(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

oh..by the way, Phillip is having a carnival this weekend, at TPY...not sure if this time will have Avent products! Previous time when I went they have plenty which is cheaper than sold during sale or baby fair.Things such as breast pump, bottles, pacifiers, creams,etc..so if you are free can go check out!


tinospora & ylyn> Thanks for your advise. I think I would still need to get a steriliser to kill any other germs around it.

Oh btw, anyone have use tommee tippee bottles before? Cos I like the fat bottles lei! Very nice looking. And cos my sil gave me her avent bottle warmer, I was wondering if tommee tippee bottle can fit into the avent warmer.... I kiasu, start to research on all these items liao! LOL!

CHloie.. wow you so good so fast research into all these... btw... can we take 2nd hand breast pump or steriliser or warmer. etc ??? Is it ok??

ylyn> How you know of the carnival? Mt friend would like to know of the details.

maggie mee> Heehee! Slightly only lah.... I'm not sure about 2nd hand items. It depends on individual lor. My sil gave me the warmer is not used before one cos she nv bf....


I stay near phillips =) plus they sent me an sms. Think start at 9am 7-8th Nov.

Maggie mee,

If still in good condition, then you wash clean clean and sterialize a few times loh, hahaha. Then should be as good as new liao.

ylyn, thanks for sharing about the Phillips sale. I think if it is the annual Phillips sale, they usually will have Avent products.

maggie mee, I intend to get a 2nd hand breast pump. I think as long as condition is still good, should be ok. If you are worried, can always replace the spare parts like tubes, valves etc and those don't cost a lot.

Chloie, I think it is important to have a sterilizer to sterilize milk bottles, teats and pump parts. Cause newborn babies have low immunity and we need to be very careful when it comes to hygiene.


for my case, i bought a steriliser during one of the baby fairs... coz the deal was quite gd... n i think its gd to have 1 as you might need it to sterilise things like the pacifier n bottles n pumps used to express out your milk...

i chose the pigeon steriliser n food warmer as it can fit in most kind of bottles whereas the avent are designed in such a way that they are oni gd for avent bottles...

maggie mee

i think its okie to use 2nd hand breastpump but better to change the parts like wat mattsmummy mentioned... for me, i intend to invest in a brand new breastpump coz i think its really impt... especially if u intend to bf long so tt u can pump when u go back to work...

btw, JTS, kkh pharmacy is having promotion for their medela freestyle dual pump for nov-dec... usual price is $988 n now selling at $799... gonna grab my set when i pop down tomolo...


It is not true that Avent is only good in sterilising avent bottle only.

It can be use to sterilise pigeon and other brands as well.

All you need is to take out tray and vola you can sterilise all kinds of bottles.

JSP, I saw people ordering the Medela Freestyle from the oversea spree. Is it any cheaper? Also do you know if the motor for Freestyle is as strong as Pump In Style. I'm kinda torn between the 2 now.

hi cass

heehee... u r right... some of my frds tried the avent steriliser n realised that have to take out the tray... so all of us stick to the pigeon one as it fit most kinds of bottles n can use the tray to separate teats etc... n i personally find tt the pigeon one is easier to clean coz can see the bottom of the steriliser quite easily... just sharing wat i knw... n not saying tt avent is no gd...


it is definitely cheaper to order online... but it does not comes with any warranty... so i prefer to buy locally with 1yr warranty... frm wat i knw, they are both equally strong as u can adjust the speed n suction strength according to ur preference... i decided to get the freestyle as i feel tt the PIS is very heavy to lug ard... n the PIS is cheaper than freestyle so it will all depend on ur preference... HTH...


No lar...I'm also sharing what i know to all mummies.

For those mummies interested in Avent sterilizer. You only need to take out one layer of the tray and not all. So it will be able to sterlizer all types of bottles and place the teats and the caps on the top tray.

Just sharing and not a spokeman for AVENT!!

hi cass

heehee... lol on u being a spokesman for AVENT leh... but i really like avent bottles... coz the designs r so sleek n useful... they r very reliable... tried pigeon bottles n they leak so we swear by avent bottles... n i love their sippy cups... absolutely non spill... ;P


i heard alot of great reviews abt medela breastpump n i used my sil PIS when i had #1... very fast n comfy... usually done within 10-15mins of pumping... not so sure abt avent breastpumps thou... for the philips sale, i think u can look out for their bb monitors n bottles n accessories... guess most of the avent pdts would be there...

