(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

AR, 1st you have to check your employment letter, if the E/L did stated everything clearly, MOM also can't help. But if the E/L didn't stated, you let MOM know and they may have some solution.

But after get MOM involved, it may be difficult for you to continue to work in your company.


Just came back from Yoga class. Quite scary~~ one of the lady in my class 39 weeks already still not ready to give birth. My instructor said she may have to wait another 2, 3 weeks.

blue_turtle7: thanks for reminding me on that clause. We almost missed out on tt. Hubby will check and let me know.

Hi mummies, thanks for the support and encourgment!!!Hubby said we shall go out after dinner, so shall buy things and make him pay...heheheh!!!he wont guess too that im making use of him cos most of the time since im preggy, he buys things for me...I feel better... thanks again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yeap reminder for out tea session on 17th (next Wed). Do you think I need to call and make reservation?

Date: 17th Feb 2010

Time: 3pm

Venue: Tampines Mall #03-03 - Swensen

(Meet outside Swensen)

1. Luckyone

2. JSP

3. Maggie Mee

4. Serene

5. edie

6. Chloie

7. KTSC?

8. gladseow (TBC)

9. Rantingbaby

10. AR

BBF: Sometimes money have to be spend right. What to do. I hope I can have good rest and learn from CL also cos I didn't attend any antenatal classes at all.

AR: You remind me of nutella... OMG, it's been a long time since I had that and now I'm craving for it!

luckyone .. u gg yoga tis sat? i booked for the trial class liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lucyone: im surprised he informed his parents ts time, usually we wont tell till last moment or sometimes we wont tell, we just disappear. They hardly do anytg for hubby, he grew up as alone ranger, he does everytg by himself. He is very attached to me and we like to do tgs among ourself.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maggie mee, yeap going. 12:30 class. You better reach there 15 mins early because if the class is full, you can go in too even you've booked the class.

blue_turtle7: my clinic is closed from this afternoon and open next thurs. Luckily i called and they can get the letter ready by ts evening.

Thank you so much for your information.

Hello all MTBs, heeee...now then free to view the posts, just finish partial of my mani pedi session, later after work, then continue again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloie, Evejol, itz okie, no worries. And thanks to Rantingbaby and AR, I would try to think of nice and short email. As my ang mo boss is very family-oriented, just want to give him a pleasant surprise of my additional family member-to-be.

P/S: He was happy to know about the arrival of my 1st child 3 and 1/2 years ago la and even gave me Burbery BB clothes. So hope he would not suddenly react negatively this time round.


yr hubby is so nice to you..u r v lucky not staying w in-laws, only get occasional visits n maybe spending this holiday w them. imagine some of us hav to live w PILs 7 days a week!

but parents are parents n its gd he express some kind of filiality to them, which goes to show u married a gd man! haha i always use tat to console myself.

everybody its the coming CNY holidays hope all hav a jolly festive season (watch out on the cny goodies intake though :p) n a happy tiger new year in advance! yippie year of our bb!

no worries AR! we are here to help each other isn't it! =D

cheer up for your upcoming holidays ok! i'm also trying to arrange for bintan or batam weekend getaway before the bb comes along... hope gynae will be nice enuff to still allow me to go since i will be in 3rd tri by then! =D

Chloie, heeeee......common ailment of preggies, I can't remember what is the brand of the diaper rash cream. It seems like the brand Destiny.

But it is advisable to consult the pediatrician if the diaper rash is severe, rather than trial and error the different brands by ourselves. Everyone is unique so does our skin's tolerenace level to different medicated creams.

Hon_baby, you are welcome.

Rantingbaby, I have just pm you my contact.

A R> Glad that you have looked on the bright side!

Anne Raj> Yes yes yes! Make him pay! LOL! My hb & I are quite similar to you. We like to do things among ourselves. Want to go just go, dont like to inform this & that then give ourselves so much trouble. I will sure miss the "couple" time we used to have once bb is out.

chillimum> Not only PILs, even maids! Sickening maids!

ktsc> I tot we need to stand by a tube of diaper rash cream for bb in case of sudden attack of it? I tot of ordering Destiny diaper rash cream but not sure if it is recommended though a lot are ordering.

Talk about maids, remember I found a paper with men's name & hp numbers in the maid's bag? I called up the numbers. Indeed, they are men's....

Now the que is, what to do next. No point asking my mil if the maid let any men into my house cos either I wont be able to understand what she is saying or dont know whether to believe the things say she cos her medication causes hallucinations. Unless I go ask my neighbour, whom I rarely talk to. But she was the one who told me about the maid going out for her daily gatherings. Maybe I should get a cam and install at home and can check from office pc. *confused confused*

Chloie, actualli not every baby would develop diaper rash, so u can buy after u discover BB has. I just recall my mother teach me can use rice wine mix with water to clean the rashes too. But let me double triple confirm with my mom and mil tonight whether I remember correctly before commit myself that it is really feasible :p

Regarding your maid, confronting her is useless as even if she really has a lot of boyfriends, she would never admit. There are 3 very direct alternatives.

