(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hey Anne, no worries, I am same as you! No appetite and everything tastes weird in my mouth. Come night time, it is lagi worse.


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]...how long is it gng to be like ts...i really hate myself...when im hungry, im so super hungry, otherwise, have a werid feeling in my throat...


congrats! on graduating from the DS test phase! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mm paiseh anne and little tiger...

do all kinds of food make u queesy or just some...hope this phase goes away for u both very soon...


where? where? i'm happy to find more kinds of food to try out...u mean blk 233 amk?me didn't see it lei..the front is uncle leong seafood, the last stall is erms..kuay chap...

Anne..hang in there. I strongly believe there will come one day when we can enjoy our pregnancy without the horrible MS feelings. For me, it gets better on some days, but comes back with a vengeance on other days. Maybe this is a sign that things may be improving? You must hang in there yar!! *Hugz*

Sue... err wrong frequency... i mean little india lah... tot u love indian food? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue, yea most foods taste absolutely horrible come night time for me. Even milk tastes like spoilt milk. It is officially called the night sickness for myself. Nothing can go in well for me at night.

Day time, I try certain foods which do not trigger this nausea yucky feeling in me..not easy to find such foods though cos I get sick of the same type of foods quite easily.

little tiger,

hahaha same here! mine's night sickness too... in the day, i'm perfecting fine... appetite is pretty good in fact... but when it comes to night time, i dont have any appetite and scared to eat cus scared to puke!

maggimee..oic..which stall? i personally like gandhi (behind banana leaf at racecourse road) and kashmir...

but tonite, since my dad compromised, i let him pick so his choice - banana leaf (find it too mainstream and not that local indian style)


little tiger,

how about stuffing urself silly just before evening time?some people say soupy stuff or spicy stuff might be easier on us too...

btw, my dear friend bought me packets of those sour plums when she found out i preggy..

BUT hor, it actually makes me feel SICK! who says sourplums helps MS? ahaha.. i guess.. all our tastebuds just go haywire and there is no telling what food tastes normal until we have it..


maybe a buffet spread is suitable for preggers? i.e international food? dun like the taste of 1 kind, then can move on to others? keke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

or some hotel or restaurant should start a buffet for preggies like us! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and we pay according to what we actually eat!


oh dear...

me headache COMING back to haunt me..gonna nap now..else MC is going to a waste...keke...


and wishing all mtbs a happy afternoon and happier night with less MS!


Sue, my gynae said usualli the sonographer doing the Oscar Scan will not tell us the gender. So she asked mi to dropby her clinic after Oscar n she will scan for mi ..haha..so nice right? My appt is next tues, hope can agar give mi a clue by then.. by the way how long does the oscar take? n how many tubes of blood u all took? Scared scared.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Chloie,

I don't think we can really control the growth of baby. but I've heard of pple saying eating things like durains will result in a big baby. but sometimes even if we eat well, the growth of baby may be slow. I recall my gynae saying b4 during my last pregnancy that sometimes, the baby growth may be slow but it may pick up again during the next few wks. however, if the baby is not growing well in the mother's womb, the gynae will suggest delivering the child earlier.


thanks for organising the spree. will let u know when I've received the items. I hope ur gal is recovering. u must rest well too.


I'm also not gaining weight. I've lost 1.5kg over 4 wks and altho my appetite is slightly better, i don't think I've gain any weight. my flu seems much better today and I think my ms is also back. altho I didn't puke, but the nauseas feeling is still terrible.

Sue, I will also choose option 2. I can't stand the puking process. the feeling when the food is neither up nor down is also terrible.

looks like most of you here are doing oscar scan. I'm not doing it, will only do triple test in wk 15 which is also DS testing but less accurary compared to oscar.

Sue, agree with you on the sour plums. I feel worse after taking them. For a while I was surviving on chilled 7-up or Sprite. Somehow just sipping on it made me feel better. But the bad thing is that it is gassy and will make you feel bloated and burp more.

Maggie mee, you're seeing your gynae at TPS right? Actually you can call up to ask for an earlier appointment. If they have slots, they will give it to you.

i have gained abt 2 kg i tink. sob sob.. my aunt who has not seen mi for quite some time, commented tt i've put on weight n face more round liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Talk about food, my appetite also abit haywire. Sometimes I feel hungry but I dont know what to eat. Then just order then the food taste horrible otherwise is the food that itself is horrible. Nowadays I dont finish my rice. I only can eat the side dish. Then after the meal, I still feel very empty. And I only want to eat food that have taste [which = salty food]. I dont have more than 2 servings of plain or lightly salted food.

