(2010/05) May 2010 mtb

destiny> ya lor! miss u cannot meh! i'm going to be bz for the next few days liao. payroll time! LOL!

audrey> measure my tummy. thought of that before. but then lazy lah. i usually jump to bed at 9+ these few days. very tired to do anythg else. heehee! i try not to eat food that will cause the wind. like beans and cabbage, but they happen to be my favourite know!



I am still here but not so often now. Addicted to Cafe world...

Will be going for my amnio test tomorrow, very nervous.

Hey girls, these are the Clarins products you can use.. specially for MTBs. Wah i should get some incentive for advertising!! My colleague who had just given birth recommended these to me.. she didnt have much stretch marks. So I am going to use them religiously!!



I also use my own Johnson's baby lotion on top of the treatment oil, just to keep my skin supple. So far so good!

Hi Alsky> Congrats to you!

Hi bb-bao> Thanks for the recommendation. Think i better start using it now, before its too late [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All> I am now at 15th weeks but tummy does not seem to have grown since the first trimester. i only put on 4kg, abit worried. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Does anyone has any part time maid to recommend? Desperately needing one now. Very tiring to change bedsheets nowadays.

hello mummies..,have not been logging in last few weeks and thread seem like slow down alot..how is everyone???

Hey mummies, I'm new to this forum =)

piglet81, i saw from the table that we have the same EDD and both of us are seeing Dr Woo!

chubby tiger,

Talking abt frequent toilet visits, whenever I have a big glass of drink during meals, I have to go toilet like 3 times in the next hour! I think my internal tubes are short and straight to the bladder.. =D

Audrey >> omg, I am so envious of you.. I am still waiting for the day when I finally can feel the baby moving. I wonder if our hubbies will be 'jealous' that they dont get to experience this? haha...


hehe Chloie:

*WAVES* i've been a busy worker, silent and lazy reader..

ahaha...sometimes i dun feel like doing anything if i have time.. just space out...


CONGRATS!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no wonder i keep seeing your status updates for that game in facebook.. hehe!

good luck for your amnio!

talking about being emo... hubby quarelled wif me over the weekend and i cldn't control my emo until i can't breathe properly and vomitted out some dinner...

oso kena food poisoning from my dinner (black pepper chicken chop wif raw salad, tom yam soup)- severe diarrhea and worried about bb (kept thinking about the indian rojak incident at geylang serai) then every day i check my stomach size and wonder if bb is there...

trying to take it easy until gynae visit next Fri..

am so envious of Audrey... i really can't feel any movement lei. now into my 17th week...

oh oh and ylc:

wah..you must be quite a DIY person...i don't think i'll have the discipline to follow thru a yoga dvd lei...

find it too troublesome even to load a DVD movie to watch...ahahaha..

but mmm nmaybe if i'm hardworking enuf, i'll think bout the DVD yoga..

so..can i have the title of ur DVD and instructor? does it matter? i.e good instructor?

Hi bb-bao & Sue, I can feel baby's movement quite strong in the afternoon, sometimes very soft one at night. Last nite when I'm sitting at the sofa watching TV, I put my hand on my tummy, I can feel baby's heartbeat! I thought I'm sentisive again so I ask my hubby to try, after that, he asked me is it heartneat from his palm? hahah

btw mtbs..fish oils are good to combat depression

check it out...

i shld oso feed hubby omega3 oils so that he will be more tolerant towards me, instead of quarelling wif me...ahahaha


The amount and type of dietary fat consumed may influence the incidence of depression. A high intake of omega-6 fatty acids relative to omega-3 fatty acids and an inadequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids (e.g., from fish and fish oils) have both been associated with increased levels of depression. People who eat diets high in omega-3 fatty acids from fish have a lower incidence of depression and suicide.

Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and fish oil, particularly DHA, are needed for normal nervous system function. Depressed people have been reported to have lower omega-3 fatty acid levels (e.g., DHA) than people who are not depressed. Low levels of the other omega-3 fatty acid from fish, EPA, have correlated with increased severity of depression. In a double-blind trial, people with manic depression were given a very high intake of supplemental fish oil for four months. Although some scores of depression levels fell as much as 48% in the omega-3 fatty acid group, it is not known if eating fish could produce similar results, because it is a far less concentrated source of EPA and DHA.

