(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Serene: for c-sect massage, you might want to check direct with the massage lady u intend to engage. i've called a few, some say can start after 4 or 5 days, some say 1 week, some 2 weeks. might have something to do with how they perform the massage and where they massage also.

KTSC: Auntie Jumie - 91652026

hohoho... today i packed my office shower and change pack! just in case d-day happens while at work. need to start drafting out the "helper" plan for my colleagues too. lalala...


Sue> I am complaining to my hb that I want to go back to work aldy. Do anything at home. Cant work properly with my laptop. Getting all crossed-eye aldy. LOL!

What are I looking for in a gynae? Very short waiting time, affordable, not chop chop kind [not that I got a lot of ques to ask lah], will give pic of ultrasound, attentive.....

My gyne also does the NT test for me. I know that some mummies here have to go the hospitals to get their scans done right? I never had to. I wonder isit cos my gyne use better equipment or cos she is qualified to do so.

So far my experience with my current gyne is very good just that I dont like the parking at Paragon and is abit ex lah. Never had to wait for a long time unless it is a walk in situation.

chubby_tiger> Jia you!!!!

KTSC> Dr Joycelyn Wong is also very popular that's why her waiting time is quite long. LOL!

Massage Lady, Auntie Jumie - 9165 2026

So far so good... I had 7 sessions so far... Plan to do 10 sessions. Hb say since I have nothing to do then ask her to come lor. Since he is paying for it then why not! Hahahaha!

Dear Chloie ah,

we e poor working souls are dying to stop work...

Enjoy while you can.. enjoy more massages.. i am dying for one..

I am so so tired today. Shd have rested at home.. sigh.. I am so so looking forward to life after giving birth and after confinement when I can go to my usual massage venue for massage and facial.. And good food.. and I have not even given birth yet.. Ha... cant wait for time to fly... Arghhhhhhh


I also never follow all the confinement rules, especially the one on not washing for the entire month. My last confinement I started washing with da feng cao from 2nd week on alternate days. Current confinement also started washing from 2nd week but once every four days.

I still wash hands with tap water especially when I personally take care of a wailing baby in the wee hours, etc.

Re: Massage Lady

I got a massage lady to recommend too. Her name is Zul and she helped me get rid of about 6kg of the weight gain & water retention. Her contact is 98804301. Every session is $45 - 45mins for massage & about 15mins for binding. If you have bought binder or corset, she will also help you put it on after using her wrap.

alreay finished my handover, very free now..

I think can't continue to work even I haven't pop next week.

Come office do nonthing, like a bit unfair to my colleagues...

Mummies who's start ML but haven't pop, what will you do at home?

I don't want to spend whole day sitting in air con room to watch TV or playing DS leh..

Luckyone... initially want to start ML on 3 May but since doc says all ok and go back see her in a wk's time... so i guess i will continue working leh... stay at hm whole day really v sian n hot too.. juz stay inside AC .. watch tv n do nothing..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

maggie mee, yeah loh do nonthing at home very sian..

Maybe will spend half a day, sitting at starbucks, reading magazine, playing DS bah.

If not go window shopping loh.

Your EDD 5 days b4 me, feeling nervous already?

haha, it's ironic how we all want to stop working when we are pregnant and then suddenly eagerly wanting to return back work after confinement.


Has your gynae given u the admission letter already?

I went to visit my gynae yesterday, I am in my week 39/40 and she also didn't do VE.

Infact, I was asked to set my appt to see her next week on the 5th.

I guess if they say nothing it should be ok to just wait until it happens.


I envy that you have ur handy human pump...I don't think I can ask my boy to help me.



Thanks thanks, still recuperating and I'm still here [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], looks like this one is going to make another VIP late arrival.

bbf... u'll nv noe lor.. ur EDD is 1st May rite.. heheh ANYTIME okie..

take care huh.

I am in ML mood already. Handover my tasks. Now i feel "lighter" mentally.


I got the admission letter from my gynae at 37weeks, basically it will state the room desired,

and info from doctor like my blood type and blood test results,

other instructions like delivery/c-sect/ epidural and the requested PD.

You have something similar?


yah the wait seems to be stressing my hb out...plus I'm not in tip top condition yet so I prefer it to be a little later.

Are you all set for next week's c-sect?


Yes...I might have perfected family planning. Timing could b very chun.. :p


me last week couldnt sleep. kept thinking abt the c-section + needles... + stitches.

try to tell myself i have to be a brave mummy. trying not to think about it. Keeping my thought busy with online (window) shopping + coming out with bb maid schedule, my workout schedule, planning my finances (since have 1mth confinement + ML is paid) - shd have some spare money to splurge during GSS ;)

Hi Loh,

Kindly update

Baby Kiersten born 28/04/10

C-Sec with Epi

2.365kg / 46cm

Supposed to be 2.96kg at last check i dunno where the 600g went

All the May mtbs.. jia you!! woohoooo..... i feel so light without the tummy...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I guess it's normal. Even for myself I also fear the 2nd round arse pain and TBF issues I have to go thru again.

