(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


you can go to places with breastfeeding rooms and pump. But I am not sure if all of them have a power point and individual rooms.


For example,

Takashimaya is like a mass area, no individual rooms and very crowded on weekends and can only sit 4-5 pple max.

It must be quite pressurizing to pump with so many strangers looking on(some sit directly opposite) in this tiny confined area

but I ever saw a lady pump while I was breastfeeding there. Kudos to her...

That is where latching becomes quite convenient.

Just have to bring a sling/bf shawl and find a comfortable seat.


Little Tiger, Aloe,

my bb also fidgets quite a bit lately before latch on.

It's very trying coz his head seems to be going everywhere and the mouth doesn't seem to open wide enough.

When I feel that I am going crazy, I will put bb down in the cot and gather myself before attending to him again.

At times I think perhaps he is too hungry already so he gets a bit frantic. Then I tried to anticipate bb's feeding time and

not to wait till bb gets upset to prepare and feed him.

Coz when bb is upset, that means I got to calm him down first, then try to latch him.

I read somewhere that our nipple is dark when we are lactating and it actually helps bb focus when feeding.

So I tried to show him my nipple within his view and then bring it close to his nose, hoping that he can open his mouth and aim properly.

These methods seem to work well for me so far.

bx/little tiger/ edie : ya try green grape juice..

take 1 grape.. of cos wash it.. dry it

peel the skin off top 1/2 of the grape.. and den hold the "end" of the grape.. and let the baby suckle the grape just like how they suckle our nipple but with pointed lips to suck the tip of the grape..

den as they suck.. u lightly squeeze the grape for the juice to come out..

thanks bbf.. i did lots of research on internet on how to latch the bb.. sometimes it work for us but sometimes it just dun work.

i also got the stress from CL, every time i bring my son into the room to feed, she sure ask how, got drink or not. ... feel angry as most of the time bb refuse to drink and once you give him the bottle, he just drink happily.

Re: stress fr cl

Mine is fr mil, who is doing confinement for me. Fr day 1 (when i am just fresh out of labour), she kept criticising me on how i don't kno how to latch bb on. Fr then on, she watches me like a hawk while i try so hard to bf bb. Then she asks me whether i hv enuff milk or not everyday. And she checks on the pee and poo of bb. I almost had a nervous breakdown cos of stress she gives me. She even bunks in w me and hubby at nite. I can feel myself breaking down mentally liao.

Smtimes i feel they mean well for bb, but it comes across that i am merely a milk production machine for her grandchild. Once bb poos and pees, she asks me to feed immediately again. I can't rest properly becos of that. I want my confinement to end asap!!

Nanabear: i tried green grape today, but tom is my bb's blood test. Dunno whether in time or not...pray for the best..

bbf/aloe: my ger likes to "bang" her head against my chest before feeding, especially if she's still sleepy or i wake her to feed from her sleep. haha... it's quite funny to watch but it can become frustrating especially during night feeds. i've tried all patterns of latching, but can't seem to find a pattern. i guess the bb just wants to find a position she likes and is comfy in.

alina/hon: i'm also trying to enrol my bb for infant care, but so far the centres near my work place dun have vacancies. starting to feel panicky already. dunno if shd take NPL to look after bb if that happens or how. =(

Bringing bb out...

ehh.. i think can try to use the nursing rooms where possible, else my alternative plan is to feed in the car in the car park. last resort... toilet. i will try to visit places with clean toilets where ever possible. haha... i dunno if i'm brave enough to bring bb out alone yet. i think i will go nutz if bb starts throwing tantrums in public.

Little tiger.. *hugs* can understand how it must be..i think all MILs are like tt when it comes to the wellbeing of their grandchild. they forget tt our well being is equally impt..

I hv a qn- can we apply bb lotion for bb's face? My lil one has heat rashon his face.. so sayang to see his skin with all the heat rashes..

And anyone using mamex gold?

bbf: ya mine is easy going fr day one of bfing attempt. Nowadays become more fussy. I realised that she is aiming for the right place, but instead is looking for some kind of suction point. So that she can suckle comfortably. So i pray for the suction to succeed everytime she attempts on my breasts. Super duper stressful!!

Realised that taking care of newborns and bfing is one of life's greatest challenges for me in all my 36 years of life so far liao..nothing can beat this fatigue and stress experienced so far.

