(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Wendees, gam sia again!

Dunno if can pay by cheque n mail docs to them anot..quite far. Hopefully can else be pull-back factor frm Hb. Later i call n check...;p

i was waiting for the open net people to come and do installation that i fall asleep. woke up by nestle people saying that they are delivering my samples tomorrow. i want to moo moo but scare open net people will press on my door bell anytime as i see them working outside my corridor pulling cables.


i have just email you my address for the toothpaste.

Hello,mummies...I am back to work...so I can come here...

Mummy Goli,how to sign up for the bb contest?? I want to sign up for my lil boy leh...Let he go play play & experience...


U get wendees to email the application form to u but u would still have to go down to Kembangan CC to pay $15 and a 4R non-returnable photograph and a copy of his birth cert & at the same time fill up the form!


Welcome! I want to see him again too! We catch up again on that day huh!

QUick Quick go down and get it submitted. Keep me posted too! (^__^)

Btw, do u have HJ's contact?


My hb is also like that. He will not attend the party one. He said he did not know anyone. I want to go but bring a baby and a toddler very tiring. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Was reading some article online seems that no cure leh, supposedly will go off after a few months

my prob now is what shampoo to use cos I am worried the 'active' ingredients in the hairloss shampoo will be ingested by bb...shampoo running low.. still cannot decide on what brand to buy

Hi all,

I wanted to let my girl take part in baby contest too but hubby don't allow.. Yesterday asked him abt it, he said cannot.. Only can take part in those send photos one.. Haiz..

Piglet: I got HJ's contact, let me go find then SMS u later..


Y dun allow? Just play play and gather with mummy and babies only mah. Tell him all moummies there will keep a lookout for each other's baby one. I miss Amanda too! Try to come lah!Baymic also bringing ENrico to the contest leh.

Ok I wait for ur sms. Thanks ya!


when you got in touch with hj, can you please let her know that i email her my address for the toothpaste. thanks.

Hi Mummies...

Sorry to interrupt,

Hot selling baby qipaos are back by popular demand!

Though it's still early from Chinese New Year 2011, why not order the qipao now as they are Pre-order! They are very suitable to send as gifts as the quality of the material is good.

Pls give support or anyone interested, pls PM me.

You can check out the designs @


Didn't go to work today cos bb has a stuffy nose and my left breast seems to be infected yet again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] This weekend has been tiring even though I stayed at home cos bb had on off fever after her injection and was very clingy.

Got the blues this weekend thinking about trying to juggle the roles of wife, mother, daughter and employee. Think my stress at work resulted in me feeling this way. Since i took on this new role there were so many things I had to do that I couldn't delegate so had to work ot. There were 2 occasions where hubby finished work and fetched bb to my office to wait for me until 9plus cos the next day I was on leave. Then missed pump sessions until the interval was 6 hours. As it is I pump and work at the same time. On leave also have to attend to work matters (yes I know many of us have this prob too). Then so tired couldn't make time for hubby. I am so tempted to quit to be a SAHM but the practical side of me is holding me back.

Wendees I want to sign up for the contest too! Pmed you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

there's a cap for ming's party? oops...thot i sign up later...no time to read recently just a quick scan through.

wendees, i want to bring BabyD to chou re nao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

syzygy & Lynn,

If you gals, can go down to Kembangan CC (Opp Kembangan MRT STation) to pay $15, a 4R non-returnable photograph and a copy of baby's birth cert & at the same time fill up the form!

This contest cannot be registered online one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

See U and babies soon huh! *WINK*

Happy Bellies vs Organix cereal

Anyone tried both? Which is easier to mix?

Anyone feeding Four Leaf millet to bb? Feedback?

Did you buy from bp or shop?

Sometime back someone mentioned about pd recommending iron supplement for tbf bb?

Just to share my pd says try to feed iron fortified cereal and use beef / pork stock to cook the porridge and include spinach or broccoli in their diet. If their diet has good sources of iron then no need for iron supplement.


just come n join the bb show! i also join for fun n for memories next time! not expecting my skinny monkey to win too... i havent submit form yet.. must find a time to go down to cc...


sayang... don even tok abt tiredness.. sahm also very tiring one... esp if whole day bb is whiny n sticky... sometimes i feel like going bonkers! i can imagine ur tiredness esp u still gotta juggle work...


try putting headbands for bb instead... hair clips a bit too early right? unless urs got lotsa hair plus i scared teh clip will scratch bb scalp n they like to tug n pull at stuff...


no more pampers active promo at giant liao. its a box for $32 now. not worth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i buy mine from bp. weave u or leona in fb.

damn irritated with this bp org... sent me wrong size stuff... i asked for refund n gotta send bk the item... item got sent bczk bcoz the vbox she gave me is not valid!!!! been ding dong-ing very long bcoz at first wanna wait for correct size but she din update me abt that so i din wanna wait anymore... also initially she owed me the reg post & bcoz i opted for reg mail n paid for tt but she sent via normal mail! till date i din see any refund... not even for the reg mail postage one.. she also din reply my email which i sent last wed...

just now i did a search online for the threads by this BP org bcoz i think she got quite a few one... cant find any!!! n only found one thread that ended up another person complaining that she is a lousy bp org!!!!


aloy... i just bought 3 pkts xl to stock up... yday tried the cruiser too...


cruiser good meh??? i find so so leh... its not as strongly fragranced as the pampers comfort which is a good thing... i dun like the comfort ones... but then the padded part only a small pc compared to the active baby leh...

i still got one unopened pkt of pampers comfort M size... any mummy wanna buy from me? i sell cheaper than rp to mummies here... if no takers then i just use finish lor...

