(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

Hi JSP, ya, I read and heard that some baby got preference. Some likes cot, some likes swing. Scared invest liao later dun use, waste $ and heart pain.

Getting baby carrier is a good idea. I find strollers bulky and troublesome to handle. But seems like my hubby's interest are on those bulky, big wheels strollers. Faintz.


Chloie: My wedding is on 29th December. I'll be 5 months pregnant by then!

Audrey: Round and round means GIRL! But don't believe it. Just for fun only.

Morning! For those MTBs intending to deliver in Mt Alvernia, I just called them to ask abt antenatal classes. The nurse said May give birth can go for the Feb classes, since only 6 weeks and they recommend to attend only when you hit 24 weeks (6 months).

Anyway, Jan schedule not out yet. She asked me to call again end Dec to check Feb's classes' schedule.

Just for info, if anyone is considering Mt Alvernia like me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Morning mommies

BBP - am so glad your scan went well. And yes since it is all clear, no need to subj yourself to amnio. I passed my scan yesterday with flying colours and will be having a lil boy! Did Prof tell you if you would be having a gal or boy?

bb-bao - wow 3" heels. Be careful leh. The skinny legs ones are dangerous [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Having said that, I am wearing my 2" ones still, sometimes wearing flats.

I still dun look preg and no one will be able to tell that I am. haha.

Having a girl is so much fun. Think of the stuff you can buy her and dress her up!

Morning all!

Hi Ruffles! Congrats to you too! Did you have to wait long? I had to wait for an hour plus. Wait until I got a little impatient cos kan cheong to see whether my bb okie or not. Congrats for having a bb boy too! Yr #1 is a boy? For me after what I have gone through, boy or gal not important at all. As long as the baby is normal and healthy I am already blessed!

Prof did tell me the gender of my bb but he said he is 85% sure. So I think I'll wait until the next scan to be more determined. hehehe! I'll be seeing him again on 21 Jan for the final scan.

Hello everyone! It's Friday!

This month is really short (^^)v + my company have extra holiday, Dec will pass very fast...

Jan, Feb (also short month), Mar, Apr then May!!

We will soon see our little one.

I'm planing to go swimming this week, normally where do you guys go? My husband Safa card expired and can't renew now have to wait till next year. Go public pool like not very safe leh.

Any advice??

Morning Everyone [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi bbp

After knowing that you have good result, i m more relax and anxious and tot of seeing Dr Ananda. How's his charges? How long do u need to wait for the result? Is it juz a scan?

Yesterday, i went to see GP for my cough. Sigh! I am on antibiotic again. Dr say i'm having a bad cough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Orange, it is more of a detailed scan. No blood test involved. And no need to wait for the results as he will let u know on the spot. Will pm you his charges.

Hope that you are getting better. I know for cough, it takes ages to recover. Pls take care.

Hi Kurisu, Jia you, Jia you!

Hi Chloie, She young girl right? Maybe later talk to her nicely and explain why you so angry loh. I think you're not that bad to get alone lady boss. At least you felt bad after scolding her (^^). I remember my lady boss scold me once from my mistake and keep showing me black face after that..

Hi Stardust, hahaha.. your husband really a jocker (^-^)

Hi edie, Congratulation! Then you must take extra rest hor.

Dear all mummies n daddie who passed the amnio n scan by prof..very happie for all of u tat baby turns out normal n healthy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Orange, u jiayou ya? Take good care of urself..issit safe to eat antibiotics during preggy? no other way?

Bbp – I waited for about 1/2hr but was equally impatient. My #1 is a gal, and my priority was also to have a healthy normal baby given what I have gone through in my past pregs. So when Prof told me I was having a healthy normal boy, I got all so excited. I mean I can now buy boy stuff .. haha. If I were to have another gal, it would be so sweet to see both my gals hold hands and play masak masak and can dress them alike. But it also means #2 will have some hand me downs. Now with a boy, it gives me excuse to buy more new stuff. Hee.

Ruffles, at least yr waiting time shorter than mine. My appt was 9.30am and he only saw me at 10.40 am leh. Wait until neck long long. But the wait is worth it lah. hehehe!

