(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi All May MTBs,

I am new here. This is my 1st pregnancy. Abit excited and scared at the same time. hee

--- my details ----

EDD: 22 May 2009

BB No: 1

Gynae name: Dr Douglas Ong

Hospital: Mount Alvernia


hihi blurangel

welcome on board!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/bounce.gif]

maggie mee

aiyo... rainy day lor... slpy leh... dun feel like working lor...


aiyo... u still buying maternity clothes... tot u alrdy grab alot liao?? my advise is not to buy too much maternity clothes coz can oni wear for a limited period... for me i just buy enuff for work n gg out... coz i wanna slim down to wear my pre-pregnancy clothes... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]


wow ger... u got alot of cravings hor... maybe can get ur mum here to send u some prepack condiments for u to cook over at ur side ya... i think prima food got nice laska sauce leh... my HB used to send stuffs like tat to his sis when she was in germany so tat she can get a taste of local food... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/wink.gif]

Welcome blurangel~

Hey Claire - sorry for late response... been days since i last came in :p you stay tb area too?? or you're at his other clinic? when's ur next visit??

JSP... sure its nice weather.. nowadays i take a short nap after lunch... feels much better...

now still munching biscuits/ bread.. haha.. talk abt my weight control! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks for the warm welcomes! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone knows where else to go for aqua fitness?

I called up KKH and found that their Jan slot has been taken up...now got to wait till Mar. Thot that seems abit late...hm...

Welcome blurangel....


ur colleagues really sound nasty.... but do stand up for ur rights if they go too far, loading u with extra work during this time and deprieving you of ur lunch time is simply too much.


thanks for forwarding my mail to your friend. hopefully ur friend has what I'm looking for.

Clothes from Thyme

has anyone bought their bottoms with the thick elastic bands at the waist? is it comfortable? I know it's supposed to provide extra comfort/suppport but the thick piece of cloth there does not look very comfortable to me. The other day when I was there, I overheard a heavily pregnant customer telling the promoter that the elastic band makes her feel very warm and uncomfortable. upon hearing that I was a bit apprehensive to get the bottoms with the thick elastic bands. in the end I got 2 capri pants with the normal low waist V-shaped at the waist line.

Hey Piglet81, nope i don't stay at TB area. went to him cos my SIL recommended him. My next visit is on 16 Dec. urs?

Petals... compare the elastic band jean with the low waist one with tummy wrap... the 2nd one is more comfy... i have both... that;s my personal feel..

its such a sleepy rainy day...ummm....i need my bed...check with you all ah....those with boys, hows your energy level and how do u feel?

are u having a boy anne??

these things diff to say......

as they are different to each individual

my hb says.........

if hb loves wife more ----- girl

if wife loves hb more----- boy

sounds silly but cute! either way we'll be happy!!!!!

in my case...........[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mama j, for a while, i tot who... haha.

me next visit is 11 dec...which is my triple test too. lik other mummies here.... feeling sooo paranoid these weeks... actually 1 wk after seeing doc i will always start to worry liao... cos like no news, no feeling... dunno whether bb heartbeat will suddenly stop w/o me knowing etc... haiz. u went for oscar or triple test?

haha ya lor... sometimes my tummy felt smaller than i start to worry also. hehe

I went for the oscar test. results out le. low risk =)

hihis all again...

mmm jsp..

thanks for the reminder... now lazy me feel like just heading back to nuaz... ahaha..not going thyme liao..



same gynae visit date as you..i'm usually quite nervous jsut before the scan and try to look out for heartbeat on the ultrasound before i heave a sigh of relief...

hopefully next fri's visit will be assuring...


mmm long time no see! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maggimee, petals

yeaps.. i like the tummy wrap..gives me back support and i can fold it down whenever it feels too high..


i should go home now..

tata and have a nice evening mtbs

Audrey: I had some pimples on my left cheek and my sister immediately say, it will be a boy yesterday, today I came with the scan. Heehee. I did the ring test, also is boy and I did chinese gender calculator also boy. So people... don't believe in myth!

Petals: I bought the 3/4 one with thick elastic band, I bought only one as I've stocked up normal pants with elastic band. It's very comfortable when I tried it though people do say it might get too warm and even itchy at the tummy area.


Ya Sleepy Wrap is one of the brands. Mine is DIDYMOS. Initially thought it was very difficult to tie but after matching the instructional DVD and trying it out, it was great.

Gd morn mommies!

I hardly slept last night as my gal was cranky. Kept waking to cry and toss like a satay on the bed. I suspect she was overstimulated by my mom in the day. Sigh.

