(2010/05) May 2010 mtb


Aiyo better be safe than sorry lah.... money can earn back... what is more important is peace of mind and bb's safety. Better to see a gynae as soon as possible. If its a threatened m/c, at least you went to see your gynae and get the necessary "treatment". Otherwise just call them up and tell them your symptoms and see what your gynae advise you whether to come in or monitor.


Hi ylc,

I also can't sleep really well these few days. Now I need to use towel to cover my eyes before I sleep, if not eyes open big big cannot sleep. Yesterday, woke up every hour. Very tired now[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah me too.. my hb said I sleep too much kekeke but yesterday i didnt even take a nap. I still woke up in the middle of the night and unable to fall back asleep until 4am! Now so zombie while going through my work lor....

Stefie, I am having the same problem. I woke up at 6am on the weekends and my tummy would start rumbbling (hungry), I try to catch more sleep and toss and turn in bed. Today Im feeling so tired...i can sleep if given a choice... Otherwise, no MS but have breakouts... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Looking forward to see the Dr soon...

Hi Ylc dear,

Take things easy lah. Like me have been relaxing since 8am. No mood to work. Can't wait to go home and just sleep. I also keep worry about some unnecessary stuff. Must learn to take things easy.

Hi Anne,

Ha!! Ha!! Welcome to the club of sleepless nights. I also can't wait to see my gynae (I only went to see him last friday) cos want to see my little angel[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mine will be next Friday 2 oct.

Dear Mummies,

Glad to see all Mummies progressing well.

I am like a walking zombie now. Went to Bird Park on Sunday and Airport on Monday with Hubby and my No.1.

Wana to spent quality time with him before i get too heavy to move around.

Today woked up at 0430hrs and not be able to go back to sleep and by the time my eyes finally closed, the stupid alarm sound...

Now a panda walking around...

Anne> Rather have breakouts than MS! LOL! I feel so swollen all over my body. To feel swollen and painful on my face is the last thing I have in mind. stefie said her gynae said MS is good sign that the baby is healthy. So bear with it!!!

I totally have no mood for work since I know I'm preggy. Worry about this and that. Hb say if I continue to be like that, I will get depression. *stress*

I got a que to ask. Can we still continue with our skin care products huh?

seeing you all having morning sickness, makes me a bit worried..

i had terrible morning sickness for my no 1 and yes, gynae said the more terrible ms is, the better the pregnancy will progress...

so now i in my week 5 or 6.. last scan still no heartbeat but gynae said scan looks fine.. i just can't help but worrying eventually this no 2 may not make it.. i will only feel tired at times, no much craving, eating little bit more, burp few times in a day and not vomiting yet though feel like it..

next scan will be 9th oct.. 8th week..

Hi Chloie,

Thanks for the advice.

As for skin care pdts, you can continue using it as long as no harsh pdts in it...My sister who is a nurse informed that most pdts in Singapore are safe and shouldnt be worried.

Hi Anne,

I am 10th week already. My belly already show when I am 6-7 week. I already started wear Ah ma pants (Maternity pants)cos I have thick maternal fats. And this is my 2nd pregnancy, so belly show faster Ha!!! Ha!!!

Hi taybaby,

No worries, My MS only happens when I was 6-7th weeks, then just stop after 2 weeks. I only puke 3-4 times only. Other than that just no appetite and some food gave me funny after taste. Like bread will have yeast like taste. Can't ever finish up my breakfast now. As long as you have some other pregnancy signs.

Don't worry too much, not good for baby. Be happy and positive[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Cass,

Welcome to the sleepless night club. I thought I am the only one. When i can't sleep I will touch my belly and feel the pulse and heartbeat of my baby then I can sleep a while more. Cos My baby is my only concern now, the rest I try to take it easy.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stefie, ts is my first and quite anxious... I have a small bump and im only 5-6 weeks. I have been always a small size person and weight 52kg, and im surprised i have a bump...It can be seen if i wear my pants and cant seem to find the right clothes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks stefie.. just can't help worrying...

been having sashimi lately ha ha.. I restricted myself during my no 1 and for no 2 seems like don't really much care.. and feast on them.. ha ha.. drank jasmine milk bubble tea my fav too.. had one over the weekend.. ops...

Good morning mummies..

thanks for all ur support [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] am really happy today! I got job offer.. i get to rest for this week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last nite i was screaming at my girl again.. sigh..

KCPQ : and u know wat.. this morning .. i used ur method to tell her a secret.. she so happy.. hahaha.. her smile.. and her laughter.. i think she finds it silly.. hahahaa..

Mummies remember ur folic acid and vitamins today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and dun forget http://groups.google.com/group/smh-may-2010 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

OH ya.. talking abt the red rice wine for confinement.. my granny makes them.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if u all wanna order from her.. must tell her soon.. or 4 months before confinment.. becos it takes like 2-3 months to make it..


glad it helps! I bet she must be thinking " something wrong w my mummy today" and had a great laugh! whahah... =P

All mtb,

i feel so sian today... really dragging myself to work.. really feel like resigning.. there seems to be "no way" i can keep myself postive. -__-"

kcpq : hahaa.. actually when i ask her.. "mummy tell u a secret wan?" she shake her head.. hahaha.. but i still catch her and whisper into her ear.. hahaha..