Vic Ma,

I bought Healthy Times too. Then I saw happy bellies with dha & probiotics so wondering if that would be better. But sometimes wonder about all this added stuff don't know how good. Interested in the millet cos naturally high in iron.

I have some samples of Nestle Cerealac rice cereal still undecided whether to let her eat. Pd said first few feeds feed white rice cereal then progress to brown rice.


Thanks! Will look out for the bp.


Hairband looks weird on her. Maybe the ones I bought are too thin so doesn't suit her.


i got happy bellies brown rice but havent try yet.. after trying let u know...

my gal looks weird with thin bands too... my mother said looks like those jap guys tying the band across forehead! try those thick broader ones.. will look cute... at least those help to cover my not-much-hair gal's head.. hahaha... i got mine from BP...

Hi gbh,

Hmmm.... so far no leakage for pampers cruiser (or pampers active). Aiyoh, u should have asked me to send u a sample 1st then u buy. Paiseh leh, now u buy liao and not as good as what i say.

Hi Syzygy6,

Yes, my PD is the one who gave my gal iron supplement drops. I give 2 drops every alternate days as I am giving fortified cereal, porridge cooked with pork and veg stock and baby spinach.

Hi ladies,

Actually hor, beside pear and apple hor, what other fruits can we give our darlings har?

Anyone gave papaya, banana and plum har? Got LS?


no lah.. not ur fault.. i also wanna try n see... just tt tt time finds so exp so a bit hesitant to try... my pd said can give papaya n banana... but i havent give yet... plum not too sure.. i think better not? bcoz might be sour at times? i got ask if dragonfruit can, he said shld be no prob but give the normal white flesh ones.. not the red flesh ones... but he concerned abt the sourness... bcoz most dragonfruits sold here sour sour one...

Hi syz,

I tried both the Happy Bellies n Organix cereal. I feel that Happy Bellies is more value for money cos it's a 198g tin, while Organix is a 100g box. Happy Bellies cost $8 and Organix is $7 at Mumsnkids bp. Organix is smoother, easier to mix, but Organix will turn watery in the middle of teh feed. Happy Bellies is a little lumpy. Duno why the lumps doesn't go away even after I stir and add more liquid. My baby's fine with the little lumps. I feel that thicker is easier to feed with spoon, at least not so messy. Thinner liquids is easier when I feed my boy with Avent thicker liquids teats.

Now I'm feeding my boy with Hipp rice cereal. This one need to add more liquid, otherwise can be quite rubbery. Also can be quite lumpy too. So far, my boy likes the taste of all of them, so I'll just stick to these few. I'll put Nestle cerelac on hold, cos got gluten content.


re from step 1 to step 2

I called dumex hotline today. They told me to introduce one feed of step 2 everyday for 3 days, the other feeds will be step 1. Then increase to two feeds of step 2 for next 3 days. If allergy occurs, like severe diarrhoea, vomitted or rash, then continue with step 1, cos step 1 can be taken till 12 months. Not sure if this is the guide for other formula brands.

Healthy orangey

$12.90 applies to all sizes ?

West Mummies,

I will like to have XL, want to join order to get free delivery.

hallo all mummies, long time MIA, coz move back to Malaysia for short term assignment, and staying with parents are just great. My gal is in good hands, and she has recovered from her pneumonia, although sometime can still hear the whezzing sound from her lung. But is really very very much better. Work wise still very busy, but can stay at work for longer time as no need to rush to IFC to fetch her back. So, hope the client will continue the contract when it expire on 31 March 2011.

Saw many activities / events are planned. So nice! But I can't be there coz I will not be back to SGP by then yet. I have started my gal with Happy Bellies brown rice and some fruits too. But mostly done by my mum.

syzygy6, you ask about the hair clips. You can consider the Little Blue Lamb shoe clip (actually can use for both shoe or hair), I used it for hair. It's very light and thin clip, so, no need so much hair to clip on. I used on my gal since she is 1 month old. See below. You can consider order from Dear baby or Kidsngifts. I got it from KidsnGifts coz they have offer in 1 of the BPs $2.90 per pair with free postage. Quite worth it. You can ask the seller see if they still have stock. At that time, I got many pairs, so still come very handy.



This is when she is 1 month old


This is taken last week - 6 month old


Sure everyone's bbs are cute and playful now. My gal cries and screams a lot at nite, especially 15 mins before she fall asleep, she will cry and scream, not sure if over stimulated. Really hands off to her scream at nite, she still need 1 feed at 4am every morning without fail. My eyes... panda eyes ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] of course, during her day time nap, she also screams. I tried the method to put her to sleep/nap when saw her yawn for 1st round, sometime works, sometime not work. Any other mummies got trick for this? Thanks first lo.


i think all babies have some issues with bedtimes from time to time... mine also.. pattern keep changing machiam changing clothes... prev few nights she din wanna slp till 3/4am.. then suddenly now can slp earlier.. by earlier i mean 1-2am... hopefully she can revert bk to slping b4 12 mn...

