(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hey ladies!

The weekend is going to end in a few hours... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sob sob. Why cant weekends be 3 days?!

I am also very keen in booking Mdm Ida, but what if I give birth ahead of the EDD? will she adjust to the timing later?

Rantingbaby> Firstly,I Hail U!! What a health nut! I wish I was even half of that! I lost my exercise regime after I left poly. I was a dancer so I kept fit by dancing.. after that, the thighs just grew bigger.. hehehe.. And thanks for the tips to minimise leg cramps. I elevated my legs during sleep, and didnt get the cramps. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Vivi> Baby Shower!! - you have my vote! thats extremely cool! If you guys are ok, we can have it at my place (Tampines). Its only me and my hubby.. so no ILs problem and all. And keep me updated of the workshops... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi mums-to-be,

I have a steam steriiser and a baby food cum bottle warmer for sale.

Both are Philips Avent products.

Easy and convenient to use.

Brand new condition.

Good prices. Definitely much lower than rack prices.

Pls sms/call me if you are interested.

HP: 98397338


u r right! must remember to take some pics the next round! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We should have another foodie session next month after CNY. any good suggestions? durians? seafood? crabs?

Vivi, baby shower sounds like fun!

I think the event has to be in March, cos we'll start to pop by late April.

And mobility gets compromised by the late 3rd trimester.

Any suggestion on a good date?

AR, thanks for proposing to open up ur house for the gathering!

We'll definitely consider ur place if the attendees do no exceed what ur house can accommodate.


I admire ur strength and I'm so glad ur boy is doing well. I'm sure u will hear from him in within the these few weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Continue to stay cheerful and positive!

Welcome Angela, honored to have ur 1st post. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Please feel free to make more noise here.

bbf, I saw the update... Aneesha and A R is me. I changed my display name bec didnt want ppl to google my name and find me here. :p Bec my baby's gender is exposed here! heheheh.. so u can take out the one with Aneesha as my nick. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] THanks!


I used to be able to walk around Wing 1 & 2 of Jurong Point. Now I consider myself fit if I can just survive NTUC Extra at Jurong Point for grocery-shopping.

Btw, it'd be nice to have a baby shower at before we pop. My place can be used too, but it's on the other end of Singapore from AR's place.

Mrs N

Please don't frighten me leh. I may want baby #3, but I also want to slim down first leh. According to my cousin, with each baby we carry, it gets harder to shed the weight. So let's all add oil together!


Glad the tip worked. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


if any mummies lives in the central area & is open to having us there for baby shower, you can have the honour of planning the gathering... :p

hi MTBs

Just a short update of what was my biggest "take-home" msg from the 88db baby fair over the weekend. Apart from the educational stuff abt pregnancy and childcare, my ignorant self got to know abt cord blood donation fr the presentation by the Singapore Cord Blood Bank (SCBB).

Haha...so far i've only acquainted myself with the private cord blood banking companies which tell you to pay some thousands to store ur baby's cord blood in case of use in future.

But then for SCBB, it's like blood donation at the HSA blood bank like that, you are contributing to a global resource for matching with babies over the world who are sick with leukemia, lymphoma, etc...so potentially can save somebody's life.

Haha sorry if i sound like i'm advertising, i'm def not from SCBB... :p just that i used to donate blood regularly till i got pregnant...so am glad that i can have a chance to "contribute" again, afterall, cord blood donation can only be done at labour! :p who knows, if i dun have a 2nd kid, then this will be my only chance this lifetime! :p

Hi Ladies,

Saw a few ppl engaging Mdm Ida.. Saw lots of ppl say bf helps a lot too, hope it really does.

Anyway I have not choose any bridal shop for my wedding pix but definitely don't wish to look fat for the shoots...

Baby shower sound so nice.. its a pity that I rent out my hse alrdy if not my hse is available..

I have yet to experience a baby shower in my 1st pregnancy. It would be a great to have it for my 2nd BB. If in Mar, maybe we can organise it either before or after the Babycare Festival 2010. Just thinking if before, we can discuss what are the necessities to look out and buy in this fair.

Just a suggestion, we can have a pot luck session at one of the MTB's house

Hi ladies, I haven't been coming in here for a while. Been busy with work and my boy. Last week's dinner gathering sounds fun, will try to join you in the next one.

For those we have yet to book your confinement nanny, I advice you to do so now cos' I had to call about 6 to 7 before finally manage to get one who is still available around my due date. It was quite stressful and I was even contemplating of turning to confinement nanny agency which I'm not very keen on.