But we will still go through it...

haha some will do it even 3-4 times. They have my respect.

I notice your nesting instincts super strong...You must be one of the most prepared mummies around here wor.. plan until GSS!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] What else have you not covered?

Hello mummies,

Went for gynae check yesterday. Bb's head has finally engaged! Yay! But cervix still closed. Boo! However, my water bag lvl has dropped to critical low. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So, have arranged to induce on 30th April, 12mn. No chance to become a may mtb I guess.

Gynae and I would wish I could wait but who knows suddenly waterbag lvl just dropped so low. This time she mentioned bcos of placenta ageing, thus bb not able to absorb enough nutrition and lead to the low.

However she reassured me that with bb's head engaged, the success of induction and naturall delivery is higher, so please wish me Good Luck, mummies!!!

staying at home will have the luxury to sleep and rest as much as I want. Be on time to chase tv series, surfing the Internet wherever and whenever, time for more packing n tidying the Hubby-messed up house.. Haaa.. Basically is to relax la.

For us we also vist parents plc for dinner, catch movie or go window shopping. But weather is indeed quite unbearable.

luckyone.. u bet.. me anxious to see my bb leh... but at least work takes my mind off [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats! Lilstarz!! Yea, where is the 600g???

Singapore Motherhood BB Fair on 3-6 June! Some of us may make it to stock up sone diapers on promo. Haa.

LucasMummy: JIAYOU! 30th midnight means u checking in tonight? Have a good stay! me will be going down gynae visit on monday morning. Let's see if u have discharged by then, else will drop by to say hi to you and lucas! =D

Lilstar: Congrats!


now i believe that you said to me.. motherly instinct will appear almost naturally.

I realised i wasnt the most mentally prepared thru out the whole preggy stages... but when there is something to be done for preparation for bb.. i quite onz abt it.

GSS is hehehe *paiseh* for myself la.

But of course will likely spend on bb also.

GSS starts 28th May leh. Very fast one leh. Must "target" wat u wana get first. hehee

lilstarz, congrats. were u scared during c section? since you were on epidural (u can see wats going on ard the OT)

lilstarz29, Congrats!

haha yeah loh should feel "light" after long pregnacy.

LucasMummy, maybe you bb come out after 12am?

Jia You!

Hi bbf,

nah, he has yet to give me anything.... must remember to get from him e next time i see him... must remind him.. he is too too busy liao... thanks for sharing wats in the admission letter....

Mrs Teo, u also Mount E right....

Yeah i found the epidural injection painful.. not the needle.. when they insert the liquid in..

they got this pole and they draped a towel over right in front of me so i can't see.. but can hear....

But i was pissed about being in the operating theatre they bring my husband dunno where then procedure start my husband still not there.. i was asking and asking where is my hubby... yeah they forgot about him...co-ordination a bit bad..

and during the surgery even though not pain.. the tuggin and pulling is uncomfortable.. certain times can be pain.. tolerable lah i didn't freak out and cry or anything... but after the baby came out... then feel some pain they say uterus contracting...like a cross between menstral cramps and gastric pain.... then they put some painkiller up the butt (that is really effective!!)

but i did check with my gynae before hand... if i really freak out can change to GA halfway she said no problem becos the anesthetist is there thruout.. but i had bad side effect to epidural... was shivering from 3 plus in the afternoon to 6 plus in the evening..... and then the legs cannot move.... wha not a good experience...

but then today ok already... walking around slowly.... wearing the binder helps i think... and eat painkillers on time!! haha

Would i do c-sec again with epidural... due to my side effect of shivering non-stop probably not... but then different ppl different side effects also.... plus think the whole thing about 1 hour my husband there only about 15- 20 mins becos after that he went out with the baby... not sure also is it due to hospital SOP...



If you induce at midnight means sure come out on 1st May right? Induction takes at least 2-4 hrs before delivery.


NP,I think I am so relax is also partially due to the letter which is on standby.

Blue_turtle Yes, it's tonight. =)

Lilstarz Thanks and rest well ya...

Luckyone How is that possible, then my whole labour experience is more than 24 hours liao...zzz I will have to sleep for 3 days 3 nights after that.. haa...

Just a question for all, actually we chose to admit at 12mn. Is it too weird a timing? It's because TMC start counting day 1 from 12mn to 12mn next day. My hubby thinks we really calculate until chun chun.... At least, I still get to lie on the bed, but poor him has to wait on the chair, and at that wee hour... all shops are closed!!!