When he told u that u are having a boy, did he say 85% chance? Or was it very obvious?

It is good to have an excuse to buy more things! Fun mah. Can buy bb clothes again.

bbp - When he told me 'looks like you are having a boy', I asked 'where where where' and he showed me the pan whr his lil birdie was sticking out. It was super obvious. Haha. Is your #1 boy or gal?

Audrey - Yea. CLose shop leow! Hee.

Petals> I just couldnt control my anger cos she has too much items that have been pending for too long and she cant bear to open her mouth, fearing her golden teeth would all drop off. Hai.... But today abit better liao lah... Let's see how lor...

tinospora> Can help to keep a look out for the Feb class schedule? Cos I also want to attend Feb's class.

Ruffles> You must be careful with those 3" heels. Know of Diana Ser's story?

Audrey> Can say young lah. Younger than me by 3 yrs old I thk. 21 yrs old. Hai.... HB told me to watch her for another month, if cannot then really no choice. Usually my admin girls who can pass will be confirmed after 2 mths but she aldy work for 3 mths and still cannot be confirm. So I dont want to waste time anymore. I'm a "bao gong" during work. No one dares to step on my tail cos i will KPKB. LOL!

Cant wait to see my jollybean tomorrow!!!!!

Can we actually eat Tom Yam soup? This afternoon after eating, now I can feel inside my tummy there's a lot "bubbles". I think maybe too spicy?

Hi destiny

Thanks. The doctor prescribe antibiotic to me cos he say my cough is really bad. i cough until i having headache and feel abdominal uncomfortable and having sleepless nite.

Chloie: Sure, when i got news of the Mt Alvernia Feb class schedule I'll PM you + post here again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All,

Happy TGIF, cant really chat these days cos boss eyes like hawk on me.... haha... but still try to sneak n read haha....

perhaps i am the only non jap in this team ba... haha....

Chloie> sometimes i do understand tt every boss wan the staff to perform well, of course those who underperform should get a scolding or wat so ever...

which i believe in my case it is totally not the normal stuff... I have all my stuff done b4 i go back but just tt "boss" who dun wan to go back will push stuff which dun belong to me at all to me... some which are totally new to me n expect me to complete them with flying colours... i think tt is too much ...i was willing to learn till tues which the meeting pissed me off big time....

i wrote at least 5 excel formulated programs to improve efficiency n stuff, but in the end wat did i get, not even a word of gd job n stuff.... as if it is my job to do it when i am not a IT person lor...

find ways to improve working style oso kenna scold so now i only formulate excel on my own desktop n not share with them liao ... cos i see no pt in it...

Any way tt was the past to me since tues liao ... esp for today cos it is fri means i have my free weekends w/o any female dogs screaming at me for no rite of reasons... haha

Orange> how r u ??? poor thing * big hugz* ... must rest well... try to drink more warm water... taking small intake at a time will smoothen ur throat a little...

Take care everyone... & have a nice weekend ! ! ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Audrey: I ate a lot of Tom Yam soup when I was in Bangkok. I heard some say don't take too spicy food. Haiya... don't know la. Very confused now, take in moderation.

I'm going to attend pre-natal yoga at True Yoga tomorrow and sunday cos I got a 2 weeks free pass. Going to try it out first but don't think will sign package, too ex.

chloie - no la you are mistaken. I am not the one with 3" heels. I am already so tall so no need to tower over my hb or any tall men [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Me do 2" at most (sometimes) and flatties.

Audrey - I think if you feel uncomfy w spicy or tom yum, then take in moderation or stop. Listen to your own body. Difft preg woman will feel difft I feel. For me, spicy and tom yum is great. I take lots of it ..hheehee...

Everyone - Have a great weekend!!

blurangel: True yoga is really expensive and you have to commit to them so I just get the 2 week pass and try out. If you want, I can give them your number and you can get the 2 weeks pass but they are very pushy. I'll try out the class tomorrow and let you know.