Maggie Mee, you asked about the 1 bedder at KKH. I stayed in one of those when I delivered my son. All I can say is that I was quite impressed. Both by the service as well as how new the wards look. My hubby stayed over during my stay there and he too had no complains. I'm definitely opting for the 1-bedder again this time round.

Thks mattsmummy.... my EDD very close to yours.. mine 8 May.... im shd be opting for 1 bedder cuz prefer HB to stay overnite...

Btw.. MTBs when are you going to start buying feedings needs n bb stuff? ( pumps, steriliser, bb clothers etc) Shd wait till Mar taka n expo fair?? Any advice??

Juz thinking by den, we will be 8mths... duno got stamina to walk n shop onot..


My friend is a wedding photographer and he did my ROM, pre-wedding and actual day. I will ask him to shoot my maternity photos too! I know I am in good hands when he's behind the camera!

Ya I totally regret signing up the bridal package.. the backdrops are all the SAME, costumes are the SAME.. even the poses are the SAME. So Bleh! It's like same template for all the couples.


Thanks for sharing the information on cord blood banking! My hubs was keen on the idea on banking the cord blood.. seems like 'contributing' to the global source is a good idea too.

maggie mee,

I am planning to get those items during sale only.. Was shopping with my hubs yesterday and see the prices of all these items.. *faint*

Might be drawing up a "wishlist" - easier for friends who want to buy us baby gifts. I mean if your friends don't mind, they can share on the more expensive items. (I hope I have such friends haha).


Mine will be on Weekday at Mt A. Will we be seeing each other?


in my detailed scan, i cannot really see my baby features. Image so blur only gynae understand. Is your detailed scan 3D?


Thank you for the welcome greeting.

Pls update me in your list.

EDD: 16May, anlin, DR Ho HK @MtA

Hi Ladies,

Maggi. If you or ur hubby have car, I suggest u go to JB to get ur stuff. I just got some yesterday from Giant hypermarket @ Skudai. Its def much cheaper then Singapore. I bought few basics that are unlikely to be presented as gifts...

And can I have mdm Ida's number?- cant find her number in the thread.

Hi mummies,

Would like to know anyone like me planning to let the maid to take care of our newborn bb when we go to work or resign to be a full time hsewife? I'm thinking whether can I use to it of not working and hubby income able to support my personal expenses e.g. insurance, hp etc.. anyone can share with me?

A R,

I totally agree with you! I am intending to get the diapers and some clothings from JB too.. BUT I draw the line when it comes to milk powder. I will only buy from Sg suppliers, cos at least these food items are approved and checked by AVA.

I think Tebrau City is a great place to start.. not vert far from the customs (straight road from customs to the mall) and it seems safe enough. I remember my hubs forgot to lock his car when we went shopping!!! Thank god everything was intact after half a day at the mall..

About confinement ladies:-

I booked my cl thru a recommendation from my friend. My friend got the cl from the agency. From what I heard from her, she only pay the said amount [eg: $1800] to the agency. The agency would then pay the cl on their account. I book the cl directly. So I think the cl is happier that way as she can earn more [and not having to let the agency taking away some commission].

Sue> I also could feel my tummy hardening up when I lie on bed during the night. Sometimes when I am siting down, I felt it too. Can feel the "lump" moving right! Sometimes to the other sides or sometime just disappeared to the inner tummy. I did asked my gyne before but she say is actually the womb moving. So not sure is bb movement or wombs'. Never experienced it before when I am at my gynes' so no chance for her to see it.

Detail scan:- Did mine last Fri. Gyne say all ok for my girl. No very visible signs of cleft lips also. Hope all is fine too! *fingers cross* She was cooperative initially then start to move around then gyne had a little hard time trying to scan her spine. Her weight now is about 311grams. I think gyne did mentioned that bb is abit small for my week 21+. So would need to monitor.

Went to gyne this morning again. Cos last evening, the father of my girl push my leg away [which was up on the sofa, the ah lian way] way too hard. I was in pain! And he thinks that I was faking it!!!! I had to cry and eat dinner alone. My sil was nice enough to sayang me. Then later on, he realised his fault then he apologise to me. I told him not to say sorry to me cos if anything happens, he would be sorry so he has to apologise to my girl. Went to scan this morning, baby was sleeping sounding. HENG AH!!!!! It definitely gave him a huge scare. But my gyne said that the pain / cramps I was feeling could be the muscle pull.

yos.. good afternoon mtbs [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how was the weekend???

anyone already signed up for maternity yoga?


i just called up wasabi yoga and found that they have just suspended their weekday nite classes...

think it's cos no one's attending..(like u mentioned, it was a solo session for u)

but i spoke to Gwen and she said she could put the evening classes back (in Feb) and prob on Tues nites and get more mothers to attend..

