(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Has your baby tooth coming out? Mine got one White come already at lower gum n upper gum is coming soon. My maid told me usually ard 9 or 10 mths?

It norm that during this period a bit feverish, LS n cranky right?

BbZ has got 4 teeth now.. 5th is sprouting on the lower jaw. And yes, will be cranky, abit feverish and drools. You can see little specks of white in their poo poo de.


C2 already has 5 teeth and i think his 6th is coming out. no fever, no LS... i dunno whether the crankiness is due to teething anot.

[aside: C2 has a gap in his 2 front teeth that i think is due to pacifier use, sianz. hopefully his adult set is all ok]

teething depends on the baby.

C1's first tooth only came out when he was 8-9mo. C2 started at 6mo.

sleep training

no one started yet? *amazed*

am i the only one thinking abt this??

Cellow - lolz..."the lift incident" wonder if u r hb takes tat as a compliment or not lei..whahahahah

Elmoo - u mean buy online they wun deliver foc ah? tot i read somewhere they do so for dec? hmm...maybe remember wrongly if like tat means no perks buy together liao loh...

Eva - i stil dunno lei, tats y tinking of going down some carrier shop go try try touch touch, see any diff anot.

Piglet: waiting for website to load.... wow nearly hang my IE. better post message fast fast.

cellow: i did think about it, esp when preggie. now not so urgent liao, haha! before my bbM was born, i said by 6m she shd be sleeping in her own room. now at 8.5m, she is sleeping in my bed! didn't expect her to need so much feed at night lo... now maybe waiting for 1 year, maybe give formula, then she can last thru. i just feel my one very difficult to sleep train lei. tried the CIO method one day and decided not to. so dunno how. but now she can be pat pat to sleep at times so think we will slowly get there.


mine also zz on my bed at 8.5 mths cause easier for me to latch him leh.. there was this day we put him in his own bed and its okay also, but its bad for me cause i got to put him down after latching then carry him up again to latch so give up.

i do try to put her back after i latch but usually by 4-5am, tired liao... sometimes i also fall asleep. or dowan transfer then wake her then end up must put her to sleep again.

Batbat: mine got 2 teeth growing from lower at the same time this 2 weeks. now, about 2mm tall. dunno got fever or what but she's sick so cannot tell. got a bit 37+ i dunno if cos of her flu or cos teething.


We sleep train bb syz around 3 months... cry it out method every 10-15 mins reassure her. She sleeps through the night in her cot since then but off and on she'll try her luck. Hb does the sleep training cos i'd give in before she gives up and she'll want milk when I attend to her.

Your C2 has so many teeth already! Did you have to train him not to bite you? I keep getting bitten by her soon to appear teeth when she latches [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] How how?


i lazy lazy just turn sideways he latch while i zz, ask me to wake up and put him down the cot its like a very difficult chore to do heee..


beach road loh that little thailand upstairs got one thai supermarket i think got sell, can eat or not i dont know hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


They will deliver FOC, the website i gave you it's online website.

You go and take a look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hehe, I also didnt see you that day :p

Will got chance when 1st birthday bash!

I also got no chance to chat with all mummies so

I'm waiting for the group photo see which one I missed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@}-`,-- cellow --,`--{@ (cellow)

Slp training,

I start when bb stil an infant. I told him lights off means eyes close slping time.

Now he bigger liao I got to walk round the house and let him see no one to play with all lights off orh orh liao .. then he gum buan go to bed with me.

So in cases, if my sis or mum stil watching TV when my inspector ( boy ) going round the house they have to action slp and no lights in their room.

BB dust,

golden mile have ? actually also scare duno whether 'fresh' or not.. anybody goin thailand tongbang 2 packs of gou sai hahaa...


hmm my boy when its time to zz, he will "talk" himself to zz but i will sing also lah.

but day time his sleeping is terrible cause my maid told me he doesnt want to zz, or he takes very short naps like 5-10 mins at most 1 hour like C2, but when I am around he is okay leh.. quite standard every 2-2.5 hrs must nap a while..so i conclude he can only zz when i m around if not he will go on strike and take short short naps.

oohh.. now i get it.