1. Inform the maid's employer who is your BIL. State that they should terminate her service and engage a new one. If they have valid reason for this termination, I think the maid agency would be able to help in getting a replacement.

2. If can terminate but come with a cost, discuss over the family whether can share this cost rather than risk having so many strangers entering the house without all of your's knowledge. Especially in the near future, the baby would not be in a safe environment with her "boyfriends" in the house.

3. If realli cannot terminate, then no choice but to get a hidden cam to observe her.

Chloie, I think you better install a video camera. You maid certainly can't trust anymore.

Anyone having stretch marks on you tummy?

I not sure whether I have? I don't feel itch, I only having a light brown straight line in the center on my tummy and I even ask my husband check any lines below my tummy, he said no.

Is that mean I don't have stretch marks? Or having come out?


Thanks for the words of console. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I appreciate it.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blue_turtle7: yup true, need to god soon to enjoy the last of couplehood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chloie: By doing that, the bond btwn husband and wife bonding would be stronger and can withstand any problems. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

KTSC> Thanks for your ideas!!!! Very true! She wont admit that she has bf lor! Will go back and test her again. She used to go Eeeeeeeeeee when we say black black will come catch her. If she still eeeeeee this time round, it is all fake ones.

As for your pt no. 1, I think abit hard. Nation talk money first. Want to change right, pay money. !@#$%^&*()!

As for pt no. 2, if only I have sufficient prove that the maid really let man into my house, I would kick her out no matter what. If my bil doesnt want to terminate her, I would either send the maid & my mil back to his house or just send the maid back to his place and I get my own maid to look after my mil. No point talking to my bil anymore. He has totally became a different person. He is all brain washed by his wife. He speak with hatred to us lor! Not to worry about my bb. She would not be taken care by the maid in my house. Cos the maid is to care for my mil & I also dont wish to let the maid to take care of her. I might be working from home for the first 6 months, so that maid wont dare try be funny with me.

As for pt no. 3, I wont hide the cam. I would display out openly to let her know that I'm watching her. Then she wont dare to be funny with me. Since I do not have trust in her anymore so no point to hide it.

[But hor, cant do drilling in the house now right? How to mount it up?]

Anne> True also!

But Luckyone, no promise lei in case after BB born, then the skin area at the "expanded" tummy become loose then maybe would lead to stretch marks.

Chloie, u are welcome.

I think since the maid is not honest and so vain, in additiion difficult to discuss things with your BIL, then no need to gather evidence just tell him straight that u would be getting your own maid, so please ask him to keep this problematic maid in his own place. For the first 6 months itz ok, then after that who is looking after the BB?

The suggestion to have a hidden camera is to gather evidence and also to prevent her to tamper with the collected evidence and the daily collected viewings.

And ya, headache cos cannot do drilling right now unless u not pantang. But better to play safe.

Hi AR, can understand how u feel abt PIL tagging alone on ur trip. wify will kill me if i unintentionally invited my parent along for any of our trip. she told me if my parent came along, i go with them myself. period. :]

anyway wify oso facing with ML issue. her co wants her to take it 1mth earlier so can rtn to wk a mth aft delivery. as for the other 2 mths of ML, she was told to take as and when where the co not busy but she tink her co will jus 'act blur' cos it will b very busy on the 2nd half of the yr.

hi ^ Chloie ^, tink the nappy cream is this rite?? http://www.desitin.com/

my fren recommended it n i tot of buying. so got any BP thread on this cream to recommend? the cheapest online i c is $9.50/- 4oz.


Ang Mo employers are more family-friendly than local employers... My hb announced the birth of my #1 almost 2 years back to his boss in US and attached a couple of photos.

They actually printed out the pictures and pasted it everywhere in the company to announce the birth for 1 whole week. Needless to say, when we flew over to US a month later, she was like this megastar lor... Everyone rushed over to see the real baby...

I received your PM. Thanks!


You can do what my hb's friends do. They install and tell the maid that it is for her safety. The maids that they have employed all ok with the arrangement.

RE: PIL going on trips

I just cannot understand how we wives can change our mindset after the wedding day. Ok, my point is in the past, when we used to date our hbs, we would also be concerned about whether hb is good to his parents, right? Cos if hb is good to his parents, it means he would be good to us and our parents in the long run.

