(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


I agree with you that both my pregnancies are very different. #1 was relatively easier. But my first tri for #2 was a lot more difficult.

I did not gain weight until I was close to week 16, but only gain about 1 kg.

Oh, I know CongQing Hot Pot has ma la in suntec branch...


wow... looks like most of us here a having a harder time during this 2nd round... I'm glad that I'm not the only one.... is it because our bodies are not as fit or it is age catching up? or is it because we have #1 to handle so less time to rest?? I guess it's probably a combination of all the above...

JSP.. will see how... is everyone on haf day today? thread seems quite quiet....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello all... My wedding is FINALLY OVER!!! I am finally an officially married pregnant lady. Haha.. somehow I must share this piece of good news to everyone here.

Everything went on smoothly, weather was fine, with light drizzle when I walked down the aisle for my solemnization but they said those were shower of blessings. It stopped after that and it was nice and cool.

The aloha authority made things difficult for us at first but we paid quite a hefty penalty and they left us alone after that.

My skin miraculously cleared by itself, I think it's the mask I bought from Japan, I used it for the last 4 days everyday and all my pimples dried up and flat down. Thank god.

Phew.. now I can concentrate to be a good mom. Been a long time since I read to my baby.

By the way.. Happy New Year!!!!!! 2010 is going to be a fantastic year for all of us.

Hi MTBs,

BN NUK Microwave Steam Steriliser for sale at $50.

Interested, email me at [email protected].


Hi edie

Congrats to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I feel so guilty after reading the bf posting cos i only bf my gal for 1 week. After that i gave up due to i m so stressful. Do you bf your gal day & nite?

HI everyone!!!

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and looking forward to all our lovely babies due in May.

May gold Bless and have a smooth pregnancy!!!

May all of us have lil' tiggers and tiggeretts for the year 2010.

may all of us have a safe and good delivery and wishing all here much joy and prosperity.

hey chloie, m staying in d east, & its only like a 10mins drive to kaki bukit for me.i didnt buy anything when i was there, just wanted to walk ard & see see...but it was like whoa..

think i will only start buying BB stuff aft CNY, but just the essentials esp the breast pump. meanwhile..i will pamper myself first :p



kekeke I'm not the only one feeling like that... guess either age catching up on me or cus I have to handle no. 1 all by myself and still want to go shopping hahaha!


I already eating so little but despite eating little, i still feel that bloatedness. So after every meal, I will need to sit and rest before walking around.

Buying bb stuff:

I didn't buy much only 2 sets of clothes. Intending to get some pjs for bb and diapers thats all. Other items are probably hand me downs from no. 1. Shampoo, body wash, diaper cream, lotion all share with no. 1. I still have my breast pump, sterilizer from no. 1's time. So pretty much nothing to buy. Toys - no. 1 got plenty, so share plus first month or even when you give birth, sure alot of pple will get some toys for the bb. Anyway they wont play with them immediately so toys can actually wait. Hahaha actually to have no. 2 quite economical... everything already there except clothes & diapers.

Hi All!

Happy New Year!! Whoa.. Missed out alot within 2 days huh. Was spring cleaning at work on thursday so didnt see the updates. :p

Was anyone at Marina yesterday? - I was at Singapore flyer with hubby and my 2 16-yr-old sis in laws. There was some kinda outdoor dance floor going on. Opening to 2010 was superb! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] How did it go for the rest of u ladies?

Maggi: I snack on yogurt, fruits, crackers, raisins... Abt nuts, I read in the Dec'09 issue of Motherhood to avoid nuts.. cant rmb y.. but I kinda am taking that seriously.. so no nuts..

Apart from that... oh! those school pack sized cereals.. u know- Honey stars.. coco pops.. Sounds kiddy I know, but good nutrients and tasty too! I also limit myself to either 1 cup of coffee or tea per day..

Am more of Iced Lemon Tea person.. but I am also cautious of not drinking cold..

Anne: Yup, 1st bb.. my tummy... dunno how to describe.. its round though.. so most relatives think its a girl.. (We havent told anyone the gender)..

Ladies, Am curious.. what to buy, and when to buy? I have found these 'baby must-have' check lists and all.. but my already-moms colleagues say dun buy much bec will get alot of gifts... but we must be prep-ed rgt and not depend on gifts...so bottom line.. am lost... Haiz...

Orange, I must apologise if my postings on BF upset you.

Like I mentioned in my posts, it's up to your comfort level. My friend also gave up after a week. There's no right or wrong when it comes to feeding your child. You are right if you think what you have done is in the best interest of your child.


Friends and relatives will tend to buy new clothes and toys, hence these are the things that you will not need to buy much. But things that you will need for baby's feeding, daily change of clothes, daily hygiene, these are the things that you will need to buy.

