(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


i'm like u lor... so bored at work so come in to chat budden thread also like bo lang one... sianz... hope for thurs to come soon... then long weekend again... hohoho...



Ok. thanks. i'll give them a call tomorrow morning. I am going to see my gynae this afternoon for my amnio full report and able to know bb gender. So gan cheong!

no mood work also... everyday come to office, wait for 6pm ;)

only social network site i can access is SMH. heheh. thank God

mrs teo

i also leh... everyday come in oni wait for lunchtime... after lunch oni wait for 6pm... can actually go off at 5.30 one budden need to wait for my HB come pick me up so earliest is 6pm lor...

Actually I also dont really look forward to the holidays. Cant go party. Ppl find me "tin te". Cant eat this, cant drink, cant be squeeze. Hai.... My social life is getting sooooooo small that I dont get to go for any party. I spent my x'mas eve sleeping at home. X'mas at a relative birthday celebration then went hm to sleep the afternoon away.

But I think it is good also lah. Dont like to go out much these days. Just feel like spending my time at home with hb.

Everytime we are driving on a long stretch of road, or at a restaurant enjoying our food or at home watching tv together, I would tell him to appreciate and enjoy those moment otherwise dont know have to wait till when then we can be like that again. LOL!


i so look forward to the holidays leh... then can nuah at hm mah... i also like u lor... mostly at hm after we had my boy... n usually my boy will tag along wherever we go lor... he used to it liao... so this year we had a bbq cum birthday gathering with frds n family at my plc on xmas eve... i think we'll be spending most of our holidays at hm with our boy lor... budden i need to move my butt n bring him go orchard see all the nice lightings...


no mood to work coz holiday mood mah... office is so quiet n not much things to be done also... have to wait till the big shots come back then work will more or less resume lor...

orange1, coz its holiday mood leh (lazy mood)

usually my busiest is aft 3pm when my colleagues in Europe starts work, now they are all on holidays, so its really quiet. I so bo liao plan my 2010 maternity leave + childcare leave + annual leave already.

chloie, I am still going to house parties but no alcohol... can be boring but at least still hang out with friends.

since nothing much to do also, i wanna try to learn how to use oven to cook something.

my hubby and me also try to entertain ourselves by thinking abt how we can be proper parents. we decided to teach our dotter to speak / behave like dramatic black woman *think kimora lee simmons* hehehe...

Hi Ladies, last week to the year! got ur resolutions up??

Btw for the mums who already know ur bb gender may i ask if anyone announce ur bb's gender in a unique way

eg.. bake a cake for the family with the colouring of pink/blue inside???

i'll be going for my 20th week scan next week YEAH!!! so i'll know if my bb is a boy or girl. so i thought i could break the news in a cool way. any suggestions???

jsp and mrs teo

Oic. ya! got free time can make plan for bb [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im so bored too gals...cant wait for 6pm...have been spring cleaning my desk and now im done, and dont neo wat else to do...ummm.... "(


i also need to spring clean my desk leh... coz need to shift to another cubicle next week... budden still have not gotten down to doing it... heehee...


I have a medela freestyle pump for sale. Bought in nov 09. (US set without warrently).Use only for one mth. Selling at $400. Freeies: Avent breast pump conversation kit for medela freestyle. Please email me if interested.

Hullo MTBs.... aiyoh dun be bo liao.... me hoping to pop in but yr end so everything must clean up tis week.... n got new task to complete by next monday... sianz... these Operation pple got no life meh??? *angry*...

Just trying to finish off all my wk so can relax for rest of wk..

btw.. hvn't even check out CL... sigh...guess this wkend will go to Metro expo sale to ckout some bb cot,stroller etc...or anyone got good place to recommend ?

Good day MTBs, FTB,

Was over at China n HK with wify last wk. Seems I have to catch up over the prev posts.

Finally able to feel bb's soft punches or kicks when we were in Shenzhen. Its so real n fun, n luckily bb is behaving well n thus wify can njoy her trip. Tot of buying Pigeon stuff at Shenzhen but aft making comparisons with fren in sgp thru phone, Shenzhen is mor X except for electrical stuff which can b at nearly half of sgp price. So tempted, but then only China warranty so did not get it. oso did not get any bb clothes as they r selling winter clothing which i doubt can b of use here. but its cheap...

so MTBs, other than Metro sale, any other sale worth goin as we havent get anything yet.. haha. N does anyone have lobang for CL as wify is having 2nd thoughts now..... Tks!

maggie mee

swing is a single pump leh... n so more time needed lor... heard not so gd comments abt it too... i got a frd selling his wife's almost BN swing if u interested thou... i think used for a mth only... n still got warranty one...

the medela freestyle tt moomoo is selling seems like quite a gd deal leh... u PM her for details n pics lah...

how long do u gals plan to bf until?