But how come the one impt criteria for hb selection now becomes a fault to us? Think we all need to think through this and reflect. Going on trips with PILs is always better than to move in and live with them. It's just for a few days, you enjoy your stuff, they enjoy theirs... Sure, need to consider if places visited are suitable for them, but remember they are more often than not wondering if the places would be safe for their DIL and their unborn grandchildren. So give and take a bit lar...

Loh, then your wife would have less time to rest well after delivery and also must have a good plan on how to BF when return to workplace.

Like what I have told Chloie, actualli not every baby would develop diaper rash, so u can buy after u discover BB has. Even if BB realli develop the diaper rash, if not vey severe, one tube can use for very long. Cos only need to apply a thin layer over the affected area.

Understand the feeling.

My in law also tagged alone our "honeymoon" to Japan 2 years ago. Actually at 1st I don't mind but so regret after that. Because it free and easy trip, we have to walk alot for our trip so I told my in law in advance and they said they can walk but end up, we spend nearly 400 dollars on taxi just 3 days time.

That still small case, worse part is my FIL every 2 hours need to eat and around 5pm, he said he feel tired and wanted to go back hotel and rest. so we have to bring them back to hotel, buy supper for FIL. During that short trip, every night I had very late dinner and no time for my own shopping. I was so unhappy during the whole trip. I swear I won't want to go travel with them any more.

Rantingbaby, wow the ang mos are really very rie4qing2. And yes, my big boss's daughters are always very excited and happy to see my 1st daughter whenever they come over for their yearly vacation to Singapore. Always get a lot of gifts for her too.

Good idea and excuse to put the cam at an openly place.

Agree with you that sometimes we need to reflect back. But sometimes the conflict and hate comes when stay together. So if realli no choice but to stay together, we realli have to give and take

Anne Raj, count your lucky stars, itz only a few days vacation. See those mummies who have to stay with their parents in laws even when they cannot get along with. Maybe next time when u and your husband want to arrange such trips again, and you do not wish them to tag along, just ask your husband only to inform his parents at the most 2 days in advance.

Anne Raj, actually i would also get super annoyed if the parents suddenly want to tag along. But think of it this way, it's not every trip they tag along and also next time when ur child is older if he doesn't want to go with you on trips anymore you will feel sad also. Then just tahan for the few days. And make sure u tell ur husband it's the first and last. If really want to bring them along must decide way in advance and not last min!

KTSC, lilstarz29, yes i will tell him that no more parents tagging unless its a family trip. Make it clear so that it doesnt happen again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks gals.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hey mummies, check with you guys, will we have to go for any other detailed scan after the 20th week?


no more detailed scan after week 20. they would all be routine checks.


yar, they are very warm. When my hubby was there alone for his first trip, the boss's wife even got me a gift without seeing me.

Then when we were there as a family, they brought us out for dinner with their family, brought us to watch outdoor musical and invited us to their church on Sunday. Then bought a lot of gifts for my #1...

So warm until I very scared... hahaha... think we Asians are not as warm and may not be used to such level of affection.

hi mummies im a Apr MTB...me very stressed with the clearing of the guest room to convert it to a nursery room...need to let go of a Ikea TV bench and a standing steam iron. i tried to post under the marketplace but becoz im not yet a member for a year i cant post it there at all...sigh!

pls pm me if u're interested coz im not selling the things too expensively and i'll email u the pics first..thanks!

Hi gone for med appt this mrnig n am 28 wkd n bb weigh 1.5 kg everything was ok. Gained anotther 1.5 kg hopefully target is no more than 10kg. Talkin abt get dismissed really upset y employers not understanding n my 3yrs contract due soon

Rantingbaby, ya sometimes I also not very used too their level of affection. But having a friendly employer is better than having those heartless and selfish ones.

I have also experience before those not understanding employers before I work with this current nice one

Tomorrow would be my gynae visit at 24th week, hopefully everything would be fine.

Sweet dreams to all (^_^)

I also went for checkup yesterday at 28 weeks. Baby is 1.2kg, happy to know that all is well.

Wishing all moms n dads a most blessed CNY, while we welcome our newest additions to the family in a few months' time! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Date: 17th Feb 2010

Time: 3pm

Venue: Tampines Mall #03-03 - Swensen

(Meet outside Swensen)

1. Luckyone

2. JSP

3. Maggie Mee

4. Serene

5. edie

6. Chloie

7. KTSC?

8. gladseow (TBC)

9. Rantingbaby

10. AR

Morning! It Friday again and next week long holiday!!

I'm going for my 28 weeks check up next Sat too.

Hope everything fine for me baby boy.

Anne Raj, what to do. My husband said he really want to bring his mother go holiday. Really didn't expert my FIL "waste" the whole trip on eating and resting in hotel.

