(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

My MIL n helper both commented separately today abt my gal arching her head all the way back (like head gonna touch buttocks) suddenly. I tot this was common for bbs, but they both said their kids were neva like tis.

Do u mommies tink if tis is any cause for concern?



re pen marks,

is ur wooden table highly polished kind with a glossy finish? if not, u can try removing the pen marks using nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol (can get from watsons or any pharmacy)... try the nail polish remover first bcoz i think not as strong as rubbing alcohol... i use the alcohol to disinfect stuff around the home like toilet seats, switches, doorknobs, laptops n sometimes study table surface from time to time... can also be used to remove tough stains but take note that it can strip off paint or varnishes too... so use sparingly n with caution...


ur bb ok liao? better bring her see pd if still got puke...


re bb arching head back,

my gal likes to tilt her head back at the neck part, not the whole back, when sleeping... she tilts it so much tt i scared will hurt her neck... its almost like 90deg like like... so scary... i ever got tried tilting back to normal when she is asleep but after a while, she tilted back again...

sg_sc & gbh,

my girl do that too. her head will tilt so much like want to break liao. :p


not sure if it really the true loh. yah yah, i know lots of cute and pretty shoes out there but i still 'ren' not to buy at all.

Haiz, so angry! Did anyone of your MIL comments your pumping time too long?

Last night I pumped milk then also surf net on the same time. My MIL everything also wana

comments didnt know to that extent till I pump how long she also wana KPO!

She said thot you pump 20mins only, you used internet until forgot! 30mins only mah, help me look after

baby for 10 more mins also cannot!

When I'm home after confinement that time also cannot used too much, she will give black face!

But my 2nd sil can used her notebook whole day, SO UNFAIR! I HATE STAYING with MIL! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

elmo, celyn,

my mother will always comment i drink my kopi too long... bcoz i will always sit at my com n surf net while drinking my kopi.... hahaha... then she will rush me to quickly get things done so that i can handle my gal...

re buying shoes,

i also trying to lun the buying bcoz so cute right the shoes! then later i remind myself no point bcoz they cant walk yet... by the time they can walk, shoe size might not fit too... so dun waste $$$...

my boy like to sit so we always put him in a high chair when we go out.. sigh.. now he sees me typing on my laptop.. also want to type.. i try nt to let him sit too long cos he'll still topple left and sight and want to reach for things on the table.. my mil already let him wear shoes cos she say they look nice.. my boy is a big foot.. wearing size 3 already..

SYZ - HDB say will call back, in the end also never call back. then yesterdae drill until my gal wake up. wanted to go up and complain but suddenly they stopped so i also LL. Your gal okay today? think if she is okay, try feeding her a little todae and observe but if she is still vomiting, i think go see PD beta.

SG_SC - my granny say table got SHEN so cannot sit on it. so i also never sit. gal wun get to sit on it too.. hehz.

Re: 1 year old bdae bash - have been seeing posts on this but din volunteer cos need to take care of baby everyday.. in fact, before and after work timing is all hubby and baby's.. but i stay in bedok so if you gals need any help i.e. manual or thru computer or sth, need my help, do inform me, i try to help whenever i can..

Re: Swimming at home - went to visit my fren and baby 1 week back and saw the swimming inflatable tub at home. very tempted to get one so that gal can swim in it but now she is 6 plus months liao, i wunder if it is worth it to buy or not.. maybe to her, the tub very small liao..

Re: Baby rice cereal - kena whacked maximum by granny and nanny for feeding gal cereal. they say should eat porridge and say cereal for lazy people. Nanny even say she dun wan feed cereal for me cos duno will harm baby or not. i wan to go crazy liao. aniwae, just to check, i bought the organix cereal, just add warm milk and stir okay already right? granny say cannot, need to boil and cook else baby cannot digest..

Re: Walker & Sarong - any mum here okay with walker and sarong one? i gave in to sarong liao cos my hubby gng crazy. then granny say cannot leave baby in sarong and sleep, must carry up. I so not pro, i think i carry then baby wake up liao so i leave baby in sarong.. for walker, my nanny kept asking me to bring to her house.. say baby got nothing to do if she is left lying on rocker chair or bed or carry whole day.. should i crave in?

