(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi AR and BBF

I so happy that you gals like the baby shower's idea. As a first time mum, and my EDD is on 3rd May(maybe earlier), I actually quite worry/doubtful on my "mobility" on the later stage(maybe after 30th week) which will be during the march and april. I tried to walk/be active as much as I can now. I think early March or even late Feb will be good. What do you all think? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


wah all starting to exercise already!

I brought my gym bag today.. have the intention to go to the gym to use the cross-trainer or bicycle.. I hope my enthusiasm is still there at 5.30pm!

Hi Rantingbaby

Yesterday I experienced some funny "pulling sensation" in my uterus when I was walking around shopping mall(I just reached the shopping mall). I have to ask my husband to slow down and hold on to him when walking. It felt like I need to pee but I'd just went to the loo like 2 mins ago. Weird! I felt much better after resting/siting for 10-15mins in a cafe. Is it becos the baby is growing? Or the low-placenta? Or just muscle-pulling? So weird...

Blurangel, Sue

Just a thought on my mind, did you ever ask Gwen or the yoga school is there any trial lesson provided for this maternity yoga? In case, may not feel comfortable after trying it

i feel so guilty.. the only form of exercise i do now is climbing the stairs to my 3rd floor unit n walking a lot. looks like all high energy mummys here!!


i had tat also if i been walking or out too long its like an ache in the womb.. feels better after resting.

Hi AR and Rantingbaby

You gals are so nice. Willing to offer/open your house for the gathering. Let see what others going to say. I'm fine with any location [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I like the potluck idea. For those who can't/no time to cook can buy drinks or chips or even disposable plates/cups/utensils. Ha! This is just some suggestions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


So far we had quite a few responses. I so happy. Thanks mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mummies,

After reading some of the posts regarding the weird feeling on your tummy, I believe it's the Braxton Hicks contractions.


I get this tightening of my uterus few times a day, it will last several minutes. My hubby can feel that my tummy 'hardens'.. then I always tell him the baby doesnt want to be disturbed.


totally understand how you feel.. Somehow I feel that I have lost control over my bladder.. always give me wrong signals one!! I went to pee before the movie, and 10-15min into the commercials I told my hubby I need to go toilet again! But then nothing much came out.. *Sigh*

I guess the pulling is just the uterus growing and weighing down, thus pulling ur ligaments. If no bleeding or severe pain, this should be normal.

Hi A R,

Thank you so much for sharing the babywishes.com website. It's going to be very useful for me and my husband. THANKS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


got trial lesson for the maternity yoga.

But I cannot rem how much it was...because after the end of that lesson, i had a choice of paying it as a trial lesson or to start it as the first lesson of the package.

Because i was quite comfortable with the instructor and place, hence decided to take it up as a package and put a deposit first, which they gave me a membership card on the spot. Paid the remaining in the next lesson. Pretty flexible. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi mummies... haven been posting for quite awhile coz was on leave and sending my #1 for childcare lor...

baby shower

i'm also interested... I'm fine with any place actually... n i think dun go beyond the 8 mth as we would be heavily preggy by then...


i shld be ashamed leh... coz even b4 preggy i nvr exercise so preggy even worse lor... hahaha... budden due to work requirements, i need to walk quite alot and i need to climb stairs at hm so i take tt as exercise lor... heehee... u mtbs r super ON lor... *shame on me*

Hi bb-bao.

I have been monitoring it. Making sure no bleeding. Yesterday, I went to the loo like 4 times. Ha! Oh! By the way, I read article that did mentioned - massaging our breast (approx. 1 mth before delivery) is a good way to prepare our breastmilk. But I also heard that it will trigger the Braxton Hicks contractions. What's your take on that?


Any comment in this area?

Ya, keen to go for the trial lesson first. Would call Gwen tomorrow when she is back in Singapore and find out more

Hi Chillimum,

You can climb stairs. That is so good. I can't do that anymore. My legs will be shaking/trembling when I'm walking up any stairs. Ha! The only exercise that I can do now is walking like you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway, I heard from one fitness instructor before that walking/climbing against gravity(stairs/slopes) is a very good way to slim/keep fit.

Wow! This thread suddenly so active! I'm lost with the baby shower [???] and then suddenly yoga class [lagi ?????????}. Need to time to slowly read thru.