Hi Sue, I'm taking fish oil now (from my gynae). Is it the same type (light ornage and transparent). Or should I drink "yu gan yo"?


thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *muack*


the part about bb heartbeat...i always wonder though, since our bb heartbeats are ~160-190beats per minute, how to feel? whenever gynae lets me hear it, i can't even clap fast enuf, let alone feel vibrations.. just my thots...

for cod fish oil, dunno lei.. basically the website says that we need to take more omega3 than omega6..

i know that gnc sells purely omega3 fish oils, since we already get enuf omega6 from our usual seafood/fish consumption...

btw...u dun seem to have emo issues..so i think your supplements work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


some old wives tales..

is ur stomach round or sharp?

is ur nose prettier (sharp) or uglier (more stubby) than before

do you look prettier or more manly?

do you think ur bum is bigger or the same

if u think it's a yes to the 2nd option for all, then it's a boy!

i saw from my taiwanese friend's blog.. when his wife was preggy, many old obasan would go up to her and guess the baby gender (correctly, based her stomach shape)

she'd get so annoyed that she tries to run away every time she thinks an old lady is trying to approach her...


Good day MTBs n FTB,

^ Chloie ^, Hav been a lazy forummer, thats y nvr posted anything but hav been reading silently what happens in this thread. :p

Alsky, congratz to ur amnio result. lets pray nothing else will happen to our wife n bb. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wify still has a bit of spotting but color is light n only occasionally. still dunno what happens that cos the spotting.

On her weight, she is gaining more than 5kg since preggy. many ppl wonder y her tummy so big at this stage. told her shld b gal she not happy. haha.

quarreled with her over the wkns. damn mad at her laziness while i trying to do all the household chores n grocery shopping alone. she jus sit at her desk frm morning til nite playing fb n watching online streaming drama. really wanted to quit this 'maid' job n let the hse rot to her liking.... y can't she bit a bit more helping?? like i owe her so much in my prev life. but aft i let go of my anger, really felt guilty if i scared bb. haha funny man i am.

ahaha.. loh

i had the same complain about hubby, used to nag at him and he get upset wif me

then we got the weekend helper, and all tensions have been resolved...


I'm still lurking around here, just reading silently and too lazy to post. I realised I've become very lazy since preggie and always tired. Even when I'm in my 2nd trimester, I still feel tired easily.

Anyway, some updates abt myself. had quite a scare last week after lunch after I had 2 episodes of diarrhea and I got even more worried when I discovered that I started bleeding after that. I vomitted later in the afternoon and my bleeding didn't stop. I didn't really feel sick or unwell but the bleeding troubled me so I called my gynae and went down to the clinic that night. She checked but didn't exactly know the cause of the bleeding but thank goodness my baby is fine. as this is the 2nd time I bled, she was afraid that I may hv pre-term labour, ie, miscarriage if I continue bleeding. I was given mc for 3 days and tons of medicine. luckily my bleeding stopped the 2nd day and I went to work the 3rd day. I asked her why this happened and I thought once we approach 2nd trimester, the baby shd be stable but she said miscarriage can still happpen any pt of time. well, I guess we all still need to be extra careful now even though we are in the 2nd trimester.

Baby Movements

I can feel some mild baby movements sometimes. It makes me feel at ease cos I know baby is still here. However there was this day when I couldn't feel any movement and I got really paranoid and worried.

Alsky, a big congrats to you for the great results.

Draik and those going for amnio, I wish you best of luck for the test. I know it's really stressful worrying about baby and the helpless feeling you are going through. take care and be strong.

Hi everyone! Last thur went for Blood test.. Waiting for result now.. How much is your blood test with vit, fish oil & calcium? Mine total up to $450.. got a shock when paying..

Hi Sue, I not sure about the beats per minute but normally non pregnant can feel heart beat on stomach right?

Oh, then I continue taking the fish oil that my gynae give.

Stomach round or sharp, um...looks round to me but narrow.

Nose more stubby (I felt).

I look more manly because of my size now haha.

My bum is always big leh. Now bigger a little bit.

So hard...

I even tried the method ring and string on top of my stomach and it keep turning round.

But I think even not on top of your stomach, it will also turn round and round right?

Hi preg piggy, I paid around $350++ for bllod test and down syndome test.Yours included the Oscan or DS test? FYI, Fish oil cost about $38 per bottle. Very expensive.

all of you hor, must announce for your names liao then come out ah! naughty naughty!

sue> i hate it when my sil like to say that mine confirm is boy. they even ask my "sub-conscious" mil whether is boy or girl, and she say is boy. the other day, i was at my bil house and their relatives came to deliver wedding invites. they also comment that "see my face" aldy know is boy. dont know isit want to po me then i will give more for ang bao ah! :p if is girl, i will give lesser cos they kay kiang, anyhow talk. will hurt my bb's feeling one know! LOL! i'm so drama.

