(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Talking abt baby movement...i felt mine since xmas, its quite strong...since yesterday, baby kicks quite hard when im sitting. Like it doesnt like me sitting.When i start walking ard, no such violent kicks...im feeling so tried...


i first felt mine during a fren's bday party.. it was v noisy n bb moved for a long time. im thinking she is probably protesting against the noise outside! haha

Anne Raj:

i also feel more movement when sitting down compared to walking/standing. i think cos when we walking we r rocking the bb to slp and when we stay still the bb wakes up. ever try stroking the belly when bb kicks? sometimes when i feel a pain i stroke my belly then its gone.

Hi Ladies,

I don't really feel her moving a lot.. Once a while when i'm sitting only..

Regarding the post natal massage, hv anyone tried n really slim down? Hope after giving birth can slim down within 6 mths..

Ladies, any of you sign up for TMC ParentCraft lessons?

I've just booked for the March/April classes by Mrs Wong. Will be held at AMK Hub on Thursday evenings..

tinospora, i was surfing around and saw that too. thanks ;) but i dun think i will be attending.

been arrowed to organise the company CNY dinner for Feb... @#$%^&*( with games. damn!

Goodday MTBs, FTB,

Glad you all enjoy the dinner yesterday :D.


I have book Mdm Ida too for the Post natal massage. Seems like she's quite popular in this forum too. Call her last week and she say still can squeeze time for my wife. Phew. We doing 7 session at $50 each if i not mistaken.

Angela, Alsky

if book now, how u noe if you are able to go ahead. If kena C-Section wun it hurt if they massage the tummy?

I saw found the website for traditional & holistic post natal centre... but quite expensive at approx $78 per session (if 10 sessions) for 1hr. So am still searching.

Chillimum:ya, i feel the kicks and punches...when i stroke my tummy, baby stops and start again when i stop...its nice feeling and knowing tt baby is well, but i was so tired just now, walking ard after lunch, can u imagine...

Mrs Teo,

Well, we just tell them the edd, they will adjust their date accordingly, if giving birth naturally, after 1 week can start the massage. If C-sect, will have to do it after a month. Just book them, then after gave birth, call them. For my case, we dunnit to give her any deposit.

Both massage and confinement lady must book early ba. my opinion.


It is too early to book now since we are only due in May .... I wanted to book too but scare being called a kiasu

As for baby kick, I'm not sure whether I'm experiencing too cause once a while I will feel like those light butterfly flutters and when I touch I dun feel it. It come off and on a few times within a day

Hi Preg_piggy

I understand that it will be good if we can slim down within 6mths. If not, it's going to be quite tough for us to go back to our "old size".

"Breastfeeding is one way to help us to slim down."

Rantingbaby, is it true to say that? I know a few mums who did slim down after breastfed. And some were even much slimmer than before.


I always want to go for the c-section before pregnant. But after knowing 2 mums who took at least a years to heal back. I'm planning to go ahead with natural birth if I can. But recently, my gynae told me my placenta is at the lower side. If it didn't move up, I will have to go for c-section. Very upset. I'm actually planning to start my exercise routine(which I always love to do) once after confinement or a month after(depend on my body, how well/fast it can recover). Praying hard it will move up.


It's never too early ba. we only scared the CL and ML all taken up and have to resort to agencies which i heard can be quite ex and service not so good.

Both ML and CL are recommended by friends. At least we know we are in good hands.


Thanks and I will give her a call to book too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


during my detailed scan, the doc also pointed out that my placenta is lying low. She said it's pretty common at this stage of the pregnancy.. so dont be upset! Just talk to your baby and gently massage your belly? Maybe can 'persuade' the baby to move the placenta up...

My colleague came back from her maternity slimmer than her pre-pregnancy!! She did sports and went Marie-France.. so I guess having an active lifestyle will help very much.

I missed my gym, I went jogging on the treadmill the other day =X it was alright though, didnt feel uncomfortable or what, just heavier.


yup . $50/session. I also book for 7session. Think 5 too little ,10 too much and 7 is just nice.

Mrs Teo,

i saw some forum that Mdm Ida rejected some customer. Maybe is the location. But she will introduce another person if she is not avail.


yes, BF does help to slim us down. I did slim down a bit, but I started eating a lot again, so started gaining weight again.

