(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Serene, jia you and hopefully we get what we wanted. Hehe.

KTSC, no worries. Just sharing what I know but better to confirm again with gyne and the TMC registration staff. Even I think the one-time flat rate parking for TMC starts at 6pm. Thought of mentioning this in my earlier post but maybe daddies or mummies think they may not feel the pinch. Hehe. If you know the parking charges at TMC was really high so if can enter after 6pm would be gd ah. We arrived at TMC before 6pm so got charged for 1st hour. Cant rem how much but felt not worth when we were not in hurry. Maybe KS abit since we were 1st timers. My op was after 10pm then. Plus, we wanna fully utilise the complimentary parking coupons given by TMC so hubby din use it for the 1st night.

rantingbaby, think we would be sponged during the 1st day after the op, at least that was what I rem in my last preg at TMC. Then if we want to shower can do so too. Think I went for shower cos dun feel pain at all after the c sec. This time round Im pretty apprehensive cos been coughing for sometimes then only now getting slightly better. If coughing still persists when I done my c sec then afraid my wound will hurt. I have regained partially of my voice. LOL. Finally ah.

Massaging issue

BTW, like to know the benefits of massaging. Is it to lose weight after delivery or to help moving our womb back to its position?

Cos the massage I did din do much to me. I feel pain too. Maybe course of the massaging that touched the muscles around my wound.

I found a massage lady called Mdm Mona and I think she charges quite cheap too. Think 5 sessions at about $180 or something. however, the bad thing is we cant give her our preferred timing, so largely depend on her schedule.

Not sure to engage her this time too. Last time the massage lady I have engaged charged me per session at $50, including demostrating baby massaging. However, appointment only at night cos after her full time work at ESH. She's a qualified massaging lady at ESH. Plus she is not pushy about getting us to buy her products.



Oh so soon ah!...I realized that my induction is via the drip not the tablet kind so it kind of speed things up a lot.

Rem ur chick essence k?

Just wondering if any mummies here ever get induced with the drip?

bbf so soon as in? My EDD is 5th May.. so ok la... not very soon...

I will be put on drip as well, according to my gynae, for the induction. So glad it to know it will help to speed up...

SK, thanks for sharing TMC parking charges.

The massage ladies Mdm Mona and the one who work at ESH sounds good, u still got their contact.


I was just referring to your admission tonight, I thought u still got another day. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My concept of time is now super off...paiseh

Anyone has any idea how to engage the masseuse at ESH? I didn't do it the last time. Mayb will try this time.

afternoon mummies... seems like alot of mummies are popping this few days... too much post for me to catch up...

bb jaundice

i gave my girl green grapes juice this morning... coz today got review @ polyclinic... will let u mummies know if it really works in reducing the jaundice level ya...


i stopped my massage after 4 days coz i dun really enjoy the sessions... more of wanting to recover faster coz this is gonna be my last preg... on the whole, i find mdm marium not too bad... she's very friendly n punctual lor... n her skills r quite gd... just tt i'm not used to it i guess...


it's ok not everyone responds to massages the same. I am also a lil' apprehensive as to how it will be.

How are you coping this time round with both kids?

haha i whole nite waiting for signs of labour leh..Wa cant get to sleep also..Anxiety and fatigue haha! In my wk 40 alr ..Everyday wk up tot today is the day haha!! bo leh sobs!

Brenda: i was also waiting for sign. And hope sign will come naturally. At least with sign, we know the success of natural delivery is up by 50% already. If it's not bcos of low water bag level, I would have waited.

Lilstarz, base on my wife c-sect with epidural, I also went in like 15min. Bb come out. Check this check that and cut cord about 5 min. Then take 3 shots of photo and out I go with bb. The father need to see to it that that's your baby till they put the tag on him. Before that he will be weigh and changed. We need to supervised as the father.

Lucasmummy, all the best tonight.

My wife stayed in hosiptal 4 days 3 nights. She only changed twice of her pyjamas, for your info. Only till the next day then she able to change due to the wound and drip.

serene> I had no choice lei... Office seemed to be in a mess. I need to go back to watch all the workers. Hai....

blue_turtle7> Just asked auntie jumie, she does normal massage too!

