(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Maddie, you drive a Jazz?!? o_O?

Orangey, I used to drive Jazz. Love it. Engine not as power but fuel consumption superb. On good days, i can go 14km/L. If you're not those kind that is looking at racing with people on the road all the time, sufficient la. lolz. Then again, are you planning for #2 soon? If so, i will suggest, you don't buy a hatch back car. Go for normal car. For Jazz, to fit one car seat is ok. But to fit 2, personally, i find it too squeezy. Unless you upgrade korkorO to the front, and didiO/meimeiO at the back. Then that's probably not so bad.


dazz: yup, think when we all preggers, quite a few mummies here drive jazz. for me on good days can go up to 17km/L.

am super sian. boss just told me need to resubmit new proposal by today. will pop in on and off to chat if got time.

i m here! what did i miss?

super sian. lack sleep. that's what comes of sleep training c1 and c2 to sleep in the same room. end up c2 always wakes up to disturb c1. luckily c1 quite mild mannered. just look at his didi, toss and turn and say "mama, i want to wake up now" many times b4 finally sleeping.

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u know fit engin = in Freed hor - nice powerful car lor the fit. I having fits with the Freed - big but using fit's engine! so SLOW - hb & i canot wait to get a sedan next after esp didi grows out of his car seat & grads to a booster seat.

hmmm - 2 high back booster seats in sedan also very dan le!!

but the COE prices are CRAZY i dont think we can change car in 2-3 yrs as planned if this COE continues its crazy trend.


how is everyone? very long time never come in.

anyone still bfging?

i just sort of stop pumping this week but overall stopping liao cos almost no more supply.

Btw have u all bring ur bb to MMR jab? where? anyone did yours at polyclinic for this jab?


hw u doing ?

u remind me of MMR, suppose to take last wkend but I went for a full body massage n postpone my boy jab.

I will take it together with chicken pox 2 in 1 jab.

From what I remember if take only chicken pox alone have to take 2 jabs ?? So my memory remind me of taking 2 together easier n cheaper


wow u stil bfging. not much milk left rite?

mine almost gg to zero after 15mths of pumping n latching. anyway now at nite i hv to let them latch on for comfort cos too used to it. slowly gg to wean off totaly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u?

oh why postpone?


wow 2 jabs at 1 go, wont be too strong?


i didnt pump since todl hits 12 mths, i just latch at nite. i am trying to wean him off but he still latch sometimes, dont know how.

cause of the controvosial between MMR and its link to autism, so i just delay it loh.

how abt e rest, delay MMR too?


oic. me too he stil want latch at times esp when want to zzz even like no milk liao.


same lah he also latches at nite to zz, bad habit leh, but at times i dont know still got milk or not but i think have lah cos i just got engorgement last month


i m delaying mmrv for C2 until he is 2yo as well. same as for C1. not only the link to autism... i m also concerned abt his egg allergy.


i m still latching and pumping. pump once a day, only yield max 150ml on a good day (not enough for one feed) and 30ml on a stressed day.

C2 is def stronger and healthier than C1. when C1 brings home the normal cold/cough fm school, C2 is quite immune and recovers quicker if afflicted


its just a controversial issue that has been around for sometime lah. its just that I dont want to take the risk cos i do have friend who told me that their friend experienced it 1st hand lah. conincidence maybe?

anyway its really a personal choice lah, not meant to scare anyone. u see zz and woofy's boy also taken the jab le ah but still healthy ah.


wow u still pumping ah. For my no. 2, my milk just stop at 15mths. but for no. 1, my supply last until 2 yrs old. different for each child.

oh so u all delaying ah. quite scary. but at 2yrs old, Ok to take by then? but during these period (15mths to 20mths), not protected by MMR, risky too?


it is said that when they are older, can break down the contents of the jab better, the reason why research says its link to autism is cause some kids cannot breakdown the contents and it went to the brain causing autism. If i remember it should be mecury. its all controversy lah. every research got their side of the story.

there is always a risk regardless take or not. I feel sg shld be safe bah.

hhhmm.. i'm going ahead with MMR. In fact, BbZ scheduled for his next monday. Kite, go read up about the link between the jab and Autism then decide for yourself if you want ur baby to take the jab as per schedule lo =)

bbdust... i want koi............. hee.


I think my toddB alrdy got the MMR jab last pd appt when hb brought her there. I vaguely rem reading something abt the autism link tt bcoz autism can only be detected when kids r of certain age when we compare their development with their peers n the MMR jab happens to be given around tt same age so tt y they think it's linked? Not sure how true bor. Anyway I alrdy given my gal tt jab liao lah. Cannot reverse time too.