BbZ has been sleeping in his cot at night... from 9pm till abt 4am then eh eh eh... feed milk... then go back sleep again till 6+ or 7am.

Considered sleep train anot ah? Now i hoping he can sleep through without the one feed leh. =X


My boy stil wake up twice to drink. I'm ok with that if he want to drink I'm more than happy to feed him.

If he show no interest to milk then jia lat.. so if they want just wake up and give milk. Now at least better they know how to hold the bottle, I let my boy hold himself I slp after I make the milk. he will drop the bottle by his side n continue his slp after his tank is filled.

If they have sufficient intake during the day, cut night feed is ok. I personally like to cut night feed soon. TodZ cut his when he's about 15mths old. Sometimes, night feed is more of a comfort than to fill up their hunger pangs. And it definitely encourages teeth decay. So, no no. =)


Your son so guai, how to train him hold bottle?

Mine still very lazy dun wana hold [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

sleep training

i was actually thinking of

1) the amt of time that bb needs to get to sleep

C2 is taking up to one hour, night time, day time sama sama

2) the method that bb gets to sleep

C2 is using my boob at night. and sometimes (non-teething time) he can be patted to sleep by my maid, hugging his bolster.

daytime in the sarong. sigh...

3) sleeping in the day - duration and regularity

this one confirmed fail. whether weekday or weekend, C2 is sleeping max one hour, so short. and his naptimes are not at all regular

4) sleeping through the night

i dun even dare to dream abt this now...


C2 bites me - hard! esp when he is teething. i unlatch him imm after every biting incident and tell him sternly, no biting mama. there was once he cried, but most of the time, he simply smiles back at me.


C2 is also a citizen in my bed liao. sigh.


Mr C and i had a good laugh abt it afterwards [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. i mean... C2 looks like C1 and they both look like Mr C... so i din think v highly of the questioner's observation skills.


I nv train him to hold bottle he just hold himself.. 1 hand hold bottle the other hand hold his pacifier. So after his tank filled, he wil pop his pacifier in his mouth and continue his sleep, 3 hrs later he will scream down my roof again for milk and again the procedure repeats, I will get up make milk for him and go back to my slp again.

1) if BbZ is very tired.. about 10mins. If not, he will roll, and complain, and climb, twist and turn, until he tired, then he zzzz... all these, while his lullabies are on and the room dark. Daytime quite easy. He sleeps in sarong in daytime, shake shake shake, he will sleep liaoz.

2) his tossing and turning and his lullabies? of course, his all time favourite piggy pillow must be with him.

3) depends. Sometimes only 30mins. Sometimes can be 2hrs. Approximately 2 - 3 times in the daytime.

4) like i say, still wake up one time lo.

My boy per day

7am 180ml

9.30am 180ml

11.45 Porridge

1.30 180ml

afternoon nap anytime wake up est 4 plus pm another 180ml

7plus pm 180ml

9plus pm 180ml

lights off bed time

midnite near 1am 180ml

4.30am 180ml

AM starts again

So in total of a 24 hrs cycle 8 x 180ml 1440ml of cos as and when sometimes there is a balance of 20-30ml each feed.

A bit overfeed of milk and last week I have 2 rounds of porridge thinking to cut 1 evening feed no use.. not enough. the milk feed still require.

1) like dazz, if he is tired, 10-15 mins he will zz, if not he will look around and sometimes can be up to 1 hr to make him zz, though I sing and sing and sing, day time base on weekends (most of the time i m outside) i will sling him n abt 10-15 mins too he will KO

2) cause he doesnt drink much milk in the day, so i keep latching him at every opportunity, if not its either sling on weekends or i sing sing sing while patting him

3) duration shortest 5-10mins, at most 1 hour. every 2-2.5 hrs (that is if i m at home, if not will be awake most of the time).

