(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

I'm really frustrated! HB and MIL are all not supporting of me breast feeding.

HB don't want me to latch cos we don't know how much bb drink. Fine, so I pump out. AND I only feed her BM in the day, at night it's formula.

MIL thinks I give BB BM all day and just suggest that I shld give BB formula, else she will not drink next time!! *mega eyeroll*

Damn pissed!


mrs heng .. jiayou !! u can do it ! latch on n Remember FLUID ! drink lots of it..

when i drink i can feel water go into my breasts .. lol

Phy.. relax.... yeah sometimes they need to see it so can understand better...if not they worry the baby hungry... i dun quite get ur MIL reasoning though... i heard bb prefer formula cos sweeter actually....

Nvm... just take baby into the room and latch on lock door... or explain to hubby how strongly u feel about it and try and get him to understand..

Phy: dun get stressed up or frustrated. it will affect the milk supply ya. try to talk to ur hb or mil abt bf-ing. i had a lot of comments from mil abt not knowing how much bm bb drinks, give formula, give water, why don't u pump out etc. just have to put up with the nagging. old folks are strange lar, bb cries = bb hungry not enuff milk. everything is about the milk.

about the expressing milk, do it if u want. if u want total latch, u can do that too, but that will need a lot of patience cos sometimes bb will take a while to latch. i have been on total latch on for the past 12 days. mil and mum have been trying to talk me into expressing so that they can help to feed at night, but i told them no need cos i will still need to wake up to express else i will be in pain. so now they dun force me to express anymore.

mrs heng, jiayou! need to super patient with latch on. i had a fair bit of problems intially, bb suckle until nipple crack, very pain, but once the milk comes in on day 3, everything is working out better. latching for middle of night feeds is a super challenge ya. i've mastered lying down to feed for night feeds. have been doing that for the past 2 nights. so far so good. less stress on back, and i can catch short eye shuts when bb suckling. feeling more energetic in the day too!

Hi all Mummies,

I am from Dec09 MTB Forum. I have the following items for sale!

1. BNIB Little Giant Milk bags (made in korea)

1 for $18, 2 for $16 each, 4 for $14 each

2. Preloved My best friend Breast Pillow

Lightly used for only 4months

condition: 8/10

Price: $49

3. Pigeon disposable Breast Pads

30pcs $5

4. Brand new Thomson Baby diaper sling black bag $10

5. BNIB Carters 6-9mths 5pcs rompers for boy $20

10% discount off all prices if you buy all!!

Free 1 preloved 125ml Avent bottle and 1 cooler bag! Free Preloved assorted newborn baby boy clothes!!

Self Collect near Parkway Parade or Raffles Place or Bt Batok or via postage!

PM for more details/ questions!!

KTSC: im in the same suitation as u are. Yesday morning, felt wet and thought it waterbag leaking and no pain, called Dr ard 10am and told him wat i expereince, he told me to go hospital. I went to Mt A, i put me on the machine to check for contractions and baby heart beat. Contractions were irregular, nurse did a VE chcek and informed that cervix is closed, asked if want to induce, i declined and spoke to DR and he said he will see me at his clinic tt night. So went home after 1.5 hrs. Had on and off pains. Night went to see Dr, he did another VE check and realised that i was 2cm dilated. then had blood discharge. I dont neo how come got blood. so Dr say i will have blood and drowish d/c, not to panick and go to hospital when water bag burst or have more intense pain.

Today morning, still have blood, and pain is like wat u describe. So im still waiting. Wonder how lg ts would take...

Lilstarz/ blur turtle, its really affecting my milk suPply. My supply went down al and I only pump 3 times a day. The 3 pumps is enough to last bb all the day time feeds at 80ml.

It's just very frustrating to hear all these ignorance rubbish and have no support from anyone.

hi mummies, am due in coming Jul, contemplating between double and single bed in Mount A. Any mummy can share the final bill? Thanks.

Phy.. cannot stress.. we ain't cows as it is and the more stressed u are the cycle just worsens itself....

Yeah i understand the part about no support cos my husband also pressurising me to put baby on FM so that i can get more rest and won't be so tired and can go out with him..