Little Tiger: dun stress lar. me also having MIL doing confinement for me. Initially i also very stress when she keeps walking into my room to check on my bf-ing. but nowadays i just ignore lor. i have resorted to bf-ing in the living room already. she want to see den see lar, nothing wrong. now that milk supply is more established she doesn't comment on the milk anymore either. but she will be very enthusiastic in wanting to carry the bb away once i'm done with the feeding. dunno why. hmmm... cannot let me carry bb for a while meh?

Blueturtle: same same.. My mum n mil like to carry the baby away from me.... Or they will rush into the room, like want to take baby away... Understood they love their grandson la...

My mil wants me to let baby wear bottees n mittens up to 1yr!! Then keep telling me it's good for baby, they won't fall sick easily. To wear socks when gg out I can understand but not at hm lor... I really dunno how to put the message across to her. I tot of asking her along to see PD and let PD explained how it will affect their motor skills.

Bbf: is it alright for us to nurse in public? As long as we are covered up it's ok right? I remembered not long ago there's a controversy about nursing in public. Cos if next time have to excuse myself to nurse while hubby wAits like quite time consuming.

Blue turtle: I love how she 'bangs' her head agAinst my breast also, she'll frown and open her mouth really big, quite funny.

Nanabear: do u feed the juice before each feeds or in between? Thanks for the 'instructions' by the way. I fed her without peeling off the skin.


If really still very trying it may be easier to consult a LC for help. There is only so much we can image through what we gather from literature...

anyway CL will be leaving soon, no need to be too concerned abt her comments. HAng in there.

little tiger,

wow I don' think I can function if I have my MIL like yours...hmm although some of the things you described sounds vaguely similar...

She must really be giving you a lot of stress. You need to keep yourself sane ok? Think of your beautiful bb and try to keep happy.

When your life's greatest challenges are overcomed it will also be your greatest achievements.


haha that head banging thing happens a lot when I feed my bb at night too.

I'm seriously shortsighted and can barely see where his mouth is positioned or whether it is open...:p

but sometimes too tired to get my glasses at night...you know lah..

when you mean pattern...is it like lying down, cradle hold, football hold?

On family trips out, I usually nurse my bb in the car, then when I reach my destination,

Woohoo! Free to chiong for at least 2 hrs before searching for a nursing room.

Also, I feed bb and eat at restaurants, then after meals...

Woohoo! Free to chiong again....


There is no law that forbids us to do so as long as we are not indecently exposed.

I did ever get a dirty look from an auntie once when I was nursing on a public seating area in a shopping centre,

but then I won't be bothered if there are no clean nursing rooms available and bb is hungry.

I use a nursing shawl until bb was abt 3/4mths. After that age, they are able to yank it off...

So nursing wear is a must...Very discrete, after a few practices you will be a pro.

my son also beng his head to my breast. I thought that is something wrong with him or me . so it is normal. hahaha

i used to BF my elder son, but it was like 6 years ago, have lost all my BF skill now. I really like the idea of BF anywhere that i want. save lot of trouble of bring bottle/hot water/milk powder out. only need to bring diapers.

for the CL, I actually told her off "in a nice way" haha and ask her not to stress me. I only see my MIL once so far, so she did not make any comment on my BM yet. lucky me :->

oh for jaundice, my CL just told us boil radish water to bath baby is very effective. so we are trying now. after 1 wash, i found his nose not so yellowish already. hope to see more improvement tomorrow.

aloe: wat sort of radish did u use? white or green ones? My bb gal still has yellowish tinge all over...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Bbf: I don't know the exact story, at that point of time breastfeeding was the last thing on my mind. I hope I'll be able to nurse discreetly with the moms in mind sling next time.

Good Morning!!!

It's almost a week since pop. After much rest, energy replenished. In bettter state to catch up all the posts.

First of all, thanks for all the well wishes and blessings (^_^) (to Edie, AR, BBF, Mrs Teo, Sue, LucasMummy, BB Hon, Mrs Heng, SK, Shuyan)

Thanks Loh for the timely update. Seldom daddy would get so involve in wify's pregnancy. You must be a 好好先生 and 24孝老爸 : )

Yap Edie, luckily it is a short labour for me. As I already in very intense pain at 1-2 mins interval at home. The pain is a real killer.