I see my friend bring pump to work.. like so troublesome... somemore have to go toilet pump. she is planning to stop end of this year (so her bb is bf for abt 5mth)

mrs teo

i regretted stopping early for my #1... stop when he was 2mths old... but supply lasted till he was 3 mths plus... so #2 i hope to bf for at least a yr or longer... i think some pple just bring a shawl n pump at their desk... for my office, can pump at breastfeeding room...


I am new to this thread. Am expecting my second daughter (EDD: 3 May 2010). Can I join?

Mrs Teo, BFg is very much dependent on your level of comfort and how far you want to go with it. I breastfed my older girl until she was about 13.5 months.

Indeed, expressing in office can be quite tedious unless you have 2 sets of pumps - 1 for the office and the other at home. 2nd set can be bought later after you have resettled in the office.

And you have to work out your schedule in the office around your pumping timing. Your boss and colleagues must also be supportive.

These are few insights that I got from my breastfeeding experience the last round. That said, I will greatly encourage you to continue to latch baby on for at least 6 months. My girl did, and she was a very healthy child.

if i wan to do it.. then i will buy 2 sets... troublesome to carry ard everyday.

thing is... not necessary everyone will have supply right..

so i also dun wan to buy first.. coz in case no milk.. then waste also leh.i prob will do it for 6mth if i can tahan.. coz yr end i wanna go tavel with my galfriends.. so hope to wean bb by then. heheh

hahaha, 2 sets would definitely be a lot convenient. That's why it's better to get 2nd set after you resettle in the office.

Cos you wun know how boss and colleagues will react to you constantly popping into the spare room / meeting room to express milk.

Even if you have a dual pump, it woul take you about 30mins each round, cos you have to set up the items, massage your breasts before you start the pumping and clean up. Multiply that by 4 times everyday (if you do it every 2 hours).

Of course, you can choose to do it before everyone comes into office in the mornning, during lunch-time and after work, but you will be engored and desperately needing relief. That's why I say it's up to your level of comfort.

mrs teo

i dun believe in not everybody got supply leh... coz i feel tt every mummy would have milk one... just how to stimulate oni... coz oni when there is demand then the supply would be there... when i had #1 tt time, i super hardworking one... pump every 2 hrs even when the yield is very little n slowly, the supply so much until i BTH lor... so after my CL left, i'm left with bb alone... super stressed so stopped pumping... btw, i pumped exclusively coz my bb will latch on for afew hrs kind lor...

huh.. u mean not just put the pump there then can start to express the milk liao ar... still need to massage and prepare... *faints*

like take alot of time from work hor...? pump liao then put into milk bottle to store.. then place in freezer?

nope... you need to massage cos your breasts would be 'hard' and slightly 'engorged' after a couple of hours of non-activity. You need to massage them to ease out the blocked ducts otherwise you will end up suffering from mastitis, which is very painful.

I had very engorged breasts once and was in so much pain that I actually thought it was mastitis, cos I was also running fever liao. So rushed back to Raffles Hospital for the lactation nurses to have a look.

I used to spend an hour in the room pumping, cos I was using Swing. If you use a dual pump, it shortens the length of time by half. Cos you pump straight into the storage bottle.

I usually don't freeze in the office, just leave in the fridge to keep cold. Otherwise, on the way home, frozen milk would have thawed and you will need to give to your baby almost immediately when you reach home. Cos breast milk cannot refreeze.

Most pumps comes with a milk bag and a ice block for their bottles to remain cold during the ride home. So I only freeze the ice blocks in the office, so they remain cold enough for the ride home.

I also share the same viewpoint as JSP. Every mother has the ability to nurse. My friend also persevered until her baby was able to latch on comfortably. In the meantime, she just tried very hard to increase her milk produce by EBM.

Initially, she had to spend 2 days to EBM to get sufficient milk for one feed. So, during she supplemented with FM. Now her girl is able to latch on and her milk produce has increased significantly.

Just a couple of things to note. While it is our nature to compare, milk production amount should not be compared, cos you will not know how much stress you may be putting another mum through.

Just remember that what your body produces is currently what your baby requires. Some babies take more, some take less. Some babies just have a slightly more difficult time learning the skill. We all have our problems when it comes to BF.

