(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Anne, ya cramps at the womb area n it comes n goes.. dunno is it 'signs' haha nowadays really looking out for anything n everything tat cld be signs.

bb-bao! so fast?? then how? monitor first or admit hospital now?


Congrats to all mummies who have popped!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I took the GE package lor for 2 bedded ward which is $1500.00 then they include NICU expenses which is ard $1800? for 1 day but everything deduct from my hb's medisave so in the end we paid $500 cash only.

Went for my son's checkup with pd yesterday. He put on 600g since discharged from hospital and no jaundice at all. I heard one lady telling me to avoid oranges & mango during the last trimester to avoid jaundice n i did avoid these 2 fruits. he discharged also no jaundice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes its very oily but its gd... today is my third session n my tummy went down alot n back not so pain.. can sit upright!


no leh, i did inhale the gas but didnt puke. i was told to fast the night b4 i go hospital. didnt eat anything, probably just sips of water n my mum's special brew to give strength to give birth.


I am still at work now! LOL, I hope I still can tahan a few more days? Dont know leh, Doc said could be this weekend, could be next week.

But my little boy is still so tiny, at 37 wks 2.4kg only.. aiyo like so poor thing like that.

Anyway told to monitor first, 'cos I have no painful contractions as yet.. just irregular BHC.


Congrats!!! Seems like yours went pretty smoothly.. Rest well okie!

I guess it'll be soon for me too =D


it depends on individual. some girls can be dilated for 1-2 cm for 2 weeks before they deliver. for u, to play safe, just b on standby mode.

dun worry about the weight. as long dr say it's fine then it's ok.

Hi bb-bao,

just to share, i have dilated 1.5cm since 3 weeks ago.. but my gynea did no further VE to check for further dilation.. i lasted till now...

But gynea gave me jabs to help bb develop lungs in case he decides to pop sooner than week 37..

So as long as no contractions, dun worry...

Morning mummies...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] going to see my gynae later ... so excited... hope to have good news to share! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Okay good to know that.. hopefully he can wait for one more week..

'Cos My mom is going overseas for holiday this weekend to celebrate her Mother's Day.. omg I cant imagine how I am going to handle a baby on my own [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

at first, i tot 1.5 cm sure very fast give birth and i was only 34 weeks then.. but then, okay lei.. i am still here.. can still last... hahahaa

blue turtle, congrats!

induced labour> it's tablet type or injection type? If is the tablet type, Is it after taking, you will feel cramps and water bag break?

anyone planning to induce labour?

My husband want to ask gynae this Sat, can we induce labour next monday if no sign of labour.

I'm 39 weeks this Sat.

we're quite worried about baby's movement everyday and I don think my kneecap can tahan anymore!

Luckyone> My Gynae also comment that for 1st time mom it was quite short..

Anne> VE, I personally feel a little uncomfortable but is like what BB-bao had commented. I do nt hv any lower tummy or back pain.. Pain only at my hip bone which makes me walk quite slow and when i sit for too long, I will limp for a while when walk.. and I experience "sour" feeling at the bottom when urinating... when baby is in engage position...

ylc> i think each everybody is different..

bb-bao,I was dilated for 1cm when I went for the VE check,then 2 days later my water bag burst liao,so if u have any heavy discharge or have contraction pls inform the gynae.

ylc,ur bill really cheap leh,I oso have almost the same thing as u,but dunno y my bill so ex leh,somemore I stay at the labour ward for ard 8hrs nia.

luckyone... i did asked gynae last wk if i can induce.. but she still prefer to wait for natural.. somemore she says induce more pain wor.... so now after 1 wk... lets see what she says loh.. but my friends say induce not so good...me dunno...leh

maggie mee, If the induce method is taking tablet one, I tried before last year when before my M&C at TMC.

I think I can tahan the pain.

Will check with my gynae this Sat then see how.


