(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


I will bring it tomoro to lend u try try...u will like it...very comfort one...Haha,sounds like I am a salesman for that...lolz...



*clap clap* on bb learning to stand.

i put playmat w the playyard ok la.

to me, as long as you keep half an eye out... the impact of falling is considered ok la. i ever demo to C1 before that if he falls, how to break his own fall, so that he doesnt land on the head. will demo to C2 when he figures out how to pull himself to standing position.


my 1 cent's worth [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pupsik pouch still weighs heavily on one shoulder. get the ergo or manduca or becos. at least the wgt is more evenly distributed.

elmoo, you still want #3??????

I think Dazz Jasda sgsc maybe also pinkzee. Sambucoal in I don't hv my notebook w me will hv to wrap n send out next week. Fish oils not in yet maybe early next week


No lah cos I'm from family of 2 kids so I know even there's 1 sister or brother also will feel lonely 1 (for my case)

Still thinking not 100% I scare I cant cope too...By the way where you brought your ergo? How much?


Actually I hardly use my pupsik pouch nowadays... I use my MIM sling more. The pupsik pouch I will use if I am going downstairs kia kia 10 - 15 mins nia. If you are going to carry her for long hours better to get the other carriers. It will be worth the money to save your shoulders if you need to HUG your baby for long hours [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Go with the mummies who already have 2 bbs... think they know better!


I'm also from family of 2...I also do hope that I can have 3 kids if financial is ok...

I bought it online...I go & check it how much then tomoro pass u the contact...the seller stays at sembawang...


I am also very tempted to buy one though I already have a hotsling. Safari! :p


Two kids are enough for me. The other day, I brought my tod, nephew and niece to watch Alice in Wonderland at Forum. The toilet trips alone can kill me! Haha. I visited the toilet 5 times just those few hours there!


How's mimi? Poor girl hope she recovers and attend the party tomorrow! Can't wait to see her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baymic, elmoo,

have 4 la.... with 3, one will always be left out.

parteeee tmr

i originally signed up then pulled out bcz Mr C tells me gonna see his frens fm hometown. now Mr C tells me he's gotta work.... sian by half.

i m wondering if i dare to handle one toddler and one 8mo by myself to ming's place. def no present for exchg though... mmmmm.... how ah. still thinking.


come come come come [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or u got helper bring her along? since u already signed up for 2 then ur helper replace him loh.


Come come come! Want to see your handsome boys [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] PM me which part of SG you are living maybe we can fetch you.


cannot liddat la. ming already said no helpers due to space constraints... and i totally understand why, bcz i would say the same thing if i were hosting.

think think think. the blocker is that C1 wakes up late from nap... abt 5pm normally.

heh syz,

thanks for the compliments! and also your offer. you have PM!


jus last week my gal learned to sit up and also kneel on her knees when using the play yard as support. Then now today she stand by herself using the play yard as support... the rate she grows amaze me...but like u mention my eyes have to b fixed on her loh...tiring [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

she cant climb yet...but she does step on my body to move herself higher when i carry her. Tks i will go sea hse to see see look look.


oki will try to teach my gal how to break her fall... hopefully she can learn and keep accidents to minimal :p

nowadays when she falls (if not too serious) i will not pick her up immediately and let her roll over herself to crawl again.


same la... C2 also treats me like a staircase when i carry him... smtimes i really wonder where he thinks he is climbing to.

they learn v fast to protect their head IF we teach them the proper way to fall.

another useful thing to teach them is to turn their body around when going down from a step, and go down legs/bum first. not head first.

seems v obvious to us hor. but bbs cannot think mah, so we have to think for them.

Can someone kindly volunteer to take charge of the gift exchange tmw? Dazz previously volunteered but now she can't make it 'cos Todz is ill. Let me know yah?

Am excited about having everyone over again tmw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think even my husband is excited.

Cellow: Join us if you can.


haha on C2 treating u like staircase!

sometimes my gal exert so much strength on her legs tat i told my hubby that she has smashed my ovaries and our dreams of having more babies >_<"


Yeah! Finally got someone got same feel like me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks for the contact will check my mail later.


Cannot 4 lah too many liao UNLESS..

3rd is TWINs, hahaha...My cousin also said 3 will left out 1 so she got 4!

come, come...Everyone wants you to come, 来嘛来嘛!

hi mummies, i have been MIA for months (as usual) but following quietly on the sidelines from time to time the lively chats going on here.

need some help again... am facing some unforeseen changes at home which means i will need to get infant care for my girl.

(1) does anybody have recommendations for IFC around Raffles Place area? Or comments about Cherie Hearts, Learning Vision or Sunshine Kids at Raffles place?

(2) does anybody know of trustworthy nannies around holland/buona vista area?

many thanks!

btw, enjoy the party tomorrow!

Eva quickly edit your post to remove your name or delete it quick. Not good to have your full name email and all on the forum for all to see


nope cannot find haha errr.. can some kind mummy give her ur email addy then she can add u and then find us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mine is pte settings cause got stalker hee so u cant find me either

thk u bbdust. i just visited cheriehearts today. but don't know anybody who has/is using them. so want to find out if they are good.

sigh... i'm now 一個頭, 三個大!

Hi Mummies,

Need to relax now. Went for audit check earlier on.

See u mummies tom at Ming's place.

Mummies who are willing to sprinkle BBDust, I want loads of it too!!!!


Ur bb is soooooo cuteeee & chubby!