May MTB are interested in baby shower in late feb to early march... draw names then buy gift for the other mums (i think something liddat - i read very briefly)

KTSC, Sue and me wanna try wasabiyoga. which blur angel is already taking currently.

u keen? heheheh. We opting for weekday aft work classes.

wow! the thread today seems to SO ACTIVE! Even before I can read finish the postings, new ones are already up!

Welcome to those who thanked for the information. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So whose planning the baby shower? any constructive details for the baby shower since many have given thumbs up for the proposal.

Hi Mrs Teo,

The chillipad.com.sg confinement food looks good.

By the way, just to share a recipe with you all which is good for BF. My mum told me yesterday...

If you gals have any slower cooker. You can try this soup recipes. Very simple.


Lotus root (approx. 15-20cm long)

Port ribs or chicken breast meat (one pack from NTUC)

Dried sotong (a few, depend on you. Soak and wash. Cut into small pieces)

Water (depend on your pot - 3/4 filled)

Salt to taste

Just throw for ingredients in pot(except salt) and let it boil for half a day. Only add salt once done. I have not try that. Can't get the lotus root from NTUC yesterday. Will try to do it this coming weekend.


Ur suggestion is noted but should I have the honour organising, I would definitely love to have it in tampines since I stay in the east. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


pot luck is good for small groups but let me say this first! My food may not turn out edible....haha


for me i think it's not so much of the walking.

Actually walking is good for the last trimester. I'm only concerned abt the crowd.

The last taka bb fair is crazy....the queue to the cashier was snaking everywhere.

But i did remember one prized buy i ad at one of those bb fairs, a digital ear/forehead thermometer which cost me $60.

Moral of story, must target what is the best deal, grab and get out fast!

The rest u can slowly collect whenever there's a 20% sale at any of the major shopping centres.


small means u can take durians!!! Try it it works!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

How i wish my gynae can say that to me so that i start eating instead of asking me to watch my diet and cut down on sugar. haha envy envy.


thanks for the list. I almost forgot what I need to prepare.

Need to whip out all my breastfeeding books also le. Oh the nipple cream can get lansinoh or medela brand, if i remember correctly its pure lanolin so even bb takes in, it will won't be bad for them.

Sue, KTSC, Blurangel, Mrs Teo

I'm definitely keen on yoga with u folks too on Tues 7pm.

If we can get a group of 5 or more, I was thinking that we could negotiate for a trial together and ask to sign up for 8 sessions instead of 12.

I don't think my body can take any yoga during final month of the last trimester

and after childbirth i will focus 100% on bf, and rushing my milk home, so it's quite unlikely I will have time for those remaining lessons.

What do u all think?


mrs teo:

wha..beri beri good summary of the day's chats.. hehe


sounds like you're good at negotiating sia! wanna do the calling tom? hehe... 8 sessions sound good too..

am very excited to start the yoga sia..

btw blurangel, mrs teo, ktsc, me just checked wif hubby on the schedule... i'm gonna be back to office on tues afternoon, so he's ok that i go for the evening yoga on 19th..

wha.. i oso like durians..haven't had them in quite a while already...

just had the forbidden sashimi & sushi for dinner.. salmon, hotate, amaebi and more salmon...YUMMY!!! :p

Vivi yes it is really beneficial. When the MW first told us about it during antenatal class I wasn't really sure if it works but anyway I thought I try. So I used it during the weeks leading up to birth and during labour itself. Now I believe it contibuted a lot to the fact that I managed without any drugs and had a short second stage labour when I had my son. Now I wouldn't think twice about using it. I just got my ball out again in the last few days. Been sitting, rocking and bouncing on it. Ha! Ha! Sometimes I hold my son while rocking on it and he falls asleep. Must be something to do with the gentle rocking motion. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway there's more about it on here:


Hey mummies!

Wow so many posts to read!

Went for my 2nd part of detailed scan today.

1st detailed scan - couldnt really see his heart cus he was near my belly button area and was moving all around. Thats like 2 weeks ago and he was 275g at 19-20weeks.