I've used Avent Uno(single pump) and Ameda (dual pump) when I had my No. 1 and my recommendation is to go for a dual pump if you intend to breastfeed for long. It really helps to save you half the pumping time.


Definitely must get sterilizer! Last time when i pump out my bm, hb usually will sterilized all the bottles and everything for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But then after awhile, i latch my girl directly so no chance to use the sterilizer anymore kekeke its so much easier to latch her on directly. After that we don't use milk bottles anymore cus my girl rejects milk bottles. She drank from sippy cups and straw cups at a very young age. Then graduated from that and proceed on to normal kids cups. I think in my kitchen cupboard i still have milk bottles unused!

Hey mummies, talking abt BF.Will all mummies be able to produce milk no matter wat. I have two mummies i knew couldnt breastfeeding their babies...Any idea why and how to aviod it?


ya... there r some mummies who do not produce enough milk so will have to substitute with FM if bb has big appetite... u can take supplements to increase ur milk flow and certain food such as papaya soup n fish will help in increasing milk supply... i drank lots of papaya fish soup during my confinement...

I c...is there anything else that stimulate milk...when should we start to take ts additional food to produce more milk?

Thank you all for your advise. But if I were to buy now, is it a little toooooo early? But there seems to be fairs here n there lei... I'm tempted by the weekend Phillips carnival lei.

So basically we can buy Avent sterilizer and sterilize other brands of bottles right? Im dreaming of my tommee tippee bottle... *drool* LOL!!!

Oh and which type of pump is better? Manual or electric? My sil tell me not to buy pump. Just bring the bb to drink when it is leaking. Crazy. No wonder she is making ends meet cos she dont save for the rainy day. Cos she say the pump is very painful one, blah blah blah.... What if I am leaking and bb dun want to drink. Hai..... Sometimes I think it is really the generation gap....


Avent should be able to fit most bottles as long as you lift up the middle tier. I have used it for Avent, Pigeon, Nuke bottles. About pumps, hehe..I think it is preference. For me, I used manual as it is faster, but without a pump I would have had a lot more engorgements eventhough I latch my #1 most of the time. Think at the begining the baby will probably not be able to finish the supply of milk, so pumping is the easiest way to get the milk out and generate supply, of course you can always use 'manual' hands =)

hee, i'm pretty sure i wanna invest in an electric double pump so that next time i dun need to spend forever in office's tiny lactation room! Just cant decide whether to buy medela pis or freestyle, or the other brand's lactalline. Wait for sales then see.

Hi all

Anmum for Pregnant Mum - vanilla flavour for all

I have sample of 37.5g x 12 pack. If u are keen, I am willing to give the sample for free with the purchase of 650g x 1 box at $16.

Expiry date for sample: May 2010

Expiry date for box: Jun 2010

Collection at my place at Jurong East.

Pls PM me if u are interested.

hello all, i just got back from bangkok and my appetite was so good, tom yum soup, basil chicken rice, fried rice and fish ball soup everyday. spicy food really increases appetites.

i think i'm so not disciplined, i went for foot massage also, but i told the lady to do very lightly. and then i'm going to a wedding this weekend. jia lat, i'm doing a lot of taboo stuff.

Hi MTBs,

Sorry to intrude.. you may wish to get the BabyPlus Prenatal Education System for you baby?

The BabyPlus Prenatal Education System includes a washable comfort pouch and an instruction manual. Retail is S$ 288. Selling at $180. In good working condition like brand new.

Interested, pls email me at [email protected]

BabyPlus® parents report babies at birth and infancy:

More readily nurse

Display an increased ability to self-soothe

Are more interactive & responsive

Are more relaxed & alert at birth

And later in life demonstrate:

Earlier developmental milestones

Enhanced intellectual abilities

Longer attention spans

Improved school readiness

Greater creativity & independence

hi MTBs! I'm back!...

hope all ur MS is subsiding. mine is practically none existent now, and my energy is also returning.


thanks for your help for consistently maintaining the list while I'm away! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Abt pumps, first u need to decide between manual and electric. dual or single. if it is manual, the pros are more control over pump frequency, compact and less parts to bring along. cons, ur hands will get tired, and u can only do one side at a time. dual electric pumps, saves u time, and less wastage because during "let down" ur milk will leak from both sides, so when u are on single pump, things can get very bz. cons, bulky, takes time to set up and more parts to wash and bring along.