Actually last year my husbanda already compensate me, brought me to Hokkaido for 2nd honeymoon, only 2 of us (^^).

Have anyone bought baby cot & stoller already? Pack the bag to bring to hospital already?

When the best time to prepare all these?

I think I will get the baby cot from Ikea. The size just nice for my room. As for the stollery and car seat, I think we don't need it until our baby trun 4 months old? So I think I can buy it later?


Wah pack the hospital bag so early? I told my hubs I will pack in April only.. haha.

Wah I havent buy all those big items yet, still trying to budget out everything. Very BROKE!

But I think need to buy the stroller for NB first lah.. sure need to go Doc's checkup, go to the mall etc etc. Very tiring to carry the baby or use the sarong all the time leh..

Hey mummies!

Hows everyone with the CNY hype? I really dunno what to do for the 4 days.. I think me and my hb going to be bored man.. the dvd player decided to break down at such a superb timing. Hopefully its repaired by today...

I am feeling much better. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Staying positive about all the problems that is waiting for me at work. MOM just replied. Yup, like what you ladies said, its at the employers' discretion to accept my HL since it was from Mt A. My hb and I decided that after the delivery, we shall go only to Govt docs.. save all the trouble. Furthermore he is Civil Servant, so can make use of his benefits.. I calculated the loss of income if my boss decides otherwise.. abt 25% of my pay... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Oh well.. if its fated that the money has to go then go la.. But will definately bargain with my boss since he wants me to go on unpaid leave. MOM also replied on the unpaid leave, thats not a problem. Still can claim the 4 mths. And we can take maternity leave upto 4 weeks b4 delivery. So i think my unpaid leave will be for a month only. (thats if I deliver in mid April as predicted)...

After my maternity, I'll go back in August.. serve with the company until I hit 2 years (thats Oct'2010) or if got better offer, tender asap... maybe I shd start looking for AngMoh boss.. I find that they are more pro family.. these Singaporean bosses are heartless.. haiz..

Luckyone> The hospital bag.. you should prepare at Week 35 or 36... During that time, you start going to see your gynae every week right.. then they will tell u if there is a possibility of early delivery.. then u can guess the time from there... And hopefully I come for yoga tmr.. missed for 2 weeks already.. still got 3 mroe lessons b4 my card expires on 7 March...

As for the baby cot.. I bought mine sometime back bec my MIL recommended one from the ad.. it was from Kaki bukit (but pls, dun buy from there! very ex!) You stay in the east side rgt.. Go to this place:

Baby Kingdom

Blk 821 Tampines St 81 #01-218 Singapore 520821

(opp Temasek Poly, Beside the SriSun Prata Shop)

I saw the same cot i bought at a cheaper prices AND he throws in free mattress with full bedding set and free bottles!

He even has Combi chair (the ones with the rollers) @ $259 (combi's retail price is $279)

So do check out the place..

About gaining weight.. my next appt is on Wednesday.. will be at 28weeks.. have been feeding off nutella spread for past 3 days bec of the depression.. my hb also commented that my thighs look like potato wedges and cheese fries (I didnt feel sad but I started craving for them! Hahaha! but it was at 11.30pm when made the comment! haiz!! So later he will buy for me.. hehhe!) but seriously I think I am putting on too much weight... must control.. but I just feel soooo hungry nowadays! How to control?!!!

Above ALL!! My tummy is itching!!! I was warned abt the itching. Cannot scratch rgt?- But cannot tahan! I keep applying cocoa butter instead of scratching.. when will this itchy sensation go off?


For my 1st pregnancy, I also pack around 1 mth before EDD. Whether to buy the stroller earlier or later depend on individual. If you and hubby think itz okie to carry BB just for a short while for outings such as pediatrician's appt and seldom go out when BB is still small, then u can take your time to buy it later.

Date: 17th Feb 2010

Time: 3pm

Venue: Tampines Mall #03-03 - Swensen

(Meet outside Swensen)

1. Luckyone

2. JSP

3. Maggie Mee

4. Serene

5. edie

6. Chloie


8. gladseow (TBC)

9. Rantingbaby

10. AR


Afternoon ladies!!!! Just ended my back breaking spring cleaning of my office. Still got to clean my bedroom tomorrow. *sweat*

Regarding the meet up on 17th Feb, I think I dont have either of your numbers to contact. PM your numbers to me hor otherwise I wont know who to look for when I'm there. Heehee!

AR> The stuffs sold in baby kingdom are more practical than those from hypermart. Slightly cheaper too. Dint know they have so much throw ins. Maybe I can go take a look after cny.

I'm so full from my pizza hut's lunch and bb is kicking and moving profusely to the point I feel like smacking her butt! Maybe she is happy with what I ate.... Hahahahahahaha!