Sp: I know why walkers r so popular. We don't have one n my gal loves to stand. She will whine or shout until someone carries her to stand. So need 24h supervision. Walker just dump her there she can self entertain. Even the jumperoo etc also same. But think it really delays walking as they won't learn so well. Having said that I guess some ppl don't really care if they take longer to walk. Like so what right? Still my pd says no walker so we will not get.

Re rice cereal, I have organix too. Mix with water or bm also can. I make it thicker initially cos it gets watery as time goes by. My mom n aunt also say cereal for lazy ppl, no nutrients etc. But she boiled porridge two days for my gal to take. Blended after boiling rice with carrot, pumpkin etc. My gal totally refused it. I said it taste disgusting cos very starchy n my mom agreed. Put in bowl to stand n cool for half hour after that I turn bowl 90 degree, the porridge ne'er move at all! Imm after refusing porridge, she finished organix I made on the spot. After that no more porridge or critisiZing cereal. I also do want to make porridge for her la, just didn't get round to it. Now will delay a while lor.

Gbh, Celynlee - Good to hear ur gals also sama sama...make mi quite worried, tot she developing abnormally!

On Shoes - I bought some soft shoes wen abroad coz sooo cheap n nice...but yah true lor, scared now cannot wear oredi...but to cultivate her for taitai life in future, i rather she dun wear 1st lor!!lolz

Violet - wow size 3??!!so fast! We stil need carry her wen go out for meals...on one hand she still wobbly wobbly, on the other hand, i also scared the high chairs out there dirty n lots of germs lei...do u wipe first b4 letting bb sit in it?

Elmoo: cool down. Guess living with MIL have different issues. Mine wants to do everything for my gal when she's around, monopolize her 24/7, don't let me near her until she Really needs me eg for feeding or to sleep.

Syz: how's bb syz? Feedin cereal again optional. I may wait a couple of days n try purée first. If ok then later try cereal again.

Sgsc: my MIL initially said cannot put on table. But we makeshift one ikea table as changing table from when she came back from hospital n now still let her take her bath there.

Elmoo - Ignore ur MIL la. 30 mins not long at all! i will pump an hr at home n in office one lei. AT home maybe even longer than an hr coz surfing net. hahahha..

Siew Ping - Oh dear...i always put both my legs on table to rest one lei...oh dear, sounds so disrespectful like tat...anyway, ok, shall stop letting gal sit on table top for watever reasons liaoz..

My mum is the one who always pester me get walker, sarong even b4 i left my gal at her place. Coz her colleague's niece also using these...so she always go work, listen/gossip then come back tell mi i also MUST do/use blah blah blah...then i'll ignore most of the time. But i did get a sarong for my mum to use, coz my gal very light sleeper, abit of noise only will jolt her up frm sleep...so using sarong she can sleep 2-3 hrs at a go for naps. As for walker hor, i also have one, but i purposely put in my house 1st coz dun wanna let her walk so fast mah..(see above y) hehehe...but on a more factual basis, i have seen my HB's niece walking on tiptoe frm using the walker. So...i too tink i'll delay its usage till nearer 1 yo bah...

Maddie - We also do diaper changing on dining table top + b4 we lay her down on changing mat, also will put her in sitting position mah...so...dunno la, prob she meant dun purposely let her SIT on table kind. transition phase stil okie...hahah

re: walker

im against walkers too!

re: rice cereals / brown rice

mummies, my boy used to love eating rice but dunno why since 2 weeks ago he's been rejecting so i gave him those jar foods instead. i think maybe he prefers those with sweet or sour taste. he also loves those heinz juices!

how can i get him to start eating rice again? =(

oh btw mummies, i'm selling high tea snacks like mini choc eclairs, cream puffs and baguette bowls. will be giving out free samples for the eclairs tmr at the taxi stand outside city vibe (near clementi mrt) from 6-630pm. if any of u are interested, let me know ya!


add heniz jar into ur rice sure ur child wil like it.


against it but no choice maid n mum cant b always carrying. so I agree for him to sit in for a while less then 10 mins he wil get out from it. He freely crab his direction to things that he is aiming hahaa.. n happily running around at home..

Sometimes he on own also more comfortable free n easy.

