(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Jerbunny.. yeah relatives are a pain..especially the well meaning ones cos sometimes we dun want their advise or comments in the first place...

I feel quite tired already and i think when we are tired we become extra sensitive as well especially since we are new mums so lagi more kan cheong and we want to do things our way but get interrupted by these been there done that 3 decades ago relatives!

I think more imptly we need to be well rested to look after our baby. As long as baby is well fed and well rested be it on FM/BM should be fine.. after all our era also most of us on FM. I have friends bred on purely FM and also more healthy than me who was fed BM for about 1-2 mths.

Since still have some BM then give until the supply naturally totally dries up. I just think to myself at least got give some to make myself feel better.


Hi Destiny,

Your baby is the same as my kiddo.. turns 2 weeks old today.. and she is the same as yours... She's only drinking about 60ml per feed.. at least yours is drinking 70ml now... I'm not too worried as long as she is feeding as per normal, and alert.. and so far, she has put on about 400 grams..

Last night, we had a scare.. Kiddo was down with running nose 2 days before, and started coughing yesterday afternoon.. I started monitoring her temperature.. in the evening, it rose to 37.1 degrees.. Both Mommy and Daddy panicked.. quickly clothed her and brought her to KK... In the end, everything is ok.. and we learnt something new.. for babies, the cut off for fever is 37.5 degrees.. and if they are younger than 2 months, they will have to be admitted immediately..

Mommies who are breastfeeding..

Don't give up and try not to stress too much.... just pump as long as we can and as much as we can.. As long as baby is drinking some breastmilk, it's better than none.. In the event if some of us do decide to go on FM, that's fine as well.. The well being of a mommy is very important.. A happy mommy will have positive vibes on the baby, thus resulting in a happy baby... Just always have to remind yourself of that!

chubby : dunno leh.. waiting for hubby to confirm.. but i like chillipadi cos the angkukueh its inside.. no need to headache go where buy.. hahaha!

lilstar : i realise my girl she can overslept her feeding time in the day.. but not at nite.. dunno is it becos of the aircon at nite..

Hey hey Mummies!!!

My friend holding a BP .. i think the colours very nice!! go take a look.. HEY HEY! me no commission one ar!!! I like the colours.. and by time the stock is here.. our babies should be able to fit in liaoz!!!


hihi mummies... been some time since i last posted... wat i can say is i'm LOST lor... so many posts...

chubby tiger

i dun recommend taking supplements until after 2 mths... coz fenugreek can cause bad engorgement leh... ur body will knw how much to produce if u feeding on demand... so no worries... i will start taking the nursing tea after the 2nd mth... so that can build up ss stash when i go work...


i had neo garden... find the servings for the dishes quite small for the price we paid... HTHs...


me also said bye bye to all the confinement food n drinks... am enjoying my plain water once again... heehee...


endure... soon will be ur turn to end of confinement liao...

me also cant wait to meet up with all the mummies n babies!!


been some time since i last hear frm u... u popped liao??

blue turtle

2 weeks veri fast one... but seems like u enjoying leh!!! heehee...

mrs teo

i took 1 cup few days ago budden after tat lazy to take liao... will try again soon when i dun feel so lazy... hahaha... coz still got half a pack left... u taking also??


my bb at 4 weeks is drinking 100ml every 2-3hrs... u can increase the milk intake slowly... abt 10ml per week...

re: pacifier

i gave in to pacifier after i sacked my CL... budden my bb dun like so all the better... coz i'm having a hard time trying to make my #1 quit lor...


congrats... post ur bbs pics ya!!!

i'm afraid u have to continue spoon feeding ur bb until ur ss comes in... usually by 3rd/4th day... then u can latch bb...

i think 1st week bb drink abt 30ml...


i stopped bfing for my #1 at 1 mth coz was super stressed n tired... budden my frozen BM was able to feed my bb for another mth that time...

so to continue or stop is basically up to individual coz if u too stressed up, ss will also drop... so my take is do what u think u most comfy with... coz a happy mummy = happy bb...

but if ur ss is gd, i would support u to continue coz its free n the best food for our bb...

what i do is i time my pumping to my ger's feeding time... like if her feed is at 3am, i'll be up at 3am to feed and pump after feeding so that i dun have to get up too many times...

let's all jia you together... we need alot of support for bfing coz its really very stressful... especially for 1st time mummies!!!




soon u'll have bb in ur arms liao!!!

heehee... maybe ur bb wan u to learn all the stuffs frm us 1st mah...


heehee... ur hb so enthu lor... he wants to do his part mah...

maybe u can skip one latch n pump to let ur HB feed... he 1st time daddy sure kan cheong mah...