Loh> my hb now like snatching all my things to do lei. but i still help out, like laundry i do, the hanging of heavy items he do, the rest he bao liao! wahahahahaha!

but at the end of the day, your wife shd help also lah. but dun scream at her to do it for u. act ke lian. here n there pain. then she will get the message liao. hope it works!

My friend has a lobang for fish oil.

Neurogain fish oil selling for $26 for 30pills [rp is $34.65].

Interested parties, pls pm me. I will get her to contact you.

Hi Loh, you're a great husband help your wife do so many thing. You wife still having spotting? It's better let her rest more. Maybe you want to consider part time maid? So you both can enjoy your time.


ur wife veri gd life leh... me dun do most of the heavy stuffs usually... budden i helped out ard the hse like clearing stuffs... iron the clothes, hang out washed clothes, etc... budden my main duty at hm is to look after my #1 lor...

Thanks for the info.

Mine is just blood test & Down Syndrome for week 16.. DS is on 24 Dec.. Think my gyne over charge but is near my hse n hb doesn't 1 to change, no choice bah let him be d carrot.. haha

I'm a lazy MTB, always been a silent reader.. Anyway tot I'm the only one crazy abt FB - Cafe World.. Got kakis here also.. Anyone interested can add me : [email protected]

Wow suddenly surprised to see our threads so active!! All slient readers have been popping out!! haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sue...i can feel bb movement leh... at least that's what i believe.. haha.. like a bubbling feeling esp at nite loh.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Loh.. guess just hve to talk nicely to yr wify.. well as woman we feel we deserve all the pampering during this time mah... after all.. its quite physically draining on our body... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So nice to have helpful husbands around.. I think my hubby thinks I am quite 'garang' so he still let me do the housework =\

I was too tired to do anything during my first trimester.. everytime I walked up a flight of stairs, I feel like I wanna lie down and take a nap.

I used to go to the gym pretty often last time but my gynae told me to go easy on the treadmill.. So now housework is like my only form of exercise..

Finally end of the day! Another haf hour to go... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Nice evening all MTBs

*Waves* Hi Chloie,

Still here but super busy. My girl fallen ill and now i'm taking care of her day & night. mentally draining hahahah and today she just drove me up the wall!


hahaha now with my girl, i just hope she lets me do my yoga in peace. Last time after giving birth to her, i also did my yoga while she is in bed. Cus i'm a SAHM so i need to take care of her 24hrs so best to do yoga at home.


Pregnant women needs to rest more esp with bleeding! My mum don't even allow me to carry anything nor do any housework at home. I probably just wash some dishes and do the laundry. I tried to do some housework at home but my hb will end up snatching the vacuum or mop and do it himself. He's never the kind to do housework so i'm very very surprised that he is doing all these now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Very happy though. Finally my time to rest kekeke [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wow I just got back from OG.. guess what?! Thyme Maternity is selling their tops at 2 for $19 now!! I already bought several pieces when it was 1 for $19.. *very heartpain.. DUI*

They are displaying newer pieces too, all sizes still available.. but the sales lady told me Thyme will close at the end of Dec.

hihis mtbs

am back again

haha!chloie... wha.. not mummy olreadi teaching us a lesson ah :p :p :p


do u prefer a gal or boy?


mmmm hehe..let's see whether u haf a boy lor.. :p

cos u think ur stomach is narrow +stubby nose..

btws... i just found out that there're a total of 5 preggys in my company now...1 is due next mth.. the other 4 (incl me)... due in APR & MAY

so qiao!!!

and and to echo Chloie's sentiments..someone told me she still dunno bb gender.. though she in week 18.. so i checked out her tummy (round) and nose (still nice and sharp) and guessed out "think it's a gal!"

then then we talked for a while more.. and i asked her "do u get upset when pple guess the gender of ur bb" (remember my post earlier when me friend's wife say she dun like) then she said "yes, cos i wanna have a boy"

i was like... BIG BOOO BOOOO!!!!

in my excitement to guess cos am using myself a reference, i inadvertently semi offended a mtb @_@

btw, bb-bao:

huh..thyme kindda using the closing down sale to lure us there huh.. then after every few weeks they bring in new stock and lower px somemore..

heh..i feel cheated too lei...


hope ur gal gets better soon.. is she old enuf to take birds nest? and american ginseng? my hubby told me he used to be a sick kid..until his mum gave him tonic drink every day... now he's healthy like a bull..

maggimee and audrey

mmm envious lei.. so cute huh..can feel ur bb movement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can't wait for my turn to feel her...