Today went for my detailed scan - his heart is alright, nose & lips can be seen and no cleft lips. what amazes my gynae was that bb gained about 500g+ so now he's ard 700g+

At first he was smaller than my girl at 19-20weeks now he is CHUBBY according to my gynae and very tall. Must be because hb complained so much saying that i dont eat well, keep watching my diet thats y our boy so small size... today he kept quiet and never say anything about being small already cus he is so chubby now! No wonder i keep feeling so heavy and have to rest every now and then!

Re:J & J products and other cleaning products for baby

Just thought I mention this. When I had my son, the midwives were adamant that we shouldn't use anything on the babies skin except water and if necessary olive oil for the first month. It has something to do with babies being born with good bacteria on their skin and use of chemical products (baby soap, shampoo, even baby wipes) even mild ones will kill them off. Whenever they came to do their post delivery checks they will remind us to only use cotton wool and water to clean baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BB Fair:

Pity I won't be around for it this time. So have fun shopping/browsing around. Btw if anyone is interested in getting Bumwear for their baby it might be worthwhile getting it during the fair as they usually have some sort of promotions then. I got mine there almost two years ago when I happen to be down in Sg for the BB Fair and they were throwing in a few freebies which you don't normally get if you get it direct from their store.


I already sent them an enquiry on their webby and asked them to contact me. Hope to hear from them soon. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

If you like sashimi, must try the 胜鱼片粥 from tiong bahru market avail only before 11am on weekends.

Wanna go for a durian session on a weekday evening? i look at the blog...cannot tahan, feel like chionging down to eat.

Dear mummies

i chanced upon a checklist for the arrival of the baby

Baby’s Room

Baby’s Cot

· Wind-up mobiles/ Merry-go-round

· Mattress

· Blanket

· Bumper

· Cot sheets

· Mattress protector

Changing mat

Chest of Drawers


· Nappy liners

· Cotton buds

· Pacifiers

· Mittens

· Booties

· Nappy

· Safety pins

· Face towels

· Shirts – long and short sleeves

· Handkerchief

· Suits – pants and long shirts

Cotton balls etc.

Nail clippers

Cream to prevent nappy rash

Oil for wind

Ziplock to store soiled pampers or nappies.

Baby Bathing


Baby shampoo

Baby bath tub

Baby bath

Cotton buds

Tissue paper

Bath towel

Bath sponge

Baby lotion

Baby oil


Care of the Umbilical Cord Stump

Sterile swab applicators

Sterile cotton swabs

Feeding Baby

Milk bottles & small sized teats

Bottle scrub brush

Diaper bag

Tongs (to handle hot bottles)

6-Bottle Electric Steam Steriliser

Milk containers

Thermometer (to use when baby is unwell)



Baby carrier

Toys & Playstuff






Baby gym

Mummy Care

Breast cream

Cotton balls

Nursing pads

Bedroom slippers

Maternity Dress/ Pyjamas with front opening for breast feeding

Breast pump

Disposible panties

Sanitary pads

Other optional items

Electrical Flask

Claypot or double boil claypot for mum’s confinement soup

Homemade Rice wine

Baby clothing detergen

DOM wine

hopefully this helps in ur shopping

Go Morning Mummys....

When for my detailed scan on Sat and guess what!!! its a BOY!!! Both hubby and me are so excited and saw that our little boy was so active and moving ard and it took sometime for the radiographer to take her pictures.

BBF, pls update that its a BOY.thanks

Saw that you guys are discussing abt meeting again and i would definitely love to join this time as i was busy the last time.Im open the time and venue.

As for the yoga classes, im keen but need to wait for my class timetable to be out. That would be end of Feb.My classes would start in March, so i dont know if its a good idea to start now or later.Pls advise.

I will be going to KKH for the prenatal classes ts Sat 16/01.Anyone else is going?

BBF, good idea for the trial and subsequent 8 yogi lessons. Thanks for sending the enquiry.

Durian makan session, YUMMY :p

But need to go for my appt and DS on this Fri and check size of BB and see how's the sugar result first.

Looking forward to the baby shower (^_^)

Morning MTBs!! Wow durian session! Too bad i was forbidden to eat by gynae! to ctrl my weight... ard gain 7+kg since preggy! At 23 wk... bb ald 700g!!yeah!

congrats Anne!

i love durians too but not very good for me

as i already have a "heaty" / yang body.