I think walker not tat bad bah I believe most of us when young ever sit in walker before.

think of the person who take care of the child our child getting bigger and quite difficult to carry sometime so walker can be of help.


i'm ok with it but don't have one at home. babysitter's place got one. #1 sit in it since 4 months old but that doesn't make him learn to walk faster. as for tip toe, its a phrase most baby will go through. just have to keep telling them not to do it, i think its ok. #1 didn't really tie toe when he started walking. then he suddenly tie top when he is slightly older, so just got to stop him and tell him cannot loh.

my girl started on walker slightly later compare to my boy.


i won't encourage it unless no choice. i do have friend's kids who can't sleep outside and be super cranky cos sleepy and no sarong. then have to purposely go home to let baby sleep.

Chips, i shall try n see if it works. thks!

mummies, i think u guys are looking for a place to hold the 1 yr bday bash? im not sure if anyone suggested SOL Playground at turf city? i came across it when i was surfing for an enrichment class for my boy.

ooopppss... i have done 3 wrong things here then.

1) My gal oredi wear shoes (those soft sole type) from Little Blue Lamb

2) She is in walker when my mum or me need to go toilet - she is very happy in it as she is able to "run" around the house with it

3) She is in sarong for nap during the day (throughout), and nite, is only for her to fall asleep, then carry to put on bed, then she can sleep through.

But so far she is ok without sarong I carry her and pat/coax her to sleep. No issue. So, somehow I mix the pattern. Reason introduced sarong when she is 3 MO coz she didn't nap long and always want to be carried. But in sarong, she can sleep longer coz as if someone carry her.

All the 3 happens to my #1 too, but so far no issue in walking / tip toe etc. Only Hao ming or not, don't know yet. My mum said can la... she never give me shoe last time, but also not hao ming ler.. still work like slave ler ...

In terms of sitting on table, my mum is saying coz bb next time will scare of thunder woh... so, never put her on table.

My gal prefer porridge more than the happy bellies brown rice. May be tastier for the porridge, as got carrot or sweet potato or pumpkin. The brown rice / oatmeal cereal, may be too blend for her.

SG_SC - anyway the sit on table thing is superstition lah, depend on yourself. for me, i am trained not to sit, anyway, for me table is to eat one loh, so i dun wan to put my food on a place where someone sits on, thats all. relac lah.

Re: Walker - true, with a walker, my nanny life is beta, else nd to keep my gal 24 hrs entertained, else need to keep carrying her.

Re: Cereal - haha, i shall still serve the cereal when gal is @ home. now the headache comes tomorrow.. what should nanny feed? fri she was telling me she wan to intro pork, scallops, fish and vege into one serving of porridge, i also collapse.. haiz, i beta bring my cereal there tomorrow morning and guide her or sth.

Re: High chair - hubby dun like ikea high child, say the back is wood, gal will knock her head when she leans back. but i see those cheaper plastic type, i think veli dangerous cos like.. duno will flip or not.. any advice? I saw a graco one @ toyrus, the base is big, like not bad..

Re: Porridge and blended food - i havent tried yet leh. My nanny say she dun wan to feed those frozen puree cos she thinks not healthy so i cant make in advance. think porridge i start 2 weeks after cereal bah. puree i need to explore liao.. so excited.. but need to find good time else only weekends i can feed then duno what nanny gng to feed during the weekdaes..


My boy dislike nestle cereal tot of buying variety for him to try bt in the end stick to frisocrem, ever mix he finished all but think dun cheat him hhaa so I onli giv frisocrem


Walker is height adjustable, my boy nv tiptoe he walk flat on floor. Dun adjust too high til ur child when stand in walker got to tiptoe. I think tat do the trick.

Re: sit on table fear of thunder in future??

I think nt true all along my arms tired n while I surfing net I put bb on table. All along thunder he is ok n yesterday such a heavy rain n loud thunder, he nt scare at all..

siew ping,

ikea got the plastic high chair just like the wooden one. you see ikea using that in their cafe as well. very cheap and good. easy to clean as well when you have a messy eater. hahaha..... just bring the whole chair to the toilet and wash.

walker: my pd have just asked me not to give bb walker/jumperoo. Say bb will tiptoe and will not learn to walk properly...


hi mummies, just wanna ask any of you taking Fenugreek to increase milk supply?

It's day 3 of my taking it and my bb has been behaving weirdly these 2 days. She gets very cranky on the 2nd day after I took the pills, she will cry out of no known reason. And day 3 (today), she is very sleepy throughout the day. She keep sleeping and her sleep can last 4-5 hrs. I am very worried that it's the fenugreek that is causing her to behaving weirdly.

Can mummies who took fenugreek pls advise?? drop me an email at [email protected] Thanks so much!