Jerbunny> 5th month then start package then would he ask you to do the week 12 blood test?

SK> Regarding the massage, actually I'm not very sure also. I think is to help get back into shape faster, to help to clear out the blood [to prevent blood clot], to clear out the water retention and also to help the uterus to get back into shape....

Chloie: Thanks for helping to check! =)

Jerbunny: Your package not very expensive already lar. Mine is like $1000 from 4th month onwards. zzz... That time when we pay we didn't do any research. Only after paying then we realised that ours so expensive. But too late to undo, so we just stuck with it. In the end, I think the gynae is still ok. She answers all the questions we ask, does the ultrascans, gives us pictures, etc. Also recommended us to do OSCAR and blood test and so on. But all these charge separately lar.

Think $600 is quite standard in TMC. Maybe mine is expensive so don't see much queue as compared to the other clinics. That is ok with me cos I don't really like to wait.


thks for asking... #1 had been quite adaptive to mei mei... Will alwys sayang her if he walk pass her... N he super excited when his mei mei cry lor... Will shout for us to attend to her... I'm coping okie... Just more tired coz no CL this time rd so have to take care of bb at nite... Lucky #1 dun wake up at nite anymore if not I jialat lor... Panda eyes for sure one!!!!


Must endure!!! SHow me you can do it...haha coz I will be joining u soon.

Your #1 is so sweet and attentive. Does #1 and #2 all sleep together with you?

I am wondering how this will work out coz also got no CL this round.

Very jialat if #2 cry then #1 also wake up to cry together.


I also used Mona for my first birth. Her charges are indeed one of the cheapest in town. Due to the affordability, her schedule is always packed. I find her quite good leh, she managed to flatten my tummy in 5 days, will be engaging her services again this time round. :")


I think you are very prepared for what is to come than when we 1st met at steamboat!

Glad your motherly instincts oozing out already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I didn't really get it until I brought my bb home...still in state of disbelief.

My nesting instincts also quite bad this time. I cannot even make proper decision what type of pram to buy then get all stressed up.

You are right. I am very very thankful my mum can help me

with managing the household, food, and bathing the bb,

so I won't have to go crazy supervising CL or maid.

Still, night shift for 2 kids and feeds which can be very tough. Be warned if you plan to TBF. :p

JSP, your #1 so sweet! Must be a nice brother next time. Maybe now he knows mei mei needs mummy more so that why don wake up at nite?

Mrs Teo, yeah so good if our own mother can help. Too bad my mother can't help.

When my SIL doing her confinement, even she hired her own CL, my MIL also nagged.

So I quite worry for my confinement and don't know whether my MIL can get alone with my CL or not...

Too many people stay in 1 roof huh, troubles never stopped....


u also no CL? N yes we all slp together in 1 rm... But #1 has not been woken up by #2 so far... Coz usually I'll carry her b4 she wakes anyone else up... Me super light sleeper... Heehee... I'm counting down to the end of confinement lor... I'm sure I can do it so u sure can one... No worries hor...

Me was initially thinking of slping in another room with #2 one but my Hb bu she de me slping in another rm so we decided to try out n see how!!!!


do you think it is mainly dependent on whether CL takes instruction from MIL?

I find that old pple and the respect thing really get in the way of communication.


my #1 dun wake up at nite since he 6 mths old unless he sick lor... N I'm sure he'll be a protective kor kor one... Budden he's really a gd boy lor... Coz when I feeding #2 he'll go do his own stuffs...


yes, I got no CL and mum won't do night shift.

Oh that's a relief!!!...I hope my #1 is a sound sleeper. Thanks for the assurance! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I suppose anytime you are ready, but there are many literature which suggests to space the 1st and 2nd apart so that mummy's body can recuperate.

bbf, I'm not sure leh, just heard from my SIL, my MIL complain the CL bought too expensive food stuff lah, lazy lah...

So my SIL ask my MIL buy the food stuff for her instead, endup she paid my MIL few hundred per week!

So I already asked my husband, he will bring the CL to buy food stuff from NTUC after work every twice per week.