Petals, do try to join us that day.

KTSC, I think they have the ma la at all the chongqing locations. or do u prefer to go to mushroom pot?

i tried the new shabu shabu/sukiyaki at marina, all u can eat. not too bad too but there are no varieties on seafood, just lots of meat and vegetables including one serving of icecream.

edie, congrats to your wedding!! glad everything turned out well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Almost New PIGEON Silent Breast Pump for sale at $100.

Used less than 10 times...

Condition 10/10.

Interested, pls email [email protected]


Thanks rantingbaby for the info on Congqinq hotpot.

BBF, can try the congqing ma la hot pot or the new shabu shabu/sukiyaki at marina. But if majority prefer other food, I would be fine too

hihis mtbs

happy new 2010!!!!

i did something not so good for my bb just now...when the part time helper came, i pulled out my king sized bed for her to sweep (behind the bed) and felt a very sharp pull on my lower abdomen and it was painful...then kena scolded my hubby... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thot he dun like me to tell him to help me do this and that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

so so now i'm resting, keeping my feet up and really hoping that the bb is ok...

sigh.. think i've been too kk liao..think that since i feel fine during 2nd tri, that i can do anything...

btw, edie:

congrats!!! now u have 1 less stuff to worry about [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when will you set off to kerala? or olreadi left for honeymoon liao...


mmm ur gynae sounds really qualified.. can do detailed scan, take NT measurement, 3D, 4D scan... someone once told me that it takes a super qualified gynae to do these...

i'm in my 21week liao, have put on 6kg and detailed scan is next Fri.. hopefully everything turns out fine

about meeting up this thurs...

if all mtbs are ok, i suggest to go for the ma la hotpot (guess it has the spicy and non-spicy section?) i can't really take shabu shabu lei..smell makes me feel sick...

hope the mtbs / KTSC dun mind...

Hi Sue,

I must share my expereince too...on Sat went shopping and took the worng elscator that was going down instead of going up, wanted to revert back by climbing one step up, but hubby was at the back of me and blocked the way and guess what, one of leg got stretched cos and left my shoes on the steps. Hubby was in time to pull me back and got a hell of a shelling!!! was my bro, he helped me get my shoes but scolded me before giving it back to me... =(...

After that had a pull at lower adomen too...but continued shopping...heheheh!!now no pain, hope evertg ok, baby is very active lately, i feel the push, pull, punckes and kicks...

I recently got the clarins stretch cream and tonic oil...its good, no more itch and skin feels noruished, The oil smells really good. Anyone using them?

hihis again!!!

good morning mtbs!

whoa.. it was raining so heavily and that really spoiled my mood getting psyched up for work today.. hehe...

how was the long weekend?


mmm actually i haven't been to either...but both are oki lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i recall some mtbs mention that we can make a reservation for suntec, so maybe it'll be more convenient?

hihis anne:

wha lau..u oso kena shelling too.. i think huh, sometimes these concerned loved ones (hubby, bro) forget that we can be a little muddle headed lor so sometimes we end up doing things irrationally... but i'm glad to hear u're ok.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i woke up this morning wif (still) a dull ache but it shifted from the lower centre to the left of my lower abdomen...at 21weeks, my baby is still not moving too much, so i can't use her movements as a guage...BUT thankfully, i'm not spotting or anything ...keeping fingers crossed...

am gonna monitor it somemore and take it easy i.e dun carry heavy stuff, walk slowly,

btw, anne, when's ur detailed scan?i've been missing out quite some posts here so pls pardon me if i missed out on urs... :p

have a slow and easy day mtbs! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi sue, pls take care n see your gynae if necessary...my detailed scan is ts Sat, cant wait!!!eager to know baby gender and tt baby is doing well...=)

Good morning everyone! I hope all had a great weekend. I did not. Cos my mil is back at my place, along with that maid!!!! OMG! I cant stand her. The moment I see her, I felt my lungs expand, with the urge to scold her. Maybe our "ba-zi" clash. LOL! But I really hope they would be at my place temporary, as told by my sil that it would be a rotate between my hb and his bro [but his bro aka my bil, is @#$%^&*() also]. Long story..... Next time I would tell my girl that she has to bring me to scan through each and every of her bf's background before she commit herself to them [in case they end up like my in-law then she would have to suffer]!

Looking forward to this week's gathering!

Hi Ladies,

Any mummies interested in getting a Capella stroller model:S226 at $120(SP)? The UP is $299. It is in good condition and hardly used coz my kid does not want to sit in stroller.

Pls PM me at [email protected].


