(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

But ang moh and japanese also bath as normal? So I think it's ok as long you don't bath in the morning/ night and clear/ blow yourself dry I think should be ok?


Yeap today time passing very slow...

I'm in CNY mood already (^^;) counting down...

Yeap, maggie mee, KK these few week no antenatal class right? you can go Yoga free tial on Sat?

yalo..so sleepy..wish is 6pm now..

I think I will not tk shower n wash hair during confinement..heard is not good for us..not sure the smell of the herbs, but is good to reduce the wind in our body, I will use it..and i got buy the herbs for bb to shower one also..

Pinkky: The kids are grown up, the maid has experience taking care of kids so I thought I'd be okay.

Chloie: My parent's place is a 4-room flat with 6 people living there. No spare rooms and very crowded. I thought of part-time CL also, but I've already confirmed the full-time one, don't know if it's okay if I ask her can change to part time or not...

Mrs. Teo: If have to cater confinement food also quite ex, I check for 28 days lunch and dinner at least $1500. By the way, I might not go yoga tonight. Got a dinner appointment!

I think it's better to shower with herbs and use boiled water to shower cos my sister's friend just use normal heater to shower and now she's experiencing body aches all over, she wants to try for number 2 but chinese physician says her body too weak because confinement never take care properly. Scary....

Sometimes don't want to be so pantang also cannot.

edie, scary! I will check with my chinese doctor this month end see whether have to use herb to bath. Yeap, water heater may not be hot enough hor. I will use boiled water.

But still feel funny, S'pore so hot! so more our confinement time is May ever more "hot"!

Ya la... i can feel the weather turning warmer already, may/june will be really hot. I think they mean cool boiled water so should be alright, but cannot use too cold water also..

and I forsee our utilities bill will go high high for that particular month [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yah... May so hot, how to not bath? Quite unhygienic I feel. Especially if you are planning to BF with bb latched on. i rather bear all the future pain then pass on any germs/bacteria to the little one.

Hot weather + itchy scalp + sticky body + crying baby = Mommy Bad Mood... Mommy Bad Mood = A Lot of Problems.


I think compare to our mother's time, we're very lucky already haha. I heard they really 1 month didn't bath. But I'm still grown up heathly hehe

yes..this is wat my sis has reminded me..my cousin who used unboiled water to wash hand/face, & shower, now she hving the backpain..

I will towel wet my body with herbs, and use boiled water to wash the private part..but duno how long can i stand..hehe..

Luckyone.. tik only 13th Feb no class... my class will resume 20th Feb liao... so no chance go for yoga...

still considering the aqua at SIMEI...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] finally 4.30pm... tick tock tick tock.. so slow..

i tik i will still bath leh.. maybe dun wash hair for 1st 3 days???? juz make sure bathe liao wipe dry ba.... i can't stand no bathing... haha..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh Forum 13th there's class at 12:30. I will be going because pregnant don't need to help up for Lunar Dinner and House Cleaning yeah yeah!

oooo... luckyone u also go for yoga there. me too. but i'm skipping this sat's class. going on Thurs instead.

anyway, i heard that they only allow a max of 3 trial participants per slot. So better call to book early.

Hello Mummies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone hasn't gotten themselves a baby carrier?


I have a BRAND NEW BABY BJORN (HOT PINK) SPIRIT CARRIER to give away for a price.

I have received a sling carrier for my bb's baby shower and I prefer using the sling. It looks like I have no use for this Baby Bjorn. It is NOT opened and definitely Brand New, comes with box.

I am giving it away for $150. I bought at RRP $179.

Mommies, please help me clear some excess stock.:)

Interested, please PM me or email at [email protected]

Thank you v much! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chloie, just inform me if ur hb can't drive u there.

AR, must take care leh.

I forgot who asked me for ride from Dhoby Ghaut to Tampines. I can long pang to Tampines. maybe go shopping at Orchard first..

have had a busy day in office, then off for yoga. Now then got time to settle down and read today's posts.

Edie, Yes, I personally feel it's better to shower with herbs and use boiled water to shower cos I have heard my mother's friends who have not bathe with herbal hot water are suffering from joint pains, body aches all over when they reach late fifties. So to play safe and want to keep agile during old age, for my 1st pregnancy, I only start bathing on day 12th after the delivery. And after that 2 to 3 times weekly. Wash from head to toe always with warm (cooled down) herbal boiled water. For those days which cannot bath, I just use dry shampoo and talcum powder. As for the hygiene for breastfeeding, I would always use warm cloth (rinsed with shower foam) to wipe clean the breast area and nipples.