Don't worry lah I remember you have many helping hands also... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

What are your plans after confinement? Who takes care of bb?


I started actively trying for #2 when my boy turns 1yo... Coz dun wanna the age gap to be too big... So tt they can grow up together... 2yo is actually a gd age gap...

JSP, so sweet! hope my boy boy can be that good too (^^)..

Hoping to have a girl too hehe..

CL> we have to pay for her food stuff right?

Do you think she will ask before she grap food?

Or we just pay what ever she grap?

Cause my CL agent just mention that she will eat something "simple"..


wow your MIL put cordyceps and topgrade ginseng in every dish isit? So EX!!!

But then it depends on how many pple in the family and the quality of food you eat...grocery shopping can really add up.

I think your solution is great, I don't think your MIL will complain lah.

bbf, no leh, my SIL said just simple dish but got fish every meal lah. I know "fish" can be very expensive.

We don't eat the food cooked by CL leh..

Yeah loh at least if my MIL don't like the CL, the most she only complain about the way she take care of the baby.

HoneyB, exactly cos Mdm Mona is popular that's y need to book her early. I rem I called her on March and her schedule was packed till end Ar already so now not sure got slot for May or not. Think her package is pretty standard, 5 days session.

Hiyoh... today my MIL come see me in hospital... she carry the baby and the baby keep crying she keep insisting is the baby hungry why never feed water or formula milk.. how to baby dun eat for 3 days if no breastmilk blah blah blah.. wah piang... bloody annoying i tell u....

anyway i carried the baby and she stopped crying... so MIL kept quiet after that.... but sooo irritated already....

Serene.. my threshold of pain also low... but did with epi cos i dun like the sleepiness from GA plus wanted husband to watch the delivery...

Anyway c-Sec with epi is really individual and tolerance... my gfs all tell me no pain lah nothing wan lah... so basically to them they think i sound damn useless cos like so much problem hahahha

hire CL also have problem, my sis #1 have CL.. her MIL also nag.. say CL not good.. buy ex food.. then lazy.. (i think similiar comments everywhere)

then my sis #2... my mum did confinement for her.. but hor... also got arguements. but still better la its ur own mum... (plus my sis got her own place so its more convenient for my mum to feel at home during the month)

As for me, i am staying with MIL. My mum will only come over sometimes to help.

MIL is old.. she says she cannot look after 100% SILs are around to see head, see tail

last week just realised one household cannot have 2 owners employing 2 maids. And the maid we selected has been taken by someone else...

Current maid will switch to hb's name (used to be under MIL's)

then when bb born - hb have to chop chop get the bb maid. (under hb name also)

very troublesome lor.

means at least for the 1st week.. is dependent on MIL, my mum, me, SILs. all part timing ard to cope with baby.

During ML, bb maid do morning shift, while at night I have to do it lor. I tell myself have to at least TRY before I say i cannot manage.


I havent thot abt after ML leh... BUT most likley is MIL become household supervisor to the maids.

Hb also working out some schedules so that he can be working from home or on a more flexible schedule when I am going back to the workforce.

lilstarz... my frenz already pre-warn me tat 'on-lookers', family members, mil or even our mother/hbs, will comment when bb cry while we r trying to bf. they will giv insensitive remarks like "c la bb cry so hard must be hungry u not enough milk giv her fm la".

for mummies intending to tbf/bf, pls one ear in one ear out these type of comments n perservere on our method of feeding for our own child. my fren pre-warn me cos she fell into depression when her mil commented on her not producing milk n bb keep crying. remember: demand = supply!


just recalled that the clinic nurse told me.. when you in ward, (not admission counter) tell nurse you parking in Mt E carpark.. they will give you foc parking one day.

Mrs Teo, 1 day only meh? i thot is the duration of the stay?! alamak we park since yesterday morning leh.. i better go check with the nurse!


its thru'out?

I not so sure leh.

u ask the nurse la.

my hb says he heard is one day.

lilstarz29, do u feel any pain now?


u stay 2 nights 3 days?

I need to make sure when i discharge i have the confinment delivery meals ready... *must rem to contact them... they need 48hr notice in advance.