RE: Low lying placenta

I did check with the gynae who did my detailed scan. He said that the placenta usually moves upwards, so Vivi, don't be unduely worried yet. If your gynae notices that your placenta is not really moving, he/she will tell you earlier.


I just went for a short swim this afternoon. The warm up stretchings and the water helped to relieve the pain from the loose ligaments.


TMC ParentCraft lessons is that Child birth education. March/April classes is it appropriate?? Mine is on Feb in MT A.

anne raj:

isnt it amazing..bb actually help us ease the pain when we stroke them. hehe actually after lunchtime i always fall asleep at my desk. dunno y..during 1st tri i will doze off at 9plus at night now is after lunch...


hopefully yr placenta will move up n u can hav natural birth! did yr doc advise u whether can make it move up? i believe as long as u maintain yr active self during pregnancy, ur r likely to hav a quick recovery after birth. some ppl also recover quite fast after c-section.depends on individual body i think.


i just phone them earlier(TMC parentcraft) they say its best to finish the lesson 1mth before birth. i.e. march class end in april so just nice for our birth in may.

Chillimum:i used to nap after lunch during 1st tri, but now, im ok, no need to nap during weekdays. Weekends, try to la, just to catch with more rest. My back has been painfully today, dont neo if cos of baby movement. Its quite nice to feel baby movements, must treasure it now, cant feel all ts later in life. Hoping to have two children and the second in 2 yrs time before close shop and age in catching up too =)

anne raj:

hey mine too recently back ache sometimes at night i cant even straighten it or walk straight. hav to slowly straighten n force myself to stand up...

yup im anticipating bb to move everyday haha

i plan to hav 2..or 3 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow I am so envious you girls get to nap after lunch! If I doze off at my desk, I think I will start drooling and then receive a warning letter.

Angela, chillimum:

Yeah that's exactly the lady at TMC (Ann) told me. Would be best if the classes end a month b4 your EDD.. at least you are prepared, and the memories from the classes are still fresh!

My tummy cramped since last night; I had to move slowly and gently.. feels like a penguin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/uhoh.gif]

hihis [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yos thanks to bbf for organising the dinner last nite..

think someone was asking bout the px.. it was ~$40 per pax incl drinks..we took the buffet dinner...

food was good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, i realised that we didn't exchange hp nos or take pictures...

must do that the next time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my previous gynae's clinic called me up this afternoon to remind me about the detailed scan...so paiseh but i explained my situation to them and

told them i'm changing gynae cos of timing.. and i oso asked them about package

they confirmed that dr chua doesn't offer any package anymore...

oh and bbf, would you pls change my gynae to Dr Lawrence Ang? all other info stay the same...

about my detailed scan:

baby was in an odd position..like in an L shape, curled up with her back on my belly, instead of lying nicely on my stomach, facing outwards...

strange huh, cos during my last scan 4 weeks ago, she was oso in this same position...

even after 2 hours when i went travelled to Dr Ang's clinic, she was in this fav position...

sonographer said that if she likes to stay this way, then need to do c section liao... :/ prefer natural delivery lei...

bbs was also kicking so much and it felt rather uncomfortable cos she's kicking at my bladder...instead of tummy...

and could feel my tummy hardening up (dunno whether psychological) but it does correlate to her back against my belly button....

oh and the detailed scan results came out normal.. which means that my bed pulling incident gave me a muscle pull ...thank goodness bb is ok! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my sonographer at TMC was so friendly, chatty and nice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i was also told that if we start calling out bb by their names, they'll respond to it when they're out...

Hello Sue

That is very strange cos when I call up the Dr Chua's clinic in Nov 2009, the nurse told me there is package lei.....Wa, her business so good until now also don't have package liao.

Luckily I did not get to consult her eventually cos she only accept MTBs in their early weeks and I only try to approach her when I'm already 3 months.

My 2nd choice is Dr Joycelyn Wong and she is very good.

Happy for you that the detail scan results are fine. Hope mine would be well too , DS next Fri.

Hihi everyone long time never log in to this thread! Happy New Year to all and hope everyone is well. Am back in the UK now and it's freezing. Almost didn't make it to my 20 week scan on Wednesday. The road was so icy and had so much difficulty getting the car onto the main road. But managed to arrived well before my appt time only to find that nobody had arrived at the clinic yet!!! Anyway the scan went well and we decided not to find out the gender of our baby.

