(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Good morning ladies!!!! [or rather good afternoon!!!!]

Finally it is Friday! But I'm still kinda busy at work cos it's month end...

ylc> The headaches are intolerable right. I dont dare to eat too much panadol so I can only bear with the pain... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Congrats on your bb boy!!!!! The ON loots arrive so fast eh! I guess it's faster than ordering with the sprees.

kurisu> I think hor the Japanese really no life lei. Saturday meeting is ok but start at 1pm to 6pm is totally .... *speechless* I am already thinking of how to spend my Saturday while you must be thinking how to run away from the meeting right!!!!!

Oh btw, you are doing a good job on the table!

Loh> Got such logic de meh? But you seems to prefer girls lei... Is that why all girls are daddies' girl???

nanabear> How come your Mcdelivery took so long? Did you call to check?

Ladies, my gp told me that we pregnant women have lower immunity. So be careful when you are outside k. If you are starting to feel sick, drink more water and rest. You will be ready in no time. Don't wait till the last min then go see doc or rest, cos it will take much much longer for us to recover. And when we are under stress, bb will also be in stress. So please take good care of yourselves, especially during these few crazy weather days.



Wow congrats! you have a princess n now having a prince. So happy for u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] your gynae is really experience. hope that mine gynae is able to tell the bb gender when i m 11 weeks.


pregnant women have lower immunity? hmm...no wonder quite a few of us here are down with flu. yeah, we really hv to be quite careful with everything, the food we eat, the things we do, the places we go, the air we breathe, our behaviour etc etc... the list can be endless esp if u are superstitious type...


waiting until wk 27 to tell gender is way too long, usually by latest wk 16-20 wks, the gynae will be able to tell. at abt 22 wks, when we do the detailed scan where they scan the indiviudal organ of the baby, determining gender is also part of it. do u do such scan in Jpn? thanks for keeping the table so up to date!!

petals> ya, coming from my gp who has a daughter or two. no wonder i saw pregnant always in cardigans/sweater most of the time, when they are supposed to be feeling warmer... LOL!

Hi All,

no worries abt the table, hope i didnt leave anyone out in it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i am not sure how the scan will be like in here but hopefully can get better scaning std here... at least like singapore std lor...

so normally it is the 16-20wk is it ? okie will check again during my next checkup...


i have yet to give u my edd n other info. Last gynae appt i was to anxious and confused that i forget to ask the gynae my edd.i'll give u after i see my gynae on mon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oh! U need to wait till 27weeks to see baby gender. that's very long. My gynae told me abt my gal gender when i m abt 16 weeks


we will normally feel warmer towards the 3rd trimester, it certainly doesn't help as the weather then is also going to be very hot. by the way, May is one of the worst months to do confinement. the weather is going to be so hot and with our warm bodies, it can be very unbearable, worst still, we need to eat hot food, hot soup, shower with hot herbal water (I wonder how some mums can survive without bathing during confinement, for me I showered everday and washed my hair on alternate days and I still find it unbearable). I knew it so well cos my first born was born in late Apr and I certainly do not look forward to confinement, it's one of the worst period of my life....

!!!!!! My sil also told me the same.... Oh no!!! I'm so afraid of hot and warm lei!!!! I guess there is nothg much we can do also.... Can we use the aircon when we are doing our confinement?

Oh ya! Last Saturday I went to my gyne appt, I gained 1.4kg in a span of 3 weeks! My god! Then my mum told me not to gain too much weight otherwise bb will be too big then I cant deliver normally.... *scared* But I dont seem to have much appetite recently lei... Like right now, my packet of char siew rice has been sitting on my table for the past ten mins but I have only taken 3 mouth of it. I feel like throwing up whenever I put the spoon into my mouth... Dont tell me I'm going to v*m!t...... *choy choy choy* I dont like the feeling of it lor....


aiyo... hot and warm... can die... i think i will switch on aircon lor.... my 1st confinement i also nvr bother to follow the procedures. Can you imagine, my confinement nanny asked me to wear cardigan in my house with no air con???? It was already hot enough still must wear cardigan???? Anyway personal hygiene is more important to me. I bathe everyday. I can't imagine not bathing for the whole 1 month???? As long as got hot water, doesn't matter if its herbal or not lor! kekekek my theory hahahaha the most just close all the windows and all while bathing and after bathing. Then blow dry the hair after bathing lor.

Hi MTB and FTB,

hope all had a good lunch.

I have a feeling my bb is not growing bigger.. (just a feeling) the scan I done last week was near 11week. the scan show heartbeat, head and limbs (no fingers and toes seen yet though) and its only 4cm... is that a "proper" size? I havent pile on any extra weight at all.


Don't worry lah... i also nvr see fingers & toes yet. Perhaps bb still growing and its so small so can't see much yet [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If you are worried, you can call up your gynae and check with him/her to see if this is the correct size for a bb & whether there is a cause for concern? I lost weight in fact from my last visit and my bb is about 5.70cm @ 11 weeks 3 days. I think my bb is on a big size.

hihis mtbs

how was lunch?

i had KATONG LAKSA... yummies!

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]talk about headaches man, i was having such a bad headache after lunch...argh.. very annoying lei...