2nd time mummies, may i check, usually for first born, does the baby born on the stated EDD or is earlier or later? How long earlier or later would it be?


thks for the add!


i kinda hav no choice cos no lift in my block so hav to climb to 3rd floor then my room on the 4th floor... lots of climbing. but its tiring esp after a long day returning hm climbing up the stair is quite straining.

now i worried after birth how... need to climb stairs again...sure pain one.

Mrs teo:

hey im also staying at potong pasir leh! hehe we also share the same birth year. wat a coincidence! maybe can bump into you one day at pp.

Hi Chillimum,

Actually I wanted to go for the March intake, but the staff at TMC advised me to go for the Jan instead.

She said scared that i may not be able to make it in time for my delivery/ too rush.

So i gotta take the Jan intake lo.

Hi Mummies

Wah, thread is so active.


Do note that if you want to buy Medela pumps, they may not differ much at the various baby fairs, so if you think it's worth the price, just grab and go. That's for Medela pumps only. I am not very sure about the other brands.

Chubby Tiger

I am a SAHM. I decided to stay at home after my daughter turns one. She's picking up a lot of new things and I also wanted to be available for my aging parents.

When it comes to decisions like this, you need to know if you are financially sound (i.e. min 6 months of savings). If not, would your husband be able to cope without your income and without the necessary savings.

For my hubby and me, He flies overseas frequently for his job, so pay-wise is just slightly higher than average white-collar who are based at home. But I made the switch without the 6 months savings, so I came up with my own home business to earn some spending money for myself.

On top of the monthly household expenses, I have a maid and a car. So we are quite heavily taxed. But I am receiving quite a few enquiries for my home business, which is quite positive news for me.

Importantly, your husband must support your decision to stay home and expect it to last for quite a few years.


I also old lady. I do my work at the dining table and whenever I need to get up, I am like an old lady with arthritis. I got very severe pain in the pelvic joint, and sometimes even my butt hurts.

btw, regards to swimming, you will float better due to pregnancy. So even if you don't know how to swim, just get yourself in the pool, stay by the edge and do some stretching exercises in the water will help with your joint aches and all.


During confinement, if you hire a CL or have someone who's helping you, she will help you bathe the infant.


Sometimes if we walk a tad too much, Braxton Hicks (i.e. fake contractions) will come on. The tip is walk a little, rest a little. Once home, prop legs up on pillows to prevent cramps and swelling. If you have small stools at home, use them to prop up your legs while watching tv at the couch, will also help to reduce cramps and swellings.

For Braxton Hicks, they strike anytime of the day. So if you are standing, sit down. If you are seated, stand up or lie back. Braxton hicks will usually fade once you change position.

A gym ball is known as a birthing ball during labour. You can sit or lean against it during Stage 1 labour.

Massaging your breasts a month leading to birth will help stimulate the breast and prepare it for breastfeeding, yes. Trigger labour contractions? No. It's the suckling of nipples that MAY trigger labour contractions. Cos when you latch your bb for BF, the suckling action helps to contract your womb, that's how BF mummies slm down so fast.

Oh, stair climbing is good for tightening butts too. But better to do it post-partum. If you need to do so pre-natal, then keep it to less than 3 storeys. Better to check with gynae.


I don't mind the travel since I am driving. Hehehe... I can even give some mummies a lift, if necessary.

Hi Hon

Welcome to the thread!


One note on cot bumper: It is not necessary to put them in just yet, cos it may cause SID. So you may want to get it later, when your baby is slightly older and more active.

You can get 2 sets for items like nail clippers, changing mats, nappy cream, RU Yi Oil, Baby lotion, Thermometers and diaper bag. Cos some of us may have 2 change areas - bedroom and living room. So instead of moving the items about the house, just buy 2 sets. Diaper bag can get 1 big and 1 small. Small bag is for short trips to nearby malls, and big bag is for trips where you leave the house for the whole day.

Anne Raj

Give 2 weeks window for before and after EDD. Every mummy's pregnancy is different. My #1 was born in week 38, a day before my gynae appointment for week 38.

