(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Thanks all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Needed some positive energy to boost my attitude. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Enjoy your dinner meeting. And those with FB can add me - [email protected] (juz let me know tt u are May 10 MTb from here) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am going to nap now... tired from all that sadness...


like wat the rest of the gers said, dun be bothered abt wat the other pple said ya... i also got some unhappiness at work but things would improve... i try to think positively...

*sending positive vibes to u*

hee KTSC, makeup and photoshop can do wonders!! wait till u see the actual me! :pP

Chloie & JSP, i forgot my hb has set some privacy in my fb account. Tink its easier if I add u gals [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw may I know when exactly are we meeting?? Is it this thurs (7th jan) or fri (8th jan)? And the venue is chonqing at suntec rite?

hee...hee...Blugrangel, u are too modest

Chloie babe, u r beri photogenic too. Wow, seems like May 2010 has quite a number of piao liang mummy :p

Blurangel, according to BBF reservation, think should be 7th Jan (Thurs) @ ChongQing Suntec

Anyone can advice where exactly is this resturant at Suntec?

is the resturant as follows?


hi maggie mee, according to my mummy-frens, mood swings could be due to several reasons. You will need to observe what ticks u off. so far for myself, I observed that my body is getting warmer and cannot sleep well at night esp if it is not a cool nite or my hb refused to switch on the aircon *argh*...anyone having the same prob -either with mood swing or hot body or insensitive hb?? :p


Date : 7th Jan (Thurs)

Venue : Chongqing Hotpot

Time : 6.30pm






Mrs Teo



maggie mee

wat happened ger?? i felt tt i was more emotional during 3rd tri coz alwys tired n very heavily preggy... try to rest more n stay happy ya... anything talk to us... dun bottle up...


u got my email liao hor... add me when u can access lor...


ur ger really sweet n pretty leh... just like her mummy... heehee...


i let u gers knw if i can make it on that day itself hor... coz my ILs away n my boy just started sch so think my HB cannot handle him alone lor...


Wow! You girls are going to have a gathering on this coming thursday? So good! Will love to join you all but now I'm down with bad flu and sore throat since new year day. Don't want to spread the virus to you all. Feeling very weak and having a bad headache. Can't sleep well at night due to my block nose and light tummy cramp (I think must be the baby is growing inside me. Ha!). I can feel it like stretching. Very uncomfortable.

I had the Chongqing steamboat a month ago with my ILs. Very nice and light (for the chicken soup). I hope you all will enjoy it.

I'm going to take a nap soon. Just had my flu medicine.

Oh! By the way, Happy New Year [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JSP... nothing serious.. juz feeling v emotional n wat to cry at times... haha... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tis friday going to see doc again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Yeah can see my bb again!! i shd be ending my 23rd wk then... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was so busy suddenly. Now then got time to breath again. LOL!

blurangel> Ooh! Then you add me in fb lor. Email add: [email protected]

KTSC> Where got! Even if so, that was the past liao lei.... Did you saw my latest and ugliest pic of mine? Im so fat now!!!!!


I'm quite sure my gynae is pretty experienced! I saw the 4d pic of my boy, he's sooooo cute and looks a bit like my girl [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kekeke at least I know how he looks like now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JSP and gals,

Sorry gals,.... wont be able to join you guys for the meetup. Been feeling sick these few days and dont want to spread the virus to you all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Enjoy yourself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks ladies for all the positive vibes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Feeling better now... Just got up from my long nap.. body is still aching though.. I think just gotta bear with it till baby is out..

Maggie: Hugs!! Its out to cry it out sometimes.. its actually a form of emotional relief.. (Read that somewhere)

Ok ladies.. good evening to you.. going to enjoy some 'Friends' therapy on StarWorld.. heheh!

And if anyone wants to add me on FB- [email protected] (do let me ur that u r a May MTB from here) thanks.

Ok! I've done the reservations for Thursday's dinner.

For those of you who will be joining us please PM me your contact #.

Hopefully, I'll be able to recognise some of u from ur FB pics!

yos blur angel and AR

can't find u both in facebook lei...

i'm gonna change my privacy settings (for today and tom) so that u can add me

[email protected]


boh chup ur seniors..juz snub them as say "u'll only understand when it's ur turn next time"


me dun haf ur email addy..can add me to ur fb?



Hi bbf,

HI ladies good Morning,

just went for my detailed scan yesterday.

We're having a Babty Boy!!!

Hubby is all smiles....

Even printed a T-shirt that said

"My Team's Winning" to give the surprise announcement to his parents and tied a " Its a Boy" balloon on my dog's collar to give the surprise announcement to my parents.

this is my grandmother's first Great Grandson too. she too very excited!!!

what a feeling to see the tiny feet and hands..... nearly brought me to tears.....