Ruffles> Pai seh pai seh! I know who liao. Must scold her first. Hahaha!

bb-bao> You must stop wearing those killer 3" heels. Go search for diana ser story. It will get you off your heels.

tinospora> Thanks! We await for your good news. Actually I was think whether can we fill up the form first then state that we want to join the feb class. Isnt it easier than keep calling and asking? Who knows you call today, they say not out, call tomorrow, it's full liao. [p/s: I heard the lady isnt very friendly].

kurisu> Exactly! She is not performing well. Ytd she got me pissed off again. But I cant be bothered to tell her off aldy. But for your case, they are just too much lah. Faster come back and enjoy all your cravings!

Oh ya, my friend who is a mtb in feb, has sent me a file for the things to buy and prepare for bb & ourselves. Let me go figure out how to post the file here then all of you wont have to crack your head liao.

good morning ladies ,

Went to collect my triple test results and low risk .. gg back to sin for detail scan at the end of this month .. hope to knoe the gender by then.

Orange ,

I have been coughing very badly too ... but I did not visit any doctors here .. I just try to take honey n water ... and these few days ease a bit .. u wanna try warm honey. Jia you and be strong ..rest if u need to [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello, I went to pre-natal yoga at true yoga in the morning. It was quite good, since I don't really exercise, I was able to stretch places which I haven't been stretching for a long time. Muscles were loosen. Not bad.

hi mummies,

sorry to intrude.. i am organising preorder for Kate Spade Classic Noel Collection..and some other models..pls pm me if u are interested.. thanks..

chewy_ring >> heh glad your results turn out well!!

edie >> wow the yoga really that good? hehe, very tempting leh.. but I am so scared that they will try to hard sell me a package. I already have a gym membership at california fitness (but too bad they dont do pre-natal).. I cannot afford another one!

Anyone knows where to do pre-natal massage hur?

I went for my 16th week scan on Friday... PHEW! i was so happy to see the little one's beating heart.. have been worrying for so long! Doc says she's pretty certain it's a boy, and my husband was laughing so hard cos he saw my "kind of disappointed" face.. But as long as baby is fine and healthy I am very happy already =)

bb-bao: It's good to have a boy so can be big brother. And you will have more energy to look after a mischievous one, congrats!

Pre-natal yoga is not bad but if you've done yoga before you'd probably know most of the stretches and can do it at home. Or else, ya, really quite expensive, not working now so don't think I'm going to sign up for anything.

Hi Mummies, How are all of you? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was at the Thyeme Maternity last saturday and most of the sale items are already gone. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Wanted to buy a nursing bra but only left one piece. So whoever wants to grab any bargains, do go fast.

Need all you mummies advice - think i should start shopping for a car seat first, any recommendation for any brands?

Btw, i am finally seeing my gynae next saturday, cant wait to hear BB's heartbeat and size. Been a month since i last saw. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Goh: I also went Thyme yesterday, the OG Albert one. Which one did you go? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyway, ladies, the pants left are mostly L size, and the dresses and nicer tops are either XS or S...dun have the M that i wanted :p

The nursing bras are mostly 40D...

So...yeah, that's my update for Thyme at OG Albert, if anyone is interested ;p

Chloie: yeah the Mt A nurse who spoke to me wasnt exactly nice :p i thk if i submitted the form she might scold me for submitting and tell me to go again later. hahaha ;p

Morning MTBs...

anyone experience stomachache once after eating? i hve been hving that since last wed... is it a concern? Im tiking of seeing GP today...

Please remove my name from the list. I have terminated my pregnancy, trisomy 13, no chance of survival for my bb.

Hopefully there will be no more bad news for this thread. This will be my last posting. Thanks everyone.

I do have stomachache once in a while. I have constipation and seems like after sometime, I will experience diarrhea and stomachache. Maybe need to clear ba.

Went to the GP previously, she gave me medication to stop diarrhea instead of letting it out. She says that might be some bad bateria in tummy.



I'm so sad to hear abt this. Pls have a mini confinement and a good rest. I know no amt of words will make u feel better but pls be strong and take comfort from ur boy.