KCPQ : dun sianz *hugz*.. wat u working as ?

hi mummies =)

im also one of those who can't sleep at night but tired in day! last night i slept at 4am and had roti prata at 3am! but funnily night seems to be a better time for me, at least can eat and dun feel so sick. just watch old channel 8 re-runs on tv lor..hehehe...didn't know channei 8 old shows are quite interesting also.

me also got break outs!!!! last time dun have anything at all now got little little pimple (bumps) on the sides of my face. very rough when you touch but can't really see yet. wah...so sad if i be a pimply, fat bride! and my mom insists on facial for me also so no choice lor =)


haha... how old is she?

oh.. me working in a CCC HQ... more to administrative thingy... been wanting to leave here for quite sometime ago.. recently.. the feel getting much stronger... -__-" don think this is a place that i can grow. lousy enviornment.. imagine they switch off aircon during lunch time -__-"

thanks for ur hug!

BMW : thanks abt can't sleep.. wah piangz! me woke up every 2 hours last nite to go toliet... am so tired leh.. really every 2 hours.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hahaha

kcpq : she is 30 months.. hahaha.. oh.. more administrative .. do u think u wanna stay on and get the maternity benefits den u resign? wont it be better? Ren for a while la.. for my case is wanna ren also cannot ren liaoz.. becos its they dun wan me liaoz. hahaha.. but seriously.. i find myself happier.. hahaha.a.

I dont feel like working today too...im havg the feeling of a brain freeze...no idea why...lowered the Aircon and still feel the same...


wah! still very young o! haha...

ermm.. the reason of me still now here.. is cause the $$ and esp near end of year liao... i am thinking about getting bonus if possible as last year no get... was telling myself that i got to get this year if not i will sure throw letter de..

how does the maternity benefit works huh? still get paid during that time?

at least better for you.. now you are happier and see! god loves you! so qiuckly got job liao... hahah... think now i am going to think should i resign and teach tution not... whahhaha -__-"

hey taybaby

my same same as you...shld be in my week 6 now.... but not much signs.... burp a bit more, too hungry and too full i'll feel slight discomfort.... thats it! haiz... also thinking a lot a lot!!! worst still... i'm underweight and tummy still as flat as ever.... bloats a bit but after my toilet business, it goes flat.....sigh..... dunno if anything is going on in there....

Hi Kcpq dear,

Just tell yourself for baby milk powder money, just bear with it. Be positive okay.

Hi Anne,

I also like you. Didn't bring my brain to work.

Just had my lunch and vitagen (Works for my contispation problem). I have to force myself to eat even nothing looks nice. For my baby sake, have to eat just for the sake of eating.

Jia you ladies, this week is short work week.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Have a nice day

Hmmm...laksa...with lots of clams. Yummy!

I am also underweight, did not seem to put on any weight during my pregnant. But I think my bump is getting big.

piglet81.. i thought i am the only one wor... u same as me.. we worried together then.. when is ur next scan?? last scan got heartbeat mah?? mine 9th oct and last scan still no heartbeat wor..

my tummy not flat coz no 2 liao ma.. and cannot wear my jeans liao.. feeling tight lo..

Hi Draik dear,

I craving for Changi Village fried chilli fish head and Outram Song fish head. Wah lau!! All the fish head, yummy.

taybb n piglet81,

mi too! no symptoms n realli wondering if anyting is going on in there! I dun even have much pain when touching my nipples which i had last week...can't help but worry le

nanabear & taybb, hee i stay at pasir ris too! :p

I'm craving for chicken rice!!!! Wooooo!!!!

Going to my gyne later, late afternoon. Cos I have been having brown discharge. Called the clinic, the nurse tell me to go today as spotting is no good. So better to make a trip there, just in case.

re: skincare pdts

so there's no ingredient or range tt we shld avoid when preggy? last time i dunno read from where cannot use whitening pdts...anybody heard of this before too? Onli ting I knoe for sure is cannot use Retinol A & AHA pdts, will cause birth defects...n some pimple cream ingredient also avoid..


thanks thanks... hope the siang qian(money) kan can make me last longer here.. =XX

i also wanna eat all that u mention!!! SLURP!!!


can look at the clams but cant eat i suppose.. but maybe will eat one or two... drooling...

taybb and destiny

my next appt is monday, 28 sep... gg aust holiday from 29 sep.. so hopefully can go happily............*worried*

my breasts not as sore as b4 too.... but still a bit pain la... initially I tot if there is something wrong, at least I will have spotting or bleeding...but its totally nothing also...

last scan was on 14 aug.... cannot even see anything.... =( haiz..............................


please lie down on bed right now! don keep wallking around... the previous time... i had that too... around my 4/5 week... than i call my doc striaght and that is what i am told to do so... mu doc told me os baby giving warning sign!!!

sorry if i scare u!

Hahahahaha! I have been walking around TOO MUCH since last Friday. So it is better to go for a check. Will update later. Don't worry! Im trying to be optimistic.


piglet81, how many weeks r u now? Ok hope 28 sep scan shows bb strong heartbeat then u can rest ur mind.

I dunno le, i just feel like im starting to lose some of my symptoms n tot it's not a gd sign..last time my gynae also say as long as symptoms n MS r there, u knoe ur bb is alright.

