(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Wow! maggie mee, you really like suprise hor (^^) but how you buy stuff for your baby?

I haven't know me baby gender yet but started to think the name for my baby already hehe

Anyone know any web-site for baby chinese name?

I will only give my baby chinese name, Chritian name I will leave it to my baby decision. In case my baby doen't like the name and blame me later haha

luckyone... can lah.. we just buy unisex colour loh haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] me n HB tik not necessary to koe as long as bb healthy most impt!but who koes how long we can keep our suspense!!

Hi everyone

just join this thread, expecting my 2nd child. hee...

Hi bbf

kindly help me to update thanks

Gynae: Dr. Fong

BB No. 2

Hospital: Gleneagles

EDD: 10.05.2010

Gender: Boy


thanks, I'm a bit lazy to call because it's so difficult to get thru to the phone at the clinic. it is always engaged. I tried calling 5 days after my triple test to ask and they told me it's not ready yet. I will try and call tmr.

Hi Luckyone

I oso have leg cramp too. Sometimes can be 2-3 times a nite. Try to relax and ask your husband to massage your toes if possible. sometimes its so painful that i cant stand up.

Hi bbf, cld u update my particulars for me?

gynae is Dr Esther Ng, hospital is Mt A, & gender of baby is Boy.

i dun have any leg cramps, but i do feel alil bit of discomfort when i carry heavy stuff ocassionally( like groceries, & my 16kg dog ) ok...i know m nt supposed to..but my hubs is nt in SIN sometimes, so i have to do everything by myself.

Afternoon mummies ,

JuZ reach sin this morning.,. dead tired from the travelling .. without sleep ..

Went to see the gynae for detil scan thsi morning .. BB is healthy according to gynae and confirm it is a Boi...... I have three bois nw ... feeling guilty for being so disappointed and still have this " y a boi again feeling inside me " .. but as long as bb is healthy .. i guess all fated ..

BBF please update for me .. three bois in a row.

Tiger 03

i dunno whether to head back to shanghai a not .. hubby asked me to head back and stay for another month till CNY .. then fly back again .. HaiZ .. so tiring today .. so I guess i might want to forfeit the return tickets ...original scheduled to stay in sin for 2 weeks ..See how first nearer to the date .. So cold in shanghai nw -3 degree to 7 degree nw .. CNY will be worse and my two bois are nw with cough and runny nose ... will be bringing them to see PD later in teh evening ... So tiring .. I ahve not slept since yesterday ..

dear mummies,

hi.. i've been missing for a long long time. been extremely busy at work. finally time to take abreak (boss went back europe for holidays) happiness!!!!

Hope everyone is good. I've got no time to read past posts but seems like most of us are developing cramps. Last 2 nights I've got a "sore" feeling in tummy. i wonder if its because the bb is growing. my check up is tmr. hope i am able to see the gender..

i am now surfing online for buffet lobangs... time to pile up on my lost weight in the 1st trimester. when will most mummies be meeting up? i am getting lonely being the only preggy person in my work + social circle now... its boring coz no one realy understands (i feel) hehehe

Hi mummies

I intend to get a myanmar maid, any recommendation for good maid agency? hear a lot of stories about bad maid agencies, quite worry. This is my first time getting a maid.


hi Mrs Teo, I understand how you feel! Because I am currently the only preggy one in my department too.

actually do you ladies share your pregnant news to everyone? My hubby and myself are quite blessed with this baby ...but personally somehow dun really feel like telling anyone except to my boss (under work obligations) or those that are closer. But one or two frens got offended that they din get to be informed and acted quite cold towards me. i am quite "speechless" on that... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


initially i only told my boss.. then progressively to lunch kakis.. its like aft u tell 2 or more, its as good as telling the whole company.

anyway, having the baby is really personal. so if the 2 frens are offended, then i guess there is nothing u can do about it also. its so silly btw. hehe

right now most impt thing is to enjoy this trimester... am already feeling clumsy..

I am luckier in a way thou.. my company is quite small and BAM! there are 3 preggy women here - due in March, April and May. My director kept saying it must be the water..

Actually I'm very scared of getting pregnant cos' I know I might lose my job after birth (it happened in my office before). I only told me manager that I missed my menses, and then she went announcing to the WHOLE WORLD I am pregnant -_-" oh my gawd....

