(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi alsky

Congrats to your amnio result [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'll be going for mine in mid Dec. Kind of worried cos i m having bad cough for the past few days.

Hi Petals

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Draik

All the best for your amnio test today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Kurisu... im surprised ! Anyway we should try not to be stress during these 9 mths... shd enjoy n stay relax as possible.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So still dunno abt bb's gender? Me gota wait till next mth detailed scan..so far my body still coping well... juz tummy feeling tight at times.. n nite times can feel some bubble movements .. guess its bb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


All the best to those taking their test [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


aiyo you poor girl! should never, never let yourself go hungry leh.. must think of your bb also. I always keep some crackers & cookies around so i can sneak a bite in between work..

my colleague went for the full 4-month maternity leave and came back jobless.. geez. The 'higher management' told her that since her job had been distributed out while she was away, she is redundant already.. So sad =(

If you think your company is ill treating you, it's time to reconsider your options.. sometimes it's not just about the money. It's your health and family at stake too.

Hi Everyone,

Had been missing for the last few days. Been dead tired after my sister's wedding. Took two days to rest but was down with flu and bad cough.i seem to fall sick every time i reach one month. Is there anyway i can break the circle. I feel weak all over again and need to eat more and healthy food to boost my energy level again. My hubby concerned that it will affect the baby.Im worried too. Going on to my 16 weeks and appt with gyne is next week. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


thanks for the advise... i oso feel the same way so was thinking to make full use of the maternity leave to consider other options lor... may be work part-time or so ... altot hubby not earning much but can survive can liao lor... after all no one to look after bb at all...

try to have snacks in the office oso kenna niao or swan for eating again... horrible rite... worst depsite knowing i am pregy still throw me lots of work including all the filings n packing of files, which i told her i am not going to do packing of files cos i dun wan anything to happen to my bb....

think becos my "boss" staying wif her guy, so her guy work late no one at home so she rather stay late in the office too oso for performance sake... think tt i should oso stay late... stupid rite... really hate her at times... some time think tt she is only 1 yr younger than me, so can be friends who knows she backstab me all the time in front of big boss tt is y no more promotion... cos think she is not happy tt i was norminated for it after 2 yrs which took her 4 yrs plus to get it... sometime i think tt she is sick in the head ....

Hi All,

sorry for pouring out my troubles... cos all alone here in japan, w/o close friends except hubby n baby...

ylc> Hope your girl gets well soon!

bb-bao> WOW! Now thyme selling 2 tops for $19 eh? I bought mine at 1 for $19. Will go again this saturday to get a few more bra n tops. Heehee! Thanks for sharing your info!

Sue> I ah? Boy or girl is fine with me. But I'm secretly hoping for a boy. Not cos I'm like those aunties but cos I dont want a daughter who will treat me like how I treat my mum. My mum dote on me lah but I like to talk back and show her attitude. I dont know why but it all came out naturally. Maybe cos I did not spend alot of time with her when I was younger.

To have a boy can save money mah! Only can buy tops, bottoms and shoes. Cant really dress him up right. Girl need to dress up, abit more mah fan.

BuddingBubs> I saw that wrap before. Is it called sleep wrap. It is a long pc of stretchy cloth and alot of methods to use to carry baby. Looks difficult to use. But I think practice makes perfect lah. Haha!

bx> Saw jeans at Thyme before. I bought their denim skirt. Very comfy!

kurisu> Wah! They dont even allow you to enjoy your lunch lei. Too much liao. Tell them you will bite cos you got a tiger baby! Baby is hungry for food so you need to eat. Hahahaha! Next time go out for lunch. Dont stay in the office.

And that woman is bad! She is jealous of you that's why she did those things to do. Dont care her. If your company choose to believe her, it's best that you leave now than later cos who knows one day when your tummy is so much bigger, she might do some life threatening things to you. You better be careful.

It's ok for you to rant it out here than keeping it to yourself.