AR and BB Hon, thanks for your congrats. ya lor Jaden has arrived Earth and this beautiful world 6 days liao.....Heeheehee

BBF, thanx! Ya, I'm happi that I got a chance to try natural delivery this time round. The post natal pain is definitely lesser and tummy looks flatter than the one I had when c-sect. Thanks for the links on the guide for the quantity of EBM needed per day/feed and the breastfeeding places in Singapore.

Mummies, any feedback on your recent jamu massage? Can share? Am eager to start the massage next week.

After confinement, would work on a good diet and exercise routine to tone up. Kekekeke......pre-pregnancy clothings are my motivation :p

chillimum has delivered. I do not have the information though. rec'd an sms from her.

little tiger,

when i nurse, its in all full view of CL, MIL, SILs... because the house is full of gals.

Its quite irritating when MIL make those insensitive comments.

I almost flare up at her during the first week. I told hubby that I am not obliged to stay with MIL. If need, to, I can always bring bb else where to do confinment.. that way she wun be able to see bb for 1mth..

Hubby then told MIL to encourage but not stress me... MIL was pissed and says to hubby that he always love wife more than mom... WTF. hubby also pissed with her naggy.. and told his mum that if she so smart then she can breastfeed baby lor... hahahah

Anyway, i pity my hubby also... but i told him i wun hesitate to tell MIL off if she makes me feel uncomfortable.. i am not obliged to be subject to these comments. (the most i just blame on post natal depression if things turn ugly) hehehe... use it to our benefit.

to show MIL that i mean wat i say to move out... I've sold my car last week... heheh cash in hand. Easier for me to buy a place to stay (almost immediately) if she pisses me off.

Also, MIL has told hubby that she will not come upstairs... too bad.. bb is upstairs with me. If i happy.. then i bring down once / twice a week to let her carry 30min... then bring up when bb sleeps..

I guess most mummies had experiences with MIL , aunties, outsiders making insensitive comments. We just have to keep our sanity for the sake of baby.

Morning mummies, I finally popped yest, one day after Edd. Was induced.

Birth story:

7.30am - as advised by doc, check into TMC to b induced. Get paperwork done at the counter.

8 - 9am - went to the ward, changed, poo poo, shaved, then doc came n brought my waterbag, put on drip, Bed rest fr now onwards.

9 - 11am - started having contractions, bearable w gas. Nurse told me tat is the max pain I will experience. I thought ok I cam bear w it w gas no need epi. Was 3cm dilated.

12pm - the contraction gets stronger until I was tearing w every one coming. It was unbearable! Gas is no longer relief for me n cos I cried my nose blocked I can't breathe in the gas too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] finally gave up n administered epidural. Was 4 cm dilated.

1pm - after epidural was done, push to the birth room to wait. Can still feel contraction coming but it's nothing compared to the major pain earlier! Watch tv n even feel sleepy already.

3pm - 7cm dilated.

4pm - my doc came n check fully dilated but bb head still high he say giv me another half hr then we start to push.

4.30pm - push n push through but bb not coming out. Doc suggest vacuum. I agreed n vacuum used n bb is finally out. Cord ard her neck n limbs n she just pass meconium. Lucky got her out in time.

Loh, pls help to update

nat w epi n vacuum, 2.960kg, 50cm. Thks.

Anyone keen in getting a BN Lucky Baby Car Seat (still in packaging)? Suitable for Newborn till 18kg.

PM me if interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4010259.jpg]

Chillimum: Congrats! And Well Done! The fun has just began... enjoy your hotel stay and sleep as much as you can while you are in the hotel... hehe... don't be silly like me, watch tv, play games, complain about the nurses and hospital staff walking in and out of room to check on different things. Things will get more fun after you go home! =D

Congrats Chillimum!!! I was just about to say Jia You and rest when u still have time cos read from earlier posts u are still waiting. Now you have popped, if you TBF or EBM, catch sleep while BB sleep too. or else would be very tiring and panda eyes @_@

Hi mummies,

Congrats Chillimum and all mummies who popped!

Mrsteo, little tiger,

thats the reason why i refused to move in with my ils. I'm happy staying away from them and now the relationship is still cordial, if move in I dunno what conflicts we would have. When I had my no. 1 last time, they will always want to carry my bb. At that time I keep thinking they want to take my girl away. But now I thought it through, i get to see my girl everyday but they don't so when they get to see her, naturally will want to carry her away. I see my girl everyday and carry her everyday so perhaps they think i need a break. So I learned to let go bit by bit.