And I used to look preggy when I was wearing my normal clothes. Now that I start to wear the maternity bottoms, I dont look preggy at all lei!!!! Good Good Good!!!!!

Chloie... me diff... me so hungry i kept eating non stop.. now eating fried bee hoon from ofc canteen!! OMG.... i must control myself b4 i gain too much!!!


i have craving for kueh chap...after work going to get me some. (very weird.. i used to be totally disgusted with innards...)

oh ya, i found that drinking ginger beer helps me to burp properly and curb MS slightly.

maggie mee> even if u dont eat much, you will also gain in weight de lor. so if i were you, continue to enjoy your food. LOL!

Mrs Teo> You still can drink beer ar? I drink 100+ to help me burp but it doesnt really work cos not much gas. I prefer my naked coke but now cant drink coke le... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi everyone,

been resting the last few days.

felt very giddy last thurs while at work hence was sent home to rest. felt so so loved by my colleagues..

Went for my gynea visit on Thurs, both are growing fine but doc could not tell me if they are identical or not. he said have to wait till they are born!! Weird.

At week 10, i stopped my hormones pills and only taking folic and multivit.

Going for my test on 17 Nov. I wonder if i have to start on any other vitamins.

My gynea is simply too busy. And i really wonder if he can handle twins.


no la.. ginger beer. not real alcohol... heheh. how i wish i could drink beer. hehehe

i tried 100+ - not helpful to me.

coke and sprite - makes me feel bloated but cant burp it out.

why cannot drink coke now?

i am sooo hungry now.

$hihis mtbs agains...


good kang tau sia! i went back to thyme maternity at OG orchard to check out more maternity clothes...

i was thinking ..hmm really got so much stuff meh, to think chloie cld actually spend >$300 bucks..


my eyes POPPED out when i found that the 40% off which i enjoyed like 3 weeks ago, had FURTHER discount... heart pain!

previously, i bought 1 jeans ($65), 2 skirts ($45 each), 1 swimsuit ($65) now those stuff i bought are either $39 or $29!!!

to even out my losses,

i bought MORE MORE MORE!!!

ahahaha.. went crazy and bought

2 denim skirts + 1 office skirt ($29 each)

2 weekend capris ($29 each)

1 jeans ($39)

5 nursing bras ($19 each)

1 dress ($39, orginal px $129)

some undies...

ahahaahaha ......

mtbs... i was told this branch will close in sgp for good, by dec

so do go check it out!

it's stuff are comparable to spring maternity...and better than many many other maternity clothes places i've been (mothercare, novena sq)

i cannot imagine if they'll lower the px somemore though...

at the cashiers the saleslady was wif me, and the cashier kept asking the lady whether the px was correct... hehe

it's really a steal for great bottoms!

i didn't go for the tops cos i wanna get those from usual fashion houses instead...

wanna be a trendy mummy! ;p


high five! sourplum is not our best friend after all...


yeaps!i love indian food actually :D

the masala chicken, the dhal+cabbage in tomato+chilli

btw, ur gynae nice huh..hopefully my gynae will help me guess the gender next fri too...

btw, haiz! i bugged the clinic when i haven't received a call about my DS probability...

appears that just before clinic closing time, my gynae hasn't signed off on the results, hence they will only lemme know tom...

hahaha Sue! After reading ur post i sure feel like chionging down to buy more more more fr thyme!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi morning to all. Lately very bz wit work now finally hv time to come in n chat and so on.

Destiny: how's ur maid, ok?

Morning MTBs!!! How is everyone today!!!

Yeah yeah... seems like everyone is busy.... except me!! haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Teo> LOL! I didnt know that ginger beer is not beer!!!! Pai seh pai seh!

Sue> Heehee! Not I ho kang tao hor. You were the one who lure me there one lei. Who know I bought much cheaper than you. I think of going to buy some more nursing bra, those padded ones. Nice to wear. Maybe this week will go back to look see look see.

I'm busy this few days... Doing payroll now... Should be done by today.... Cant really come online lei cos my boss n hb is in the office so must discreet abit. LOL!

chubby tiger, maid ah..ok la, no 100%..she is not alert n warm towards kids i feel.. go out she will "dream"..when my girl touches stuff like glass, she can just stand there n watch . She has a 'black face' most of the time, thus my girl doesnt realli like her tat much.