HI Maggie,

Still dunno boy or gal, but tumy seems round so may be gal lor... next apt 18th wk on 12 dec... hopfully can tell lor.. if not got to wait after xmas cos 26 dec (20th wk) doing the 4D scan... cos my mom will be here too ... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everyone! Morning! Today I feel very tired. Althought sleep 9 hoursa already. My husband said I'm more like "pig"!

Hi Kurisu, ah yeah since you intend to resign after your ML, then just hard care lah.

Now most important is relax.

Hi Orange and Draik, Jia you.

Orange take care hor.

Hi preg_piggy, wow! your gynae charges was really high! But since the clinic is very near to your house, after less the tranportation fee, maybe you just have to pay alittle bit more only?

Hi bb bao, the clothing there nice?

Audrey & kurisu

Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Dont let this affect your bb mood. Since you'll be leaving the co after ML. Dont bother. Must be a happy MTB [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Actually, I am wishing for a girl, but my son wants a brother. I was telling my son that a sister will be very nice too but he kept telling me that a sister will take his toy but a brother will not. Dunno where he got this idea from.

Told my mom about my son preference. My mom said that siblings will be closer if they are of the same gender. Well, it might be truth.

Anyway, I still wish for a girl so that she can go shopping with me when she grow up. If it is a boy, then I dun have to buy so much stuffs because there are a lot of boys hand me down clothing. The toys in my house are all boys toys too, no need to buy.

Yeap I wan to check with all of you hor. X'mas and Chinese New Year coming, where can we get nice nice clothing huh? Thought of buying 1 pc dress but never see nice one so far. Headache!

hi ladies good morning

went for my 16th week scan

baby's doing well and growing but i have dropped 2kg, BP also a bit low

a bit worried

been throwing up last 2 weeks so could be the reason for weightloss. can't retain anything long

however last 2 days no vomitting

hubby monitoring my patterns.

encourages me to rest a while after meals than then head for the bed after about 1hr.

helps to retain the food.

so far ok

gynae said the baby looks like a ............ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

well don't wanna say till 20th week after the detailed scan. then i'll inform all of u!

isn't it a anticlimax for all the ladies who already know the sex of ur angel!

now u bored of the charts, and the rings and the basketball vs melon theories right!!!!!!!!!!

now all u care is baby is well and is gaining weight.....

for the ladies doing amino tests

good luck. tell ur bb that its fine and all will be well.

for the ladies going for their scan. may god give u what u wanted and more!!! may bb be healthy and growing!!!!!.......ladies sometimes slow down on maternity clothes as at times hubby or family members will want to buy u stuff.

Hi KK Hospital Antenatal Programme for Jan'10 is out! I've booked the Sat class liao. If anyone interested, have to call now hor if not will full very fast.

Kurisu..... u can pour yr troubles here at least u let it out better than keep inside.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u will feel better...

Yeah.. i think dun care abt yr boss..lady boss always jealous..just enjoy yr next coming scan n my mum's stay!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Agree with Chloie... when tummy gets bigger must be more careful... dunno what assignment yr boss will give u..

wow! i've booked too thanks audrey

just went yest they said not out yet

now out hehhhe

i too booked for sat 11.15 slot!!!!

so that i can sleep a little longer and go to class fresher!!

thanks audrey

what slot u took?

Got my blood test result, everything's fine except urine infection..needs to take antibiotic..

My Gynae is Dr Kee Wei Heong, his clinic is at TMC but he comes over to Jurong Point clinic on some of the evening..

Hi Sumathi,

I've booked the same one (16 Jan).

Normally my check up is on Sat so I won't "crash" mah.

I also book the Aqua Fitness on 09 Jan'10 at 2pm.

Also leave my name with Thomas end jan for Tue Yoga class.

Jan will be very busy for me hehe..

But Thanks to these classes, my time will pass very fast. After all these classes, I will soon see my baby!

Jan will be


Jealous women are scary sometimes, especially when you have something they dont have... come to think of it, your 'boss' is a very sad woman, super no life lor! At least you have a nice family to go home to... But do be wary of her, later she go mad and do something to funny to you leh.