Soon the shopping can start.


Please help to update for me, will be having a Baby Boy.

EDD: 27 May

Dr Benjamin Tham, KKH

Thanks! =)

Congrats Sumathi!!! thats great news.

Im going for my detailed scan ts Sat, hope to know baby gender too...heheheh!!!

Hey sumathi, congrats! I like the t-shirt idea. So cute!

sue: thanks for the boost and added ya on FB already..

Am on another day of MC. I think rest is most impt now. my hubby forbid me from getting dressed for work.. so no choice.. stay at home another day..

Anyway, was browsing the needs and dun needs for baby stuff.. am buying in bits and pieces. I dun really have much help from in laws or my mom so gotta get the stuff myself.. Any online shopping places where I can get these stuff in packages?

hihis mtbs

goot morning!

whoa, i sure had a disturbed sleep, waking up every 2hours to visit the loo... sigh

bbf and ktsc

added u liaos...

nice mafia-ress image bbf!

other mtbs, feel free to add me too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] just indicate u're from may mtb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


do u feel bb kicking already? i think i started to feel some light thuds on the lower abdomen esp during quieter moments...



btws, wanna ask mtbs here.. if u do talk to ur bb, what do u talk about? i dunno what to say to her except calling out her name, greet her good mornings, nites and jokingly complain about her daddy (in front of him) ...

hubby oso dunno what to say except for calling out her name while poking my stomach... :]

Sue: My husband says 'Meow' to my bb. Hahaha! He says it thru my belly button as though its some phone line. Hahah! I guess if you are religious, you can recite some verses from your Holy book. Thats what I do. I actually go to the online Quran recitation website and let it run then put the head phones on my belly. Hopefully my baby becomes pious and not Osama's fan! hahaha! So scary nowadays I tell u.

If not religous than some classical pieces like Mozart and beethoven... I heard bb like to hear it.. read in some article.. I think last month's issue of Motherhood..

Sue, i am lazy.. so i think since she is inside me.. she can hear whatever I say abt her to my friends..and she probably can feel my thoughts too. hhahaha

but my hb very funny, he went to buy a roald dahl book (The TWITS) and reads 1 chapt aloud every night..

i am amazed by the choice of story though..the twits are abt 2 untidy mr and mrs. hahahha

Good Morning MTBs & FTB,

was really a restless morning for me. getting really xcited today cos doin DS in the noon. Finally can c bb face n prob confirm the gender. :D

wow a get together for all MTBs, too bad i not a mother... :p

since bb starts to move in the tummy, i hav been pondering do i need to buy some nursery songs book to sing to bb?? or is there any online webby to learn from? jus find that speaking to bb the same few phrase mayb boring to bb. haha.

Hi Sue,

I woke up last night with a sharp pain on my calf. It was so painfully i woke up crying and made my way to the loo too. I massaged it for awhile and fell a sleep. My hubby didnt haer me, so guess he didnt get up... =(

As for baby kicks, i can feel it very strong since Christmas. Quite strong... Hubby can feel it too. he was amazed.

Hubby has also reading stories to baby every night. Baby will be very active and moving around when hubby reads or talks. Last night no movement while reading, guess baby must have fallen asleep.

Even, now as im typing i can feel the little ones movements.No so much but can still feel.

Mrg mummies! Went for detailed scan yesterday! Baby is healthy and weighed 396Grams. Everything is in proportion except the tummy is super fat as commented by my gynae... guess i'll b hving a fat n round bb...and oh yes! it's 100% confirmed tt im hving a BOY!

BBF, can kindly change my bb's gender from girl to boy? Thanks!

hihis loh

wow...mia for a long long time sia

how's the housework coming along? wifey still on facebook and loboing around the house? hehe...

btw, my friend told me about his wife spending all her time in front of the tv and during delivery she had a hard time cos she didn't move around too much during the pregnancy...

i guess being more active would help to a certain extent in delivery preparation, so, maybe can let ur wife know...


oh dear! i had the same problem.. and the muscle cramp lasted 4 days! i read from the net that doing calf stretches (sitting wif legs outstretched - point toes towards our bodies instead of away, for 10-15 counts x 3 before we sleep and when we wake up) help and have been doing it whenever i can remember, and it really helped me...

