(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi all MTB and FTB

Have a Blessed Christmas and enjoy a long weekend [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hi Moms and Dads and Bride to Be

Wishing all of u a Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all

Edie, stop worrying and start enjoying ur marriage preps....

god bless u all

hihis mtbs

wishing you all a merry xmas and a happie new year!


good luck and all WILL turn out great! a smiley and happy bride and groom can definitely overcome ALL hiccups! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw bbf:

me can make it on 7th [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

is chongqing the one wif ma-la hotpot combi?



Date : 7th Jan (Thurs)

Venue : TBC (The Mushroom Pot/Chongqing)

Time : After work abt 6pm - 7pm

hi mummies..hope everyone had a gd xmas dinner with loved ones. m feeling super irritated right nw by some irkesome relatives who try to impose their ideas on me..& they are nt even parents themselves.

MERRY CHRISTMAS MTBS!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear all mummies and mum-to-be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am from aug mum.

I have some items to let go for your consideration:

-Avent electronic single pump(warranty till May 2011)

-New Avent 125ml bottle x 1

-New Pigeon disposable pad 36x2 boxes

-2 days old Auto Yau Lan

-less then 30mins old Bumbo seat(reserved)

-Mom R us sling

-Net rocker

-New Nanny Bottle 250ml x3

-New Baby Boy cloth Sets

-Madela SM cream sets x 2

Pls PM me if u interested.

Happy Boxing Day and rest well b4 the big day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi mummies, anyone keen to get navy blue MIM sarong sling in satin material, I got one BN one letting go, still in the plastic bag n come with instruction manual n DVD, brought at $55, willing to let go @$40, PM me if keen ya ;)

Hi Mummies,

Sorry to interrupt. I'm from the Oct 2009 mummy. I'm having a garage sale tomorrow from 12pm - 9pm. Selling off my maternity clothes (tops, jeans, workpants, shorts) $5-$15. There are also other adult and kids clothes, Guess, Cotton On, etc

It will be at my place.

Blk 298 Tampines st 22 #10-554

mobile: 91845708.

See ya!

sue, sumathi, JSP: Ya, things are getting better but a seriously lack of sleep cos of christmas and all. Everything is under control I hope.

bb-bao: that's what I've been going, masks every night. regarding aloha, they already said it's a strict no, I've heard from others they got fine a $500. As long as they don't stop the ceremony it will be fine. *cross fingers*

Hi bbf,

I'm having a baby gal! Pls help to update my info.. Thanks.. Hospital either TMC or Mt A not confirm yet...

Not joining u guys 4 d steamboat cos after work reach town area quite late already... Enjoy ur gathering!



Date : 7th Jan (Thurs) or 8th Jan (Fri)

Venue : TBC (The Mushroom Pot/Chongqing)

Time : After work abt 6pm - 7pm

To join, pls post and add on ur nick for the preferred date.

BBF, both

KTSC, both

gladseow, both

Chloie, both

sue, 7th

Morning everyone!!!

I'm having a gal ;)

was initially abit disappointed coz i wanted a boy. but learned to accept the news and wanna stay positive.. heheh told hubby that now he can start buying alot of things for me and it wun go to waste... (coz our daughter can inherit them when she's 16.. heheh)

bbf, could you help me update the gender of my bb. thanks ;)

Btw, meeting is in town area?

Good Morning MTBs!!!! Last week to 2009!!! Counting down to long weekend again!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mornings everyone! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yeah! countdown!

mrs teo:

congrats! i'm guessing soon enuf,you'll be enjoying urself buying sui sui things for ur little gal!

personally, i feel like goin on a shopping spree..for myself and for my girl girl..

but, mmm hubby and i are pantang...so we'll do our mad scrambling for bb stuff come mar instead... :/

MTBs... when do you all start buying cot, stroller,car seats? is it must for new born to be in car seat? or can buy after bb born? Me now looking ard at the prices loh...

How abt CL? anyone start booking liao?

hihis maggimee...

yeaps i booked my CL liao.. did it on oct..

even back then, those recommended by my friends were olready taken up from apr-may mtbs

mornings all...

mrs teo

congrats... like alot of gers in may 2010 thread hor... me also expecting a ger... heehee...


i'm starting to bio sui sui things alrdy leh... but need to get a dress for myself for my SIL wedding in Jan lor... i'm gg marina sq to see n update u mummies again ya...

maggie mee

most of the big ticket items were hand-me-downs frm frds n sil... but i alwys believe in putting bbs in car seat... coz safer... so i got mine b4 the bb is born so tt bb can be in it on the trip back hm from hospital...

as for CL, i alrdy confirmed mine in oct i think... n my nice CL called me back last week to double confirm date again so tt is settled... pls let me knw if u need contacts but i think most of the gd CLs are booked alrdy leh... my SIL went thru an agency to book her CL...

