(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

JSP... i shd be able to make it on 17th at tampines [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but if we hv >5pax... muz book a place first? scare vvv crowded.. anywhr in tampines wif nice cakes? bakezin?secret recipe?

Hi mummies, i can't join ur for the gathering at Tampines. But I could offer a place where they serve nice tarts.

Its call fruit paradise @ Tampines 1. #03-16/17/18/19. Tel : 6789 4385.

The receipt is from Japan. I have never been to their shop at Tampines 1. But the shop at Raffles city is good and they serve tea too. They have very pretty tarts which will whip up ur appetite. Look and taste delicious.

So do check it out if your are interested. =)

Went for my routine check this morning and my bb is 900g at wk 25. Had put on 2kg or less. This preg is better than last yr at least no PUPPP at early stage, so far no cramps yet and wonder if anyone exp no cramps thruout her entire preg.

AR > Glad to hear tt u r better, do take extra care k. I tired myself out over last weekend for a short gateaway and felt terrible after I got home ytd.


i think luckyone organising another one during weekends one... u wanna PM her n ask coz her posting has been archived liao...

maggie mee

great... been chatting with u for so long liao so its time for our faces to match our nicks liao... i think no need lah... we go that kinda timing quite off peak one...


thks for the recommendations... need to check if the other mummies okie with tarts anot... heehee...

Date: 17th Feb 2010

Time: 3 to 5 pm

Venue: Tampinese - Nice Cake & Coffee/Tea Meetup

Swensen, screat receipt, cheese cake cafe (can't remember the shop name) at Tampines One?

1. Luckyone

2. JSP

3. Maggie Mee

4. Serene

5. edie

6. Chloie?

7. KTSC?

8. gladseow (TBC)

9. Rantingbaby

JSP & Meggie Mee, I think we have more than 5 persons. That's why I sugguest Swensen. At least the place will be quite comfortable for us.

Poor thing nanabear.. dun worry, sure can meet up again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Still got March and Early April until someone starts poping.. i think I might be one of the early ones...


i'm okie with swensen too... can have finger food n ice cream... heehee...


dun cry... i'm sure we can meet up one of these days one... if not we can alwys meet after we pop... more fun actually with our little ones in our arms... heehee


i also got a feeling i'll deliver at 37weeks leh... which mean late apr... so like oni 10 more weeks to go...


edd is 10 May... coz #1 was out by 37 weeks so i got a feeling #2 will be ard tt time too lor... budden lucky #1 came out at 37 weeks lor... coz he was 3.674kg lor... cant imagine how big he would be if 40 weeks...

What about the rest? Swensen ok?

Date: 17th Feb 2010

Time: 3pm

Venue: Tampinese - Swensen

1. Luckyone - Swensen

2. JSP - Swensen

3. Maggie Mee - Swensen

4. Serene

5. edie

6. Chloie?

7. KTSC?

8. gladseow (TBC)

9. Rantingbaby

AR, are you ok today?

JSP, I only hope I can deliver around 38 weeks.

Anyone know 3rd thirmester start from how many week?

I tried to find from internet, some said 27 weeks and some said 29 weeks?


i hope to deliver at 37 or 38 weeks lor... coz by then alrdy super tired due to the weight liao... n its considered full term liao so safe for bb...

hey mommies! any of you went for the glucose and some blood test thingy ard 28 weeks? can't really remember the name of the tests. gynae wants me to go do the tests in a few weeks time... =(

was wondering if these tests are compulsory...

ahhh... icic... i was wondering if there's anything wrong. cos i heard some friends say they no need to do. but then, my BP is on the high side. so i didn't complain abt doing the tests either. better to spend the money now then to regret later.

trying to sleep earlier, eat healthier, more exercise, more yoga. hopefully everything will be well.

Chloie, I'm having sweaty palms too. I think there's nothing we can do....

Only thing can do is bring handkerchief to work loh.

