(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

kite, yah when i 1st intro my boy brown rice, he also didn't poo well.. after a while his body adjusted, his poo schedule will resume normal.. maybe u stop a while first wait for him to poo, then slowly introduce bk.. and give him lots of water..

All the time brown rice. Is not so good for babes as it's harder to digest. For long run good to mix in white rice or other ingredients took imagine my friend a make eat brown rice can lose 3 kg a mth as it's harder to digest. This is like 5% of his body Wt 60 kg person. For Bb it could lead to indigestion, constipation related discomforts if purely brown rice.

Orangey, i also duno ki siao or sha xiao la... i know she definitely siao siao. lolz. Am now actively looking for a myanmar maid. Wish me luck!!

Chips, not trying to frighten or curse you but.. your maid only 3 months. Still no pattern yet. Give it a few more months and monitor ya? =)

vic vic

the healthy times brown rice flour okie? i bought that wor thinking to mix brown and white rice together for him to eat hmmm hmm now u say liao i dont dare


u go to the agency liao ma?? Yesterday,I followed my mum to the maid agency to kpo kpo...we chose one liao...the quiet & timid type one...don't know did we choose the rite one...

Then got a few rejected helpers at the agency...wow,they looks like they r very difficult to deal with...

ok bathed Ms stinky poo & fed her cereal. now latching her.

Day 1 of Organix rice cereal around 11am led to lots of puking the rest of the day. Day 2 at 3pm not so bad cos I mixed 1 teaspoon less of dry cereal so that makes 2 rounded teaspoon of dry cereal plus bm. Today's feed at 2.15pm same amount as yesterday. Hope better so that I can start feeding her carrot puree.


Would like to check something with u. My girl is still in the midst of transitting to stage 2 FM. I realised that during transition her daily poo is watery type. Those which is accompanied by urine.

Before transitting to NAN Ha 2, she was on NAN HA 1 and her poo is normally those sticky type. But now it is not wor. Those watery poo accompanied by urine is it considered as diarrhoea?


if she kena the watery type many times a day then its diarrhoea. mine last weekend like this loh.. keep LS watery type and I thought maybe its teething so i ignored until late afternoon


but her watery type on like twice a day? Is it serious? It was since last week and i tot it is ok? Din bring her to see PD wor.


my gal was also on NAN HA 1 then HA 2... mine is the opp leh... esp after i started her on semi solid, her poo more pasty... last time more watery...


no lah 1,2 times okie.. i mean really keep LS non stop wor.. my boy poo until backside red red and its like just change diaper then LS again got to change within 1 hour leh... urs shld be normal lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so my girl confirmed got diarrhoea? How come leh? at times she has it once a day or if not twice a day only wor. Since last week. I tot it is becos of STAGE 2 FM.

So I must bring her to see PD liao?


I bit worried. dunno is it cos of STAGE 2FM. but it should not be of a concern right? As she has been on NAN HA 1 then onto NAN HA 2 and they are of same brand.

Any mummies hired their helper from SLF Green Employment?? how is it ah?

Baymic, i look at United's list ah... er.. can't find anyone suitable lo. So you hired one from myanmar too?


her's seems watery with urine and when I look into her diaper, seems like the stool and urine got absorb into the diaper that kind. it does not have any hard particles. The colour is dirty green that type which her stool is normally this colour (Checked with her PD before and she said that bb on NAN HA FM, the stool is this colour one).


My MIL slowly transit into STAGE 2 FM by giving 1/2 a scoop for 3 days then increased by another 1/2 s scoop and etc.... untill now, each feed, she gives YH 2.5 scoops STAGE 1 and 3 scoops STAGE 2 FM. She wants to ensure that my gal is not constipated and thus do not want to increase 1 scoop by 1 scoop.

Such a slow transition, my gal should be able to take it right?


Prior to transition, she poo max of 2-3 times daily. Minimum also 1 time daily.

Then during transition, she also poo like what was stated above but her pool is watery type. Not those sticky and pasty type wor.


maybe u call ur PD office and ask the nurse if u are worried though i think shld be fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Piglet - My gal's poo also v dirty green kind lei...then kor kor one...but we din intro any solids or new FM to her lately lei. Dunno y like tat, n she doesnt poo everyday too.

Later bringing my gal vacc..poor thing. Hope she dun have fever.


tt time i ask PD what is considered diarrhoea since bb poo always soft n watery type, not like adults solid one mah... so how to tell, he said poo like 6 times or more daily then is diarrhoea... but i asked this when bb was still young when they pooed like 3-4 times a day.. but i guess if poo 1-2 times is very normal lah... my gal poos once daily but sometimes 2 times too...

actually the concern abt diarrhoea is dehydration, so just make sure bb well hydrated... but dont go overboard n pump bb with water, bcoz too much water also can be fatal one...


she probably urine n poo at same time? if i were u, i wont be too concerned lor, esp if bb is alert n behaves normally...

aiyah a lot of times is we mummies kena scared by others... all along i din think much abt my gal's army green poo, until my mother said she like that is considered "lao chey sai"... then the next time i saw PD n she pooed, i asked PD on the spot, like this color normal bor? he said normal lah... i think like adults, we also got different color stools from each other mah... its not like machiam now bb got rainbow color poo??!!! then i will be worried lor! LOL!


i wanted to call but she is always very busy and I scare I describe it and she does not understand.


my girl on NAN HA 1 all along and now intro the same FM but STAGE 2 one and I realised her poo a bit diff.


My gal still drinks her milk and water too. So I guess maybe monitor again and if she poo for more than 3 times a day then I bring her to PD.


The transition period is about 3 weeks liao. Very long roght? Cos my MIL scare she kena constipated, so she always increase STAGE 2 FM by 1/2 scoops for 5 feeds a day for 3 days then increase by another 1/2 scoop... I find it so long! By the time transition is over I think my gal coming 8 months old liao then I intro semi-solid is too late! Thus I boughr NESTLE rice cereal and ak my MIl to give her once daily. For how many days should baby feed on cereal based on 1 feed per day ah?

Wah, on leave also super busy..Now eat & pump at the same time.


My mil from kampong dont know what is privacy. From #1 time I'm already "OPEN TO PUBLIC" I lock door she keep knocking said dun need to lock. Then I dun lock she come and go as she like, sometimes sit in my room watch TV and see me pump at the same time! Tell you 1 more vomit blood story, last time #1 time i pump close door 2nd BIL come in my room behind MIL then I said I'M PUMPING. She very relax say 2nd BIL dont KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING! Nearly burst my blood vessel!

Re : maid

My hub also keep saying wana get maid cos we really dont have TIME to bond with our gals. My wkends is bonding with wash toilet, mop floor, laundry etc.

Heard so many story about attitude maid so scary I think I will TONG until cannot then get maid. So many factors to get or not to get. Scare quarrel with hub regarding maid issues, then also need my 慈喜太后 to approve, haizzz..My hub super 孝顺 ones..

Piglet - coz Stage 1 & 2 constituents r still different though same brand. but yah, ur gal's transition v long lei...hahaha

If u worried i can help u ask Dr Oh, im bringing my gal c her later. U describe ur concern then i ask her?


but i tink ur gal shld be fine la, doesnt sound like diarrhoea to mi.

My gal on Enfalac Stage 1 which says till below 12 mths, but then i also saw its stage 2 FM which states above 6 mths??!!! so shld i stick to Stage 1 or to transition to stage 2 nw?!?! so strange lor *scratch head*...

