(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Thanks for all ur concern.My lil boy & I are fine... I was doing the annual co's medical checkup...


Serious ah..Coz recently my parents keep bringing my lil boy to the park so I thought of getting mozzie patch for him...scare got dengue...


baymic, i got 2 extra.. my fren fly my aeroplane. lolz.. you want? then orangey can keep hers lo. =)

then if you want the bb seat....can collect together.


Hee my family side all tall, dh side all short


Swimming, basketball helps, my mum said let him eat tian qi powder when reaching puberty it helps. I drink that too when young hee


ok lor...Thanks alot...Btw,when is the convenient day to collect the car seat from u?? My bro don't mind...But is BBz still using it anot??


Need not to worry la...BB still so young,when they r in teens,they will do sports then they will grow taller one...

bbdust and ming,

thanks for adding me into the xmas gathering. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dazz, gbh,

if you want to post your stuffs in WTS, I can help you to post it. Just send me the content and pics and I will help you to create a new post.

re: red telco

Very angry and disappointed with them. Got 2 major issues with them and have resolved 1 of them with their officer. For another 1, I am thinking of writing a complaint to them. Haiz.. Sianzz..

Nestle cerelac infant cereal brown rice stage 1 (6 mths+)

Price: $9 for 2 tins

Exp date: 22/08/2011

Nestle cerelac infant ceral rice & mixed fruits stage 2 (6 mths+)

Price: $4 for 1 box

Exp date: 22/08/2011

Nestle cerelac infant cereal rice & mixed vegetables stage 2 (6 mths+)

Price: $8 for 2 boxes

Exp date: 21/05/2011

Nestle cerelac infant cereal multigrain & mixed fruits stage 4 (12 mths+)

Price $4.50

Exp date: 23/01/2011

Nestle Nan pro stage 2 (400g)

Price $10

Exp date: 31/12/2011

Interested, pls pm me.

hello mummy above, you won the hamper from Nestle then selling it ?? =D

Baymic, BbZ not sitting liaoz. He promoting to his gorgor's lucky baby seat corz he outgrow the Peg Perego de. lolz. You wanna collect over the weekend? You sms me lo. =)


the stuffs are from Nestle lucky draw? Not from the Nestle goodie bags (from banner as above)?

Got this lucky draw ah?

pearlytea.. haha.. don't know? i'm just making wild guess. heehee.. with regards to the WTS thread... i need to go get pictures then i'll send the details to you. Thank you in advance!!

sgsc, np.. thanks for letting me know.

re. PISA, will the security check ask u anything or not? Can carry a hand-carry bag + a PISA or not?

bbdust, any news from Ming yet whether can still accept me and my family to the xmas gathering?

paging ming, able to accept 4 more pax, i.e. 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby?


u can find those inserts in many bb shops.. i bought mine at mums n babes in united sq... got many brands selling tt too... designs/cutting/material different... if ur bb sweatign in carseat bcoz warm, u can consider buying this carseat mat (same idea as the insert but no padding one lah) from bp... some cool mat.. brand is naforye... just do a search for this... i got the stroller (they got for carseat one) cool mat n put it on my stroller.. it got those mini holes for ventilation so bb wont feel hot on the back one... but this cant be used as a protection against poo/pee bcoz of teh mini holes.. might seep thru... minor stains still can lah but not major kinds...

Btw,mummies... Any mummies know that whether r we entitled for childcare leave now or have to leave until our bb turns to 1 yr old??


I am very angry with my co's HR manager lor..she told me that the childcare leave are only available for me next yr leh...How like that...


according to law, you should be entitled to the 6 days childcare leave for this year de....

How about you ask her whether they able to pro-rate from the time you gave birth in apr? At least you wun lugi all the 6 days.

By right, for this year, should be pro-rated lo. For me hor, i'm entitled to 6 days. But my company don't allow me to clear all 6 days straight de. They give it to me in "installments". So if i used up that installment in that period of time, i use my AL 1st lo. But definitely will clear it by end of the year.


depends on companies bah.