Anyway, dont be too bothered about what others do or say, it doesnt make the situation better or worse ... it just make you feel lousy. You want your baby to be a happy baby right?

chewy_ring: wow mum of 3 boys [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. yes, just be thankful bb is all ok tho of course can understand yr little bit of disappointment, but focus on the good stuff ok? gosh, haven't slept since yest? better go take a good rest till tmr morning!! otherwise easy to fall ill. yeah, i heard from my hb that it is v brrr cold back in shanghai...but no choice, cos i dun want my kids to miss too much sch. but since yr kids are not in sch, then might as well stay on here right? so much more comfy!!! cny is def going be the coldest part of the year. for me, i'm heading back 9 jan then back again in feb for cny. still haven't decided where to deliver tho......big question mark for me.

blurangel - soon u will be too big to hide right? haha i rem first preggy i try to hide as long as i can. now v happy to show tummy - pple are so much nicer! like just now @ the shops, the salesladies wld offer to carry my stuff to the counters etc... haha enjoy the priviledges while they last!! but def ignore those that got offended....now is not the time to be affected by what other pple think! :p

hello all mummies,

how is everyone of you??

Sorry that i MIA for soooo long... heheh.. cause i am getting lazier n lazier... hahha.... =X

Good to know that all mummies are doing well... esp now many of us know the gender of our baby... heheh.... mine is a BOY!!!! =DD

Went for detail scan today... i suppose everything is good... been able to feel bb's movement for sometime now... feel so xin fu...

heheh... saw u all organising gathering for buffet steamboat... can count me in?

Who is the organiser huh?


Quick drink more isotonic drinks e.g. 100plus, h2O etc for leg cramps. My gynae told me to drink more of these drinks so I won't get leg cramps. I was having bad leg cramps with my no. 1 and after drinking h2O, my leg cramps reduced until none. For this pregnancy, i have already stocked up Polka Sports drink... so far no leg cramps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

These few days i seem to have a need to drink very very cold drinks. If i dont drink some icy drinks, seems to make me wanna faint


I tried calling also but didn't managed to get hold of the nurses.

In the end, I waited it out and Dr. Heng gave me the results when I went down for the check up.


healthy can already lah, we can't control these things. no need to feel guilty...

I would like to suggest 2 dates for our preggy meet,

7th Jan (Thurs) or 8th Jan (Fri).

Please list your nick and indicate preferred date or if u r ok with both.

We'll then go along on the date with the most peeps.

Venue: The Mushroom Pot at Orchard Point or Chongqing hotpot (bugis)

Time : After work around 6pm -7pm

Here's to start the ball rolling,


Date : 7th Jan (Thurs) or 8th Jan (Fri)

Venue : TBC (The Mushroom Pot/Chongqing)

Time : After work abt 6pm - 7pm

BBF, both

Hi bbf, thanks for the update of the list.

MIA for very long, both me and 1st child down with bad cough and flu, still slowly recovering now.

Read the recent thread. I would be keen for the meet up too, count me in.

Advance thanks for organising.

Here's to start the ball rolling,


Date : 7th Jan (Thurs) or 8th Jan (Fri)

Venue : TBC (The Mushroom Pot/Chongqing)

Time : After work abt 6pm - 7pm

BBF, both

ktsc, both

Here's to start the ball rolling,


Date : 7th Jan (Thurs) or 8th Jan (Fri)

Venue : TBC (The Mushroom Pot/Chongqing)

Time : After work abt 6pm - 7pm

BBF, both

ktsc, both

gladseow, both

anyone feel baby's kick already?

Sometimes I felt "butterfly kicks" but always on my right upper tummy. Is that "baby's kick" I wonder?

Sue thanks will go check it out one of these days. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw if you are really interested in hypnobirthing I think 4trimesters do taster sessions.

Here's to start the ball rolling,


Date : 7th Jan (Thurs) or 8th Jan (Fri)

Venue : TBC (The Mushroom Pot/Chongqing)

Time : After work abt 6pm - 7pm

BBF, both

ktsc, both

gladseow, both

Chloie, both

Hi everyone,

I just joined this thread.

Hi bbf,

kindly help me to update thanks

Gynae: Dr. Lawrence Ang (Anyone under Lawrence Ang too?)

Hospital: TMC

EDD: 13.05.2010

i can't make it for the meetup... i'll be honeymooning....

i'm damn stressed out man, every night have difficulties sleeping and my skin is so bad.. how? wedding next week....

hi hi! long time no log in for the longest time..

congrats mummies who know the gender already.. how come u all know so fasst? hahaha.. mine will only be known after 11 jan.. after the 20 week scan..

wow! Bbf! i wanna join in also.. but aiyo.. after work a bit hard.. maybe another time.. or see how.. will confirm again! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My this pregnancy i feel so down.. and so unhappy.. now am so worried that my baby will not be happy.. Arrghh!! SIGH!