Another thing is to have a good support network with other mummies who give birth about the same time as you do.

During my confinement, a friend of mine and I shared our BF concerns with each other during the wee hours feed via SMS. It helped a lot and it definitely tide us through the long nights when we are up alone and the rest of the house was dead quiet. Usually if you are Bfg, daddies would refuse to wake!

painful only when you did not empty out everything. the rest of the time you can still go about your business until the time to latch / express comes again.


u veri detailed... i like...

mrs teo

i also kenna engorged once... budden massage n latch bb on liao very soon okie alrdy... the medela PIS n freestyle actually does the massage for u... coz its 2 phrase pumping system... so i did not do any massage b4 pumping one... usually just clean nipples n start milking liao... n i'm usually done in 20 mins... dun worry too muchie... ur motherly instincts will kick in once u see ur bb happily drinking ur milk... heehee... n u will feel tt the sufferings are all worth it...

Hmm.. i was thinking of getting the pump after birth.. like rent from hospital see how first... wat ya think ?? My target to BF ard 4mths when maternity over... cuz very troublesome to pump in ofc...

Ranthingbaby!!!you are fantastic help!!! i have been concerned about BF too. Some women I knew couldnt produce milk and simply gave up BF...I am so worried that I cant too...Now i understand whatever we produce if wat the baby wants. I seriously hope that i can produce enough. In my 5 months, my breast has grown so much that i can use my normal bras, I bote this maternity bra two months and cant wear that too..Giving me backache.


i agree totally with u on the comparison of milk production part... coz i think we shld all enjoy motherhood instead of comparing with one another... every mother is different... for me, if not enuff milk can alwys supplement, dun be stressed... most impt thing is the physical n mental health of bb n mummy...

***i cannot use my normal bras, I bote this maternity bra two months and cant wear that too..Giving me backache.

maggie mee

i think u can rent one 1st if u not sure of ur milk production... i more ley chey kind... dun like to share stuffs like tt with strangers so prefer to buy my own as my SIL need hers back... if u dun intend to bf long then maybe can latch bb 1st n if really need then ask HB to go out buy for u... budden u need to knw which model n where to buy it so tt easier for ur HB...

in the early stages, I always psycho myself... I tell everyone I know that 'I am a cow'. It helps to a certain extent.

When I was having my confinement, it was very stressful to read online when other mummies were posting how much milk they can pump each day. So I learnt to skip over those posts, and constantly remind myself, if my girl is strong, healthy, taking in milk and not falling sick, I have succeeded.

If I need to increase the milk production, I just have to be more diligent in making sure I have sufficient rest, take a lot of water, soupy stuff, laych/pump more and don't stress myself over milk amount, then I will enjoy motherhood and also breastfeeding.

ranting bb

heehee... i got no time to go online when i was bfg lor... coz like a 'COW'... hahaha... milking every 2 hrs lor... budden i think dun compare n do wat u think is best for urself n ur kid... i stop pumping to stay sane n also to spend more quality time with my HB n bb...

my mum taught me to latch my girl on each breast for 15mins (or will end up with cracked nipples, also very painful), then I will proceed to pump each breast for 15 mins. So I spent about 1 hour for latch/expressing every 3 hours.

Lactation nurses may tell you that you need not limit the amount of time to latch for each breast, I still did it lar..


i pump/latch bb once every 2 hrs for the 1st mth to stimulate supply... after tt once the supply is there, i'll pump once i feel engorged... which is also like every 2-3hrs kind...

will have to chat another day... my hubby's ranting about having nothing to do... I must go pacify my old baby first...


usually shld have enuff for bb to feed during the 1st mth coz they dun drink alot... i got extra to keep somemore lor... so dun worry... like wat rantingbb said, ur body would knw how much to produce for ur bb's needs...


LOL on ur old bb...

Hi Mummies to be,

I have the following items for sale.

1. BN Medela Breast Milk Bottle 150ml (set of 3) selling @ $25.

2. BN Pigeon Wide Neck Bottle with (Y) Nipple (300mlx3) selling @ $21.

3. BN Pigeon Wide Neck Bottle with (S) Nipple (200mlx3) selling @ $15.

4. BN Pigeon Wide-neck Peristaltic Nipple (S)-2pcs/bc selling @ $5.

5. Hardly used Pigeon Breastmilk & Babyfood Warmer selling @ $40.

NTUC/ Robinsons/ Giant Vouchers are acceptable. Please email me @ [email protected] for fast deal.