I used the Ameda Lactaline dual pump, much cheaper than the Medela PIS but the parts are a little bit more difficult to find. You can control both the suction power and frequency. Cons, it doesn't come in a portable bag like the PIS.

To keep milk supply, eat lots of healthy food, drink lots of water and keep pumping and latching at least 8 times a day to stimulate demand. when supply drops just up the frequency. make sure breasts are fully emptied at the end of each attempt (after pumping, use hands to manually empty breasts). i also noticed that some chinese herbs like dang gui caused my supply to dip so i stopped taking it.

For those who want to view the pumps 1st hand, there are demo pumps from the breastfeeding mother's support group in singapore. www.breastfeeding.org.sg,

Ameda lactaline pump can also be rented from momsinmind at abt S$30?

As for bottles, i've used glass bottles due to the news hoo-ha abt bisphenol A (BHP) emission from plastic bottles. Actually, when bb is still in the 1st 3 mths u can use the glass bottles from the nursery. don't need to invest in one so early. and when their in take increases bigger glass bottles can be bought from kiddy palace. cons, breakable and heavy, so bb doesn't learn to hold the bottle early.

ok enuff said....tired le, going to zzz. Take care, mummies.

Hi MTBs & FTBs! How is everyone? For those who MS is tapering off, congrats! Mine is still here but not as bad as the previous weeks.

Anne, did you receive my e-mail?

Morning mummies ,

shanghai weather is freaking cold these two days ... and I am sleepy all day ..

Abt Pumps ...

Same review as bbf .. I used glass btls initially for the 1st two months and they are "free" from the hospital. As for Pumps .. i use Ameda Lactaline electric .. hmm .. repaired once already during my 2nd bb .. I heard good reviews from friends using Medela dual .. but it is too exp for me that time .. cost 800 plus ( can buy 2 ameda ) n i dunno how long I am gg to BF till .. so bought cheap one .. U gals can also invest in one manual pump ( i use pigeon one ) cos for short trips outside / work ... think it is easier to bring manual pump out ..and just in case the electric pump fails , there is still a back up and reduction of engorment ..

Advice for mummies getting 2nd hand .. better check if there is warranty .. cos pumps are electrical applicances n can break down easily and if there is no warranty then cost of repair might be high.. "might as well get a new pump ".. just to share .. cos my pump broke down during my 2nd born twice .. hmm ..

Sterilzer is a must for new borns and a good investment .. cos u will be using it all day and night .. keke .. I am still sterlising my boys things and zac is ard 29 mths nw ..

BB cot is a good investment too ... can pass down and use .. my bb cot .. used from fB till nw ... still using .. keke ..

Hi Anne, the e-mail asking for my address. Send to you a few days ago, not recently. Hehe!

Have not received your parcel yet. Will keep a look out for it. Did you receive my payment?

Hi tinospora, not 1st time actually. Had miscarried end may.I'm 12 weeks today. Anyone still having serious morning sick on 12 weeks? Or that funny taste in your mouth? I really can't stand that taste.

My gynae said it will passed after 12 weeks.

It's mean I still left about 6 days?

Hi and Goodday to MTBs and FTB,

My wify can't take milk else she will have stomach upset. recently i bought milo drink for her and she feels ok with it. So i bought a whole carton of packet milo. lol. But just 2 days ago, she puke after drinking milo.

Now i'm lost to get calcium rich drinks for her. lol. Any suggestion ladys?

Hi Alsky, waht about soy bean milk? If not, eat tofu or try hot horlicks loh.

um, I can't take milk either so I drink 1 cup of horlicks everyday.Horlicks got Vitamin B + calcium.

Nuts also not bad. I just bought a lot from Takashimaya.

Hi All,

had been real busy at work.... welcome back bbf, hope i had not let u dwn ... haha...

btw how come the pumps are so ex har ?

Dear all,

I m now waiting to take my oscar... Feeling all the fear of blood test/needlem I read the brochure

It says need 5ml... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i draw 6 tubes... depends on skill of nurse..

if nurse is good, wont feel very pain.. just dont look at the needles..


ha.. its just a small tube.. i did the Down Syndrome Test too... but need so many tubes coz testing the blood for a few items, like Hep B, HIV, blood count..etc...

just inject the needle once, so should be ok.