Sue> You are not supposed to move any furniture in your bedroom know!!!! It's a chinese superstitious lei! If you really really really got to move it, you cant be around and the person who is doing it has to ask bb to excuse know. If you still feel any pain, better go to your gyne asap.

Anne> You too! Be careful!

I pulled a nerve when I sneeze about two sundays ago. Then after that the whole day, I felt cramp on my lower tummy, and not much bb movement. Went down to my gyne last Mon to check. Lucky bb is ok. She still wave to us! Naughty girl. Got me so scared! So all of you, please be careful!

Ya Chloie, I will. Thanks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Sue,

I am 19 weeks and i cant feel anything as at.. I read from one of my preganancy books that for first pregnancy, one may feel movements from baby from week 20-24..

My detail scan will be this wed. So, excited to see baby. Miss seeing her.

Serene, i started to feel baby tapping abt 20weeks. Maybe you will get to feel baby soon. Easier to feel baby tapping when lying down flat.

Hi Serene, Wat time is your appt?mine is at 11am. so excited. I started feeling baby movement from 18 th weeks. Now im my 21 week.=)

hello everyone here Happy New Year!! We're going to see our baby soon (^^)

Yeap, just want to share with you, my baby is a boy!

Have anyone start to feel baby's kick?

I think my is like kicking football.."boom" "boom" sometimes can be 3 or 4 times hehe

Hi anne, i forgot my timing. i check and update u again.

Hi gladseow, i am so looking forward to it for some kind of assurance.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lucyone: oh thats great we are both on the 21 wekk mark. no EDD is 22/05 according to the 13 week scan. baby does give sharp jabs and kicks these few days. i cant sit by crossing my leg, my thighs are restricting.can feel more movements when my hubby talks n reads...hubby can fee; it too.

luckyone> my cramp wasnt those cramps which i usually experience. it was a different pain so i went to see my gyne afterall. she told me to hug onto my tummy the next time when i need to sneeze to cushion the impact. LOL!

The cramps that I felt was whole day and it very very pain. I nearly faint. I also thought of seeing my gynae but I called KK hospital and they said it's normal if I can't stand it, can take panado so I just bear with it without taking.

Hello everyone!! Gd mng.

Add me into the 'always kena cramps' list..

But my bigger worry is my sinus.. I always wake up with running nose and the sudden change in temperature (eg from aircon to outdoor) agitates my nose easily. I am also avoiding cold drinks as much as possible bec after taking them I get slight coughs..

I keep hearing stories that this may result to baby having wet lungs.. I really pray nothing of such sorts happen... cant imagine my hubby's anger- Bec I'll get blamed mah! Sigh...

Oh! My hubby finally felt my baby's movement last night... usually only I can feel... anyone else sharing the same?

Does mothers have a natural instinct to be possessive?

Anyone here leave their baby to be cared by their grandparents?

My mil want to take care of baby during weekdays and we can bring baby back on weekends.

im with you Gladseow. natural instinct to be possessive, not yet la. But my baby will be taken care by our parents and we bring back baby over weekend and off days when i start working la.

I rem I had a terrible fall when I was in my late 2nd trimester. I mistook something for a live adult cockroach then I tripped and fell with tummy on the floor. That a hard press on the tum, luckily I still felt bb's movements shortly after that. Great shock manz!

I leave me 8months old gal with my mum and no 2 will also be letting her to take care cos daddy is also around (working from home).

Sidetrack >

Anyone already decided which cord bank to sign up? Im still looking for a partner to enjoy some savings together. Pls contact/pm if signing up with cordlife k. Already got the proposal with me.

Hi Anne, I am very scared that my kid will not be close with me. Hate to see the day if when my kid runs to her grandma instead of me for comfort.


afternoon mtbs... just had lunch plus desert... super full n slpy now... hope all had a great lunch...

feeling unprepared

i'm sending my #1 to full day childcare this wed n suddenly realised how unprepared i am lor... haven bought Pjs for my boy yet so gotta go buy some just now at the market lor... heehee...


be careful gers... falls can be quite bad these days... especially with the loss in calcium, we could get hurt quite badly n cannot consume painkillers due to preggy leh... so let's watch our step together ya... i'm also 1 clumsy fellow lor, alwys missing a step @ the stairs or falling down at hm one... hahaha...


ur gynae quite funi leh... budden i'll do just tt when i sneeze too to see wats the response lor... heehee...

bb movement

i think its quite normal for 1st time mummies to feel the movement later coz no experience mah... i also dun feel much during #1's time lor... budden this time i starting feeling bb kicks/punches quite early... abt 3 weeks ago... somemore can see the whole tummy move kind... amuses my HB lor... hahaha