I cant say the clothing at Thyme is very nice lah.. confirm not the fashionable type. But the basic tops are good for casual wear cos they stretch really well and can cover your belly totally when u get bigger next time. Somemore now 2 tops for $19, super worth buying some. I also bought the denim skirt, fits well.


Eh, what you said feels very familiar.. hehe I dont mind a boy or gal.. actually I would rather have a girl. But also secretly hoping it's a boy for the first bb? At least I dont feel pressured by the elders to produce an heir or stuff like that! Boys are so naughty and I dont think I've the patience...

yeah got fren

see u soon audrey!

yet to discuss yoga and aqua fitness with hb

but he was keen last time round. happy!!!


hb bought for me vagisil for me during 1st trimester ard week 4-5

i use it everyday atleast once. he didn't want any urine infections.....

Hi Kurisu, yeap agreed. Sad to say work with Lady boss is scary. Esp if she haven't married, more worse!

I have experience before, don't dare to take MC when I'm sick.

And can't let her know I'm not staying abck for OT is because going out for date (;[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

If you boss really jealous about you, you better becareful of her.

Maybe at before you go ML, try to "please" her so you won't suffer?

bx> Oh ya, forgot to tell you. thyme's jeans abit too oldish lah. the rest still ok. super comfy. you shd go take a look.

I have start wearing the maternity bottoms liao cos my usual bottoms are tight so dont want to hurt my bb.

Audrey> How much is KK charging for their Antenatal Programme?

maggie mee> I'm only scare her boss will purposely stick her legs out to let her trip. This is the worst. Any assignment is no problem but not to the extend of endangering her life.

bb-bao> I secretly want a boy as my first child cos I plan to have a girl later on. I always wanted a brotherly love but I dont have any elder brother so hope my future daughter will get it. Elder bro can take care of her when we get older mah. And also to have a boy is to show my hb bro's china wife that she is not the only one who can give birth to a BOY! So yaya lor! Recently heard that she has been scolding my mil. Bad woman!

Hi All,

Thanks for the advise, will bear tt in mind... hopefully i can ren for a few more months cos i gg ml in mid mar... haha...

btw she said in my meeting with big boss tt i need to learn how to ren.... even if i am hungry still must ren cos everyone work load is oso tt much .... must ren.... haha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Chloie,

dun scare me leh ... i counting down cos from 22nd dec till 3rd jan i taking compliance leave so can escape her for a while... after tt ren a little bit more i gg ml in mid mar liao ...


I dont intend to buy maternity dresses actually.. I have been wearing my normal dresses, mostly those babydoll dress or the tent dress then tie a ribbon above/under my tummy.. still looks cute! Or you can buy tops like these.. they are long enough to cover the tummy and the material is pretty comfy.


Hi Audrey and Sumathi, I signed for the 16/01/10 class too..hope to see you guys there!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


*hugz*... veri bad of whoever who niao u or disturb u during lunchtime... maybe u can try to go out for lunch so tt pple cannot disturb u lor...

aiyo... those r really bad women lor... u try to snack abit if hungry lor... some pple r just not worth getting angry wif lor...

Hi Anne Raj, see you there (^^)/

Hi bb bao, very nice dress! But don't know I can wear or not? I'm nearly 64KG by 1 or 2 months I will hit 66KG!! scary!!


Thank you, really feel relieve after sharing all these... like a stone of mine sholders... haha... yday had tt stupid meeting telling me tt i will not be promoted... with all the stuff tt i cant ren... i need to learn how to ren, how to cope with more work n stuff... my attitude towards work ....

i admit tt recently my mood wasnt tt gd... of course rite when on top of ur normal work stuff ppl throw another half of other ppl normal work load to u... those tt u r new to it and they expect u to master within an hr or so ... how to do ??? ask me to go w/o or late lunch ... work till 8+ 9pm ... by the time i get home is lik 10 or 11pm... of course i get mad rite... who wont...