Vivi I had a low lying placenta for my first pregnancy. They discovered it during the detailed scan. However it was partially covering the cervix and the sonographer said that in the majority of cases it will move up. True enough when they scan me at 32 weeks the placenta had moved up. So no worries a LLP does not always mean a c-sect.

Yup BF does help with slimming down. I managed to get back to my normal size within weeks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue it's still early days yet. There is still time for your baby to turn into the optimal position for delivery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hope everyone had a nice makan makan session last night. Have a great weekend!

Hey Ladies!

Was following the thread yesterday thru my email but didnt get a chance to post a msg bec boss squeezing me with alot of work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Shouldnt have reminded him that I am completing 6 mths alr.. Arghhh!! I still havent told him that I will be goign on ML during our peak period.. I am totally screwed!

From all the comments, sounds like dinner was a blast. I would love to join the next round. But I have food restrictions- Halal only. So if nez time you guys go to a halal eatery, do include me in! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bff> My EDD is 9 May, ESH, BB# Uno!

I have been hit by the leg cramps already, couldnt get up this mng.. Anne, this must be what u have been refering to right?- I am so worried, only 5 mths so much of pain, I wonder wat will happen in the 3rd trimester (which isnt far away)... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I have also been moaning and groaning at office abt my pains so much that my other younger lady colleagues too scared to get pregnant now! EVil Me! oh and! Can we get pre natal massage done now? I really need someone to come by and give me back and shoulder massages.. I was practically crying in pain after work yest. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Poor thing, I keep getting my hubby to massage my aching body... I feel so guilty... Esp when the Asian tradition is for the wife to be massaging the husband's aching body..

Ladies, what does low lying placenta means? I keep hearing abt it. My sonographer didnt mention anything abt that to me during my detailed scan.. Even my yoga instructor was asking me bec some exercises are not allowed for those with low lying placenta...


here are some ways to alleviate leg cramps:

1. have a small stool in your office and keep your legs up on them whenever you are seated at your desk. Some of my ex-colleagues do that though they are not preggie.

2. Use a firm pillow to elevate your legs at bed time. So long as your legs are above your heart, chances of cramps during sleep will minimise.

3. Do some stretchings in the morning and before bedtime.

4. If you walk a lot, find some time to sit down and rest too.

Btw, I only know of Amore providing pre-natal massage. But it's very ex. So cheaper alternative is still have hb to do it. But restrict to pounding of shoulders and legs and rubbing to temples and scalp only. Avoid pressing, kneading or rubbing other places.

RE: Low-lying placenta (LLP)

It is a situation where the placenta lies low in the womb, such that it covers a small / big part of the cervis, making natural birth impossible.

Usually if LLP is discovered early, your gynae will monitor its position and advice you accordingly if natural birth is possible. Only a small percentage of mummies will have to go thru C-sect due to LLP. It's because as the baby grows, the placenta also moves upwards.

Angel: I'm also attending the Feb classes at Mt A. Are you taking weekend or weekday nite ones? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm now going for the baby fair at botanic gardens...update u gals next mon if i learnt anything useful [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i just went for my detailed scanning.

I am having a baby boy.

the other twin stopped growing. Discovered it on Tues. But it's okay. Cos I have my other cutie one. It's heaven's way of ezsuring the healthiest baby is given to me. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My cutie baby's nose is so cute.. And he is so active during the scanning but I have yet to feel any movements from him yet. So thrilled to find out that he is growing well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks rantingbaby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] It was very informative. Will take ur tips into consideration.

Hi bb-bao

Thanks. This is the second time that the gynae told me that my placenta is low. You are right.. I have been asking my baby to help mummy to move the placenta up to the correct position. ha!

I really missed my active lifestyle. Used to jog at least 4km each day. And right now, after all the MS, rashes and low placenta, I have stopped all this activities. Feeling so unfit. But I still try to keep myself active by doing more walking and also houseworks.

Hi Rantingbaby,

Ya. I did noticed that those ex-colleauges of mine who BF did slimmed down alot after confinement/3mths maternity leaves. But once they were back at work, they began to eat/snack alot due to work stress. Slowly, they started to put on weight.

