(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

ktsc - i juz msged u the details. My mum n MIL oso nt so sure abt it as its the 1st time we encounter...sigh..such a bad timing. Great grandma didnt get a chance to see bb...=(


evejol!- thank u! i put it up on my FB to share with my other friends who are also new moms..

Now need to rmb and figure out which cry is wat.. heheh...

My girl just cried and she sounded like 'eair'. We checked the diaper and it was already dirty. She was still crying after changing so i tried feeding her and she's happily sucking away. No 'neh' sound from her.

After done w one side she made 'eh' sound so I put her over

my shoulder to burp and she was quiet. I laid her down on bed and she made 'eair' sound again tgether w head turning to one side and tongue sticking out so I put her on the other side. I'll observe and see if she makes any 'neh' sound.

I'm glad the video is of help .... I cant wait to test it on my little gal too but it seem like she is still very comfortable inside her hotel womb. I hope I wun be the last since most of the mummy have already delivered.

Hi mummies..

Been a while since i last posted ever since i delivered!.Sooooo Tiring!!!Cos we nvr engaged any confinement lady oni got my mum to cook my lunch and mil to cook my dinner..Then i feeling depressed after the labour delivery..Duno y also..Cried few times also haiz...Its tiring at nite haha my baby seems to be active at nite...After doing the necesseties like changing diapers, feeding he stil wide awake haha! Nw i dwn wif fever..Engorged breasts so painful..Wa expressing milk is tedious!!! Nw is alr 2 wks plus n yet i oni can get 20 ml after expressing both sides...Really frustrating!!

little tiger : day 12 the 'peak' over liao.. ur bb is getting well soon.. try corridor! i also keep thinking no sun come in.. end up when i ask hubby bring down.. he step out.. got sun at corridor.. if not kutluk a bit bring downstairs.. bo pian

Hello! How everyone? Finally free to log in!

Very busy with milk pumping and taking care of my boy boy (cause must let confinement lady to rest in the afternoon).

Anyone pump out milk? I pump 3 times per day, morning after breakfast, after lunch and after dinner.

Only able to pump about 30, 40ml each time.

Me delivered about 11 days already is it normal?

Me quite unlucky because BIL's baby sick and few family member infected alredy, even my confinement lady also sick, then she request to leave imm on Tuesday afternoon.

The replacement confinement lady only able to come next day afternoon.

Luckly I started to learn change diaper, wash milk bottle, etc from CL.

The only thing I haven't learn how to bath baby.

Wow! that night me and my husband "ka ran ka bo" and baby wake up almost every 2 hours!

I'm quite worry if after this CL left, I able to cop by myself or not?

how many time your baby wake up at nite?

I already record down my boy boy milk schedule since 1st day he's back.

before 12am, 2am+, 4am+ and 6am+. Siah liao after CL left hor I don't think I can sleep at nite liao hehe

How's everyone confinement? Me a bit back pain cause been walking too much.

My new CL said it's ok to bath everyday and drink hot water so I'm happy to hear that.

For C-section mummies, remeber no seafood and yam for at least 4 months.

No cold drink for at least 2 months.

And only can eat apple and grapes for the 1st 3 months.

Yeap want ot ask, how much milk your baby drink?

My boy boy drink about 70ml (1 spoon milk pwder) now.

He grow quite fast! Can't fix newborn diaper 3 days ago liao.

My CL said he will become "fat baby" in few weeks time hehe (so happy)

Luckyone> so gd u gt 30 40 ml..I pump twice a day morn n nite oni 20 ml each time v frustrated leh...So slow drip by drip envy those who squirts haha!! Ya no more slpin thru the nite...Me too my baby wks up punctually 2 hrly 2.5hrs for his feeds or poo! I think he dunno its nite...after feeding he dun wan slp...gosh haha so we also cant slp..

Since i delivered i bathe everyday using the herbs n warm water..Cant stand leyz..I also drink warm water also experience the back aches...It will go off..We walk to much up n dwn washing baby bottles feeds at nite and some hse wk..My hse in total mess!!! haiz..c liao also pek chek yet cannot do much hse wk cos back still pain..

Brenda, you c-section also?

I think my backpain also due to epidural.

And I change my baby's diaper on his cot which is a bit low, I need to bend down my back so that also cased I guess.

This morning I went to see my gynae to remove the string, he said me to pump every 3 hours.

Maybe you try to pump 1 more time in the afternoon?

You try buy " Fenugreek" from GNC. Was told this can increase milk flow.