Hi Chloie,

Welcome to our sweaty palm gang .... I also dun know what is causing it cause I'm having sweaty foot too thus everyday I'm wearing sandals to work now .... so ugly and unglamorous but no choice cause I dun want to have 'hongkong' foot at the end of the day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

yup nowadays I will bring handkerchief to work too just like luckyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hahahahaha! It's the worst today lor! I can even see the sweat traits when I take my right hand off the mouse, if I hold it for some time. Really curious on what causes this.

Pregnancy really made us like clown eh. Some fart more, some burp more, made us so much rounder, got tease by hb cos of our changes, now sweaty palms. No wonder mummies are the greatest of them all! LOL!

Hey mummies...

i feel slightly better.. i think the improvement will come in baby steps... but i still breathless when i talk..

My boss proposed tt I take unpaid leave uptill my maternity then he will honour the 4 mths maternity.. i guess he sees me as a liability.. he wants to hire someone else bec apparently he is understaffed.. So if i pop as predicted in mid April.. I would have to take 2 mths unpaid leave... my hubby says ok.. so dunno when i'll start the unpaid leave.. so i guess i am a temporary stay home preggie...

Very bored at home.. really dunno what to do.. cant fall asleep easily.. cant do much house work also if not i will feel breathless.. so most of the time in front of the computer... heheheh!

And as to why i'll most prob pop early bec follow my mother's maternity trend la.. (most often thats the case)... She popped early and nvr at 40 weeks..

Any of you ladies still havent gotten your CNY revitalising facials and make overs? My sister has a spa in lil India. She specializes in spa facials. She uses botanical products and also Maria Garland. She is open up till 12th Feb. If you have more than 3 ppl, she can do house calls.

Sms me @ 81 83 85 80 or email me @ [email protected] if wanna know the full package details

And.............. I might be able to join the 17th Feb tea session... (if I am feeling much much better)

Date: 17th Feb 2010

Time: 3pm

Venue: Tampines - Swensen

1. Luckyone - Swensen

2. JSP - Swensen

3. Maggie Mee - Swensen

4. Serene

5. edie

6. Chloie?

7. KTSC?

8. gladseow (TBC)

9. Rantingbaby

10. AR

yup and mine also have sweat trails on my keyboard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] worst is when I do minutes with my boss beside me and he see how wet my keyboard is .... so embarrassing

JSP, my edd is quite close w/u, 13 May..

luckyone..3rd trimester should be started on week 28 if not wrong..1-3 months, first trimester, 4-6 2nd trimester, 7-9 3rd trimester..we only got 9 months pregnancy..

can try the powder which wall climbers and rock climbers use? hehe... not sure if will end up like having cake on ur hands all the time.

Date: 17th Feb 2010

Time: 3pm

Venue: Tampines - Swensen

1. Luckyone - Swensen

2. JSP - Swensen

3. Maggie Mee - Swensen

4. Serene

5. edie

6. Chloie - Swensen [craving for its pizza now!]

7. KTSC?

8. gladseow (TBC)

9. Rantingbaby

10. AR

Rantingbaby> I will get hb to drive me there cos not sure if we would be doing any cny visiting before 3pm.

Oh btw, Tampines where huh? I mean which mall....

AR> Glad to know that your boss is acting like a human now. Did you complaint to your bff? Otherwise why the sudden change in your boss? Bored at home eh? Go to your parents place and slack?

Pinnky> Didnt know Dr Fong has a clinic in Paragon.

blue_turtle7> Powder? I think our hands would really end up looking like there is leftover cake on ur hands lor! LOL!

Date: 17th Feb 2010

Time: 3pm

Venue: Tampines Mall #03-03 - Swensen

(Meet outside Swensen)

1. Luckyone - Swensen

2. JSP - Swensen

3. Maggie Mee - Swensen

4. Serene

5. edie

6. Chloie - Swensen [craving for its pizza now!]

7. KTSC?

8. gladseow (TBC)

9. Rantingbaby

10. AR

Hi Chloie, u also consult Dr. Fong Yang? He got two clinics, one at Tiong Bahru n another at Paragon, 15flr..so far, very satisfied w/ his service, very kind, patient gynae..