As for the engagement of confinement lady, does your mother know how to prepare those confinement food? If she does, then she can teach your maid to prepare the confinement food. U can save the cost of tingkat. But all these will have to ask your maid whether she can cope and help. whether she can help to bathe BB and wash BB clothes. Would have to add her salary as more workload liao.

Hello Rantingbaby, itz me KTSC who have ask for a hike :p

If meet, where would be convenient for u? Park Mall or Plaza Sing or which other part of Orchard?

Edie, Mrs Teo and all other wasabi yoga mummies, just a friendly note that there is no class next Tues (cos CNY)

Advance Happi Roaring CNY (^_^)

Hello fellow MTBs

Need assistance and advice on the following issue: my superior ask me to break the news of my pregnancy to my big boss in HQ overseas via email. Can anyone help me to think of a nice email for this notification?

hi mummies

KTSC, think PS should do fine, just that you may have to wait at the adjoining building, cos the pick-up stand at PS is horrendous.

KTSC: My mom is not going to take care of me or my baby during the confinement month, and she don't know how to cook also. My mom is those blue blur auntie type. The maid is an indian maid so will be quite difficult to teach her chinese food, she has no idea what is sesame oil or oyster sauce.

I think most prob we'll just engage the CL, since we've already booked her and make sure that she cooks well for me and I can rest well.

Noted. No Yoga next week.

Hi Mummies,

Thread seems so quiet today.. all busy with CNY prep huh? I have a situation and I need your opinions..

As most of you know, I was hospitalized last friday bec I was breathless bec of sever cough with phlegm. I was on MC 2 days prior to that bec I contracted flu from work... now, after discharge; I have HL until 17th Feb 2010. Here is the list of problems I am facing now...

1) My mgr called just now to say that the company's policy doesn’t recognise private hospital's HL so I can’t claim for it. I tried explaining to him that I didn’t have a choice bec my gynae was at Mt A and I had to follow her. He couldn’t give 2 cents abt it, and just repeated the company's policy ask me to get my boss's approval... So how?

2) My boss is apparently not happy that I am on long MC (maybe he forgot that i am human and that I can fall ill) and has proposed thru my bff (who is also my boss's daughter) that I go on unpaid leave until my delivery bec he wants to hire someone else to help in the audit dept (according to him, we are understaffed).. So that’s 10 weeks of unpaid leave.. but i have to be continuously employed for 90 days b4 delivery to get maternity benefits rgt?- will my extended maternity be forfeited if no CPF contribution for next 2 months?

3) I feel like crap.. Feel really unwanted.. Emotionally demoralised...

4) I am planning to agree to his proposal if he honours my HL and let me go on full 4 mths maternity after delivery (bec I initially proposed go come back after 12 weeks to help out during peak period at work)… Now I dun see why I should be so concerned about the firm if he is behaving so heartlessly…

5) I am planning to resign after I return from maternity because everything is so sour and I don’t feel comfortable working there anymore.. Are there any obligations to work for a certain period before we resign?

Overall, bad day… and really upset… I know this will affect the baby.. but look at how we are treated because we are pregnant and have to unfortunately take so much of medical leave…

Aunt agony(ies).. please help me feel better before I seek comfort in a nutella bottle…

KTSC - noted about no yoga next week. Txs!

A R - I think you should check out your employment contract first.

1. I am not sure why private hospital leave is not recognise. Maybe you can check out MOM website.

2. Is it ok for you to go on 10 weeks of unpaid leave, if its fine with you and hubby, then I think more rest is definitely good. This web link might be of some help.


If its still not clear, i feel that you should email MOM and seek their comment.

3. You must try to stay cheerful. Emotion can affect your baby. Especially now that you aren't feeling well.

5. About the obligations to work for a certain period before resigning, you have to check your employment contract with the company.

Stay cheerful, smile...

think the forum was down entire of today morning and afternoon. i can't login or post anything. thats why the quietness.

A R, the women's charter does have clauses that protects pregnant women too! so dun worry too much.