will u also go for it?

i can't make it for weekend classes lei...

any other mothers interesteD?

feels weird if i'm the only participant lei.. shy... :p

the place is at north bridge road, $350 for 12 sessions...

can check out http://www.wasabiyoga.com/

hi all mtbs,

hey count me in for the baby shower! hmm think it will be fun n riotic! haha

regarding losing weight after birth.. how abt the binder thingy tat mums put on right after giving birth? any feedback on tat?

is anyone attending the TMC parentcraft course march intake? im booking the weekday evening slot(at AMKhub)

Hi vivi2010,

i think walking is a v gd exercise but lately when i walk too much in one day or stand too long my back will ache. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] somemore im a fast walker. now feel like an old lady liao!

Hi bbf,

i saw yr updated list. cld you kindly add me in too?

EDD 23 may, TMC, DR phua soo mear, gal, bb no.1

thanks a lot![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihis [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


phew.. heng that all is fine.. ya lor.. the muscle pull feeling is quite scary hor...dunno if it's baby hurting or womb not ok or something..

for me, my baby is getting more hyper...

my mum told me to ask her to flip in the correct direction and i've been trying lor..

she seems to respond more to movies (cinema or DVDs)

other than that, quite lazy to tok to her.. hehe!

Mrs Teo:

yays! i was told by the owner/founder Gwen that she doesn't cancel classes even if there is only 1 mum attendee.. but i think the more the merrier lor.. (up to an optimum size)

blurangel mentioned that attention is quite personalised...

if u keen can call up 65343454 and put ur name down .. can mention my name lor.. though i don't get discount(haha) but i guess if more mums indicate interest, that'll increase chances of the Tues evening classes even starting at all ...

oh oso.. the package is for 12sessions, but if we deliver earlier, they can convert to other kinds of lessons (which we can attend post delivery) too...

maggie mee,

I am quite lucky to hv my sister prepare for me many of the things i may need at least for the day of delivery and next 2 weeks (except sterliser + breastpump + milk bottles)

Heres a list of items she gave me

- 2 packet infant diapers

- 2 tubes desitin cream (for nappy rash)

- 2 tubes J&J lotion

- 1 bottle J&J shampoo(not necessary coz bb skin quite sensitive.. perhaps water will do)

- 1 bottle J&J body wash (not necessary coz bb skin quite sensitive.. perhaps water will do)

- 3 packet baby wet wipes

- 1 packet cotton ball (wet it - then to clean bb eyes)

- 1 packet sterile wipe

- 1 bottle ABD detergent for washing baby nappy

- maternity pads

- nipple cream

also i have the below hand -me-downs

- 1 dozen square face towel

- 1 dozen cloth nappy

- 3 changing mat

- 1 diaper bag

- 1 baby bath tub

- thermometers (forehead and ear kind)

- nail scissors

- baby monitor

- cot

- pram

- infant car seat

- high chair

- bath towel (hooded)

above are only some of the things i have now. I guess I still have to look see around during bb fairs to check out what is missing.

Hope the list is able to give u some ideas on what items to get during all mum-to-be shopping trips.

Sue, okie i will call either tonite or tmr ;)

got kaki more fun. Usually if i am alone... tend to skip lessons. hehehhe


I have booked the March intake - Thurs evenings at AMK Hub (the 18 Mar onwards right?) YAY we should be seeing each other then!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif] By the way, did you confirm if it's Mrs Wong Boh Boi's class?

My friend confused me and told me Mrs Wong doesnt teach weekdays.. *BLUR*

Maggi> I got stuff like the 5 tier plastic drawer cabinet for bb's stuff (RM 29.99) - Singapore Giant is seeling at S$34.95 (this is sale price)

Then I bought the bottle brush, face towels, drapolene diaper rash (RM20), Pureen diaper cloth (12pcs- RM 29.99).. milk powder case (RM6)..i bought few more things but cant really rmb what I bought.. But things like breast pump, I couldnt find it there...

Am intending to get diapers there too but haven't bought any yet... As for milk powder.. I am ok with buying from M'sia bec my colleague buys her milk powder from there.. maybe buy the premium brands to be safe.

And I strongly recommend that you get the essentials asap bec of the uncertain mobility issue. I had backache within 45 mins of my shopping trip..

Sue> I just only signed up last week with COMO shambhala last week. Its at Forum SC. haiz..1 week too late for me there..

Hi All,

I'm taking Mrs Wong Boh Boi's class for the Jan intake.

To what I know, she does teach weekdays.. and her classes are normally packed.