4) hmm he still wakes up 2-3 times loh

hello mummies!

Finally done with trainings incld one that I gave today..

Phew! Finally can rest.... wait for my holiday to come. Juz hv to clear some paper work...

so sad din go to the xmas party at Ming's place... kids got hfmd.. sigh

was so looking forward!

wow sey... chips.. yours is a 3000Cc capacity. Mine only 2000cc nia. lolz.. Still drinking 150ml every 3 hours but taking 2 feed of porridge/cereal per day. hahaha.

mine 180ml 3 hrs but nite time he tend to drink more and I got to shorten the duration.

I use slow cooker make more porridge thinking 2 meals of rice can be more full yet he still need milk.

lucky I never breastfeed else I become flat chest liao all squeeze out..

I only bf 2 mths and gave up his appetite is too big for me. Not enough to produce for him and time consuming too. Supply cannot meet his demand hahaa

4th nov weigh onli 10.5kg. He is 11kg in the mth of Oct but lose weight maybe more active in crawling now.

Just now I saw a post of someone consolidating knee pads but the post go missing. I will like to get 1 pair for my boy too.

I didnt get the parklon mat its taking up space so I let my boy crawl on floor.

Now he can stand up liao he flip in crawling position hold on to the side of the playpen and 2 hands grip tight there he goes he stand up. I got a shock last friday seeing him doing that..


Ur boy's capacity really big leh. No wonder that time u told me buy FM very 'siong'!! LOLz.

My girl drinks 5 milkfeeds morning 730am till night, last feed at latest 930pm (of 180ml-200ml) 5 times daily and also 2 times cereal daily (4 tablespoon about 1/2 a bowl).


Is Ethan netter after last Sat?? Poor boy, he must have a fright.

chips...u try like increasing the time in btw feeds in the day?? does it work??? ....must be a handful carrying your boi leh..is he tall as well???

piglet...he ah?? he Ko-ed once he got into the car...he nt used to all the bb crying together..n plus being sleepy..= a tearful ah boi lor ..when we got home ( went IL's place after we went Ming's ), he power napped for 20mins or so then ok liao...hehe .YH v pretty leh..n she is one active babe !!

bbdust...nothing ..cranky cos bo zzzz..he played n played aft he woke up in the morn..stubborn ..he rather play till he really tired out then gam luan zzz.

Xiao Lao Hu ......!!! (woofmeow)

quite tall bah.. he is long.

increase feed - I tried give more in a feed but he cant finish his tank onli hold 180ml per feed very auto matic 3 hrs later he scream his lungs out for milk. I no need alarm clock to work, he can be my clock to wake me

hahaha.. the way u mummies tok hor.. machiam Ming's house very big leh.. u nvr see me, i nvr see you... heehehehe... (or is it really very big ah?) oppss.. hahahha.

Slp habit.

sometimes it dun work got to act hoc as clown to make him tired and my nephew will act as a merry go round swing him a few rounds make him laugh until when stop swinging still laughing hahaa...


Pnut boy dun like crowd? My heart pain when I saw him cried so hard and his 'TAP' is powerful! ;) Glad that all is ok for him.

Heehee. Thanks for your compliment on YH ya. She is very active and always crawl around, jump about and find things to pop into her mouth! LOLz.

Btw kindly help me cast a vote for YH on the Baby GAP model ok? (^_^)


oh no wonder lah.. poor thing sayang okie


haha cause all mummies in small groups mah so sometimes cannot see/find each other [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


8 days for a 900gm tin indeed very siong

I see my stock up getting lesser. Still ask my mum did maid drink... my mum said she got supply milo, coffee, tea, horlick and watever drink available in the kitchen maid cant be drinking the milk.



I also notice recently my gal consumptionof 1 tin of FM last her for only max of 10 days!!!!

I was like ???????? how come so fast?

Tot she should drink lesser as she grows older?

Plus she likes milk and dun like water now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