JSP... i tot so too.. all CL thru recommendation shd be booked liao.. but i dun mind thru agency... if u got good nice realiable one tell me.. thks

JSP.. anyway is it by law we must put NB in car seat?

MTBs... enjoy yr lunch! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maggie mee

i get my SIL agency n passed the contact to u if u interested... i saw in the forum bliss confinement also got not too bad comments leh...

by law, a child below 6 yo should be seated in a car seat... n all passengers shld be belted when in the car too...

i also realised alot of 1st baby are gals... and those having 2nd bb are boys.. heheh

i am inheriting alot big ticket items from my sister. can save alot leh...

Hi bbf,

My nick is Piggy...

I told some of the relatives that I'm having a baby gal.. Most of their reactions are never mind next one boy can le.. As if I was very sad 2 know that its a baby gal and I must have a boy like that... so old fashion thinking but I never say much to them also.. haha

mrs teo

Congrats. i was like u hoping for boy during my 1st pregnancy. As time passes, i begin to like gal. i hope tat this pregnancy is gal again.

Tomorrow afternoon i'll be able to know my bb gender [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JSP or any mummies

anyone have lobang for confinement lady cos i haven't look for one.

Hi bbf,

Pls help to update my info, thank you so much for the effort..

EDD : 10 May 2010

Nick : moondust07

BB No.: 1

Gynae name : Dr Fong Yang

Hospital : TMC

Gender : Boy


ok thanks. I have no choice. My 1st pregnancy i didnt get a CL and i suffer. This pregnancy die die must get one CL


i personally think the confinement period is impt for mummy to rest after the labour lor... so i also strongly recommend to engage a CL... as after tt, u would need to take care of bb urself so better to recuperate liao so tt got energy to face the remaining hard times ahead...


Date : 7th Jan (Thurs) or 8th Jan (Fri)

Venue : TBC (The Mushroom Pot/Chongqing)

Time : After work abt 6pm - 7pm

To join, pls post and add on ur nick for the preferred date.

BBF, both

KTSC, both

gladseow, both

Chloie, both

sue, 7th

mrs teo

have added u on FB... so which part of potong pasir u staying at?? i think we r definitely staying very near each other... i suppose we can meet up more often since we staying so near ya... heehee...

n the cute bb wif the green beanie is my #1... now very cheeky n naughty n refuse to let me put anything on his head lor...


Date : 7th Jan (Thurs) or 8th Jan (Fri)

Venue : TBC (The Mushroom Pot/Chongqing)

Time : After work abt 6pm - 7pm

To join, pls post and add on ur nick for the preferred date.

BBF, both

KTSC, both

gladseow, both

Chloie, both

sue, 7th

MrsTeo, both


I am staying at at lichi (near calvary baptist church)

i think its near Macpherson... (perhaps walking distant)

mrs teo

u wanna chat in FB?? coz dunno whether got any weird pple reading this thread anot leh... heehee... msn blocked by our IT so cannot chat there... off super sianz... nothing much to do also...

i cant use msn or fb (was adding u via hubby blackberry earlier) now in office its all blocked. only have skype. ;(

mrs teo

u more poor thing than me leh... we have access to FB coz company also got a FB acc... hahaha... so we tan dio... anyway, i can cfm we staying very near... maybe not so walking distance but its a short drive away...

JSP, hooo hoooo good! we can meet up ;)

i very cham lor... no chats / fb.. not even allowed to access personal email acc. will add u in msn when i am home / talk to u on fb then ;)


i know and alot of my friends told me tat as well. And tat's y i very gan cheong to find a CL. i was told not to do it the last min.

mrs teo

i oso have fb and i m addicted to the game as well. Gosh!

mrs teo

*sayang*... i dun go online at hm one leh... coz very busy with my #1 once i get hm... then when he finally slp i also tired liao... we can definitely meet-up lor... coz i usually invite my mummy frds to come my hse for gathering when i'm on leave... heehee...

I'm so bored..... Hai....

[Actually have lots to do but you know... it's the year end and on holiday mood]

Have been very quiet in here hor.

Went to my gyne ytd cos on Sunday morning when I sneeze, I think I pulled a nerve then whole day I feel cramp on n off [not those stretching pain] and dont feel much of bb movement. So went to see her ytd. She waved to us!!!! Was a very brief moment but seeing her and hearing her heartbeat made my day....