You need to sleep properly and drink more liquids and pump more frequently to increase supply if need be... but stress is the worst culprit..wha ur 3 pumps can feed baby so many times a day sounds good actually...

Think u need to have a good talk with ur husband seriously.... cos he needs to be the one to deal with ur MIL...

LucasMummy, thanks. Would get the Enfalac milk samples from TMC and try out.

Anne Raj, I having more of sticky pale yellow and brownish discharge and pain at irregular interval. Think if got either purely red discharge, intense pain at 5 mins interval or waterbag burst then admit.

Ar, I tried to unswaddle her, burp her but she seemed so contented asleep woke up one hour later and managed to feed her.

I've been latching on for past 2 nights so far so good. U all think should I pump after latching? Now she's feeding at around 2-3 hours interval. Pooping and peeing well.

Hello, mummies. I got a Medela PISA which i bought locally on the 27th April 2010 so warranty starts from that date. Use less than 10 times. I'm throwing in Brand New pumping pal supersheild and handsfree set also. Total $550. Selling as I'm too used to my manual pump already. Lazy to set up the electric pump and manual pump more mobile, can bring out to pump. Very good deal as the warranty still have almost a full year.

KTSC: t I think they have sample for most brands... I asked for similac at first but out of stock so chose enfalac cos 2 gfs feeding it to their babies...

Phy: yes, we need to overcome the agony from unwanted comments. Most of us faced it. Jia u n relax!

Edie: sounds pretty good.. No need to pump first la... See how it progress first...

Good day MTBs n FTBs,

I participated in bf session by doing the tickling part which was suppose to get bb do more suckling else bb easily gone bk dreamland.

felt disappointed with myself cos i thrown away my gal cord cos felt too little to keep for souvenir. then wify's aunt n fren told her the dropped off cord is a lucky item. sigh....

Edie, dun pump if ur breasts feel soft.. if after feed still hard then pump out n store..if not kena further engorement..

blue turtle, after u feed ur girl lying does she vomit the milk out? i used to feed my bb like tt too during the ngt but bec he has influx he vomits the milk out even b4 i get him out to burp him so cant feed lying down but i love that position!

i think my bb has a built in alarm clock. he will cry exactly every 3 hrs. if the feed is at 7am.. he will feed until 8am then i go pump to empty out then by the time i eventually fall asleep its alr 9.30 then he cries at 10am.. i hv ben hving bad headaches too past 2 days bec of lack of slp.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] bf-ing is really very challenging.. then at the end of the month my helper will go bk.. then i m alone.. dunno how to manage...

Today I feel so wonder cos since last night I didn't pump any milk out all tbf. I believe our breast milk is unlimited free flow. Mummies out there even we don feel engorge does not mean we don hv milk As long bb pee n poo it means they intake our bm. I always tot if I feel my breast soft means no milk then I realize is not true cos my gal stil pee n poo on her nappies so freq. When I just gentle squeeze my nipple I see milk comin out.

Hi Mummies,

Am really worry now... My CL is leaving next Sat and my maid still having difficuly handling the baby... 3 weeks already still like a piece of wood.

I still need to take care of my No.1 but thank fully he is going to Child care on 1st june.

My baby only sleep in the day and wake up at night now still have Cl to help but dunno know what happen when she leave and i have to take care of No.1 and 2.haiz

Anyone have any idea how to train the timing for baby???


CONGRATS!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Same here.... I am planning to take over CL's job of taking care baby from nxt week onwards which is the last 2 weeks. Hopefully we do not get too panicky after she left.

I ever read from books and magazine, we can continue our daily chores without the need of lowering the voice or noise intentionally in the day while baby is sleeping. When in the night, we have to provide them a quiet and dark ambience for a good night sleep, so that they can start to differentiate day and night.

My mummy gfs also mentioned to me, we could try to wake them up in the day if they are sleeping too much. Perhaps a specific time to wake them up, so they know it's only naps in the day.... However, do not deprive them from sleep in the day...

Ar... I see. Ok I'll continue to latch on and no pumping.