Good Afternoon!! How's everyone doing? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I agree with the mums here that pumping is really a tiring job and takes time away from bb.

Futhermore, when I pump I have problems with let down (with a machine) and ensuring that milk gets cleared from both breasts.

So after pumping, still got to do hand compression.

That is the reason why I will hold off pumping to enjoy my bb until time runs out for me to get to work.

Latching builds on my patience coz they can take their own sweet time sometimes,

but I love cuddling my boy during latching and when he is satisfied, I feel good inside.

For 2nd time mummies, I think the challenge is to manage bf with the other one is clamoring for attention.

It's like a circus. You have to multi-task: feed #2 and entertain #1 at the same time. And some of the things #1 will ask you to do is impossible....

I am still scratching my head on how I am going to fit the pumping in...*headache*

To be successful at TBF, I found what worked for me last time was that I latched as much as possible,

and pumped only to replace feeds when I will b away from bb.

It will take twice as much determination to maintain TBF with exclusive pumping becoz

maintaining/ increasing supply is most difficult w/o bb to help regulate the demand.

I've done tt on biz trips and I certainly find it more tiring than just popping bb to the breasts.

Once you get pro at latching, you can multi-task with a sling, shop n feed, read n feed, walk n feed etc.

So mummies don't give up, don't get too blue, once you survive the hardest first month, you will get better and better at everything.

JSP: ok thanks, i shall do tt. also realised that since baby born in the mornings, he is awake in the nights i think thats another reason he did not sleep as much and did not let us sleep...heheheheh!!!

Mummies,my bb slps well in the day time,but come to nite time,he refuse to slp,and wan us to carry him.And my MIL can carry him till 2 or 3am then he slp.Does u all have the same problem?

Destiny,my bb is oso a small eater.Today he is 4weeks old,but his intake is ard 60 to 80 ml every 2 or 2.5hr.We tried to fed him 90 to 100ml the other day,he can finish but then after awhile he vomit eveything out,so we cut down to 60 to 80ml again.Maybe he is super small in size so his intake is little.His birth weight is only 2.01kg,last week review he weights 2.66kg.

congrats Anne!!

Chillimum - yah, me too. my edd next sat. last chk up was monday, gynae said bbs head not even engaged yet. bb maybe 'overdue' too. haiz. she rec to do lotsa walking, climbing stairs, squatting and havn sex..

thk i may be last to pop.. jai yu.. lets wait. lol! anticipation is gd.. no?

chillimum/alina, try to rest as much as you can if u are already on ML. my gf told me to take leave 1 week or so prior to EDD to rest so that bb will be less cranky later on. it worked for her other friend. something to do with our walking ard = rocking bed for bb to zzz and when we zzz aka no movement, bb wakes up. so, this corresponds to day time, bb zzz, night time bb becomes very awake!

i'm not sure how true that is lar, cos i also work until D day, now i really feel like dying every nite! have to entertain the bb till wee hours den she go zzz.

in any case, get as much rest as you can, while you can. it's gonna be tough when the bb comes along.

shuyan, you are definitely not alone! what i do now is, after the evening feed, let's say around 7, 8 or 9 pm, i try to get people to play with the bb. don't let her fall asleep. (yes... sounds very sadistic) the goal is to tire her out as much as possible so that she will sleep longer later on at night! i will also feed her until she is very full, make sure i latch her full 20 mins on each side for the 11pm, 12mn or 1am feed so that she will feel sleepier and sleep for longer hours b4 next feed. it has worked so far for me.

blue_turtle -> yah, me took early ml. coz my workplace got hfmd & chix pox.. but am soooo bored. been watching mvies online non-stop. yah, will follow ur advice. didnt thk of that. currently been napping in afternoons and catch up wiv housework at night (coz cooler n more comfy)..

JSP: I'll try to see what i can do. Think because he's flying off for work again so would like to do his part for as much as possible.

Re BF: My baby today seemed to be suckling non stop, she's 9 days old today, is it the growth spurt? Everytime i thought she had enough, and after i put hr to slp she'll start crying again.

Hi mummies, I saw this in biz thread wondering is the lipo contour undergarment really that effective, any mummies here or friends tried this be4? Thinking of getting 1 but not sure is it really tat gd.

hi loh, pls update for me when u hv the time to..hehe I delivered on 10th may at mt alvernia, bb gal, weight 2.65kg, natural birth w epidural. Currently, bb still has jaundice, plus eye infection. Super worried. Tbf is straining and tiring, but for the sake of my bb gal, i am gg to persevere on! All mummies, we hv to jia you!

