(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

hi mummies,

as you all know, my maternal grandma passed away and she has this metal bed which is like the hospital bed kind, the bedrest part can be adjusted manually by turning a lever kind... anyone knows where we can sell/donate this? mattress not included.


Hi mummies,

Does your tod get fever from MMRV vaccination? How long does it last? TodA had his jab on 15th July and he developed fever (38.5 oC) since yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi hi dear all

I am a mtb from oct 2011 thread, can check with anyone whom uses babyplus since week 18 onwards daily and that the baby hearing affected? Or there is no problem?

Worried MTB

morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my condolences to your family. maybe u try salvation army?


hmm sorry cannot answer ur question cause i dont use babyplus but I got a friend who uses it, her baby doesnt seem to have hearing issues. Hmm ur baby is not due yet right? How did u know that he/she got hearing problem?

Morning Mummies!!!

Congratz again to you Wonderland! Ur princess is so cute! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

GBH, my condolences to you and ur family. U have to take gd care of yourself ya.

I am updating on behald of Wendees, Juski & Baymic

1. Singkids play city (Vivocity)

2. Bambini's (Dempsey)

3. Polliwogs (East Coast)

4. Little Gym (Marina Square)

I will start the ball rolling . Please indicate two choices in case one is fully booked.

1. Ming 8110 - Afternoon; Polliwogs / Little Gym

2. BBdust - Afternoon: anywhere

3. Maddie - Afternoon: anywhere

4. Chips - Afternoon: Singkids play city (Vivocity) / Bambni's (Dempsey)

5. Piglet08- Afternoon: Polliwogs / Little Gym

6. Dazz - Afternoon, anywhere

7. celynlee - anytime/anywhere

8. Judy - Afternoon: Polliwogs/Bambini's

9. Juye - Afternoon: anywhere

10. Baymic- Afternoon: Polliwogs / Little Gym

11. Wendees- Afternoon: Polliwogs / Little Gym

12. Juski - Afternoon: Bambini / Little Gym

bbdust & piglet,

its not so painful liao but still can't talk. i sound worse then donald duck loh. somemore tonight i got to attend a farewell dinner, also don't know how to talk and eat. ahahhaha....

actually, both of them are pretty guai at home with me without hubby around. they can play on their own and don't really disturb me. only come to me for snack or on dvd. they don't really fight too but once hubby comes back in the afternoon, can see the difference liao.


okie they bully ur DH lah, for me todl also bully me leh. he is a good boy with my helper and MIL loh but when i am home during the weekends, he will cry, fuss, whine and refuse to eat properly etc etc aiyoh howwww???


yupz told ur DH to pass msg to u hee. i cannot play for 2 hrs leh, 1 hr i already sweat like a pig LOL. my DH clever just put him inside the balloon pit cos its the coolest there ha.

u really very good leh, still can play with todm. think my body will break.

Morning mummies..

LS non-stop in office bo pian apply sick leave to be back home. Going to see dr later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am updating on behald of Wendees, Juski & Baymic

1. Singkids play city (Vivocity)

2. Bambini's (Dempsey)

3. Polliwogs (East Coast)

4. Little Gym (Marina Square)

I will start the ball rolling . Please indicate two choices in case one is fully booked.

1. Ming 8110 - Afternoon; Polliwogs / Little Gym

2. BBdust - Afternoon: anywhere

3. Maddie - Afternoon: anywhere

4. Chips - Afternoon: Singkids play city (Vivocity) / Bambni's (Dempsey)

5. Piglet08- Afternoon: Polliwogs / Little Gym

6. Dazz - Afternoon, anywhere

7. celynlee - anytime/anywhere

8. Judy - Afternoon: Polliwogs/Bambini's

9. Juye - Afternoon: anywhere

10. Baymic- Afternoon: Polliwogs / Little Gym

11. Wendees- Afternoon: Polliwogs / Little Gym

12. Juski - Afternoon: Bambini / Little Gym

13. YNBY80- afternoon: anywhere


shld be okie bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so far there have been many who uses it but no reports of hearing affected? if so, i think it will be in the newspaper already. at least for my friend, her gal is okay ah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if u are worried maybe can consider to stop using it

Hi mummies,

Can someone help me cut n paste the party list n include my name in? Realized my name is omitted. Im using phone now so a bit diff to do tt. I posted on Thursday. Mine is afternoon anywhere. Thanks.