My 1st lesson on 21 Jan (Thu) at AMK Hub.. but my hubby may not be accompanying me due to his reservist.. Sigh..

hi sue and mrs teo...I would prefer evening weekday classes as well..coz got to do some housework during weekend... :p

if Gwen can open up, I would join in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is case that our hubby cant join in, do you have any idea if we can include other ppl (ie sister or aunt) to accompany us? I feel that it'll be useful for my family to know cos' they will be helping me with my baby too..

(me typical singaporean, must make full use of the class since we paid for it already)


Ask your husband to give you a good leg massage for the compensation...

Babyshower sound interesting.. Count me in too.

Mrs Teo,

Thanks for the buying list.


Swimming is a good exercise too.Can reduce backache while exercising. Also can save money.:>


Mdm Ida #94249829

Hi Mrs Teo, WOW, the list of items is very detailed.

Just some suggestions: the J&J can buy the head to toe (shampoo and body wash) type which is very mild. Can also consider buying softner for washing the BB clothes cos the ABD detergent may cause the texture of the clothes to be quite coarse after some wash. Remember to buy the oilment "Ru Yi You" for the BB's stomach and back area after bath.

Sue and Mrs Teo, the Yogi class sounds interesting. Just visited the website but the timing for the Feb class is not out yet. Any idea what is the timing for weekday night class?

hi KTSC, i just spoke to Gwen, seems like she is still in UK *managed to wake her up..hahaha* but will be back in Spore tomo. :p

Anyway she mentioned that she is looking at opening a maternity yoga class on Tues starting 7pm or 7:30pm for an hour. If few of us can join in, I believe she can start next Tues.

So what time is good for you gals?


Is case that our hubby cant join in, do you have any idea if we can include other ppl (ie sister or aunt) to accompany us? I feel that it'll be useful for my family to know cos' they will be helping me with my baby too..

(me typical singaporean, must make full use of the class since we paid for it already)

Hi bb-bao.. i got no idea.. when's your class?? If can wait.. till i go for my lst class, will ask and let you know. =P

Anlin: Ooh...i signed up for weekend classes ;p weekdays cant make it there in time at 630pm ;p nevermind, if we have diff teachers, can compare notes ;-)

Hi bb-bao & joleen,

at first i was thinking of booking the jan class... cos it will touch on food n nutrition also... but if take the march class then memory will be fresh. sigh dilemma.. ann hav block the jan intake for me she say march still hav plenty seats. i need to decide liao..

it is stated on the website leh the class for expectant mothers and their partner.. so i thnk only husband can attend w us. hopefully they will provide notes n all.. will be useful when we giv birth in may.


but i dunno how to swim one keke.. dunno will i float or sink w my belly lol! thks anyway!

blur angel:

*gasps* wow..me called her during our lunch time..she/gwen didn't mention she's out of town..prob cos i'm a potential customer..

that's very nice of her.. :p

mmm next tues i can't (just back from bali - hehe!) but can start on 26Jan... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tues 7 or 730pm is good for me..

will just KO before 6pm, and cheong for light snack before heading for yoga [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i have a question.. for those mtbs who believe in not showering during confinement month..

how to bathe bb? wun our hands/legs touch wateR?

join the yoga class lei.. we can all motivate each other! sommemore all may mtbs... :p


actually must thank u and blur angel... it was partially cos of ur post that spured me to sign up for yoga... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but forum is not that convenient for me..

anyway, how do u find ur class?

Hi ladies, anyone has recommendation which baby carrier is gd to invest in?

As for those attending TMC's parentcraft lessons, recommended to attend the ones conducted by Mrs Wong.

Bluangel, Tues 7pm is ok for me. Thinking if start earlier then can have dinner after the class. Or else would be very starved if class end later. Cos read from the yoga website, it may not be good to consume food before class.

Sue, I'm fine wif starting on 26 Jan (calculated if 12 lessons, class would end by 20 Apr) During confinement for my 1st pregnancy, my mother, MIL and my dear hubby bathe BB. For my 2nd BB, additional member to help bath him would be my maid.

hihi everyone!

I'm new here. Am a May 2010 mtb too. edd is 7 may. Was reading thru some of the thread and realise that a few of us have engage Mdm Ida for post natal massage. =) So nice.

Hi Mrs N

Really! Gym ball can be that useful? Oh! By the way, I'm siting on it now. Ha! I have not been using it since my pregnancy. I used to do sit up and leg crunches(against the wall) with it. I'm going to sit on it whenever I can since it's good for baby. Ha! But somehow it's not easy to balance my body without a front support. I think is a good way to teach myself some balancing exercise. My husband would be thinking I'm crazy... Bouncing on the gym ball all day long. Ha!