I just have to be careful with whatever thing that I'm doing right now. Esp have to avoid carry too heavy item (also bad for my body due to lack of calcium and iron). Like what you said, if it's really bad, they gynae will have ask me to bed rest. But right now, (you are right)is still too early for me to worry too much.

Hi Chillimum

Thanks Chillimum. My gynae is a very funny man. I think he's also trying not to stress me up. He just laughed away saying. "You placenta is at the lower side. But if it didn't move up. You have to go for c-section loh. hahaha!" That's it... short and sweet. I will have to check with him again during my next appointment which will be on next Friday.

You are right. It really depend on each individual body. Some fast, some slower. As for active lifestyle, I think it is also important for those who are going for natural birth. Heard it will be much easier/faster to deliver.

Mrs N

You are another lucky one(slim down after BF). I have been telling myself not to worry/think too much about it. I can't do anything right now except to wait for placenta to move up. Right now, I only in my 23rd week. Still a long way to go. Let see what my gynae is going to say in my next appointment on Friday. Hopefully everything will be fine.

Hee! Hee! Vivi I think it was also partly due to the fact that after my mother left I had no one to help me with the baby so had to do a lot of the running myself as my hubby works. So I guess that helps with weight loss too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Don't worry too much I'm sure all will be fine. Just keep positive.

The MW told us at antenatal class that by having an active lifestyle we will build up our stamina. And stamina is something we will need to help us get thru labour! She was so right.

I feel very upset everytime I talk about exercise. Cos everytime I started doing exercises regularly, that's when I find out I was pregnant.

I only found out about my #1 after I did the Sheares Bridge Run - 12km with her. I had the attachment spotting, but I didn't know I was pregnant then. Only about 2 months later, then I found out using a test kit.

#2 was a hunch. A very strong hunch. I was starting on my keep fit regime using the Wii Fitness Coach at home and worse, I was seeing progress. Then when it came to the fitness test, I had prolonged giddiness and nausea, so cannot take test. Took pregnancy test instead. Positive. *Faint*

hi ladies,

i hv engagaed mdm ida for my massgage too. heard from a frd shes good..will lke to try out..\

im also booking her for my pre natal massage..will update u gals then...

btw, when will the next meet up b? sorry i miss it cos was very busy recently wif work..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

and esp when i cant log in office....

Hi Rantingbaby,

Haha! You are so funny. I think keeping fit is a good way to prepare your body for pregnancy. I got pregnant too when I started to jog and exercise regularly. Wow! You did the 12km Sheares Bridge Run. You're my hero mah. I never/cannot imagine myself going for all this run/marathon. I'm a happy little woman, enjoying my 4km jog on treadmill and crunches using gym ball and exercise mat. Ha!

Hi Mrs N.

Yes! Yes! I also believe that we can slim down fast if we keep ourselves active after birth/confinement.

By doing more walking and housework are the only activities/exercises I can do right now. Luckily, I love to walk alot esp in shopping mall. Haha! My husband was actually quite surprise that I can walk non-stop from one shopping mall to another for many hours and not feeling tired. Ha! Hopefully I can still do that in my 3rd trimester so that I will have the stamina/energy during the labour.

Hi Mrs Lee,

Do you sign up a package with her for the postnatal massage? If yes, how much will you have to pay for the package? Will love to know more. Thanks.

Hi bbf and all mtbs,

How about a "Baby shower" in our 3rd trimester for all mtbs. It could be quite fun. We could get a little gift for each other and draw lots to see who gets what. But we need to find a very cosy and small cafe to have this "more personal" gathering.

Heehee! I'm not good at organising. Is just my suggestion [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Vivi haha yeah I did lots of walking in my last pregnancy in fact right up to the day before I went into labour. You exercise with a gymn ball? Did you know that gym (or birth) balls are very good tools to use during your pregnancy and labour. Sitting on it is also supposed to help turn your baby into the optimum position for delivery. It's a lot more comfortable to sit on while you watch tv or suft the net in your last trimester. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw don't know if this will be of interest to you and all the mtbs on here. My friend who is a dance therapist will be down in Sg to do some workshops with expectant mothers on Attuning the body with baby using dance movement. It's another way of keeping your body moving during pregnancy and also I guess a way of learning to bond with your unborn child too.

ratingbaby hee! hee! so if you want no 3 you know what to do yah? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]