I also looking for maid.. still thinking wanna get from where first..

Mummies! Merry Christmas in Advance!!! I love xmas! but i hate 2009! hahaha..

will catch up soon!

Here's to start the ball rolling,


Date : 7th Jan (Thurs) or 8th Jan (Fri)

Venue : TBC (The Mushroom Pot/Chongqing)

Time : After work abt 6pm - 7pm

BBF, both

KTSC, both

gladseow, both

Chloie, both

Gd morning to all.

SUch a rainy Christmas eve [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

What are your plans today? I will be having a nice family dinner with my inlaws then heading to church.

VBAC - for 2nd and more time mommies who had csect previously, will you be going for csect again or vbac? My gynae rec the latter and I am scared to bits. He did say he can't induce me though as it will cause the uterus to rupture, and that if I did csect this round, it will always be csect for future kids (if I have). How ???

bbf - pls update the chart for me. Am having a lil boy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning pretties!!

Somehow today feels like a day that we shouldnt be working at all! What's the point of half-day when 3/4 of the office is empty and no one is in the mood to work.. All holiday mood already...


Hmm suddenly I realised I have no plans today.. omg.. all the celebrations are done in the previous days already.. I will cook my hubby a big feast then!

Edie - I guess we all were jittery the week before the wedding!! I only slept like 3-4 hrs before the very day.. =X What are u stressing over?

On my wedding day, I just gave up stressing and let my family and friends do everything.. my role that day was to look pretty and smile for the cameras.. haha..

It will be a HUGE relief when the day is over.. and then you can enjoy your honeymoon!!


my dr did mentioned that high chance tt i'll be going thru c sec again for 2nd bb. Cos cannot induce like wat ur dr said, and my first born was big sized, so she said if 2nd bb is big sized, she wld highly recommend c sec again. she wil onli let mi try vbac if bb is less than 3kg n no medical conditons nearer to edd + labour sets in naturalli (had high blood pressure for no.1) I m considering ligation if go thru c sec if my bb is confirm a boy in 20 weeks scan.

Hi dear all mummies to be [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am from Aug's mum.

I have a few items wanna let go:

-avent electric single pump

-disposable bra pat


-a 2 day old New Yau Lan(auto)

-baby sling

Pls PM if interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Merry Christmas to all and do rest well and rest as must as u you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]b4 the big day!

hi all hope can hear some advice from you all.im due next april too..i feel my chest area uncomfortable sometimes and also sometimes facial twitch and hands are numb and feel pain.is it normal?

bb-bao: 3 things I'm really stressed and worried about. 1. the weather, cos I'm going to have an outdoor wedding. 2. aloha authority, apparently, we are not suppose to hold weddings at the chalet. 3. my skin!! all the pimples that broke out few weeks ago are not healed yet. sigh...

my HTB is finally back after being outstationed for 3 months. hopefully i can be less stress cos I'm going to pass whatever I'm handling to him. so tired... didn't sleep well last night again.

by the way, merry christmas, everyone!! next year's christmas our babies will be about 6 months old.. so cute!! big enough to dress them up and receive x'mas presents.

Dear MTBs!!! Have a nice holz!! and long weekend!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Must enjoy and have a good rest!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Everyone,

here's wishing all mums/mums to be and their families a Merry Christmas and wonderful 2010 ahead. Enjoy and rest well during this long wkend.

erry xmas & a happy new year to all mtbs!!!


aiyo... where have u been?? dun be so lazy ya... remember to log on n chat with us here...


can update my details as follows:

Nick: JSP

Gender: Girl

the rest of the details remains the same...

thks in advance...


i dun know if i can make it anot as i would be sending my #1 to childcare starting 6th Jan... u gers arrange a date n i'll try my best to join u gers ya!!!


how come so stressed?? must relax n try to slp early to avoid breakouts... things would go smoothly one so dun worry too muchie ya!!!


aiyo... also long time nvr see ya post alrdy... hope u r all well...


Edie >> I guess for chalets, ROM is still acceptable. But if you are going to set up tables and chairs and have many guests, it's might be a problem. What did the Aloha management say? I'm sure there's something they can do to help...

Ok there is still time for the zits to heal, dont scratch them or pop any more okay! Try to put a hydrating mask every night.. your skin will be in a better condition for make-up. Just do your normal facial routine (wash,tone,hydrate,mask) Dont try to put on new products, you never know if your skin will react adversely now or not.

Your make-up artist will cover the blemishes so you will be b-e-a-utiful! Plus, got photoshop now what... can asked your photographer to give you flawless skin on all your photos..