I'm also scared tt maker becomes white elephant at home. More scared of my hb nagging if in the end I hardly use n the thing gets in his way if he's looking for anything in the kitchen

cupboard. I alrdy gave away lotsa extra n white elephants last time from baking trays/ moulds, casseroles n plates to bowls....

Gbh .. TodS is better today. Seems like rash is subsiding! So we are still going for the wedding. I'm in hair salon now doing my hair haha. Vainpot!

I am postponing MMR to after 2 years, with blessings of the PD. While we agreed that the link to autism is not established, I am still uncomfortable with the idea and so asked the PD if there are any critical reasons why the MMR should be administered before 2 years of age. And the answer was she didn't see any immediate medical need to do the MMR before 2 years and there is currently also no outbreak of measles etc so we are both comfortable pushing back the MMR.

Pneumococcal on the other hand, our PD advised us to administer on schedule so we are doing that.


my PD said the same thing abt the MMR jab, he also feels there is no immediate need unless we are going overseas so some backward country with our kid, in sg shld be safe.

HJ good to hear that!

MMR - actually there is no link to autism what gbh said is correct - happen same time autism is diagnoised in kids.

But its just we paranoid prefer later. I not been giving my boy egg alot so i prefer to wait - giving in sept.

& definately in poly cos its FREE!

I choose Sept cos i think i wont be so stressed at work - can take off to look after if fever develops. my girl had very bad fever after the MMR - & i accidentily exposed her to a child that was sick some more 2 days after the jab - wah LESSON learnt!

this is my twindling stash around 6 trays left[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/5774199.jpg]

Think one more month & i can switch off the freezer le.

he's finishing a tray a week & i am replenishing only 1 tray every 3 weeks!!

hi all,

how is everyone? Has not been logged on for quite sometimes. Busy with my boy and now a new family member, my little princess. Of course, resume my breastfeeding career. Tired but happy =)


My boy has taken the jab (the 2in1 together with chickenpox). According to my boy's PD, this jab is 'stronger' and has 10% of having fever at around 7-10days after jab. My boy was ok until day 9 then started to develop a temperature. But he recovered pretty fast and is a super active and cheeky boy now =)

ohya, just wanna share something regarding how to prevent baby from having jaundice. Got this 'formula' from my CL but not sure it works because by the time i know the formula, my gal has born so no chance to try it out:

避免婴儿面黄的秘方,信不信? 自己见证...


1. 老熟地

2. 老洋参

3. 灯心

4. 麦冬

5. 甘草


1. 将老熟地和两大杯水,煲15分钟,至老熟地出味道。

2. 加入其他四种材料,煮至滚,灭火,加盖炬一下。放温待饮。



if anyone believe and proven it effective, please let me know =)

mrsong, congrats on the arrival of your princess!! now a "hao" oredi... stopping factory? =D

hhhmmm.... how come you all, all so steady de ah... one boy one girl... only me.... =(

i think thinking lor - its the same price as an abortion (of course if i had one i will keep la) & in comparison the stigma & mental trauma of an abortion.

IUD pleasant done! - i dont have to halfway - SHIT today is CD what ar! - very kaowei spoit mood lor hahhah!

vic ma,

hahaha.... you so funny. hubby says its a super ex condom. i told him then i don't have to worry he 'an shuan' me cos he wants #3. :p

1. Singkids play city (Vivocity)

2. Bambini's (Dempsey)

3. Polliwogs (East Coast)

4. Little Gym (Marina Square)

I will start the ball rolling . Please indicate two choices in case one is fully booked.

1. Ming 8110 - Afternoon; Polliwogs / Little Gym

2. BBdust - Afternoon: anywhere

3. Maddie - Afternoon: anywhere

4. Chips - Afternoon: Singkids play city (Vivocity) / Bambni's (Dempsey)

5. Piglet08- Afternoon: Polliwogs / Little Gym

6. Dazz - Afternoon, anywhere

7. celynlee - anytime/anywhere

8. Judy - Afternoon: Polliwogs/Bambini's

9. Juye - Afternoon: anywhere

10. GBH - Afternoon/ anywhere

btw i would like to do something for all our toddlers for the children's day party. no guaranteed promise though because gotta see if i can rush out in time bor. will be with compliments from my online shop. free publicity for my shop! LOL! for this, i will need mummies to give me your toddler's name closer to the party date when the attending mummies list is complete... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thx all.

vic, yes. my pump gota important duty now. my boy was so happy when seeing me pumping.

asking him to latch but he refused.

dazz, yes. close factory. heeheee....

u try again. your wish will come true.

wat is IUDed?