Mrs teo

4cm is about right..check this out..



whaa i think ur gynae is good!cheaper than most of ours, and quite skillfull to be able to tell gender... hope my sonographer for DS is good tom too..then i get to know..

it's funny though..my EDD is a few days later than u, but i'm supposed to be in my 12th weeks now (you're in ur 11th weeks), wonder if they'll revise it tom...


Chloie, ylc,

if no aircon, I think I'll be the first one to die. when we are in the delivery ward/hospital, we are already in an aircon environment, so if air con is really harmful then I think the damage will already be done then. during my last confinement, my room aircon was on almost 24 hrs. needless to say, my power supply bill went rocket high. but once I'm out of the room to eat or carry my baby, I will prespire like hell. I was wearing t-shirt and shorts then, I tried wearing long pants but gave up after 2 day cos it's just unbearable.

Mrs Teo,

dun worry too much, ur baby size seems fine to me. at 10 wks, my baby is abt 3.5 cm so ur 4 cm at 11 wks shd perfectly be ok.


actually big weight gain does not equal to big baby, neither does a big tummy means that u hv a big baby. This is also true vice versa. big weight gain just mean that we will hv problem shedding off the extra kilos after we deliver. the size of baby can only be determined by ur gynane through measurements of the various body parts like head, thigh, waist etc....it is from these measurements that the estimated weight of the baby is determined.

little tiger

then u muz check with your gynae is it normal to have sharp pain now?

For me i force myself to walk and i m relieve after my delivery cos the pain is gone

Chloie, sry wat logic u mean? the MS thingy to determine gender?? I wld say very accurate lor. my mum told me that for all her sons, she has very bad MS.

u no y DD r daddy's gal, cos norm DD will be sweeter than mummy cos they wld not argue so much or at all with us, n they will hav some semblance of mummy but oso hav our traits! :D


wat u say maybe true cos when i having my gal, i have no MS at all. Eat and sleep very well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but now my MS is terrible.

Hi ladies, sorry to interrupt. I'm selling BN Nepia Newborn & Small size diapers at $15 each pack. Collection at Yew Tee MRT stn. PM me.


mine is exact opposite leh. When i was carrying my girl, I had very bad MS! I puke day and night. But now with my boy boy, MS very little. so perhaps this theory doesn't work in my case kekeke

Hey YLC,

Congrats on your baby boy...thats so cool, you got to find out so fast...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I wish I could know too...My appt is 2weeks time when im Week 12...cant wait!!!

Mine have subsided. Mainly only in the mornings...and nothg after tt.Unless i have a bad bus ride or car ride...

mine is better now. no actual vomiting. but feel bloaty inside.

have to keep burping.. felt disgusted with myself. hahah

hahaha, its just a phrase that we had have to go through Mrs Teo, dont be disgusted...Love yourself...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]you feel good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBP, i cant the email you sent me on the items you want, email me again so that i can put it in the mailers tomrrow.Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Loh ,

MS to determine gender not accurate one .. cos some pple have MS , some will not have .. some have mild one with boi / gal ... hmm ..not accurate lah ..

Mrs teo ,

no worries abt your weight gain .. after 1st trimester then weight will slowly crawl up .. cos 1st tri usually no apetite n MS ..

Petals> Pai seh pai seh, I too gan keong just now. My mum say if I gain too much weight, it will be hard to lose the weight after the pregnancy. What I'm afraid is that the weight gain will goes to my bb as well. If too big to come out from "you know where", have to do c-section lor. That will be even more painful. How to control the size of bb growth huh?

Little Tiger> Pain at butt area? I dont have but more of like bone abit out of place feeling. Especially on my left side. Maybe I sleep too much on my left side then the bone cant tahan the increasing weight?

Loh> Your flower logic lor. Now I know why DDs are daddies' girl liao. I think the ms thing abit no logic lei. When my mum was preggy with me & my bro, she also dont have ms lei... But ms or no ms, boy or girl, as long bb is healthy, that is the most important right?

Anne> Congrats of feeling better!

Mrs Teo> At least you are burping, I dunno whether to burp or to puke lor.

Finally it's KO time!!!! Enjoy your weekends ladies and gentlemen!!!!!

hehe so happie today cos my elder sis just found out she is also preggy today! I have a companion!! It's her #1 so she is super excited n happie. So, we will be due just 5 weeks apart...interesting!

Hi Destiny,

No wonder you wrote that on your facebook!!! heheh... help me congrats her and she can come join out forum liao!!!

Hi Destiny,

did your elder sis touch ur baby recently? heheh... cause hor... i quite believe... when you are ttcing... touching a preggy mum around her 12-16 weeks hor... u will also get preggy leh! =DDD


I think that might be true, I touched my colleague's wife at her 8th month, and 2-3 weeks later I got to know myself preggy liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Was in shock for awhile at that moment... hehe.. but after that feel happy for it..

I got bleeding 2 days ago, got to rest for 2 weeks again... haiz... it is really a difficult preggy experience for me as 1st time mtb... hopefully everything will be fine soon... enjoy the weekend ya all the mtb and ftb!


going to be a lonely night or nights for me.. my silly husband is braving the rain and cold at the Subaru WRX Challenge..

