(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

piglet...yeah lor..my boi rarely cry..most of the time is jia jia de but when he cry n his tears so big drop...aiyo..sim tia lor..but he need to get used to crowds n bb of his age to interact also...actually when most of us left, my boi was playing with vic ma's & i tink one of the mummy's ( i know who but i canot rem her nick)'s bois on the playmat..too bad aft tt all go home..so conclusion is....my boi is a slow warmer :p ...keke

dazz..we were in the hall talking n chatting at Ming's place in lil grps....its spacious n v nice =)

my boy drinks water from spoon he dun like the idea of using bottle. Spoonfeed water he drinks a lot.

recently he get hook on with 美珍香肉干 my mother eat he also want to eat. so let him taste a bit, although I know no good but see him so gian and poor thing can see cannot eat I allow him to lick n gum the ba gua to statisfy his craving.

piglet ...^5 on the pocket burning a hole v soon...hehe...nw hor i write dwn the date i open a tin of FM n gauge hw long my boi finishs it =)

wow chips... u seriously hor.. one of a kind of a mother leh you.. lolz. you never fail to impress me. hahahahaha.. 1st, newspaper, now bak kwa!!! hahahahha


I ask my boy to shake hand with yours to drink more milk..


I lagi big hole going to bankrupt diapers also ex.

Next training gotta be pee and poo liao.

piglet n dazz

hee gam sia gam sia [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha eat ba gua..hee tks for the milk dust


^5 to you too! I dun need to write date. I always open new tin of FM on a Monday and it ends latest on the folowing Tuesday if not earliest following Monday!!!!


show ah boy's YH's photo and tell him, u must be like Jie Jie drink lots of milk! Look @ Jie Jie's Cheeks!!!! Lolz!!!!

piglet...yes!!!! ...will try n bring him whenever i can =)

chips....bak kwa???? eh u try giving him say fruits instead if yr boi gian something sweet??


qing cai la.. let him try onli gum n nv eat nvm..

u knw wat talk abt amazed last nite he had a pc of cardboard cant force open his mouth to retrieve it out and he swallow..


OK la nvm.. imagine i'm him I also wil be curious and gian lor.. so try it out hahaa..


got lei I got give fruits and yesterday I let him try agar agar, wow he eat it happily.


Steady Poon Pi Pi!!! U really let him tate all kinds of food ya! 'Pei Fu! Pei Fu!'

I very 'Kia Si' one. Scared my girl later kena food allergy


he wan to try and scream so what can i do.. got to give him. He tiger more fierce then me.

I will let him try some guiness stout when he cant slp at nite.


Very pei fu ni leh...Your boy 很口福 everything also can try [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone posted gathering photos? I wana see leh..


Let me know what's ah boy's reaction after he tried that ya! Must be face red red one!


I will try to upload soon! Sorry! *WINK*

Hi Cellow,

Hmm... sleep training, actually i did it when my gal passed her colic stage. I placed her in her baby cot around 7+pm daily and she will wail in protest to no avail. After awhile, she knows and she will just soothe herself to sleep.

Nowsadays, she will roll and play w her pacifier until she is tired then sleep. It takes around 30mins for her to go to dreamland but she can be left alone in her baby cot while I have my dinner.

The 1st step i guess is to decide the sleeping time you want to set. Then u need to stick to it for awhile (even during the weekends) so that the baby get used to it. I have a routine to 'warn' my gal that her bedtime is due. I will draw the curtains, switch off the lights and switch on the nightlight. Wipe her down and changes her pjs (this is the part where she starts whining). Give her milk which she will drink alittle bit, then cont to whine. I ignored her whining and set her in her bb cot to roll and sit up. When she gets tired, I give her the remaining milk, then she will sleep. As for sleeping thru the night, I attribute my success to Ming's tip. I gave my gal a 10.30pm dream feed (Ming's advice) and then she will sleep all the way until 7.30am.

Perseverance is the key. No pat pat of backside also. Wish you luck! Send me back 100tons of baby dust in return! Hahahahhaha...

Hi mummies...

Now in igolstadt village shopping outlet.... Going to buy buy buy! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyone know if a furla wallet at EUR 100 considered good buy? Thot of getting something for my mum...

csect mummies,

Do u all hav itchiness at ur scar? Mine as n when itchy lei n I dare not scratch it.. Is it normal to feel itchy?


mine not tt long. middle finger to middle of palm. but itchy recently. nite time not so but day time. tot only myself got such prob. is it due to allergy to cetain food? or is it getting better so its itchy?

any oth c-sect mummies got same prob?

Sorry to interrupt. Any mummies here looking for stylish trendy nursing wear this festive season?


Brand New MOTHERS EN VOGUE nursing maternity wear sale 60% off

More than 20 currently still in store designs available. XS-L sizes!!


Email [email protected] or PM me for details now til 16 Dec (Thur)!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

eva, chips

Mine also itch but it's normal leh, after my #1 i still get on and off

itch so for this 2nd time c-sec I bo chap liao just dun scratch loh..


CHIPS! I finally tried Oregon Fresh Chips! Wasabi flavour [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] IT IS GOOD!!!!

Thank you Woofy~!!!

Bbdust, initially wanted to go for that 933fm Royal Carribean Cruise in Jan but they don't have half price for toddlers and babies. Imagine paying $600 for BbZ when he don't get to enjoy the food, etc.. super boh hua leh... Take airplane also have half price la. Might as well use the $$ to go elsewhere. Last night was talking to my MIL, maybe CNY go HKG --> disneyland + Macau + Zhu Hai. But nothing firmed yet wor. =(


You going HK where? I'm planing next april to HK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


saw your FB pics, wah your actual day is my birthday leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



wah CNY u got HKG jialat i tell u cause its china golden holiday, everything is super ex nvm, everywhere is people people and more more more people.. i dont think u get to enjoy urself loh esp when its so packed and taking rides also need to queue for so long.

think shld go somewhere where its not so affected by CNY

