(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

MTBs another day gone! Hope everyone have a good dinner! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and good nite sleep[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



I went for my detailed scan yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bb is so naughty... keep turning round and round. I have to go back and scan his heart again cus by the time we did his heart scan, he was at my belly button and gynae said its not optimum position as there might be air bubbles in between. I saw his kidneys, hands & feet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We did another 4d scan, OMG, he looks like his sister when she was in my tummy... its so cute!!!!! He's much smaller than his sister and now weighs 375g [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My girl was a bigger baby than him. Hb thinks its because i'm controlling my diet. I didnt put on much weight except a 100-200g in 3 weeks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Breast feeding:

I bf my girl till she is 3.5 yrs old. She still wants bf from me but i have to limit her now. I read somewhere that to create more milk, you have to bf at night! My girl bf many times a day when she was younger. Once she started solid food, her bfing reduced quite a lot.

Bfing - lots of preparation. Have to clean nipples, have to massage for milk to flow out. Initially milk flow is very little, but don't worry about it cus our bbs will need little when they are just out. Don't feel stress about milk flow cus the more stress you are, the harder to get milk. Just enjoy the process and don't bother what others say [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My CL keeps saying my milk flow is so low etc etc but for me is one ear in one ear out, in the end i bf my girl till now and i'm proud of it!

hi everyone!

I remember my CL used to pop into the room with my girl, saying, 'let her suckle for fun... no need to be too full, half-full can liao.' She is very pro-breastfeeding and she understands that Demand = Supply.

But I did not understand, so when she pops in, I will give her the 'huh? so soon?' look, and her standard reply is always the same.

Hi rantingbaby, i guess thats a good thing too right? you are great, you ahve given the ful insight to what to except on BF...now im as worried as previously.


Don't give yourself undue stress. Just remember that you and baby are partners in crime... erm, I mean, partners in joy...

You have to learn the skill, the baby also has to learn to work wwith you too. Go with the flow. Any questions, just post here... I am sure some of the old birds won't mind answering them... if you need a more professional insight, then call your lactation nurses. The hospital will give you the hotline to call before you leave the hospital.

will be back later... talk to all of you again... now running out to SAFRA Jurong to exercise... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] more like I watch my hubby and kiddo exercise.

Hi YLC, Rantingbaby,

Did u actually let ur toddler suckle or u expressed the milk and bottle/cup fed them?

were u pregant whilst BF?

some said its dangerous or not good for the foetus.

frens said that whilst express milk on 1 side the other will leak? so would u suggest a dual pump?

if yes which brand u found to be the best....

milk bottles......

pls give us more tips : )

Hi Mummies,

How's everyone doing?So glad we're in the 2nd trimester now.

Went for my detailed scan yesterday as well. Everything turns out to be fine & i finally got to know the gender.Im expecting a boy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Gosh,my boy is so shy throughout the whole scan & it takes a while for the sonographer to determine the gender.Cant believe he's tat shy.So unlike his sister.

BBF, can u assist to update the gender pls?Also, my edd has changed to 10 May instead.Many thanks for your help.

I hope it would not be a de javu experience for me. Felt so terrible when I tried to BF my gal in May this year. Then now no 2 (maybe a gal too) and be arriving next May. Im so envious of mummies who can BF right from the start. My BM was so little and at same time felt really lousy for being a 'bad' mum. Cried and sobbed for first couple of weeks.

I must be stronger this time.


Can u update for me. i'm expecting a boy. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I can close shop liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello everyone... Am new here.. I posted a similar hello msg yesterday but somehow its missing.. anyway, Hello again!

First baby..Got pregnant immediately after marriage (tell me abt it!....) My EDD is 9 May, seeing Dr Esther Ng @ East Coast Women's Clinic (its at Tanjong katong), Hospital - East Shore Hospital..

So yup.. HI!!!

hi aneesha.. welcome! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My EDD 8 May.. very close to you! So had yr detailed scan already?

Maggiee, you there?im counting down on the time. I was feeling lightheaded and wanted to rest with my head on the table, felt my lower tummy being pressed and hard of breathing. I think as the tummy becomes bigger, can do such things...

Do you feel your baby moving nowadays? its been stronger since Sat....very active, baby is moving almost every moment and wonder if he rest..hehheheh!!!

Hi Anne... how are you ... me hv been browsing ard the net for a CL... no mood to work.. haha...

Yes... bb kicking me more ... or maybe i feel it more now.. but normally i dun feel so much at work.. maybe too engrossed looking at pc!! haha

I feel worst after meals!!! As if my stomach gona burst!! so hard of breathing!!!so always try to take a walk aft dinner... can't imagine if our tummy grows bigger... what will it be like!!!