Edie..got few possibilities

1) Growth spurt

2) Your latch on not right so baby can't get the milk very well thats why hungry very fast

3) Human pacifier

4) Baby too comfortable in ur arms falls asleep before getting a full meal and u happily think she is full and put her to bed

Well thats wat i think anyway cos happened for my babe same issues.. maybe other mummies got other ideas

Little tiger - sry to hear dat...Is ur bb under professional care now? Or they prescribed u medication for bb's eyes? Jia you moo moo!

Little tiger,

my boy has jaundice and eye infection too! Keep having yellowish discharge which cause his eyes to stick together. So poor thing.

I think my gal nw using me as human pacifier. Fed her 120ml milk n in btw poo 3 times n her mouth stil open wide nw I hv to breastfeed her to make her slp but her first few suckle was strong n nw nimble on my nipple for comfort, like tat sure no ending think gg to give her e real pacifier soon. Faints!

bx : try green grape juice! worked for me!

chubby : i think hor.. we deciding on eatz catering leh..

anybody tried eatz catering before? the full month package very attractive.. hahahaa!

JSP : congrats! 1 month over for u!.. why u sack for CL? den how u complete ur confinement?

Chubby Tiger... u mean after u feed her bottle u still latch?! fwah...hahaha.. yeah confirmed human pacifier liao.... i gave in and gave my babe pacifier 2 days ago when she simply couldn't sleep but was really tired and fussing non stop.... think i rather wean her off pacifier next time than carry up and down and when she becomes heavy my back give way...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my baby girl sleep very soundly in the day, but will awake at abt 4am+, and cry very loud, hv to coax her till an hr or so, before she can sleep... when i tot she is sleeping, i put her to bed, she start open her eyes wide and start crying very loud after a few min when i don't bother her... i check that she has her feed and diaper is not wet... not sure if she need attention...

Any advise??? some time i m clueless on what she want?

Lilstarz: ya after feeding she can't slp n I let her latch on n very fast she doze off n unlatch but when put her to cot she wil start her fuss again n want to feed again I was like repeating all these steps for so many times. End up I hv no time to make my #1 to slp n worst tmr he needs to go ccc n felt guilty after scolded him. Haiz..

Jsp: yeaps... I'm enjoying myself amidst the naggings, strange comments, etc. Will forget everything oncebb suckling away in my arms.

Sharon/chubby: wat u just described is exactly wat is happening to me now... After feed eyes open wide, put in cot she cries. Tts y i'm here... Bb suckling away in 1 arm, me surfing net on phone w e other arm. Haha... Its hard to tell what bb wants. Right now, mine is hungry. I hope i dont have to carry her for another hr after her feed to make her sleep. Else by then, she would need her nx feed...

If she wants to be carried, just carry lar. Sometimes i think bb just feels lonely or insecure, so no choice but to carry. They will outgrow it. Last 2 nights she was good n slept after feed, guess tonight she decided to be notti again...

Hiya mummies!

Just finish my pump n replenishing fluid for my body now.

Has any first time mummy bathed your baby already. I finally made my first attempt yesterday morning! Woohoo! Could only hear myself asking, how? How? What am I supposed to do next? Frigging afraid I might just slipped him off my arms...

CL told me that we need to face baby downwards when we first place his body partially in the water, so they will not feel insecure and if we put them back faced down into the water first, they will feel insecure and start to cry...

Baby was like half a sleep when I bathed him today, he's perhaps still waking up to realize it's mummy who had his bathing done. It's another nice bonding with the darlings.

hi mummies! ive popped!

ADD: 18th May 2010,

natural with epi

weight: 2.71kg

m getting discharged today! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

blueturtle: i can understand how u feel. my MIL came to visit me yesterday morning & she already started to make comments on this & that, nonsense stuff that i really have no patience to listen to. made me feel so darn irritated, & she almost wanted to stay to watch me try to breastfeed baby! gosh! & i nearly snapped @ my elder sis who kept gg on tt i shdnt have asked for BB to be fed with FM during the night blah blah, BM is the best blah blah. hey! gimme a break lah! i was v tired & feeling sore & stuff, just wanted to try & rest at nite for the two nights in hospital & try to bf during daytime. don't have to b so rigid. i have to take baby steps myself too.

regarding food catering; i give thumbs up for YSL too! i agree with alsky & shu yan on the yam paste, gd feedback on the yam paste.

chillimum & alina, try to enjoy the rest of yr MIL, m sure u girls will be popping soon! eat well & spend more time with hubby ;)

hey baby t! congratz!

anne!!- congratz! after all that waiting! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

abt this eye infection.. is the yellow pus discharge from the eyes a result of infection? My PD didnt say anything lei... I tt its bec of heat.. When bb's jandice lvl was high the discharge was alot too.. then once go down, the discharge not that much alr... how come my Pd nvr say anything!- now i m worried... haiz!