Hi mummies, I'm from the Jan mtb. I hve a medela swing for sale. Bought in nov 09 for 399. Just opened to use two weeks ago. Seldom used as baby is mostly latched on. Selling for 200. Pm me if interested! Or email [email protected]


1. You will have to speak to your boss to get his approval. The employment act only covers medical leave issued by your company doctor or govt doctor and your company does have the discretion not to accept mc from private practice unless it is clearly stated in your employee claims/benefits policy.

2. The 2nd point is a tricky one. I think u really need to get MOM to interpret what they mean by "The employee has worked for the employer for at least 90 days before the child's birth". And have them explain if you go for unpaid leave of 10 weeks does that still entitle you to be considered under their employment for having worked for at least 90 days prior to your unpaid leave. Agreeing to this arrangement may work against you if you are not able to get a confirmation on this interpretation.

3. It's a tough time but try to stay cool and try to sort things out. Most importantly try not lose out on your maternity benefits until everything is over. We are already in the final leg..hang in there! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

5. You cannot use your maternity leave to serve as notice of termination. But you can inform them after the maternity leave is exhausted and hopefully your benefits fully claimed first, then serve your notice period as per your employment contract.

hope this helps.


I think you are wise to go with the CL. For some reason even though I've had my 1st kid, there are some things I still need to refresh my memory on.

It depends on how old your maid's kids are now...all the skills of taking care a newborn could be lost with time and lack of practice.

In addition, the way babies are handled in India, Indonesia or Philippines will most likely differ from the way we do it in S'pore/M'sia,

depending on ethnic and culture... just like the way we treat confinement.

They will need time to learn to use the new equipments, methods that we use here.

If you need to count on your maid take care of the baby in the future, I wonder if you we can ask the CL to teach the maid as well.

Usually we still need to learn from our mum/CL and then teach the maid.

Ya, blue_turtle7, I also encounter the same connection problem, can't post anything.

Rantingbaby, sorry for the late reply.

Advance thanks for the lift, we shall meet at the adjoining building's drop off point/ taxi stand. I will pm you my contact, u can update me the time to meet on 17 Feb.

Edie, if that's the case, then no choice liao, u would need a CL to have better rest for the 1st month.

AR, feel sore for u too to face all these problems while not feeling well. On the other hand, it is realli hard but also important to cool down and try to sort things out. Hang in there, pray hard for you that everything would turn out smoother for u

BTW, dear MTBs, my superior ask me to break the news of my pregnancy to my big boss in HQ overseas via email. Anyone could advise and help me think of a nice message for this notification?

Hi mummies:

Im so upset, my husband is bringing me for a surprise trip to Bintan but its no longer surprise cos his parents are also coming. I was crying last night when he told me. I didnt except ts at all. He claims that his parents were asking where we gng and wanted to go, so he gave the travel details and etc. now its confirm they gng, he asked me if was ok for them to come, and i said NO!!!, now see wat happen.

I dont fell like gng at all!!!

The forum was done ytd afternoon eh. Wanted to come in here to gossip to kill time, end up cant do so. I was fighting the ZZZ monster all the way till k.o time... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

KTSC> Cant help you on that cos nv done so before. Pai seh pai seh!

AR> Dont like that lah.... The elders maybe are not sensitive enough to know that you want to spend the much treasured time together with hb now. And maybe your hb was thinking that his parents were asking only and did not find it a harm so he told them. It is also not ok to tell them that they cant go right? So live with it lor.... I know how it feels but there is nothing you want to do to offend them [since you still have to face them for the rest of your life]. You are lucky enough to have the whole house to yourself & hb unlike most of us here who have to live with in-laws. You still can go for some weekend trips before bb is due so dont get upset over this now k! It would affect bb know..... SMILE!

Thanks Chloie...im still do upset la...i hope i can get over it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hiazz....

I tell you how I get back at hb when he makes me angry. I go to "bulk purchase" or "oversea sprees" section and start to spend his money on bb items! LOL! I hope it helps!!!!