CL is driving me nuts with her loud voice & been constantly asking me if my bb drank well or telling me my bb is hungry he needs to feed etc. Most of the time I'll ignore her. If I think my boy needs to feed I will auto nurse him but most of the time i go by mother's instinct. Usually I will tell her to check diapers first cus my boy is very particular about his hygience. He will want to change diapers everytime he pees or poo. I guess I have used up 4 packs (60pcs) in 3.5 weeks.

Been so tired the past few days cus my boy suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and start pooing on and off for an hour before going back to sleep. It has been 2 days he did that and I'm finding it really weird cus usually he will wake up at 4am and 8am for feeds and diaper change. One day it just dawn on me that its probably due to CL making me drink black chicken herbal soup every night. Since she started giving me black chicken herbal soup, my boy started his heat rash then now the pooing for an hr. Stopped the herbal soup 2 days back and for 2 days, my boy didnt wake up to poo for an hr. Instead went back to routine waking up at 4am and 8am for feeds and diaper change only. Now I'm hoping his rashes will go away in time for his 1st month celebration!

Hb asked me how are we celebrating his 1st month, and then we realized its just 1 week to go. haven't prepare anything yet!!! OMG, we feel so unprepared for everything. so I settled everything yesterday... draw up guest lists and notifying them, ordering food, ordering the 1st month package thingy from sweetestmoments.com.sg

Phew finally everything settled then can come in here to chit chat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I saw some websites selling nursing covers and I do see some mothers nursing in public. I ever saw a mother nursing in Church! I'm the shy type lah, will go find a nursing room to nurse my girl last time. I never have to bring out any milk bottles. Just diapers and change of clothings for my no. 1. UNless the shopping centre no nursing room then really run to the car and nurse my girl lor! Now I'm intending to sew a nursing cover so I can bring out to nurse my boy. Saw the websites selling so ex when you can sew one up less than $10! My boy refuse to use the sling when I nurse him... so i have to sew a nursing cover now.... fussy boy!

Mrs Teo / ylc / Little Tiger,

Things with my MIL really became ugly just early this week. Cos there was one day i finally snapped at her (too many little little things accumulated)... there was one day the baby kept wanting to be carried and refused to sleep and i was rude to her becos the moment the baby makes a little squeak she rushes to carry and doenst put down. But i did apologise... apparently not enough.. she spent the night crying the next day crying tell the confinement lady i so rude no respect for elders she also know how to look after kids after all she raised 3, we want to put in infant care never discuss with her (despite us already telling her since i was pregnant)but she don't want to tell her son and make things difficult for him want the confinement lady (the outsider) to speak to me.

wha kaoz already stressed out enough from first kid still got to put up with this crap... anyway i told hubby say i cannot tahan i want to move out.... but then.. hubby will be put on the spot cos u know when u move out hubby will definitely follow and things would be really ugly then... so have to REN until end of the year when hopefully my new place will be ready...but then i got back up plan lah my bro has a place that will be available from late June onwards but that would only be if things really become ugly...

so for everybody else living with the MIL... not alone with all this rubbish.. really extra additional unnecessary aggravation..after all.. not our own mother...

Went for PD check on Wed, BB jaundice 12.4 Require sunbathing. Problem: no sun in morning these few days. Using recommended method, green grape juice, herbal wash and boiled radish water. Intending to go polyclinic to check on the level of jaundice.

Edie, read your latest update on the jaundice level is 11.3 Have u manage to find out whether can go polyclinic and do the jaundice check?

Ya lor, it is so coincidence met your hubby on your admission date and my discharge date. After make payment, went to the PD centre but think u go off liao. Heeee....think cos I got a long wait at the cashier.


I guess we just have to go with our comfort level as to where we want to nurse as long as we don't expose ourselves indecently.

I'm not sure why is it that you are surprised to see a mother nursing in church. Nursing is not taboo in my church.

We will go to the church nursery where we can attend to our hungry bbs and still listen to the service.

Is it forbidden in your church?

Chillimum, CONGRATS!


I tried the massage pretty good...waistline went down by 1 inch after 1st wrap! But I only did 3 times out of the supposed 5...coz ML couldn't fit me in the schedule.

Apparently, one time ML cancelled on me and the other time I wanted to postpone but she was too fully booked.