AR: hehe.. meow meows.. scally that's the first thing she learns to say.. hehe...

will take ur recommendation, sounds good lei.....will read out some prayers to her so that she'll be more inclined towards my belief (Christianity) instead of hubby's (none)hehe...

somemore they're shorter than storybooks..ahaha

mrs teo:

haha ur hubby is funny... mine chose a cheem book over a toddler's book.. he wanted to get more bang for the buck.. but i was really sure baby wouldn't understand anything sia.. enid blyton.. that's like for nursery or primary school kids... bb doesn't even know her ABCs yet.. haha!

in the end, the book's at some corner of the house wif only 5pages read by hubby to my baby..

think we're really lazy sia.. ahahaha

Sue, I hope to mit up with u mummies n steambt my fav leh, but then timing not veri Ok for mi, cos my girl will come bk from school liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] not very convenient...so guess i hv to gv it a miss.

I put on 2.7Kg tis mth, shucks. Total around 6 Kg at week 20..haiz. But my mrg sickness come n haunt mi since last Sat..siao siao wan. Been vomitting for a few days after food. anywan else?

Morning MTBs!! Yeah now on reading topic to bb... i also having same problem duno what to say or read to bb.... so far only like greetings n asking how is bb... duno wat to say...

Can bb hear our voice better or from outside voice? but how loud huh ??? Sometimes i on some music but duno if bb can hear if too soft????

Destiny.. u r not the worst... i put on 7kg liao at 23 wk... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but i still feel like i wat to eat eat eat....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] haha

Hello mummies

Happy New Year to everyone[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I was on leave and today juz came back to work.

Sorry that i cant join you mummies for the gathering.


Congrats to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey ladies,

My colleagues always tell me, 'Just eat whatever you crave for, later can worry abt weight.' Hahah!

I guess if you give consideration to the nutrients of the food intake, then it should be fine. moral of story- Just Eat!! It wouldnt be end of the world. I am sure we can all lose it during the 4 mth maternity leave. :p

Maggie: To comfort u, I put on 7.7kg! So dun be too upset... And yes, baby can hear what u can hear. Wanna experiment?- go watch a movie like Avatar or Chipmunks. your baby will be bouncing with the movie's sound. Heheh!

bbf> Thanks for making the reservation!

sumathi> Congrats on your bb boy!

A R> It is good to stay home and only go out/go back to work after you have fully recovered. You dont want it to come back again right? So rest well.

Sue> I also dont know what to do with her. Only complaint about her daddy to her [in front of him]. Got your girl a name liao ar? Im cracking my head for a name lor. Have thought of one but hb dont like. I dont like hb's choice either. LOL!

Loh> You can bring your wify along with you mah. I believe all are ok with it right.

Anne Raj> Was that leg cramp you experienced yesterday night?

destiny> You MIA to where? Now got boy liao, can close shop already!

Talk about weight, last month, my sil asked me about my weight gain. I told her I gained 5kg so far. She is damn sh!t lor! Know what she said? She say "you mean you are 5kg overweight ar?" TMD! I nearly slapped her face [if only I could]. She always like to compare me and make sarcastic remarks to me [especially]. Just like when I told her that my bb is a girl, she went "HUH! Girl? Girl? Sure or not?" Tell me how not to hate her? Then last week, I showed my another sil what clothes I have bought for my girl, then she came into my room to kpo also. Before she left my room, she say again, may not be girl one, will change one. Dont buy too much clothes now." Meaning my girl would have the chance to be a boy lah! Even so, why must she be like that??????? Isnt she a woman also? I know she has a son as her first born, but she doesnt have to me so tao yan right! Hai..... Now I siam her whenever I can. Cant stand her remarks which will end up causing me to blame myself why I got a girl and not a boy.

hi i have some baby girl clothes from 0-6months, interested pls msg me at 91446750. Just exchange it for 3pack of pigeon wet tissue.

hihis agains...


mmm actually got, we have a name for her...very simple and common name...but erm am keeping it confidential for now..cos we kindda pantang.. scally something happen and she decides not to come into the world... :/

i think it's easier to have a name to call the baby by lei..

hopefully it will recognise her own name more easily next time...

aiyoh, ur sil sounds like someone i'll have fun suaning back.. think u're nice lor.. just ren... haha

i'm sick of such pple and now have lotsa fun dreaming up of suans to throw back at them... hehe!

about baby making movements, yeah AR, baby seemed really uncomfortable to the sounds of Avatar.. when i play the beatles or frank sinatra, i dun get a response..but she kicks to Norah Jones.. strange huh...

Chloie, ur sil is sickening la..like so proud like tt...

ya close shop liao..wanted to ligate, but gynae discourage saying im stil young, n kids stil small, dunno wat will happen in future n may regret next time..haiz, now i also dunno wanna go ahead anot.

sue, u kinda pantang hor? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeaps...am slightly more cautious after the MC event in 08...hard to get and keep a bb lei...

but still i'm quite blur la.. make silly mistakes someitmes... :p

does ur hubby sayang u more, now that it's a boy like what he wished for?