AR: I agree that you should email / call MOM and ask them abt your employment cause I did the same since I'm working as a contractor in my current company which maternity leave is no included in my contract. Thus knowing this, I went ahead and emailed MOM asking them and they told me so long I can show I'm in an employment for this year then it should not be a problem for me to claim the 2 months maternity leave from govt. But sad to say, my company dun want to risk anything and from a yr contract, they decided to sign with me only 4 months contract i.e. Jan to May and ask me to go maternity and come back 2 months later to renew another new contract. In my position, what can I say? If they dun want to renew, there is nothing I can do cause I'm in the losing end since I'm pregnant and this really make me very demoralised too. I used to think my company will treat me nice but in the end, its just wishful thinking on my end [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

KTSC: Yup cant help either cause I only inform via verbal communication.

Anne: Understand your feeling cause all we wanted was to be with hubby and a good holiday but I guess like wat Chloie mention no choice and we are the 'lucky' one cause we are living at our own place without PIL ard so much more freedom comparing to those living with their PIL and I like how Chloie vent her anger :p:p spend hubby $$ to let go of frustration

Evejol> You are making me feel abit guilty for spending my hb's money lei. I dont do it often though. Just that what I bought are needed and are cheaper than retail shops so I just went ahead to order lor.

Got a que to ask 2nd [or more] time mummies:-

What brand of diaper rash is good to use?

What other kind of lotion we need to prepare for bb to use?

AR, dun worry too much. Just go for the holiday and enjoy yourself. I too don't stay with PILs. And I also get frustrated whenever they come over and nag at me for this and that. Generation gap I guess.

Anyway, I think Bintan Ferries has a clause that states that women more than 28 weeks are not allowed on the ferry or require some letter from your gynae. Remember to confirm and get the letter whether you are more than or less than 28 weeks. Just in case they catch you at the customs.

Chloie, nahz dun feel guilty cause I've never thought of this b4 .... now I know how to take revenge but on the other hand, online can be so much cheaper than buy from retailed shop and I like to do online shopping too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I hope all your hbs dont come into this forum to spy on what we are talking about otherwise they would come after me when they see their money depleting... Wahahahahahaha!

Come to think of it, retail shopping takes up alot of energy and my hb can never like what I like. So most of the time, I would end up going home empty handed when I shop with him. Whereas I shop online, I just need to type out my orders, click click click and opt for registered mail then it would be delivered to us. So much simpler. My hb once ask me how come we bought so much things for bb aldy. I just smile at him. LOL!


Oh dear.. so sad to hear of AR n Anne's unhappy encounters. hope you two can sort out the problems in time for this long weekend. dun let it affect yr mood. just think of baby n cheer up!

me just went gynae yest.. was astonished by my weight gain... 3kg for the last month! omg omg!!!now i gained a total 8kg, so far 25wks(sob..) doc ask me wat happen i sheepishly answered i ate durians. he ask me to cut down if bb gets too big hard to deliver. but yest after seeing him i went my mum's pl n she bought durians!!(damm) i cant help but ate 3 seeds..heee. ok ppl im officially quitting durians for my third tri!

KTSC, think you just make the email short and sweet. No need to elaborate too much, unless they ask. Anyway, it's just to notify. So just tell you HQ bosses that you are in which week of pregnancy, EDD is when and when you will be taking your maternity leave should do just fine.

AR, Ask your boss to fly kite la. Most bosses are the same, selfish type. Pls do take care of yourself.

ar, sometimes really bobian if parents wanna tag along. If got next time, tell your HB to announce your trip nearer to the date so they can't come along.

Chloie, I dun think only me and loh browse through these forums, haha. FTBs are also kaypoh type.


Hey mummies,

Thank you so much for ur support. I am really really glad that I found this forum and gotta know all of you guys. Its really wonderful feeling that you get, that u are not alone and you know of many others who are going thru similar phase..

I just emailed MOM regarding the hospitalization leave and also the unpaid leave. The worse case scenario is resulting in some unpaid days. But I can foresee that all that is not goign to matter when i see my baby in my arms when he arrives. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] After all, on judgement day, we are only going to answer to the Almighty and not these other humans. I am not going let myself be affected by these matters. Besides I have always wanted to do my own business so this might be a callign that i should make that move to do my own thing.. so lets see how it goes.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

KTSC, I agree with rantingbaby. Its just a notification. So give the details and leave it open for them to ask questions. If you add anything extra they will think u feel scared of them.

Anne... all I can say is.. a bottle of nutella spread and a spoon really helps with that crappy feeling. Your sinful temporary relief. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