Side effects of fenugreek is Lao sai and in some babies breathing difficulties these are known side effects of course the breathing prob is extreme and only affects some bbies . Which is y I don't recommend use ESP if Bb too small or either parent has asthma


My boy had plegm due to cough the family had which passed to him and he been puking too. Gd thing is puke out the plegm. Could b a haze Thingy and the cereal happen to agitate. Best stop cereal1st wait till the haze is over then try again but monitor too

Adak I agree w yr Pd. My fil bot but I didn't fit the wheels. It's just like a chair lor.

Re shoes and 1 yr old.

It's for practical reasons too like we don't buy dress for my girl until she can walk. Not walking wear shoe for what idea la. The old folk law is. Shoe is hard . If wear before 1 yr birthday will hv hard life. Also if Bb walks before 1. Yr bd hard life wor some say.

I would say. If happen to walk earl y so be it don't buy shoe 1st. Walk Pple will say us la. And to those Bb walk later don't worry 14mths onwards then walk is quite normal too


all these superstitions!


only put C2 in it after spending one whole month at ILs during his third month. wat celyn says is true, during the day, he absolutely needs the sarong to sleep. can faint. luckily at night, i still can latch or carry him to sleep.


i din see the point for C1 and dun see the point for C2. my apmt has steps here and there. more dangerous for bb.

wat i do to entertain C1 and now C2 during this exploratory crawling (not quite crawling...) stage is put erect 4 panels of haenim playyard around the ssw playmat. C2 will scream for at least a moment when he is put in. just shut my ears for a while and scoot out of sight, put some toys in for him to play then he is happy in there by himself - for a while.


when they start to walk properly, then i buy. otherwise C2 will get hand me downs from his cousins and of course C1. i think it was abt 10mo for C1 then i started to look for shoes, and took another 2 months to decide on which brand / colour / design etc etc. :p so all in all, yes i suppose C1 din really wear shoes b4 1yo. hao ming anot, we shall see later. *shrug* ultimately, our children's lives are theirs to lead, we as parents can only give them the headstart.

pedipeds, shoo-shoos, robeez and see kai run are good brands for pre walkers. there must be some more out there... but i love the softness of those leather soles!

[i can just see all the furious googling now.... BUY BUY BUY... heehee]

Morn Mommies!!

No Monday Blues for mi coz im on leave 2day...heheh..yday went to celebrate bb's 0.5 yo bday..ppls must be tinking we siao parents..whahhaha


i'm only working on wed and thurs this week. yeah!!! but today is a packing day at home cos doing up my girl's room. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Maddie, If my mil also like yours I dun mind. Hehe, she's diff loh she will throw bb to me once I reach home (I Haven't change clothes leh) then like she's off duty liao!

Celyn, charismama, gbh

If it's my hub or own mum say I dont mind. But cannot take MIL comments dont know why. Feel like she's picking me everyday! Siao liao tdy #1 got 1 ULCER so kana block from going CCC. So bo bian on urgent leave, later bringing #1 to get letter to PROVE she got no HFMD then tomorrow bring her back school.

Means today I got to stay at home with MIL WHOLE DAY! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yesterday I went to my friend house, they really trained their bb to sleep alone. Bb kept crying but they just let bb cry til bb fall asleep, If I also like them sure kana scold upside down by my mil! So now my #2 take advantage of me, she will act and cry WAHHHHHHHHHHHH..Waiting for ppl to carry her!

morning mummies..

thanks bbdust for helping to ask ming.. will cross-finger waiting for reply...

sgsc, so nice celebrating half years old b'day.. i didn't do anything with my ds leh .. feel guilty now..

yesterday i ironed my hubby's clothes till 2am and wake up at 6:30am, now panda eyes liao..

bbdust, don worry.. worst case if can't join then join the 1st year party .. i didn't know there's a cap if not i'll indicate to go earlier.. so sorry to trouble u ah...


sorry leh.. but but if she does reply, i will let u know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think she is really bz as well.


Elmoo - CLose door n hide in room all day wif bb best one. No need go out make small talk too...

Jasda - Nothing much la, jus go shopping, eat n buy cake n ended nite wif my MSW ice-cream. Finally i get to eat the correct one liaoz (remember "D24 saga")...actually i turn out happier - HB commented macam like my bday...coz i buy n order things tat i like...they jus go wif the flow onli...lolz