She does take birds nest but not american ginseng. She absolutely dislike anything herbal. She doesn't take ginseng soup either. we tried that and she told us its yucky??? She is very fussy with her food. My fil is trying to persuade her to take cod liver oil but i guess she will probably scream at him! hahahaha she is so fierce now.

hihis ylc

wow..ur gal got character sia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hope she will be fine soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh.. my nose still sharp and my tummy is kinda round.. yay it's going to be a girl! *jumps for joy* haha.. i can only hope as much. Not even 16th week yet, I cant wait already...

but my hubby hopes to have a boy so that they can do the "boy's stuff".

this is the breakdown for my 450 bill...

Neurogain S - 36

DHA Cal 500+Vit D - 15

Prenavit - 13

Mongol Neural Tube Screen - 90

Antenatal Bld Test - 66

Urine Feme - 20

Urine Culture & Sensitivity - 50

Ultrasound - 60

Consultation - 70

Is this charges normal?

hi preg_piggy,

where's your gynae? It looks normal but on the high side though..

my doc is at TMC and her consultation charges is $55, Ultrasound $40, Pee stick $10, Prenavit $10, Antenatal Bld Test $58 etc etc. It's about that range I guess..

Hi Chloie,

I like baby wraps and have been using it for my toddler(2yo) and newborn(6 weeks now). It's really versatile. It's take a bit of effort to learn how to tie it but it will be well worth the effort. It's comfortable to use both for baby and you as weight is distributed on both shoulders.

Yes, baby carriers can be a little costly if viewed as just a piece of cloth but a good carrier used properly will last a long time.

MeiTais are a great option for weight distribution on both shoulders too.

hi mummies,

have not posted for quite awhile. hope everyone is enjoying 2nd tri now!

just to check, does the Thyme Maternity sell maternity jeans?

Morning All...

paisei very very very long time didnt post liao haha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]...

had been super busy at work n getting pissed off by ppl here.... sian...

but nothing is more important than my bb now haha....

had hard time catching up with all the postings .... haha

i think i am oso having a gal (cos the round tummy n stuff) altot i wan a boy ...

cos think of the name for boy liao gal still doing research haha....

btw have u check ur gyn delievery fee ? I think my gyn is delivering bb for less than 1k...

think she did quoted me 850 ... but 1 of my friend went raffles n the delivery fee was like more than 1.5k....

kinda of ex hor...

Chloie> dun be angry okie... didnt really MIA lar.... how can MIA from this nice chat place...

where we can share all our troubles...

Loh> I think currently ur wify health is more important lor... household work try to find a part-time maid to do it lor...

it is better to pay a little if u can rather than all the unhappiness... must stay happy okie ... for the sake of bb too...

cos i think bb can start to feel how the surrounding are liao ... (read tt from a book) starting from the 15th wk... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning all...


*sayang mummy & little princess*... hope she get well soon ya... i think it the weather tt makes alot of pple fall sick easily... try to stay at hm more n avoid crowded places ya... take care...


*hugz*... i think its a sales tactic... will lure pple to buy more... n so tt they earn more due to the high qty sold... seems like i have to stop nuahing n pop down to grab some bottoms n tops lor...


when i had #1, my tummy was sharp n nose slightly stubby... so i think it quite accurate cos my #1 is a boy... heehee...


aiyo... so long nvr see u post liao... guess u must be busy... heehee


had been busy n keep kenna niao by office ppl....

1 thing tt i got real pissed off is i know at times we are busy at work, but since now i am pregy, u wan to take away my promotion is okie, but asking me to tolerate hunger is a bit too much rite...

lunch in liao still niao me for eating not doing my work or keep interupping me during lunch time very sian rite...

so i thinking may be after maternity leave time to look for other jobs liao ...altot now the market here is real bad... sian....

bx >> yeah i did see maternity jeans at Thyme yesterday. But I dont know if it's because I'm too short or what, I just dont look good in them! The cutting is more for angmoh sizes one and the designs look abit O-biang to me =X

Hi Kurisu.. long time no "see".... wow.. jap pple really have no heart when come to work.. preggy lady also "bully" ... but i guess u shd insist yr lunch when its time.. dun go hungry cuz of them!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Tis our "Singaporean" attitude! haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Maggie,

Thanks ... my hubby said tt too... haha... altot he is a jap... but think he dun wan his bb to go hungry too....

worst those niao at me are women ... of course non of them are pregy b4 but shouldnt they try to understand from ladies pt of view ??? think they will have to wait till it is their turn then,,,, see wat retribution they will get... tt is wat i believe... haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tt is why i call them women not ladies haha...