I actually didnt complain to her abt it.. bec I was afraid she will get caught in the middle of it.. But apparently he came up with the proposal on his own.. now am waiting for my annoying HR manager to call me and confirm the arrangments.

I definiatelt dun think its a good idea for me to go to my mom's. At least in my own house i am queen. At my mom's place i must chase after my 2 brothers (14 and 18) to clean up after themselves and my mom is working, so no food there also.. My MIL has started to send food for me (she stays 5 mins away).. so i think i'll just stay here..

Am helping my bff research for her wedding. it on 1 Jan... so am occupied with that for now.. TV has gotten boring too... haiz..

Hi Mummies, I got a problem now also. My SILs had adviced me not to get a CL as we have a maid at home who looked after MIL and other than that she has nothing much to do, so they said why not save the money and ask the maid to help look after the baby. She, by the way has 2 kids.

I thought I'd consider the option as we will be able to save $1800, but the problem is the maid only speaks tamil. I'm okay with the way they looked after babies cos she only has to bath her and I hope I'll be breastfeeding exclusively. But how about mummy? The way we shower, the kind of herbs we use, do you think getting a CL is better?

Very confused man. As for meal, I'll probably order tingkat if not getting CL. And tingkat don't include breakfast, what should we eat for breakfast? If I have to ask the maid to cook then I can't communicate with her.

Getting a CL is expensive and an extra person around, and she only has to cook and bath the baby cos got maid to do the laundry already.

Really very confused... what will you do?

Hi edie, did u ask the maid whether she can help u to tk cr bb when night time. How old are her two kids? If still very small, is better not cox she needs to tk cr her 2 kids plus ur bb and do the house chores, not sure whether she can handle or not..

As for mummy, u can prepare the herbs now..go to the medical hall to buy the herbs for shower one..I hv asked my SIL to help me buy already..As for breakfast, think u can eat bread w/ milo, sandwich etc..

actually is really depends on ur decision whether to save 2k for CL..for me, I will hire cox I really dun wan to move around after gave birth n everything will ask CL to do for me..maybe u can check w/ CL and tell her u got maid at home, she might give u a discount?

Pinnky> No lah. I go to Dr Choo Wan Ling also located at Paragon but at level 7.

AR> I see.... But he's smart in a way to ask you to take 2 mths unpaid leave. Then he can use your pay to hire a part time in the mean time. But If I were you, I would be so so bored at home lor! 2 mths sitting at home and wait for bb to come is a torture lei...

edie> Go back to your parents place for confinement?


I am also like u. Thats why opt to cater confinement food (lunch and dinner) as for breakfast, I will check with my mum if i am able to take bread (the usual breaky kinda food)

the maid will do housework and MIL will look aft baby. but of course you need to determine if the maid is ABLE to take care of your baby... you dun want to tire yourself out during your confinement / maternity leave...

As for showering - i think there is some tea-like/herb-in-a-bag stuff u can get from medical shop. pretty convenient.

Doesnt the part time CL cook also? Still need to order confinement food ar?

If my mil has no where to go during my confinement then I would have to change to a part time cl.

luckyone: need herbs or not depends on what you believe in. the ang mos get by bathing with normal water. the herbs is an asian thing. mrs wong from the TMC antenatal class also said the same thing. just make sure that if u bath and wash your hair, remember to dry urself well and blow dry your hair so that you don't catch a chill.

Chloie, Yes, parttime CL cook for you.

The working timing is 9 to 6pm.

blue turtle, I think I will not use the herb loh. Heard that it's quite smelly.

Wah today time is passing by so slowly... do so much work n still 3+ loh..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


luckyone: i also dun want to use the herbs. but i think i have no choice. need to work out some secret plan to bath and wash hair. i can't imagine smelling bad and trying to BF the baby! so yucky!