Me too! I felt a weight pressing onto my cervix. Sometimes when I walk, the weight happen to press onto my cervix then I have some difficulty walking. I wonder if that is baby. On most night when I lie on my bed, I feel a lump in my lower tummy. I can feel it move around. I asked my gyne if that is bb moving but she say is maybe the womb moving cos bb now so small so we cant feel their movement yet. Then she showed me how it felt like when bb kick. The feeling is like taping your fingers on the table. Very light feeling and like butterfly flying like that.

Yes yes! Went for detailed scan just last saturday.

It was truly an experience. Spent 30 mins in the room with the sonographer. My bb refused to move when measuring the head circumference. I spent abt 15 mins doing rolling stunts to make it move. Hahahah! Thinking abt it makes me laugh. My bb is usually very active so it was very surprising that it refused to move.

The way I found out the gender also was funny.. the sonographer first asked if I already knew the gender; after I replied no, she said she already knew. I told her not to tell me yet and to wait for my hubby to come in. But the cat was out of the bag when she keyed 'XY' on the screen.

ultimately I am fine with either gender bec first child only.. still got time before close shop. :p

Me too maggie, i do feel like bursting after meals and regarding eating so much, but the amount i need is lesser than my usual...

Chloie, i have feel those, baby moving and kicking...once i was rubbing my tummy while in the train and i felt the same movemnt from the inside...so cute...

i realised i've piled on 6kg+ from preggy till now!! n even though i never snack...

Hmm... i dun feel bb's movement so much during the day.. guess more at nite.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

XY is the chromosomes that determines that the foetus is a boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maggie, I also put on 6kg+ But I've started to snack alot since my 5th month... must be careful though.. so snacking on healthy snacks. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And so sad that cant drink coke.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I have only put on about 3kg so far, during my 1st trimester only 1kg... Dont know if tts ok, hope baby is growing well...

Aneesha: congrats!!!! is ts your 1st baby...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maggie mee/ Aneesha

i also like u during my #1 time leh... budden this time rd appetite bad so so far oni 2kg... i also dun snack much... mostly fruits for tea... my fav is cherries n starwberries...


^hi5!!! we quite similar in terms of weight gain leh... budden i wanna lose all the weight including the leftovers from #1 time this time rd...

jsp, dont want to put on too much of weight n afraid may not shed it...also if the baby is too big, i may have problems giving birth rite... =(


ya lor... i still had afew kilos left to shed frm #1 time lor... so better dun put on too much... if not cannot wear back my nice nice clothes lor... heehee... imagine my #1 was 3.674kg at birth lor... big rite??

okie... gtg liao... HB waiting downstairs... chat wif u gers tomolo... tata...

Oh ya just curious, did all the mummy's already settled their confinement lady? Many of my friends had bad experiences and they encouraged MIL to help during confinement. I'm so worried we might have friction ... =(

Also, anyone planning to be a full time mummy after delivery?


Date : 7th Jan (Thurs) or 8th Jan (Fri)

Venue : TBC (The Mushroom Pot/Chongqing)

Time : After work abt 6pm - 7pm

To join, pls post and add on ur nick for the preferred date.

BBF, both

KTSC, both

gladseow, both

Chloie, both

sue, 7th

MrsTeo, both

There is mushroom pot at orchard point OG level 4.

Then there is Chongqing hotpot at Bugis and another one in Suntec.

Chongqing at Suntec because can make reservations but the one at bugis will have to go there to "chop" the places.

If you have any preferences, pls raise them here. we can finalise the location early next week.

For those of you who wish to add me on facebook it's : [email protected]

hey Jerbunny, i will be a SAHM to my boy after delivery.

anyone putting on v little weight? ive gained 1kg frm my pre pregnancy weight.

I have yet to start buying any bb stuff/maternity stuff.i went to the 2 baby hypermarkets in kaki bukit to walk ard & gosh..felt quite bogged by the array of bb merchandise.

Morning MTBs!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby_t : Me too... so many products! Guess we are only buying essentials..