Sue> My hb call my girl "mei mei". I got angry lor. Why must call her mei mei when she's our first born. Then he say cos our girl is like his sister, so want to call her mei mei. *faint*

I dont want to waste my time suaning shallow people lor! Plus, she already made me so angry, I wont have the mood to suan back. Only angry words would come out so I rather keep quiet and complaint and cry to hb [cos it's his sis mah]. He told me to ignore, but, it's hard know!

Destiny> She is really proud lor. Dont know proud of what. Not as if she is damn rich or damn smart. Not wanting to sound bad, but both of them are very shallow. They always think 2=1+1. But it's not lor!

Chloie> Dun care abt ur SIL.. all this negative vibes not good for the baby.. i was told that during pregnancy u shdnt hate someone too much bec wait then ur baby will become like them. So try to divert ur thoughts whenever u get reminded abt her.. I do the same whenever i get irriated with someone..esp annoying colleagues!

Sue> Maybe your baby prefers beatles and frank sinatra.. Norah Jones aint her thing then! hahah.. or is it the other way ard? When I play pop tamil songs my bb kicks alot then when I put on Quran reciation, no response also.. So I think kick means dun like.

Destiny> Hi there to u! I think this my first time seeing u on this thread.. anyway, dun ligate la... u'll never know... later u might have the yearning to have another.. My aunt had here last child at the age of 36 (although its a big risk) bec her 3 other kids were pretty grown up n see wanted another baby to play with... of course this is like extreme case...

ok ladies, catch u in the evening.. going to take my nap.. rare treats like this dun come by often.. heheh

Hello Destiny

Just notice you and I are seeing the same gynae, Joycelyn Wong and also having the 2nd BB, so coincidence (^_^)

You should be more than 4 months already, right? Did you sign the package wif Joycelyn Wong?

Hi Chloie, Ya i was having leg cramps last night...poor me, still have the pull till now. try to do some stretching execrise but the pull hasnt come off... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Dear mummies,

I have a Medela Freestyle pump for sale. Bot in US, only used for 2x. Pls PM me if interested.

The Freestyle breast pump is super small and light that it can be put inside ur handbag. It has built-in rechargeable batteries so that means u dont have to bring the heavy adapter carry. At the same time, this also eliminates the hunt for an electrical outlet. This is very useful for working mothers.

The world's smallest high-performance electric breastpump gives a mother more time and flexibility in her everyday life. Ideal for daily and frequent use.

With 2-Phase Expression either Single or double pumping, SoftFit Breastshield and PersonalFit Breastshield for maximum comfort and output, Hands-free accessories for more freedom while pumping.

Stylish shoulder bag including cooler for on-the-go convenience and Rechargeable battery provides 3 hours pumping time


Try massaging instead of stretching. It helps a lot cus last time i used to get lots of leg cramps and my hb would massage for me.


Congrats! Y want to ligate? Just take precautions in future kekeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Congrats! kekeke since know gender already, can start shopping! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Don't be bothered by her comments... I realized the more you dislike a person, your child might like that particular person even more than you prefer. so just think of other positive or happy things instead of her and her remarks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm what do I talk about to my bb arh? Let me think... usually when i wake up, i will tell my bb its morning time, then when i go to bed, i say goodnight to him. In between, i will tell him what his jie jie is doing. My girl talks more to him.. she will tell him what she is doing, and if she falls or gets a bruise or even a mosquito bite, she will tell him. She even paste stickers on my tummy and told me not to remove it as its for her brother. When i read to my girl her story books, its also like reading to him so kills 2 birds with a stone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm seeing my gynae next monday, am wondering how is he growing now... the last i seen him, he's 300over grams. Smaller in size compared to his sister at that age [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hb has been urging me to eat more and not control diet... so far i gained about 5kgs.

hihis [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

having slight heartburn from my banmian dinner...

ylc, destiny

mmm too bad u ladies can't join us...hopefully u can next time...


ur gal is cute..helps u entertain her bro...and vice versa for the bro [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i'm beginning to realise that it takes a lot of effort to bring up a kid...if i'm too lazy to talk to my bb now, wonder whether i'll be a good mum to entertain her when she comes out :/


btw, which name is the reservation made under? bbf or eileen?

c ya all tom!



Thanks but don't worry I don't look anything like my FB pic in real life. haha...


congratulations! can imagine a huge celebration awaits the birth of ur little one.

ok feeling quite tired today... going to call it a day le.