Going for my wk 15+2 scan today and I hope bb is well and good and will tell me if he is a boy or gal. I am happy as long as he or she is healthy normal.

Alsky - Congrats on an all-clear! Cont to pray for an uneventful pregnancy and delivery.

To the rest going for amnio - Praying for an all-clear for you all too! Hang in there.

BBP - how was your Camden scan? Hope it was gd. I was supposed to go for mine on Tues but the Prof had some last min. mtg.

Pimples - I think it depends on each individual. Even the fat nose myth - some pp say if you have a fat nose during preg, then you are carrying a boy. All these are subjective. I've seen mommies carrying boys with perfectly nice noses n no pimples! So ... hee.

Maternity clothes - For 1st time mtbs, it is easy to get all excited and buy many. But maternity clothes are ex and not to mention, not too fashionable. Buy as you grow. Some clothes as suggested by the other mommies here can be worn till full term even and they aint maternity wear.

Welcome to newbies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ok - back to work.

Everyone have a great day today!!

kurisu> I'm not scaring you. Just want you to be more careful.

Audrey> Thanks for the link. I cant decide between Mt A and KK antenatal class. KK's look more precise. Will go discuss with hb first.

Edie> Congrats on your little princess! Now you have a reason more to go shopping. When are you going to have your wedding?

Sue> Maybe like you mention, when we are at thyme, the nicer clothes could have been sold out or no size liao. Will try my luck this weekend. Cant wait!

Blurangel> Welcome!!!

JSP> Have received your email. Thanks! Really help alot!

Petals> I have forward the email to my friend. Think she is waiting for the reply from the supplier.

BuddingBubs> Never heard of the brand you are using before. Time for more research! Hahahaha!

morning all...


hope u feeling better liao... *bigger hugz* if u r not... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/biggrin.gif]


heehee... hope its helpful to u... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I feel so bad can!!!!!

I just scolded my admin girl.

Now I know why all of you will say that having a lady boss is very difficult and !@#$#%^&*()_+|. Cos I'm one of them also..... Hai....

She really make my blood man! I was looking for some documents yesterday afternoon at her table as she was on leave. Found so much things still on her hand!!!! No wonder so many things missing and she never mentioned it before!

What's worst! There is a PO dated in 1 Oct 09 and job has not been carried out till now!!!! OMG! Lucky my client never mentioned about it. Otherwise..... my live firing would be worst!

But I still feel bad after scolding her. Hai......

Morning all MTBs and FTBs.

Ruffles, you will be doing yr scan with Prof today? All the best!

Just went for a detailed scan done by Prof Ananda. Based on the scan, all is well! Thank god and I'm glad that I went to see him. The prof said the physical aspects of the down was not present in the scan. And for the rest of the measurement of the heart, etc are all normal. He also advised me not to go for the amnio since the scan is all clear. I'm taking his advice and I'll not be going for my amnio test.

For those waiting to go for the amnio test, I wish you that you will have good results!


great to hear the good news.... it must be a heavy load off your shoulder... congrats...


thanks, yes, she's checking and will get back to me. I can understand when our hormones start raging, it's hard to control. maybe u can hv a talk with her later saying that u don't mean to scold her but she shouldn't be sitting on those things for so long and not getting it done.

edie/maggie mee/sue,

thanks for ur feedback on thyme

Hi all May MTBs,

Would like to join u all in tis thread! This is my 2nd pregnancy & i'm staying in SK. Here's my details...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

EDD: 29 May 2010

BB No: 2

Gynae name: Dr Sim Lee Ngor

Hospital: Thomson Medical

Hi asu,

Tks! I'm quite ok. Not much morning sickness. I hv done my Oscar test last mth but hv not done wk16 scan. My next checkup is due on 14 Dec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi kurisu,

Yup, my gynae is Dr Sim. I also used her when i delivered my boy in 2005 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Everafter,

I am not sure how Dr sim skills are since this is my 1st baby... but my ma n her friends have been her long time client since KK time so should be okie hor....

still not sure when i will be flying back so wonder if she can make sure everything is fine for me when my 1st apt will be after 32 wks...

Hi Mummies,

Ameda Lactaline Personal Dual Breast Pump (Electric) for Sale

Adjustable vacuum and suction cycles ensure personal comfort. 3 month old and still under warranty till August 2010. Original price $388 Now selling $288

Self collect at Yew Tee MRT. Cash only.

Email: [email protected]

Hi edie, I also tried the ring one, it keeps go round and round. Means what huh?

Hi Chloie, if you're interested in KK one call to book 1st, It's very "hot" I heard the sat class already full (Jan).