Luckyone> Nope my is natural wif epidural..I also had the back pain..Try putting yr baby cot higher maybe u dun need to bend so much...If not it gets worse cos i bend dwn to bathe after that so painful i sleep flat haha!..Fenugreek is milk powder for mamas ah? ok will go ask my hb help me find...Cos now confined very irritated cant do much things.lack of slp..and sticky even after bath.haiyo!! another 2 wks..

hey luckyone, nice to see u online. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ur stress and lack of rest can also contribute to poor milk supply. so tt's very impt. i gv my bb FM at ngt so he slps for 5 hrs strgt. gd rest for me for next day. only thing is tt breasts get engroged. N fenugreek really boosts milk ss. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Help! My bb has little rashes over his forhead and eye area. Anyone knows how wat causes it or how to get rid of it?

Those of u pumping, do u wash ur own pump?

bx: I think the little rashes should be baby acne which is very common. My bb is beginning to have some too.. they should go off on it's own.

I wash my own pump.

Brenda: I think Luckyone meant the Fenugreek herb. They are sold in GNC and comes in capsules.


the reason y I ask if u ladies wash ur own pump is because I was washing some containers today and my pt time cleaner was shocked. Told me not to touch water. Was thinking how not to touch when I needa wash my pump. Hb now on leave so will occassionally help. But when he goes back to work, I'll still needa do it myself.

Hope the rashes is really juz bb acne coz I very heartpain to see bb like that.

Any mummies went for brisk walk or jogging after 1 month?

I went for a jog on the day my confinement ends, hoping to train back my stamina for 10km run before Standard Chartered Marathon this year end. I found that my knee cap wasn't as strong as prepreg. I feel so weak after just 10min of jogging.

Is it lacking of calcium or pregnancy causes our joints to weaken?

bx: Yes, it's the same reason as cannot shower. But I still brush my teeth, wash my face. The only thing I wash is my pump. I also washed my hands with soap or non rinse disinfectant before I carry baby or handle bottles... My CL ever warned me... but she never anymore cos she knows I do not listen. However, I leave other washing to her.

Do you have anyone to help you? Like CL, MIL or your mum? Can ask them to wash for you if they are particular.

brenda, luckyone - great to hear fr u ! I feel dat pumpin 2-3times a day might nt b enuff unless u r doing alot latching oso? Currently i dun wake up at nite for pumping but i try to pump 5 times during day time abt 3hrs interval. Brenda, does ur breast still feel engorged? U will need to massage b4 n during pumping..Try to soften the breast. I had fever during engorgement then aft dat i angry until i massage my breast til blue black...heeee!!!


These 2 days i oso realised rashes ard my bb's neck. Feel so heartache but i know its common among BBs. Nt sure if we apply lotion will helps anot?


my ML advise jogging to be done 3 mths after delivery to prevent sagging of the womb.

Stomach crunches should be fine after confinement?

I suppose we can start to practice kegels immy.

Jerbunny think u better check with ur gynae on running.. not supposed to exercise for 6 weeks or something.... brisk walk fine but not back to your original form so fast!


Any mummies have pile aft labour? Its been 9days n my pile is still there...I've nearly finished the tube of ointment and its still so painful....Any way to make it disappear faster ?

Mrs Heng/Brenda/Luckyone, i pump 8x a day every 3 hours (wake up 2x a night to pump) and i get ranging from 60ml to 95ml each time only (gets lesser towards the end of the day). Want to increase supply is pump and pump and pump.. lots of liquid and rest... if not cow got to work harder...

Mrs Heng: ya, I wash with bb bottle detergent. Sometimes, sterilise them with hot water only.. I don't bring them to boil.

Does anyone know of the reasons to the restriction Luckyone mentioned for after csect?

I am not following any of the confinement rules except for food and drink so I bathe everyday, I even bathe my son and wash bottles, pump parts, aircon filter..basically anything.

I didn't take epidural this time so I find that my aches especially my back is due to bad posture during breastfeeding and all the other chores for my 2 kids.


Anyone using the bestfriend or boppy bf pillows and found it useful for your posture?

Hi Loh,could you please update mine also?

My baby boy was delivered at TMC on 5May, natural w epidural. His weight is 2.62kg.

TIA [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmm... most mummies also suffering from backache.. any cure for it? im taking pain killer to ease e pain leh...

Mrs Heng> Baby fussy leyz..oni latch on one side then treat it like pacifier instead of milk..So i rather pump out...I also got fedup leh i getting impatient..pump til swollen yet no milk like pumping air..So i oni pump twice a day..morn n nite..aiyo!!! Think really need try the capsule fenugreek..Ppl cum visit me open my fridge c big bottle yet 20 ml milk so pathetic...

Kcpq> I got backaches..I tot during pregnancy haf oni after delivery everything over..now worse! Think due to epidural n labour pains n we pushed alot..so now v ache..and also carry baby and pumping milk..so slouch alot..I also take the ponstan TMC gave me if i cant tahan...if not at nite v hard look after baby...