Wow, u must be really sleep deprive. If u just latch on and don't pump will be easier right or u want to store milk?

A R: no milk vomitting on my side with lying down feeding position. My ger lies on her back with head turned towards me.

Lucasmummy: no need to intentionally lower volume in day. Wat i do is put cot in living room during day time, all activities per normal, tv, visitors, anything. Den play with her as much as possible when she's awake esp in e late evenings to tire her out. At night then i move everything to my room. Off lights leaving only toilet or bedside lamp on.

hihis all!!!

i just got back home.. didn't have much strength to sit up since delivery so am pushing it now...

my birth story:

on 12May Wed 1230pm:

gynae did VE check, still only 2cm dilated since like 3 weeks ago

recommended to induce 1 day after EDD, so i was pretty upset cos i wanted only natural birth

talked to mamas in this forum and followed some advice to talk to my gal and ask her to come out since we're all ready

13May 215am: contraction like pain, couldn't get back to sleep. every contraction got me running to loo to PS..thot maybe false alarm so checkin internet and monitor backaches, increasing contraction about 5min interval, but no bloody discharge.

6am: checked into hospital and found to be 4cm dilated, brown discharge came...very delighted and hopeful, reminded nurses about my birth plan and they followed it quite closely, i.e min invasive checks, ask permission, min strap down for CTG

8+am: gynae came, checked, still 4cm dilated, but pain quite intense, but nurses followed my wishes for no pain relief, more bloody show

~12+pm: gynae came back, STILL 4cm dilated, quite demoralised, advised to burst waterbag to speed up labour, discussed wif hubby and agreed,and delighted to find that doc was gentle and it didn't hurt

12-3pm: contractions seem to get lesser, even more demoralised, then contractions got worse and got ~6cm dilation, hypno-birthing techniques came even more useful at this point

felt strong urge to push but nurse asked not to, so that cervix will not swell up and impede pushing later

4+pm: ~9-10cm dilation, doc came again, tried to push on the bed, then used birthing stool, very bloody, but still no baby.doc said he'll come back 9pm and my heart sank..

4+ to 6+pm: after doc left, still continued to push as per nurse advise to follow my instinct. push until wet gown, hair all wet, no more "air" but still no crowning. nurse catherised my bladder in case it was in the way of bb crowning, but bb still high up (~1 knuckle up there)

6+pm: nurse called gynae as she noticed that bb heartbeat dropped everytime i pushed (in distress liao) but hubby and nurse didn't wanna alarm me so i didn't know

gynae appeared and said he'd take over and we agreed for him to use the vacuum,

~7pm: after ~5 more pushes wif the vacuum up my cervix (damn pain sia!), 1 small episiotomy (but suspect messy tearing inside), bb was out.. was bleeding quite a bit and exhausted! but happy to see my gal! born 1 day before EDD!

7-8+pm: natural placenta expulsion w/o oxytocin injection, stitches, bleeding from womb, extremely painful massages from doc and nurse to push out more blood.

impressed that doc and nurses actually followed very very closely to my strict birth plan and explained to hubby / me every step of the way for any deviations and asked for our consent

i.e natural, no episiotomy, no drugs (induction or pain relief) delayed cord clamping, place bb on stomach, breastfeed baby before cleaning, weighing, measurements!

after birth pains was not very comfy for me..

bed ridden, cldn't breathe properly due to painful and heavy womb, episiotomy (i feel internal stitches within my perineum), nearly fainted 3x, fainted 1x in hubby arms, post natal depression - weepy

when parents kept saying my gal has dimples like my dad, mil nagged for us to change her chinese name (cannot have same character as me), SIL helped to think of alternate characters (we didn't ask!), MIL gave suggestion of other names,

+ kept saying (over 2 days) how my gal looks 100%like my SIL (got very affected cos it's MY GAL not her child!!!!)

after so much labour pain and effort from hubby and i, not a mention from family that my gal looks like either of us but instead like someone else..

oh ya, loh pls help me update my details


natural w/o epi, with vacuum


47cm length,

33cm head circumference,

Mt Alvernia

oh, hubby was shocked at bill size.. 4-5k for single bedded ward.. so i wanna ask the other mums here later to compare bill size...

will catch up on this post more when i can sit better...

meanwhile.. jia you to the other mtbs!!! and congrats to new mums!!!