Anyway, the process will begin like this.

Nurse will put the 1st tablet for dilation.

Wait for 2 hours.

If no sign, wait for another 8 hours, but can move around.

After 8 hours, no sign, 2nd tablet and another 2hrs + 8hrs again.

Max 2 tablets.

I can call it off anytime I want and go for c-sect.

Agreement as of now with hubby is to call it off if 1st tablet is unsuccessful. :s

Congrats Lilstarz (^-^) As long as BB is healthy and fine, the 600g would be easily "pump" back to baby in no time.

Chloie and bluetuetle, thanks for the contact of Auntie Jumie.

Thanks Rantingbaby for sharing the lobang of ML Zul. Can help to get rid of 6kg and $45 is tempting :p

BBF, do take care. Hope a speedy recovery before D day.

Mrs Teo, dun stress yrself up. I know its easier said than done. I have to face e C-sect for my #1, complete not prepared at all. Fear and sadness just come altogether and I got no time to consider.

Mmmmmm....maybe u can try to think of it this way, C-sect is just having the pain at another position instead of the V area, the recovery time is bit longer than natural delivery.

End result, most important, BB is healthy and fine.

BBf Thanks. I am admitting tonight, that is Thurs night, Fri morning... So not possible to be 1st may... Induction only takes 2-4hrs?? I will be very happy then! But my cervix not open... Will it take only 2-4hrs??


me is GA. coz i not so brave la.

since GA confirm hb cannot go in.

the most impt is that bb is healthy and well.

u rest good good huh!!!

after my c section.. i prob would ask for high dose of pain killers. i cannot imagine going home w/o them.


Jia You ahh!! Have a smooth delivery!

Omg this is so exciting.. all popping already..

I think by mid-May most of us will have given birth liao..

my EDD is so late in May, won't be so exciting for me already.. haha.

Lucasmummy, admit after 12mn is ok. When I deliver my #1 at Mt A, I also admit after 12mn, the hospital charge for day 1 is also from 12mn onwards.

Lilstarz, woo....quite an unpleasant side effect from epi. Ya, different ppl have diff side effects. For mine case, I only vomit alot 1 time off after a sleep after the C-sect. In the meantime, catch as sleep and rest as possible. And happi bonding wif BB (",)


is C-section w epi really that bad?

I am still choosing between the two.. On one hand, i wan to see the little one, but i have super low threshold for pain. A little prick by any needle, my tears will drop..

What shd I choose?

Jaslene, baby fair is this weekend at Singapore expo... at the same time, got Metro fair and some electronic fair..sure super crowded

Chloie, my gynae Dr. Beh S.T at TMC level 5 has very short waiting time and will give you scan photos for your every visit. He will answer any qns you have and in my opinion is quite attentive and friendly.

Downside is, his package only starts after the 5th month at $600. Very expensive if compare to most gynae charging at $600 from 3rd mth.

His clinic's name is Beh's Clinic, google for his number if you are interested.

He did my c sect for me and it was nicely done. My friend had 2 natural delivery via him and she is full of praises for him.

Serene, at that time, actualli my gynae told me to admit on 29 Sep evening, but cos I feel no pain, waterbag not break yet, so I wait till 30 Sep 12mn then admit, can save 1 day charge. Not sure is it consider as natural delivery or plan to induce cos never feel any pain or waterbag break lei....

If yours is C-sect 9am in the morning, most prob can admit on that day itself. Think better check with your gynae.

If C-sect, mostly is 4 days 3 nights.

Hi hi. Me right nw in tmc ward waiting to get cut up feel like chicken out thou is too late n nothing can be done. Pray everything fast n smooth delivery.

Lucasmummy, good luck tonight! jia you! suddenly got excited again to hear another mummy gg to pop!

Beginning to hav mixed feelings... like dunno gg to miss the bb inside me.. or dunno wat to expect when the bb is out.. n realising its no longer just hb n me but three of us now.. a bit worried, nervous, lost... arghh

Jaslene Oh... havent read about the details. Just saw it on Motherhood magazine. Bought the magazine yesterday to read in labour ward and now it's in the car. Will try to flip and find out some details and update if I can.

thanks KTSC.. cos i was wondering how many sets of pyjamas to bring.. Think not enuff, gotta buy a couple more. in case of stains.. sigh... my kind of pyjamas is those silky shirt dresses that is buttoned all the way till the knees kind.

Chubby_Tiger Jiayou!! Looks like I may see u at TMC! =) Have a smooth delivery!

Chillimum I am also excited. But will soon become nervous like chubby tiger..