Mine don't pro-rate. We will get the 6 days childcare leave whether we gave birth in early or later part of the year.

hi all

i just came back fm the bb fair at expo. much smaller in scale, no pampers booth. prices not v cheap also. bot oni socks and the magazine wif the goodie bag. but these are my comments oni. if u wan to go see see look look, do go ahead...


Yes I b working in orchard next tues. Transfer to HQ. No more early hrs..lol bt I miss going island.. Bu she de..

Bb height

Try holding ur bb n say 1,2, 3. When 3 u hold up bb in the air, eventually he/she start to knw hav to jump when count to 3. tis cn help lengthen bb bah.. Anyway no harm in whichever way n is playing with them should b alrite.

Agree with hapict. Baby expo half it's usual size.

Brothermax got 20% off. No pampers booth. Got huggies n drypers. A lot of clothes. Delphin vacuum giving free pot for free cleaning cum sales pitch at yr home.

Pureen, pigeon, combi all got stalls. Can't remember much else.

sooooo tired n bz..jus off work n reached home only..wat a way to end the week. now faster pump then go mom's house for dinner n pick bb..so thankful its weekend again! :D

Syz - haha..so is i copy u, u copy mi la...actually i got the thread from one of the mommies who posted in our thread one. Tats y reminded mi need get liaoz. My gal also turning 6 mths on Sun [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dunno one pkt can eat hw long hor? scally stuck at the stage 1 rice cereal for next 3 mths cannot finish

Dazz - my telco also orangey rite frm Day 1...but i find their hotline realli sucks! always make mi wait for half an hr b4 the CSO ans my call!

BBdust/Baymic - my hb also play basketball frm young but still so short..i see those NBA players all 1.9m above, then i see my HB..y so different???

Jasda - No prob. They dun even bother to check in the 1st place...;p Can la. Jus tell them is breastpump if they question lor (show them by all means!). My pisa is backpack + a laptop bag tat time..

Re: Childcare leave - Tink depends on company's policy bah...at 1st my male colleague told mi will pro-rate, but luckily i check wif my HR who said otherwise n i made them specify in black n white that i got 6 full days of CCL to utilise by calendar yr end...whahahhaha...so planning to go holiday wif tis extra...

Chips - wats ur email?

Maddie/Hapict - Tks for sharing on bb expo. Tink will stil dropby 2ml since on the way frm Kembangan cc to submit bb show form...anyone noes cc opening hrs?


[email protected]



early bird is our mooing queens celynlee n elmoo

actually maybe I woke up earlier then them 4.50am but I got to settle bb before going out so when I on my way I wil log in smh n read posts..

Chips - Sent. Pls check ur email.

Juski - Tks for info! If like tat jus nice coz i can go in evening only...tot cc open half-day kind for weekends..

Casual Qn - Anyone heard of not letting bb sit on table b4 1yr old??!!! Last nite, i was playing wif bb at mum's house then my hands tired, so i jus let her sit on table edge, let my mum scold n make a big fuss lor...scare mi, tot wat i did wrong. Pressed her for explaination y cannot, she also cannot say..jus keep insisting no good for bb???!?!


cannot enjoy this weekend much. got to remove everything from the spare cupboard i have in baby's room. movers are coming to collect the bedroom set on mon. tomorrow, going to ikea to buy furniture for my girl's room and have them set up by mon after the bedroom set is gone. busy busy.... and headache on where to keep my things.

sgsc: my mum also tells me the same thing. Say should not let bb sit or stand too long now else their spine will curve.


Wah you so busy, reno your gal room? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hehe, today my hub also painting my gal room!

Finally got room for her..

Adak, serious ah? But if we supporting them lei, such tat bulk of weight still fall on us also cannot ah?