Hi audrey,

Wait till she get the same treatment i am getting then may be she will understand or unless she is a superwoman who can handle all... too bad i am just a normal mtb... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


poor ger leh u... budden just ren till ur ML n do wat u can lor... those pple r niao ren so speak niao language mah... budden try not to go hungry ya... have snacks when u hungry... n ignore those unconstructive comments if u can lor...

for me, i totally bo chap... coz so long as i do my work, i dun care wat other pple say lor... coz there r lots of unconsiderate n irritating pple in every workplace...

Hello mummies, just got back from gynae and baby open leg big big and baby's a girl!

I thought it'll be a boy cos I have pimples popping out recently. So I consoled myself, boy also better cos 2nd one will be easier to get a girl then I'll have 好.

So now that I know is a girl I can choose names and go ahead and buy headbands and dresses.

Hi Edie,

Congrats on ur little princess... i hope to know the gender of my bb soon so tt i can go shopping with more reasons now haha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks Kurisu, and so sorry about the way colleagues are treating you. I don't like to work with those Japanese, always talk behind our back. Their 'daijiobu ne' is fake to the max. I'm so glad I could take a break from all those nonsense since I'm preggy now.

cool...edie.. i think the same too... they r super fake... i asked my hubby if he is like tt, he say guys r more straight forward further more he not interested in office politics stuff... so normally he bo chap... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Kurisu, I'm very lucky that my japanese boss and collegue are very nice person.

Normally I the one who's ask for extra job.

i too had pimple outbreaks...but they say boy means mum will be more beautiful girl bb willl take beauty from mtb so she'll appear more dull.... hmmm confused... hb says.... just see when ur conception. near ovulation or off.... my was +/- 1 day of ovulation only...... exactly 2weeks after last period was the conception *shy*

still going to keep quiet for now!

does any ladies have scans of their bbs at week 15-16???

my gynae didn't give yest and we too forgot to ask!


if u did scans google to compare pics

Hi All,

I started to crave for alot of food leh ... but almost all r beyond my reach ...

any one know any gd kway chap ??? miss those days when i was a kid the one at bugis really very gd... then heard it went to chomp chomp liao ....

i oso craving for ba cho mee... lor mee... mee siam... lontong.... nasi lemak.... hokkein mee.... prawn noodles... laska.... prata... mutaba.... rendang .... n stuff...

will go back singapore n eat for revenge when i get the chance... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihis all mtbs

bbao, chloie:

mm i guess the nicer stuff at Thyme might have been sold out liao..or not there when u went..

i went there 2x and i must say that i lovetheir fashionable denim skirts and jeans..

not oldish lei...

i have 2 jeans - 1 boot cut, 1 fitting jeans (just as stylish as my pre-preggy True-religion jeans, but regular levis kindda material)

and 2 denim skirts.. and they're perfect for my big hips and 1.65m height [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

so anyways, i say if got time, no harm checking it out lor.. since the deals as soo good now..

compared to spring maternity which sells jeans for like $90+?

my stuff cost me $60+ a piece after 40% disc lei.. later when they went for $39 i bought somemore.. hehe


sayangs...empathies to you...sounds like it's time to fight back for your basic human right...

say you're sorry but it's your lunch time and don't want to lose the bb by going hungry...

your colleague is not nice lor.. and there're plenty of women like that everywhere... sighs..

what goes around comes around...

btw, i'm thinking.. what'll happen if you say no promotion means you don't need to take up more work? and sayonara by 6pm and bo chup!

it's really not so good for your bb...

i worked like a dog in my first job (non jap environment) 8am-1am, just to please my difficult boss, and what did i get?just some hundred bucks more a year and a caffeine addition and a permanent back pain and gastric problems. simply not worth it. i've found better jobs since, but i should have just quit rather than stay 3yrs there...


hope your wishes come true![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


congrats on having a gal [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh ya..

about thyme again, i found the best deals for jeans, a-line skirts, denim skirts, swimwear, nursing bras and undies..

however tops do look a bit obiang..haha

mmm, guess i'll go look see again tonite....

whahaha.. can't resist temptation of a good deal...



i guess u are prob haf the bod shape of those model in ur baby doll pics? for me, unfortunately i look horrendously pear shape in baby dolls, so i need to wear separates...