1. Singkids play city (Vivocity)

2. Bambini's (Dempsey)

3. Polliwogs (East Coast)

4. Little Gym (Marina Square)

I will start the ball rolling . Please indicate two choices in case one is fully booked.

1. Ming 8110 - Afternoon; Polliwogs / Little Gym

2. BBdust - Afternoon: anywhere

3. Maddie - Afternoon: anywhere

4. Chips - Afternoon: Singkids play city (Vivocity) / Bambni's (Dempsey)

5. Piglet08- Afternoon: Polliwogs / Little Gym

6. Dazz - Afternoon, anywhere

7. celynlee - anytime/anywhere

8. Judy - Afternoon: Polliwogs/Bambini's

9. Juye - Afternoon: anywhere

10. Baymic- Afternoon: Polliwogs / Little Gym

11. Wendees- Afternoon: Polliwogs / Little Gym

12. Juski - Afternoon: Bambini / Little Gym

13. YNBY80- afternoon: anywhere

14. GBH - afternoon: anywhere


cos he is alone mah, no one to play with. for me, cos they can entertain/disturb/make each other angry loh. hahhahaa.....

when i bored, i play catching with them loh, running in and out of the rooms.


yah. also cos they have fixed nap time, its easier to manage.

gbh: have just sms u... anyway passed yr number to the social worker, she liaise with you directly ok? how are you coping?

bbdust: ha, after one hour also i shack already. need reinforcements!

hi all,

so busy with work, but i love my job. glad to be in something I like.

by the way today I found out something, eating Queen termites can cure cancer.

swallowing a few a day its tonic to us, but not easy to find Queen termites have to know their 'nest'

Hi All.

My week is off to a hectic start but at least I had a pretty good weekend. But tiring though. Do you find that your weekends end up being quite packed because you pack most of the things you would like to do (but can't do during the week) and do them on the weekends instead? My hubby always complains that our calendar during the weekend is too packed.

For the Children's Day Party, since it seems like Little Gym is a favourite amongst the mummies who have indicated their preference, shall we go ahead and make a booking?

BB Dust: You were saying that we are waitlisted for Saturday (1 Oct) but the Little Gym is available on Sunday (2 Oct)?

Thanks BB Dust. Should we do it on Sunday, 2 Oct then? Suggestions on timing? I think late afternoon probably works better for most kids? Say at 3.30 or 4 p.m.?


alive, no nd to cook, eat as much to get rid of the cancerous cells.

when a person bo bian anything also got to try bah..

i got an uncle he drink urine ( pee from kids below 5 yrs old ) can cure duno wat.


oops sorry ladies i went to read the webby and it does not provide food only gym classes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] we can however order our own catering.

Tentative reservation is 4.30pm, 2nd Oct at Forum. Sat is fully booked.

The cost is the same at 750 bucks for the whole pacakge. if we have below 20 kids the cost remains the same.

The facility is for 2 1/2 hrs. 1 hour gym class provided by the teachers, 1 1/2 hrs of eating etc. The rest of the stuff they provide are in the link below:


maddie, orangey,

thanks, im coping well so far. only cried a few times at home when i thot of my grandma. after all she bbsat me when i was a kid... so naturally will be closer to her.

yoz mummies!

gbh...hugz ...do take care okie.

pek chek ...been coughing n coughing nonstop for the 3rd week liao..now ah boi is having fever from his mmr jab.

Mummies who have been thru mmr jab before ..care to share roughly how long the fever lasts ?? n roughly how high??? ...my boi is now on his fever med but i'm still very worried.


if i don't remember wrongly, fever can come 1 week after jab and stay for a few days. yu xi is going for her jab tomorrow and shall see if what i remember is correct.

morning mummies

todM had her mmr jab recently. also had her pneumococcus booster. no fever and generally ok, not fretful like the last few jabs. gave her panadol before the jab more for pain relief.

Zao an mummies.

tOdE'S fever set in on the 9th day after his jab..duh ...fever keep hovering ard 37.8-38.2 +/-...sigh...crankiness at it's best now.


gd morning mummies!

gbh, hugs! there is never enough love, enough prayers when you recall all the times you have failed. rem all the times that your gran has loved you and taught you instead.


settle the car 1st, then bio car seats!!!! this is speaking fm experience.... i now have so many children's books and toys and other stuff that i can hardly move in my smallest bedroom.