Anyhow, I will strongly recommend it. It worked well for me.

chillimum, Enjoy your few days old baby, I'm so nostalgic, though my baby still so small I'm missing her when she was one day old and even when she was in my tummy. Rest well...

ylc, I saw those nursing covers, yes, quite expensive. For the both time I went TMC for baby's jaundice I actually brought along a sarong, those for beach use kind and had been quite useful. Think the nursing part is easy, it's the unhooking the bra and have your nipple stick out before baby can latch on is difficult.

But I think nursing is still more convenient then bringing bottles out. Can travel light.

KTSC, so it was you my hubby saw! I thought he mixed up with bb-bao cos he said he didn't see any baby with you and that you haven't delivered yet, but I was very sure you had already delivered. Anyway, mystery solved. Haha.

I called other PD clinic and asked if they can check jaundice level, but they told me only poly clinics do that, so I suppose we shld be able to just walk in and check.

Hi Gals, baby has 15.2 jundice, Dr said must admit to hospital now.im so sad....he can come back to me on Sunday.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Regarding the green grape juice, mummies remember to filter the squeeze out juice before feeding BB or else they might get choke. My mom has done that for my BB as a precaution.

Anne Raj: I can understand how you feel, was so scared my girl will be admitted for the past 2 visits, it's for the better. He will be okay when he's back on Sunday.


ours is a catholic church, haven't seen a nursing rm ard but she did it during mass in church. I haven't seen anyone nurse in church during mass before so it's a surprise for me. Usually I see other mothers go out to another rm to bf n I will follow suit.

BBF, cos BB jaundice level very near to admit level and Mr Sun is not strong these few days. No choice have to try other means to bring down JL asap.

Wow, waistline went down 1 inch after 1st wrap. Very tempting to start. Which massage lady u engaged?

Edie, beri funny lei, why these PD clinics cannot check jaundice level and instead only the polyclinic? I always tot it is the other way round. Okie, thanks for the info. Would be bringing BB to polyclinic for jaundice check next Monday.

Bilicheck for Jaundice (using a machine to scan the forehead for 5 times) this is available in Raffles hospital children centre.

not sure if polyclinic using this or blood test ??


Yup so ex for one nursing cover! I saw online how to make a nursing cover under $8 so decided to try it out hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Well at least I get to modify it till perfection!


*hugz* my ils will also wont tell my hb direct and will go through me like some messenger... i only convey messages to my hb and the rest let my hb decide... anyway i always feel they can tell my hb direct what... y need to go through me and all that trouble? They feel that my hb only listens to me. Anyway since my boy is out, they seem to want to have control of everything including his name and keep hinting we should use the name they have chosen for him. Gosh... I simply tell my hb, they had their moment so please let me have mine! Anyway we as parents will always do what's best for our children. If we think that their suggestions are reasonable, we will heed it otherwise, we should just do it our way.

Regarding the wheezing sound, have consult PD. My BB has this wheezing sound especially when BF. PD say can place a mirror beneath the nostrils to check whether any vapour on the mirror. If there is no vapour, that means BB got blocked nose, dat's why the wheezing sound.

bbf, ktsc,

yeah i think massage is fabulous! My tummy went down alot after the 1st wrap. its not wash board flat but i'm pretty satisfied its not bulging out. Now my ML is targeting my hips and thighs area. i have ard 5kg more to get back to pre-preg weight.


My hb & children all catholic but not me... I'm christian... my boy should be going for his infant baptism sometime soon. My fil always say go church like going for some lecture always kena scolding from our priest! Mil did pressure me to convert but I can't find the time to go when i have 2 kids to take care of... and conversion takes about 6months! *faintz* anyway I dun see any difference since i'm also baptised and we are all worshipping the same God. hahaha maybe next time my children will be nagging me to convert...

congrats chillimum!

congrats KTSC! congrats those who pop these 2 days!

little tiger : so how is the blood test result today??

edie : i give the grape juice in the evening when she is awake and i watching tv in the living room.. i give like for fun kind.. no need to be before or after feed... i give 1x a day only..

Weather is gd now for sunbathe for couple of mins. My gal will go polyclinic to check on her Jaundice level. Thou not tt high as advised 4 days ago at 147 still have to come back for blood test to ensure it's below the 100 marking. Ssshhh kinda of heartpain to see her little heel being pricked.

Mummies, keep it up the sun is coming out soon everyday (thou I hate it so much for bringing the hot n humid weather).



We probably have more time to do the things we want to do when our kids are more or less more grown up.

You still doing tandem nursing?

KTSC, sounds like it yup. Think you gave out her number in the forum the other time.