When my boy is born, i will continue staying home to look after my 2 kids. Luckily my work allows me to work from home so I still be able to take care of both kids & do activities with them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I asked gynae whether it is alright to bf while pregnant, she said it might cause some cramps and early stage still okay but later on into the pregnancy, we may have this cramp and think it might be contrations so it may cause undue stress or worry. Her advise is to stop but... my girl in unstoppable... I think its a habit for her cus I know there isn't any bm for her at the moment. actually in the day, she won't bf but only at night before she sleeps and for a short while only. So i just let her be for the moment. Guess thats her way of being close to me despite no. 2 coming [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeah me too! after meals, i feel like my stomach is going to burst and its so heavy. I can't walk immediately, have to sit down and relax and wait for the food to digest then i can go about doing things. This pregnancy is so different from my no. 1. When i had no. 1, i am more active and can walk and shop whole day! Yesterday went shopping with my sis, every now and then have to sit and rest or have a drink otherwise want to faint already.

baby_t , maggie> You all been to baby hypermart & baby kingdom aldy ar? I been to each about twice. To look see look see. I would say I would buy stuffs from kingdom rather than hypermart. The items in Kingdom are more practical like those clothes, diapers, cotton wool, changing mats, etc... Whereas hypermart the items are more to the cots, strollers, [high end stuff]. LOL!

I bought sterilizer and breast pump during the Phillip carnival. Damn cheap lor!

I might wait till March then start buying cos I want to go ask for hand me down clothes from my cousins during CNY cos bb grow fast, so no point buying too much clothes for them. Am I right?


sorry for the late response. I'm not sure if I can make it for the dinner yet so pls go ahead and fix the date and I will join u gals if I can make it that day.


I also feel that my pregnancy this time is tougher than the previous. I feel tired easily and can't walk for long. My Christmas shopping was literally walk abt 1 hr, sit down for drinks/makan, then walk for another hr or so then go home. and after reaching home, I will be so tired and my back/hips will be aching. if I stand or walk for too long, I will feel like there's something pressing on my cervix. I need to sit down and if I don't, I will feel very unconfortable. It gets worse if I'm standing. I don't recall I was like tat previously....I'm so scared it will get worse as I reach 3rd trimester....


I hv added u in my FB.

To all mummies/MTBs/FTB,

2010 will be a wonderful year for us as we welcome our new bundle of joy in 5 months time. Stay happy and smile always.... enjoy the holidays!!

Chloie... yeah me went to cc look look only..at least kow where to get all the stuff n compare prices..

Ylc.. now i take quite little for each meal cuz scare of that bloated feeling.. not eating much rice for dinner too...

Can't wait for knock off to day to head to Metro expo sale.. anyone been there ? nice things to see?


i also feel the difference for my 2 pregnancy... 1st one like no diff frm normal... can shop n eat normally... this 2nd one more tough in the sense tt i get tired easily n cannot walk too much...

maggie mee

be prepared for the crowd leh... usually i go early in the morning b4 the crowds sets in... n try not to go 1st day...


when i had #1 i went to both shop budden in the end nvr buy anything frm there lor... coz the bb fairs usually got better deals n i find the staffs there not very friendly n rude...

Hi sumathi

I could latch my #1 on directly to suckle and also express out for her to drink through the bottle.

Hi aneesha

Hi MTBs, I do have a contact for CL. She was recommended to me by a friend and we used her during confinement after the birth of my #1. She is a M'sian and really very hard-working and pro-breast-feeding. Do PM me if you are interested.

Btw, please don't overstratch your bodies now. We may be still agile and mobile, but our bodies are undergoing changes, like loose joints. So, if you are still going shopping for baby stuff, rest periodically every 30mins or something, so you will not be too tired.

Re: Buying Baby Stuff

My hubby decided that we will only buy the items off-peak (i.e. after CNY). We are expecting a girl again (according to the gynae, but I still feel I am having boy leh. We'll see when time comes).

The baby will be sharing more, if not all the items used by #1. If you are having #1, then higher chances that you are in your nesting mode. But do remember that, you only need important items like pumps, cot, bath-tubs, diapers, bath gels and lotions and prams/strollers. It's really all the essentials. You may just want to get only 1 set of new clothes for the trip home from hospital.

Experienced mums will tell you, when you are celebrating Full-Moon, all your friends and relatives will get you the other clothes and toys. So that was our shopping strategy when we were expecting #1, and we saved quite a bit from the clothes and toys.

Hi bbf

Please include me in your next update!

EDD: 3 May

Nick: rantingbaby

Baby #:2

Gyane: Dr. Lee I Wuen

Hospital: Raffles Hospital

Gender: Girl

YOB: 1981

Address Zone: Jurong


Ylc and Petals,

Yah, this pregnancy is different from my no. 1. When I had no. 1, I can walk and shop whole day! But having this no.2, during shopping every now and then have to sit and rest or have a drink otherwise want to faint also. And don't know why always feel thirsty.

BBF, both locations I have not tried before. The Congqing hot pot have the "ma la" soup base?

