(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


you will be v bouyant in the pool, so need not kick as hard. But must remember to do stretchings before entering pool. You won't want leg cramps while swimming.


you will still need to freeze if you have pumped more than your child's usual daily consumption. Oh, also remember that once baby's saliva has contacted the milk (EBM or FM), unfinshed portion must be consumed within an hour.


my dogs are crazy. But as per what rantingbaby says, once they growl, i will take precaution. I am more worried abt them being overly excited and knock the bb down once the bb starts to crawl/ walk.

same like u, i live on 2nd floor too. i am used to the stairs so far...

Blurangel, next Tues (19th Jan) yogi lesson Onz

Would be better if can have the trial and 8 lessons [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue, spider veins - me also have since my 1st pregnancy. Mine faint lines. Sad also. other than cosmetic surgery, dunno how to diminish them.

Rantingbaby, thanks for the EBM info to refresh my memory. My milk flow for 1st pregnancy not so much, hope the 2nd would be better. Any tips on how to prepare for a better milk flow?

Mrs Teo, ya your dogs quite big size, have to take note their behaviour towards the new member in family.

Rantingbaby, thanks for the advise.

Mrs Teo, Chillimum and Rantingbaby, I read a book saying that baby will have startled reflex when there is suddent loud noise or sudden action. Not sure u guys will believe a not.Thus i believe it will be good to intro dog when baby is abit old.

Chloie: Ok so Anlin & I will go for the Feb class first then compare notes with your Mar class ones, in case we have different teachers. Heh heh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue: Thanks for sharing about storage of EBM...i think i will get a mix of milkbags (for those that i want to freeze over a longer period or will have time to thaw) and bottles for those urgent feeds. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw for those mums who are using Medela pump, please remember to get the connector if you are using Avent bottles. I intend to use Avent bottles cos heard they are good, and also cos i bought the Avent microwave steriliser already :p

So many things hor? :p

helo mummies!! I am back!!

i dunno if anyone can remember me.. kekeke.. bu t i really not free to post due to work..

i went for my 20th week detail scan already.... doc said most likely to be a girl... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but i also got 1 soft marker.. doc said its ok .. and need to go for follow up scan though..

how's the last mummies meeting?? i couldnt make it..

and another good news to share.. i put on only 500g!!! Yeah!! kekeke.. (dun beat me.. i really over weight.. i only got 5kg allowance.. so 500g to me is a very very great achievement!)

May 2010 MTBs Baby Shower

Date: Late Feb / Early Mar (TBC)

Venue: TBC

MTBs interested as follow:














if u all interested.. i need to confirm with my hubby.. i have a chalet for my #1 birthday in march @ pasir ris park.. if interested.. i can arrange a day before or after her birthday celebration.. anyway its empty..

Hey Ladies!

My back is breaking man!! Argh!! in so much of pain.

I want to confirm something.. so for EBM, if u put it in office fridge, when bring home, bring in a chilled container is it? THEN can freeze once reach home or must use within 24 hours?

And about intimacy, how does it go at this stage? (Well... not as though we have the energy) but just in case the husband is drying in a drought and need to save him.. what are the precautions?

Hey nanabear, havent seen u before.. Hey there! Chalet sounds great to me. Let us know. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mrs teo : hahahaha.. hen's nite?? I tot 70% of the mummies here are carrying #2? still hens nite?? hahahaha... so cute leh! hahahhahahahahahaahaa.!

May 2010 MTBs Baby Shower

Date: Late Feb / Early Mar (TBC)

Venue: TBC

MTBs interested as follow:















Thks rantingbaby for all the advice.

Mrs Teo,

hav to keep a lookout when bb starts to crawl or walk. think by then yr dog hav already accustomed to having a young child in the family n will behave itself more. big dogs can be v protective towards kids one.


yup i heard also sudden loud noise will make the bb jerk which is not gd.

A R,

hee.. i check w my doc on tat topic he say can hav sex but find a position we r comfortable w. n no violent sex la!hahaha


Violent?! It will be a xmas gift for my hubby if it went to that extent! Hahahah! Must make sure he doesnt watch too much MTV- that channel is bad influence, I say! Always turn to me after seeing some explicit music video... haiz!

Babycompanion specialise in beansprout husk pillow and bolster.

We also customised according to your requirement.

Currently we are having a 10% dscount for all items! Please visit us at:


While Stock last!


me too chloie, cant sleep last few nights...tired...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Sue,

Varicos Veins/spider veins.

Below is link(article) from babycentre.co.uk.

- What causes varicose veins in pregnancy?

- How can I prevent them?

- Self-help suggestions...etc

Hope it helps

Anne Raj> So fast cant slp well ar? Relax relax!!!!! I'm thinking of what to have for dinner aldy!

I tot of going for pre-natal massage. Can feel my neck very stiff for the past few days.

Chloie> yup i am also looking for one.i have aches and pains on and off, hope the massage helps.me too thinking wat to have for dinner. do u have cravings?

Anne> Not really. Always have a hard time trying to think of what to eat. I think I'm going to have a hard time feeding my girl next time.

Chloie, yup im in the same boat too...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


My milkflow for #1 was not fantastic also - about 90mls - 120ml each time I pump bah. I massage my breasts like crazy. Sometimes hubby help massage until I cry, especially when engorged. But playing with the pumps may help. And you also get to practice the use of the pumps.