Another thing my mom said is dun let bb walk b4 iyo as well...so tat bb will have hao ming! hahah..tok abt superstition...my mama no.1!


i don't let them wear shoes before 1 year old. my boy started to walk only after 1 year old. walk with us holding his hand. before that he simply refuse, he will walk around the house by supportng to furniture but will crawl when we try to hold his hand to walk.


had been wanting to do it for her but didn't get to do it. cos i have a 4 piece queen size bedroom set in the room. now that i have get rid of it, then can start deco her room loh. my boy had his own baby room since birth loh. for my girl, though she sleep there since birth but still not a baby room. must quickly get her furniture in too if not the room will just have her cot. then her cry will become super loud due to echo in the empty room.

Internet PC in office is spoilt. damn.. so many posts to catch up~

Re: Bird's nest - nanny originally kept saying wan to feed my gal that, then i say NO NO NO. until she went ask chinese physician then was told only can try after 1 year old. aniwae, i dun think i wan to start gal when she is 1 year old.. maybe 2 year old or what bah..

Re: Stupid renovation - the flat upstairs is doing reno without work permit.. i already called HDB to complain liao.. cos they keep drilling the floor, think changing tiles.. kao, now still drill, woke my gal up~~ ARGH~


the heavy works in HDB supposed to be done within 3 days. anything else like light knocking, intermittent noise is considered ok.

adak, sgsc,

i hv heard that one abt spine curving before. i asked PD - she said 10mins or so shd be ok. haiyoor, if my giant C2 can sit (and not exert pressure on spine), any bb can sit la


there is another thing abt girls sitting on tables. my mum and grandma say girls cannot sit on tables, bcz in cantonese, it means the girl is a dance hostess. lalala. watever.

childcare leave

my coy policy is six days by calendar year * 7 years. no pro-ration. i can choose to start it the year my child is born or the next year.... so for C2, tis from 2011 to 2017. since i started for C1 in 2008, year of his birth. might as well drag the start year for C2 to next year.

cleaning issue

ok my wooden table is now covered w pen marks - C1's doing after i took my eyes off him for just a moment. any recommendations how to get pen marks off wooden table?

I fed bb syz rice cereal this morning and she had been puking since [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] fed up. Does this mean she's allergic to it?


oh no. what kind of puking? maybe you want to bring her to see doc.


i like to sit on the table leh. hahah... always do that loh.

maybe you can try to use gif to clean? when my boy use crayon too draw on my cupboard and wall, it works. pen, not sure but can try.

Hi Syz,

Better bring darling to see KK 24hrs children clinic as most PD are closed on sat afternoon. Hmm... allegic to rice cereal abit rare as most baby books I read say start w rice cereal as most mild and gentle on baby's stomach. But better check for sure.

Other than puking she is in a good mood. The frequency of vomiting is like when I drink cow's milk or cheese. She has stopped vomiting since evening. Wondering whether to continue this same brand of cereal tomorrow or try a different one. What do you all think?

Mommies looking to buy Philips Avent Steam & Blend can go to

1) TANGS - bundled with VIA storage cups & teether - $169.90

2) Robinsons - bundled with VIA storage cups & magic cup - $160 with Krisflyer/PPS membership card

3) Philips showroom $139 and 60 family reward points


Celynlee - oh yah, n the wear shoe thingy too...sigh..really true mah? sounds like ur boi noe hw to choose to be ho mia next time hor...but got so many nice n cute soft shoes, very tempted to jus let her wear...

Siew Ping - i understd hw u feel...coz i stay low floor, sometimes the stupid rubbish bin collector will pass by my house n its wheels v v noisy type n u can practically feel the whole house vibrating one...then sometimes my gal will be awoken by it, but nw like gett9ing used to it liaoz ;p..kaoz too

Cellow - OMG!! sounds horrible..no wonder my mum so paranoid abt it. She was close to my cantonese grandaunt last time. I also tink sitting is ok..bbs cant be lying down all the time mah! But does tat mean wen they learn to sit upright to play, we must keep sitting activity no longer than 10 mins too?

Syz - U're fast lei..i jus made payment for cereals 2day nia...hope ur gal is ok now. if she's fine 2ml, u might want to try feeding her again to determine if the puking is realli caused by the rice cereal.