AR : My mum also insists on gripewater rite after 1st month. But I have insisted to start adding on Colic drops, as i find my boy getting disturbed during his sleep. My hubby told me tht his fren's babies all had colic problem and they cried non stop. Once they detected the problem and after adding colic drops, the crying all stopped. So if baby yr baby is not gng into deepsleep. and have difficulty burping, do buy the colic drops.

Edie: Congrats!! My boy had jaundice too, and PD told me to bring the baby home to monitor and to bring back after 3 days. To get rid of the jaundice, I went under my block at 8am, showed him to the sun naked at 8am, for about 3-4 mins . I did this only for 2 days and the jaundice went down from 12.7 yto 6. So after day 6, after pooing, the bb gets btr. So no worries. For me, the sun helped. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Eve: I delivered at Mount A. I insisted on Deluxe room but the hos[ital was soo packed that i was offered a double bedded(converted to single bedded). Meaning, the room still had double bed, but I get to use the whole room myself, and hubby slept on the bed next to me. So I was charged single bed rate.

If u want yr hubby to stay then I think take single bedded, and furthermore, U can use the toilet and u dunt need to share it with another person.

I posted my total bill before. I try go find it and copy paste for u again.

Blue_turtle: yea yea... I mentioned there's no need to lower voice intentionally ah...

Wow.. U already follow the routine? I only tot of starting from the 3rd week! I do not have any special plan for my boy. ya we usually just carry on with our own chores in the day but only bring him to the living when there's visitor and worse most visitors came in the night.....

Come to think of it, I hardly have any bonding or playtime with my boy.... Guess I need to draw out a simple timeline of baby for myself... Else it will turn out to be like his parents, no day no night kind of lifestyle... Zzzzz....

Mrs teo, lucasmummy, agnes. I sun her with indirect sunlight is it correct or should I put her at where the sun shines at?

Re bf: should we always start w the fuller breast or depends on which side we ended off the last session?

Edie/ Agnes- when showing bb in the sun, rmb to cover their eyes with an opaque handkerchief. the sunlight will hurt their eyes.. ( my neighbour- they hv 3 adult children- told us this when we were sun bathing our bb)

Edie- ya i pump after short feeds bec my breasts will still feel hard.. then painful..but if 2 hr feeds or super tired, i just go to slp la...

And its directly under the sunlight.. and rgd bf-ing.. if u finished on rgt side, start the nez feed from the left side.. (hopefully u can rmb which side u ended each feed.. heheh.. i kept forgetting then my hb suggested i put a sticker on my breasts to remind me which side to start on.. hahah)

Agnes- i've heard abt the colic drops but hvnt used it. ya, my bb doesnt go into deep sleep.. wakes up very easily in the day. only durong 11pm to the 4am timing he slps deeply... i'll go try the colic drops then..

gripe water helps . i know tt bec we have been using it for generations..but i m super irritated tt my MIL n his grandaunt insist on giving it now itself esp even aft the PD said gv aft one mth.. its just pissing me off..

Sue- Why ur bill so high?!- Parkway East and Mt A only abt few hundred dollars different (that i know of..) mine is exactly the same as ur package... we paid 1.9k (b4 medisave) for myself n hb as campanion..

Edie: I placed him directly at where the sun shines. Like AR mentioned, cover his eyes.

Colic: how many mummies apply ru yi oil on ur bb? How often or only when u all suspect bb has colic?

LucasMummy: I started the "training" early cos my ger is like super attention seeker. She won't go to sleep after feeds if no one carries her first. Put in cot only will start crying until someone picks her up. And she's usu quite awake after her feed. So might as well spend the time to play with her since already carrying. Then try to tire her out as much as possible before bedtime at night. So that she will be less fussy at night and i can have a little more rest.