Lilstar> wow u v diligently pump milk, i tried leh but then i pump in the afternoon no milk leh oni air lydat! haiz..Feels like giving up but then every one call me try harder..

Hi mommies,

I'm from the Mar thread. Anyone taking fenugreek and need to replensih stock?

I have a bottle of unopened fenugreek (greenlife) Bought it from guardian in Mar. Bought 2 bottles and still on the first bottle. Somehow it didn't help me increase my ss....stopping bf very soon so would like to sell off my extra bottle cheap. $15 any takers? PM me if interested, free postage.

Mrs Teo,I use the Barun digital ear scan(clinical approved),it show 37.6,so I rush my bb down to NUH.Over there they oso use the armpit type de to measure the temp n they say its the most accurate.But I dun really trust cos if u press harder,the temp ll go higher.Then sometime they measure my bb temp as high as 37.8,but my ear scan show 37 only.Then they say ear scan not accurate,then I told them if not accurate why clinic is using tat?Then they retake again the temp then it went down to 37.3.

My poor bb gotta insert the antibiotic from the IVF drip on his leg,then yesterday night they realize the tube is not in the correct position so it leak out,then early tis morning they gotta reposition the IVF to his hand.Its very painful to insert the tube in,he cried till no sound,my MIL went in n scold the doctors.I dun dare to see,cos the moment he cry,I'll follow him cry.Total up to today,doc had draw 5x of blood from him to test.Each time they draw,I cried.

Brenda: are you still latching bb on or express only?

If you pump only, 2 times per day is not enough. However, if you latch and pump, the 20ml could be excess.

If you like to express only, you can do it every 3 hours, each breast for 15-20min. Then in between the intervals, you may still have some time to plan other chores or even take power naps. With that, you should eventually see some improvements. Some nights, I tend to oversleep, therefore I only pump when I woke up in the day.

For me, even if my breast engorged, I still use hot towel to cover and massage the breasts JUST before pumping. Usually I manage to pump out more after that.

I took Mother's Milk Tea but not everyday, only when I remember. My supply has been stagnant at 100ml for awhile. I started pumping since the day I discharged. This week I am happy to see it has gone up to 120ml... Must emphasize again, everyone's body is different!

Pumping can be tiring too... Be it TBF or EBM, they all require lots of patience...

Shuyan: my pd told me the ear themometer is not accurate as newborn's ear canal is too small. I'll keep little Darius in my prayer, meanwhile u rest well and take care of urself.

Lucas Mummy> I seldom latch baby on cos i dunno if he is drinking..He alwys gets frustrated like tat then bite then latch n slp..So dunno if he drinking or sucking air...So i will still express out..but he oni likes to latch on my right boob leh..The other dunno y he fussy i think dun like the other side..Will cry if i latch the other side..but when i latch not even 10 min he sleep alr..Like not interested hahaha.

TOday juz bought the anmum lacta hope it helps increase milk supply if i take in milk...

Shuyan, take great care! A speedy recovery charm for dear Darius.

I also use the Braun digital ear scan for my #1 till now. Agree wif u this should be accurate, or else why so many clinics are using.

Brenda, yup itz beri frustrating when BB jus wanna find comfort for sucking instead of real hunger.

Just now BB Jaden was naughty, from 11pm to 12.30am, I have to latch on and off at 3 intervals at the same breast before he finally decide to sleep. 1st 2 rounds of feed, still feel the engorgement, luckily the last feed engorgement subside much.

TBF and EBM are both taxing. I latch on in the daytime. After a whole day of latch on, nipples very sore. Need the sleep time to heal. Then ask my maid to feed BB FM twice in midnight.

BB intake now is 60ml per feed.

FM feed = he will sleep around 4 hours

EBM feed = he will sleep around 3 hours

During midnight, EBM at 3 or 4 hours intervals to keep engorgement under control.

During daytime, would also EBM after each latch on to empty breasts. Doing this because want to build up my stash of EBM before go back to work. Superior not very pro BF so would be difficult to EBM, think can only do so during lunch break which would be at 4 hours interval, then next round EBM/TBF would be after work which would be 5 hours interval. Sure kena engorgement. So think either EBM immediately after work before reach home or rush home for my "human" pump.

Hopefully by doing so can provide BM for at least 6 months.

Have work out this schedule for the past few days.

Pros = Have ample rest in the midnight without the tiredness of carrying BB, change diapers. Only concentrate on EBM, then sleep. Enuff time for proper breakfast, cleanup, eat painkiller and vitamins, drink enuff fluids such as milo, red date longyan drink, chicken essence, etc. And also most important have time to spend with #1 before she goes for her nursery class at 10am.

Cons = 2 or 3 times less chance of latch on. Latch on can stimulate more supply but problem is sore nipples. So has to forgo these rounds of latch on.