May 2010 MTBs Baby Shower

Date: Late Feb / Early Mar (TBC)

Venue: TBC

MTBs interested as follow:










If I have added your nick or missed out your nick by accident, please feel free to update the list.

rantingbaby... is it ok to let new born sleep in snuggler? i dun intend to get a cot yet.. maybe let bb slp next to me for 1st few mths ..

MTBs... any advise on avent manual pump? me intent to get that 1st since not sure if can bf for long... also will prob bf for 3-4tmhs b4 returning to work.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello ladies!

I hope all had good lunch. I have a very heavy one. I am so full! My tummy cud burst!- And am 70kg now! *GRasp!* Put on 10kg since I got preggie.. Is that good or bad?

Anyway, thanks bbf for the updates! I guess I might see you in ESH if I deliver early. I think there are few more delivering @ ESH. Cool! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I just called Mdm Ida, she is fully booked for East side in May. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] She gave her sisters number. Is she good?

Maggi, is it safe to let the baby sleep next to us during the first few months? Mine is a queen sized bed.. then might have to push my hubby to mattress... But I also heard that keeping baby next to you is good. It builds the bond better.

Hi Hon! WElcome to the thread! Be warned, this is a super active thread so read the updates often. If not you'll get lost (happened to me few times) heheh!


maybe we could buy the durians for dessert for the baby shower! :p

And I am curious to know abt these TMC classes. WHat is it about? How come ESH doesnt have any?

I need help with getting a maid. I need a good tamil speaking maid to help me out. Start in March 2010. Any recommendations for agencies? I heard the agency fees is $1000 now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Why so ex?!

Hey rantingbaby, care to share with us what kinda home biz are you doing? (If its ok with u sharing that it) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Bec I am also planning to go into home based biz.

rantingbaby, Im interested to go for the May 2010 MTBs Baby Shower too...

Thanks for the advise on EDD for 1st borns. Is there an planning required?


eh actually yr due early may.. if take march course finish during end apr just nice? the lady (ann) advise me to take march course. think i will cfm to book tat.

Mrs Teo,

yup yup pp is a cosy estate. im staying at 126. quite a long walk fr the mrt station though [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i like tat its near to town n everywhere else. maybe we can catch up one day after work? im norm hm weekdays after 6ish.


i certainly will try yr suggestion to relieve my ache. pool party anyone? when my back hurts i cant walk straight so i walk slowly w my back bend haha think i look pathetic then. (i realise a lot of it has to do w posture cos when i sit up straight i dun get the ache often. gotta remind myself not to slouch). my hb say im only five mths now already like old lady.. later when my belly gets bigger how?? hahahah!

Hi A R,

i put on abt 3 or 4kg.. i heard total weight gain range fr 8 to 15kg..

You can get more info fr TMC website can find out the course module. basically it teach us how to take care of ourself n bb before n after birth. and labour n during child birth wat to expect n how to manage pain etc.. also on breastfeeding n bathing the bb.. i know Mt A has a course similiar to this too.

hi mtbs... had a light lunch coz scared of heartburn later lor... so bought some snacks for teabreak at 3pm... heehee...

n the thread is getting more n more active ya... horray!!!


i LOVE durians lor... budden i need to go for my glucose test tomolo 1st then can cfm whether my sugar level okie anot... my mum got diabetes so gotta be careful lor...

chillimum/Mrs Teo

hahaha... another pp mummy... me stay macpherson area... very near to u gers too... heehee...

maggie mee

i also bought my medela freestyle liao leh... coz the deal like quite gd lor... but if u intend to buy avent then wait for taka or isetan pte sale... more discount n freebies...


just to ans ur long asked qn, i did not bath my #1 during confinement leh... leave to the CL to do it... budden i watch how she does it so tt will not kalang kabo after she leave lor...


i also called up Mdm Ida but she referred me to someone trained by her coz my area covered by the other lady... her name is Mdm Marium... n she had cfm my booking liao... i think they r filling up quite fast for may liao... n i heard they r all equally gd...


like wat rantingbaby mention, diff preg diff one... coz i was 2 weeks plus earlier than my EDD... n i've got frds who need to induce coz they r way pass their EDD... i think EDD is not so accurate if ur menses r not regular lor...



u have fb account?

I am staying at the other end of pp - long walk too. We can meet aft work at pp mrt (mac or something)