Actually I forgot about the storage timings also. Could only remember room temp storage correctly.


all babies are born with such reflexes. But as parents and dog-owners we will definitely monitor the situation and the interaction between the 2.

Introducing a dog when baby is young has more pros than cons. My #1 learnt socialisation play with the dog when she was 9 months. She also learnt to care for the dog and even extend the care to other younger / older children.


the baby shower is vivi2010's idea. She said that it'd be a nice gesture if our thread members could meet up and buy a gift for each other. Date not confimed cos we decided to push it as late as we physically could make it (read: physical mobility).

And thanks for the venue. Ladies, now we have 3 potential venues for the baby shower. BBF, you headache liao...


When you express in office, you would directly express into the pump bottles. Chill those filled bottles in your office fridge first. Cos chances of your bottles fitting into the ice bag (provided with your pump) is high.

Depending on your bb's intake, you can continue to chill them in the fridge for the next day (remember to tag with the timing that you pump) or just freeze them once at home.


if previously your JR has been trained to control bark, it would help tremendously when a baby is around.

mine's is a Westie, commonly known as the Caesar Dogfood model. He received bad influence from my neighbour's dogs, but not as barkish. And he always gives in to my daughter, even when she bullies him.

Most times he would growl at my daughter for bullying him or he will step out of her way. Only time we saw in react in anger was when my #1 used a toy knife and poked him. He was so angry that he snatched the knife off and chewed it into pieces. But he still left my daughter alone.

He really loves my #1 and helps to watch out for her cries since she was infant. So cute, cos he would get really kancheong about #1's cries. Like he's the father of #1.

KTSC, Sue, Mrs Teo, and May MTBs who are interested in doing YOGA with us

Here are the details:

8 session package $240 (if we have more than 5 i will nego price again)

Time: 7pm

Day : Tuesday

Start on: 19 Jan

location : www.wasabiyoga.com

Those interested please list ur nick below and send me message with your name and number.

[email protected]

We'll confirm the numbers with Wasabi Yoga these 2 days




ask your banker to increase allowance. then tell him this yoga thingy can save on epidural...mayb it'll work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Class will start on 19th.

Those going on One-time trial is $45.

Those who sign up 8 sessions @$240 can use the trial as one of the 8 sessions.

Mayb u need to check with blurangel, how far it will be from clarke quay mrt Coz I will take the bus to southbridge rd.

KTSC, Sue, Mrs Teo, and May MTBs who are interested in doing YOGA with us

Here are the details:

8 session package $240 (if we have more than 5 i will nego price again)

Those going on One-time trial price is $45.

Those who sign up 8 sessions @$240 can use the trial as one of the 8 sessions.

Time: 7pm

Day : Tuesday

Start on: 19 Jan

location : http://www.wabisabi.com.sg/index.php/contact.htm

Those interested please list ur nick below and send me message with your name and number.

[email protected]

We'll confirm the numbers with Wasabi Yoga these 2 days



how to get there: Bus : 51, 63, 80, 124, 145, 166, 174, 197 (Yoga place at 54C South Bridge road) refer to smiley


hi bbf, i am also keen in the yoga classes. is it every tues at 7pm? how long is each session? 1 hr? pls count me in! will send u my name and number separately. thanks!

thanks bbf - have you tried this yoga house before? i have never done yoga before in my life but heard that it's supposed to be good for pregnant women.. eases the body, better for delivery??

thanks for organizing.. look forward to the sessions!


actually i don't exercise and i have never done yoga..haha

One of the May Mtbs have already tried this yoga house and recommended this place.

It's nice to exercise with a group of friends.

I need that kind of motivation. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihis bbf...

wow..i'm glad gwen got back to you liao...

i'll be in bali tom and back next tues...

so will be checking this forum for details on the wasabi yoga on 19jan tues nite...

will be there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kk nites and have a good thurs, fri and weekend ahead!

hi bbf, i will be there on 19 jan nite as well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Teo & anyone, I can meet you at Clarke Quay around 6:40pm to walk there together on 19th Jan.

Let me know who to look out for. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

For some road directions.

(sorry, abit long-winded here :p)


There are two ways to get to this place - either by Clarke Quay or Raffles Place MRT Station.

Normally I will go from Clarke Quay MRT Station.

1) Get out of station, go to exit of The Central

2) Take two escalators up to level 1. On level B1, do not go into the entrance to The Central (the 2nd escalator is opp some dentist clinic)

3) If you get out and see Burger King and the main road (New Bridge Road) on your right hand side, then you are on the right track

3) Cross the overhead bridge above the bus stop

4) Walk towards Carpenter Street (its opp of the bus-stop below the overhead bridge, look out for some Fish & Chips restuarant)

5) Walk to the end of Carpenter Street (away from The Central)

6) If you see a public car park on your left, the building is on the right facing the South Bridge Road

7) Take the first stairways (immediately after the accessories shop)

Be warn! Its on the 3rd & half storey. Very good for warm-ups!! I was breathing deep and fast but at least can feel blood flowing well!! hahhaa

Hope this helps, not confuse!! :pP

hehe! good description sia blur angel...

guess i should be parking at the 6) that you mentioned... :p

see ya next tues

oh ya, need to bring out own yoga mats rite?