For hsework n cooking, she is still ok. At least nvr gv mi problem like being homesick n crying all the time..i veri scared of this kind. Will just try to close one eye n ask her to improve on certain areas... how abt urs? OK?

destiny, mine also so far ok no comments..rather humble type la but future I don no cos everytime she request something for me like get her a deodorant powder or sanitary pads she will ask me to deduct her pay but then this kind of cheap cheap things I close 1 eyes la but anyway i did told her that after she get her pay she needs to pay for her own personal necessities (esp pads). She appreciates whatever things tt i buy 4 her lor like I told her i wil get phonecard for her n she was so happy and touch with tears rolling down. Hope she really can work well for our family.

morning ladies,

FD .. after MS subside .. i have been having fd almost every two hrs .. full meal .. like mac , hamburgers , spegettis... funi thing is that the little one only like western fd .. hmm .. keke ... hopefully bb dun grow too big .. i am fat nw ... i remembered my previous two preg after 1st tri , i weight 3-5 kg lesser .. nw i weight 5 kg heavier ... cham ... wonder how big i am gg to get after this bb ..

wow chubby, ur maid sounds good! lucky you..at least not those type tt gvs u problems at the initial stage liao.

My maid kena scolding from mi a few days bk, cos she always nvr greet mi n hubby in the mrg n before she eats. Treat us as transparent.Very forgetful, insructions n reminders given, she always yes yes n forget to do, thus pissed mi off. Told her nicely many times must rem but she stil nvr do it, so i gv her a lashing. If u dunwan to follow our hserules, then out u go. Then she cried. Find that if tok to them nicely like a fren they tend not to respect u or tk ur words to heart. After tat day's lashing, now she guai guai follow all instructions liao. We also bought phonecards for her. Her prev employer nvr buy a single card for her n she nvr get to call her family at all. She slept at 12-1am n wake up at 6am everyday in her ex employer hse. But over here she has adequate 8 hrs of sleep. And she dun hv enuff food over there, everyday breakfast is white bread n plain water, n 1 packet of rice must share with the old ah ma. She told mi she almost died there. hopefully she will appreciate the treatment she's getting from us, n do a better job.

btw, ur maid has got off days or hp mah?


good mornings!


haha..yesh, pls update us if you see more new stock at Thyme maternity when u go there again ok? the salesladies are sweet..one of them knocked off when i was still trying stuff and she actually thanked me for my business... whaaa... then i asked the other : got commision?and she confirmed they shared between 2 of them..

anyway, the clothes were such good deal wor...

i was so excited wif my new buys that i woke up early this morning to handwash some of them!

before going to work...

destiny, urs is a transfer maid? Mine is a fresh maid totally with no domestic experience. Yes she has a hp n she did ask me abt the prepaid card cost but then i told her if she mind i getting her a phonecard n she claims she's ok with it. But then i still hv make up my mind to get phonecard or prepaid card still hv to depends her performance. As for off days she told me she don want to hv off day so i told her then i will pay her for that off day.

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chubby tiger, yah mine is a transfer cos i didnt wan to wait too long ..she worked 2 mths for her ex employer before kena sent bk. One of the reasons is becos the kids doesnt like her. She doesnt have the 'ting' with kids.

ur maid seems veri obedient kind n even dunwan off days..very rare for filipino.

Mine no hp n off days too, but that is agent told her de. I dunno if in her heart she prefers offs or extra money though.

Hi everyone here, my EDD is next year May.

Now around 12 weeks.Thought my MS will pass but still feeling SICK~~. I'm going KK for DS test next week. Due to my age (34), so worry I'm high risk.Must go temple and pray this weekend. Wish me good luck!

Sorry mummies, I got an urgent que to ask. If we are to bf, do we still need to get a bottle steriliser? Cos my sil was telling me that the steriliser is to get ruin of the iron/metal content of fm so if I want to bf, I wont need a steriliser. How true is she?

Chloie: my thoughts only, but i think even if i can do 100% bf (now still dunno cos havent given birth yet...), i'll still want a steriliser for hygiene purposes...

Hi everyone,

Have been busy week last week, finally get sometime to come in and catch up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Looks like again good buy for you! Have yet to go down and take a look yet. Will make sure I make a trip down..haha..before all the goodies are gone.

Talking abt MS, sigh...I really wonder when it will go off, just when I thought I am getting slightly better, it all comes out again...and now still suffering the after effect of the vomit.

So happy for all who have passed the DS scan! Hope for all happy news for all!


Hi hi..I'm sure your DS scan will be fine. I am also another old mommy, same age, Hi5!...was sighing in relief when I heard all is fine. All the best for yours!



I will think you will need a bottle steriliser. Even when fully bf, sometimes you will have extra milk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so you will want to pump out and clear your breast and store. So you will still need to sterialize the bottle for storage and also the pump too! I am kiasu mommy, so till now, my dd is already almost 18 months, I still sterialize since I have it there...just become a habit already.