Edie/ Agnes: when i was sunning my ger, we did it at the void deck area under my block where the sun comes in. Not directly under the sky, cos i thot it's the UV that the bb need not the actual light. Realised that bb was peeling quite a bit after the sunning. When we checked with the PD, PD say to sun earlier, before 8am, different instructions from the nurses at TMC. I think we need to do some customization on that, and adjust the timing accordingly. I only sun bb for 3 days, and her yellowness went down and she started pooing. We stopped the sunning after that.

Colic My MIL put ruyi oil on bb after every bathtime. She gets bathed 2x a day. Not sure if it's the effects of the oil or what, but we can hear her every time she poops. She seems to pass out a lot of air together with her poop. Very loud. Cannot be missed. So we always know when to change her. hahaha...

Lucasmummy: I apply ruyi oil daily on my bb gal after her morning n evening bath. Sometime in the wee hrs I wil apply 1x again. I like the smell n I feel no harm putting it everyday n bb can slp btr also.

I tried to sun her at 8am this morning and it was quite harsh. lready sun her for three days butike no I'mprovement. Her eyes are quite yellow as well. anyone sun in the evening?

Re ruyi oil: yes, I can hear her poop v loud after applying it. So cute, big noise for a small girl.


Congrats!!! You really have the endurance of steel. Somemore can sms me at night...

Try not to overstrain yourself and take every opportunity to rest well ya?


have to be careful not to burn the skin.

My boy got a slight sun burn after the 1st day of sunning.

Evening sun is even stronger.

If you are worried can try renting the phototherapy lights for use at home.

At least dont have to worry abt sunburn and the shuttling to and from hospi.

RE: rental of phototherapy lights for jaundice

Not sure how much it costs though...Any mummies can advise?

Good day,

my bb oso hav jaundice, and i hav sun her for ard 2 days. normally i will sun her b4 10am but i find 8am sun is better cos the sun light will shine thru my front door. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but was advised by wify fren to put wet facial cotton on her eyes to cover from the sunlight. but i hav a Qn? is 10mins enough or too much. cos today, aft 10mins of sunlight bb got a bit sun burn??


I was told by PD to sun at the window or balcony for 10min each on both front n back. I sun him in my room when sun is strongest in the morning with window open. I place him on where the sun is shining at.

Morning or evening sun if fine but no afternoon sun.

If there's sunburn u may want to consider to sun 5min on each side for more days?

Bbf: pd told me to sun in evening as well but cl said she nv heard of sunning baby in evening.

I have a que re bf, baby will unlatch after about 15 mins, after I burped her she'll cry for more but there are more pauses in between, sometimes will only suck when I stroke her cheek. Is she suckling for comfort?

Re: phototherapy machine

I rented it for #1, abt 400 to 500 dollars. I find it's better to put bb in the hospital for the light therapy. Coz u will b tempted to carry the baby out when he cries.

Hi everyone!!

Gratz to those mummies who gave birth already. sorry, din't have time to read all posts, abit lost track.

Loh, babies do shed off their skins in the initial few weeks, isit really sunburn?

My BB just finish his Full month celebration yesterday, and thats the day my CL left also. last night was the first time we take care of bb at night. Luckily he not cranky, only wake up for feeds and change but man, was quite tiring also. lol. Guess have to adapt to it somehow.lol.


PD also asked me to sun either in the morning/evening for #1

but sun is always very strong in the evening.

One day when we missed the morning sun, my dad brought him to sun in the evening

n My #1 skin almost "chao tar" n turned very dark.

Don't know isit becoz he overdid it...heheh

I think it should b ok bah since your PD advised you to do so.

the phototherapy machine can be rent from www.thebabyspecialist.com.sg

i got this contact from raffles hospital's PD, the cost is 389 for 3D2N package. home treatment is tiring for CL and the parent, as we need to ensure the eye mask is always on his face. but we can see the baby anytime we want. but in hospital, we are not allow to see the baby at all. kind of heart pain to leave him alone there.



Congratz on your bb's full mth!

wow so good your wife still have your support in the nights.

My hb can only function in the day time.

I have long given up my hb for the graveyard shift.

BB cry the house down already, he still can sleep soundly.

Once he gets into deep sleep, waking him up takes more effort than changing the diaper myself.