Sorry to intrude this thread.... just wanted to share some info... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

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Ya ours almost the same but my hb made a big fuss and wanted to see a breakdown of the bill. At first the NICU quoted us $3k for just 3 hours stay (they still count as 1 day stay lor). We were shocked lor... just go NICU for observation 3 hrs $3k? nearly fainted when they send us the quotation, then when asked for breakdown, suddenly the bill was cheaper than expected. Not sure how they calculate one lah... but if you make a fuss and asked for breakdown, suddenly cheaper hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I guess so, but nurses & my gynae told me not to eat anything, probably scared will throw up while inhaling gas lor... just an assumption. Both pregnancies, i also didnt eat then go give birth and both didnt throw up lor.

ylc,so tat means must be very very "xiong" lor in order to have cheap bill,but I pay liao still can go n make a big fuss mah,haha...

Congrats brenda.

honeyb - wah..u r the 1st i know to share the same bday.

brenda - wow..u went on natural aft ur appt with dr wong on monday ah. Grats to u! Hv plenty of rest !

bb-bao: the whole morning i was hang cramps on my lower tummy, couldnt walk straight and uncomfoy...now better.

i guess its BH la...i dont know if im dilated too. my next appt is ts Fri, see wat gyne say....

My sister was saying that the contractions can be irregular. So i dont know if ts pain is Bh or contractions too...

Ayioh!!! someone help me!!!

Mrs heng, when is your due? pain: i dont neo wat kind of pain it is too...so stressful.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hello mummies/mummies in waiting! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to all who have pop. Hope you're all enjoying your babies. I'm still around and keeping fingers crossed that baby won't come until my parents get here this weekend!

Anne with my #1 my contractions were irregular all the way. The only way I realised that it was true labour was a) a bloody show (I had two first one was not very much blood the other a few hours later was more bloody) and b) the pain from the contractions started building up as time went on. If you're not sure maybe ring your gynae to check. The MW at the labour ward kept telling me not to come in until my contractions were regular. But my hubby insisted on bringing me to the hospital and it's a good thing he did otherwise I would have ended with a home birth! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ok I'm off to the hospital for a pregnancy assessment as the baby's measurements have been off-scale for the last two weeks!

thank you Mrs Ng...tts was beneficial. if i have show or water bag burst, then at least i know its soon...now, i guess just have to wait la.

now has stopped after lunch, before lunch, was quite strong too, couldnt walk straight.think it is BH and its irregular.

hello ladies!!

Anne and Luckyone, can see u guys are really fighting boredom at work. Lucky for you the forum still active to a certain extent. hehehe! One note, pls be very carful of bb's movement. Sometimes cord might be ard the neck. and as it gets closer to EDD the placenta will start drying up. So dun feel paisay to go to gynae for check up or CTG scan. its best for bb and all depends on ur monitoring of bb's movement. bec thats what happened to me..

Anyway, baby is back home!! His Janice lvl dropped from 342c to 172c then to 107c.. I dunno how come some of u calculate with 2 digits..

KTSC- u take care.. no worries, I msged u and rantingbaby at the same time so got my anser already.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ok going for my nap.. nez feed at 5.30... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anne - my edd on 18th may...gynae predict i should deliver probably aft 12th. Ok i can conclude the cramp i had juz now is juz stomachache. Went to clear my bowel juz now..hee! Now bb happily doing her usual tsunami waves >.<

I really think the weather is affecting my mood. Feel so hot, sticky n frustrated!!!! Start to perspire the moment i stepped out fr shower..zzz

Luckyone, my induction was both the tablet and drip. 2 hrs after tablet then put on drip. The crampy feeling came after e tablet, but a lot more after e drip. Was bearable for until last 1.5hrs... Tts why gave up n ask for epidural. Water bag was broken n bowels cleared before put on drip.

Hi ladies,

I'm having menstrual like cramps since 1pm. pain is sometimes intense, sometimes not.

I really hope today is the day! i'm 39 weeks + and so ready for this litle princess to show up.

Thanks Ladies.

I'm at home, hb on the way back.

I think it's still ok, pain still very bearable. I'm not going to lie in the labour ward for hours again like i did for #1.



Phy: good luck n have a smooth delivery [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