Hi everyone! just had my korean bbq chicken and rice. Stomach very bloated now.

Anyone even walking or sitting without support your back feel your back like breaking?

Yesterday I went out to shop some office stuff, only less than 1 hour, my back like going to break!

Wow! havn't reach 5 months already so "sin ku ah" (; ;) or is it only me feeling like this?

Hi Ladies,

I have this thought of buy some baby items monthly till baby is born. But, really have no idea of what to get at the moment. Any suggestion from experience mammies?

Baby will be at my mil hse during the day time and will bring back home after work. Should I get a cot or a playpen for easy mobility?


Congrats on the good news!


Actually my husband n i secretly hoped for a girl when I was expecting our first child... but now that we have an adorable little son, we can't imagine otherwise! I used to think too, that boys will be difficult to handle and will be very naughty. However, I must say that my son turned out to be very guai, will fuss or throw a tantrum occasionally, but will quickly calm down when we talk to him or try to distract him with something else. So i think there's no need to worry whether it's a girl or a boy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Must be hard to have cravings when u're so far away... hmm... nowadays there's a lot of instant laksa / mee siam mix on the market.. not sure if these foods can be sent over... if possible, can get someone to send it over to you to curb those cravings!


You're not alone! Been having sharp pain in my back when I walk, thought it might be due to the injections I had when I was spotting, but when I checked with gynae he said its normal during pregnancy. Now have to walk so slowly, my hubby joked that I should borrow senior citizen ez-link card from my dad so that the green man will come on for a longer time at the traffic crossings when i tap the card


great planning financially to buy 1 item at a time... for a start, maybe u can start asking ard frds whether they got any stuffs to pass u 1st b4 buying leh... i inherted alot of stuffs frm frds n SIL... like baby cots n infant car seat... if u r driving, u can start sourcing ard for infant car seats... compare prices 1st... dun buy on impluse ya... wait for bb fairs to buy some of the big ticket items... as the price would be better during fairs...

for my #1, my SIL passed us her bb cot... which my son used till now... he's 17 mths liao... i dun really like playpen as its too low... not good for our back... n i dun think u can transport the bb cot or playpen to n fro leh... too bulky... suggestion is to get a cot/playpen each for ur hse n mil hse... heehee... HTHs...

JSP, so good you have hand me downs from friends, sisters and relatives. Mine shd be the 1st baby for the generation. So, guess none has used baby stuffs for me unless friends willing to give.

Actually, i did look around for cots, strollers, car seats etc. The problem is there are so many models, design and patterns. Very difficult to compare.

Keke, seems like must save more $ first. Then grab big items when there are fairs going on.

As for cot or playpen, it does make sense as we will need to carry baby often. Still considering about the pros and cons.

Thks for the valuable information. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi bbp

Congrats on the good news [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm so happy for you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've been coughing badly for the past few days and mid dec i m going for the amnio test, hope that i'll recover by then.


no prob at all... just sharing my experience as i got friends to share with me when i had no experience during #1 time...

if u got a budget constraint, then maybe u can consider 2nd hand bb cots or even shop at Ikea... Ikea cots prices r quite reasonable thou... coz some bbs dun like to slp in bb cot so my opinion is dun need to get super ex ones... also, if u think long term, then probably u can get those convertable bb cots where it can be converted to toddler bed when ur child is older...

i personally do not recommend buying strollers in advance as there are some bbs who simply refuse to sit in a stroller... budden i think a bb carrier would be useful for a small bb... u can alwys grab a stroller off the shelf if ur bb is born... heehee...

Orange, thanks! U going on 16th rite to do yr amnio? Have you spoken to your gynae yet? I think by then, you will be recoverd. Take care.

My tummy now killing me....this afternoon was back pain and now tummy pain...I think I must go back on the time and rest early tonite.


yes. but he still insist that i go for the amnio test. (i think he want to play safe) hopefully i recover by ten. i m going to see GP for my cough tonite


Hmmm.. why my tummy still looks small and seems like no one can tell I am pregnant.. and I am still strutting around in 3" heels! This is like criminal offence...

I prefer the thick underbelly bands for my maternity pants.. they are more comfy and easier to match with my tops. Sometimes I need to tuck in my shirts and those belly wrap just look funny(dont know to fold or not to fold).

stardust >> oh how cute! Your son is such a blessing.. I am just worried I cant handle a naughty child.. I used to be the difficult one.

sumathi >> heh my hubby loves me more, thus i am going to have a girl.. haha! I even dreamt that I was having a baby girl..

have a great evening ladies!!