Anyway, anyone consulting with Dr Vellappan ( int'l child & adoloscent clinic- Mt A) for ur bb?


the nurses at TMS did a swap test and found that it is an infection. So pd prescribed eye drops. Went for a talk, they said newborns wun be heaty. Since ur pd didn't mention anything, shouldn't be much of a concern. Yes, it's yellowish pus and sticky.


can u share how to feed bb the green grape juice again? These few days keep raining so no sun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

mrs heng and bx: yes her eye infection is with greenish yellowish pus! I was so super worried that i brought her to see two pediatricians in a day! I cried so much and it got many mummies worried too! Haha, cos i am first time mummy, so they said this is natural reaction. About jaundice, i cannot find sun these few days too. I am gg to try green grape juice, in desperation!!

Hello everyone,

Chubby, blue_turtle, we do have the same problem do we? haha. Pretend to sleep in the arms when put to cot will be cranky again. Last night was special tho, he woke up at 4pm till 10pm!! and for the rest of the night just wake up for feeding and changing and then back to sleep.

I have been bathing bb since CL left. hee.

little tiger,

u r so cute. no need to cry. i think quite common. but still quite worrying coz it causes the eye to stick together.

i am more concern abt my bb's jaundice. he still look quite yellow to me. sigh...

I think I have the same problem as your. My bb sleep when you carry her. But once you put her down, she cry and scream... =( Her daddy says cannot keep carrying her. If not, she ll get use to it. But who can bear to see the way she cry? Like someone torturing her.

Sigh.. Now I am worried lor... How is she going to survive infant care coming july??? Noone is going to carry her there... I think she will cry until her voice become hoarse...

bx: same here. I tried everythg under the sun to lower her jaundice. Guiness stout, sunning, chinese herbs to bathe her etc etc. She is still yellow even tho i make her drink bm every 1.5 hourly! I am panda eyed with aching arms, neck and back. Being pregnant seems like a breeze now. Alasky and bb hon: same here too. She refuses to sleep in the nite, makes me tink she is hungry and i am feeding her so much that she wets her diapers and poos so much. Even then, once i put her down, she wails again. And the whole process starts all over again. Omg!! I am gg mad soon. Heard fr my pediatrician that this will ctinue till they r 2 to 2 and a half mths..i tink i will collapse before that liao...

can help mi update, bb gal born on 22 apr weight 3.7kg( i guess most heavy one) nat w/o epi.

my gal also have jaudice when she born and she have to be admited on the 3rd day she born to sun tan. and after she discharge still have to go polyclinic for blood test every week, this continue till she 3 week old, heard that breast feed baby more difficult to clear the jaudice

hi adelene,

can i know what is her jaundice level after when she is 3 weeks old. as my boy is 3 weeks old and his jaundice level is 12.4 .... doc asked as to do another round of blood test and urine test to ensure his liver is OK

feeling depress again, as i can breastfed him yesterday well. but today, his pattern change again. he can't latch on well again. feel so useless as after 1 hour of latch, finally have to give in and ask CL to feed him EBM.

aloe: my bb gal change her latching pattern too, to my surprise! Previously she can latch my left breast very easily. Now she fidgets and cries when put on the left breast. I am also unsure how long i can latch her on like that. Mountains and mountains of problems, on top of each other (jaundice, latching, sleep deprivation). Super blue now, at least we kno we all share similar sets of problems. We hv to jia you more..!

Adelene: all polyclinic can chk jaundice level? Do u need referer or anything? I don't want to go back tmc anymore, so sick of that plAce and so expensive.

My girl was 12.3 on Monday went back this morn was 11.3, I tried the green grape method, not sure if that's the one that helped.

Nanabear: how often did u give green grape juice to ur girl? Is it before every feed?

Kiddy palace having 20%off selected items for members. Sale is until 13june. I bought medela milk bag at $26+ after discount. 20 pcs in a packet

baby t --> Congratz!! yah, thnx for the +ve thking.. i will eventually pop yah. ,> khe3.. seiously tats a simple and very +ve way of looking at things. i loik.

hon --> enrol ur bb for infant care already? thk i have to too. mumsie last min cant take care. but, heartachelah.. like they are too lil. dun mind when they 18mths in toddler class in chld care, they need social interactions wiv peers of their age. but, infant care.. like too young..

am also contemplating to be sahm til bb turns 18mths... but donno.. still thking either sahm or infant care..

