand y my pd can say tat 60ml every 3 hr interval for a 1 week + old bb is inadequate n could meant sumting as serious as blood infection...i m not going bk to tat PD! very insensitive with her comments...made mi worried sick for the whole of last week.

Today he is 2 weeks old. Drinking abt 70ml onli. Still considered little right? he can stretch 3 hrs wen he is zzzzing, but wen he is awake, he demand to be fed at 1.5-2.5hrs. He machiam noting to do then wanna suck suck.

Any other small eater bbs like mine?

How many times ur bb poo poo per day??

Chillimum: not to worry, s

hopefully will be able to see her by this week. Enjoy the time w ur hubby alone only for the time being.

Bf: I'm still doing tbf but hubby kept asking me to express cos he wants to feed. But I'm really lazy to pump, my hubby seems quite bothered and he seemed worried that our girl won't be close to him. Latching on already so tiring if plus pumping think I'll be really tired.

destiny: dun be too worried, every bb is different and would need to be fed differently.

my bb on TBF, poop abt 4 or 5 times daily. almost after alternate feeds.

anyway... another new scratch head comment i heard recently...

me: (while feeding bb) ahhh... bb pooped again!

*change diaper after feed*

*bb cries after change*

someone: bb must be hungry again, cos she just pooped. u want to feed again?

*rolls eyes*

<helllllllloooo... got common sense or not? food and processed food goes into 2 different compartments in our body leh! for food to be processed also need time leh!>

Edie: you may want to assure ur Hubby that feeding is not the only way to bond with baby. He can carry n talk to her, stroke her, sing to her, look into her eyes etc....

Blueturtle: it's funny lah... Haha... Let's laugh it off.

blue turtle i also got that kind of stupid comment when i tbf cos my baby after every feed will poop / pee and then cry.... thats why i changed to express... got too annoying...so they cannot say i tbf not enough...

Lilstar - I tried to pump as much as possible b4 slp.. Morn will feel engorged but I quickly pump out then will feel ok already. During rest, really v tired so managed to endure the pain til morn

hi mommies

i am fr July 10 thread, just wondering did anyone get Mdm Ida to go their postnatal & how did u find it? what do we need to prepare and how long is the postnatal massage? tq [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also got a lot of very busybody aunties which they thought they are really pro and comment on how I feed my baby be it FM or BM. Even express out they also will have comments.

My BM supply not really high, every pump will give around 60ml only. And if i pump too frequently, I will even get 30ml only. (Even my supply got people 'laughing' at me, saying: wa, you so little only? I spike back and tell her you so good, you pump yourself lor. 50 yr old not yet married still wanna laugh at my BM supply. You wont' even have a drop in your lifetime. Fish her)

That's why I thought of letting myself dry up since I don't have much to offer in the first place.

Being a mother is tough enough and have to put up with all the nonsense from the relatives. I will not be as kypo as them and give comments to new mums in the future lor.

