(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

37A, 20 babies and 7 tods

x'mas gathering at ming's place 11th Dec (dec), pls list down ur names here with no of paxs need the names before 26th nov [p/s: i think Ming did mention if possible, no helpers due to space constraint. =)]

1) bbdust: 2A + 1 baby

2) Dazz: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 Baby

3) piglet08: 2A + 1 baby

4) woofmeow: 2A + 1 baby

5) pinkzee: 2A + 1Tod + 1Babe

6) orangey: 2A + 1 baby

7) cottagefry: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

8) Baymic: 2A + 1 baby

9) Elmoo: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

10) Joelle: 2A + 1 baby

11) Judy: 2A + 1 baby

12) Vicma: 1A + 1 tod + 1 baby

13) Rurucat: 2A + 1 baby

14) Siew Ping: 2A + 1 baby

15) adak: 1A + 1 baby

16) zhuzhu: 2A + 1 tod + 1 baby

17) ynby80: 2A + 1tod + 1 baby

18) juye: 2A + 1 baby

19) juski22: 2A + 1 baby

20) Innocent Devil: 1A + 1 baby

looking for volunteers for our babies' One Year Old Birthday Bash!!!

If u have special pref for certain tasks, pls indicate next to name

One Year Old birthday bash committee:

(pls volunteer!)

1. GBH

2. wendees (cake)

3. pinkzee (gifts)

4. cottagefry

5. orangey (design invitation cards?)

6. celynlee

7. Dazz

8. vicma - Treasurer! faints! delete hor if u think no need

9. juye

10. adak

11. juski22

hi mummies,

was thinking mayb we can have a theme for the birthday bash

eg: animals (all bb dress with those animal romper) or mayb red colour (all dress in red)

hahaha... just giving some ideas here

re birthday bash committee,

we got good response! hahaha... i think we have enuff help for the committee liao... but if still got mummies who wanna join in can still join in! if not, for the time being, i think with 11 mummies shld be enuff liao, too big a grp also diff to arrange to meet n discuss..

shall we arrange to meet one day to start the initial planning??? bcoz if booking a public venue we need to book well in advance...

juski & gbh,

i think colour theme will be much easier for most parents to get for the babies.

birthday bash committee:

i'm not sure how easy is it for us to meet up as a group. maybe we need to find out roughly when is a good timing for meeting. weekdays or weekends? another way is to do it via email or fb for the whole group or even just here. hehe....

i can meet up on weekends but have to bring whole family or baby. weekdays can be arrange but to end by 5pm (have to reach home by 5.30pm to fetch #1).

39A, 21 babies and 7 tods

x'mas gathering at ming's place 11th Dec (dec), pls list down ur names here with no of paxs need the names before 26th nov [p/s: i think Ming did mention if possible, no helpers due to space constraint. =)]

1) bbdust: 2A + 1 baby

2) Dazz: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 Baby

3) piglet08: 2A + 1 baby

4) woofmeow: 2A + 1 baby

5) pinkzee: 2A + 1Tod + 1Babe

6) orangey: 2A + 1 baby

7) cottagefry: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

8) Baymic: 2A + 1 baby

9) Elmoo: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

10) Joelle: 2A + 1 baby

11) Judy: 2A + 1 baby

12) Vicma: 1A + 1 tod + 1 baby

13) Rurucat: 2A + 1 baby

14) Siew Ping: 2A + 1 baby

15) adak: 1A + 1 baby

16) zhuzhu: 2A + 1 tod + 1 baby

17) ynby80: 2A + 1tod + 1 baby

18) juye: 2A + 1 baby

19) juski22: 2A + 1 baby

20) Innocent Devil: 1A + 1 baby

21) syzygy6: 2A + 1 baby


I wish my girl will take a nap! Brought her for vaccination yesterday morning. Temp this morning around 37 so gave a panadol and fever patch on forehead. Refused to sleep since she woke up at 9am. Latch her to sleep also doesn't work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] very clingy have to carry her everywhere.


that's cheap. can stock up. though i already have a lot at home. maybe stock up a bit of L and XL size for #1. still got 4 boxes of M inside storeroom. hubby will kill me if i buy more M size.


so far, very good for me loh. #1 had been using it for night since birth. it does last him through the night. change him at 8pm till next day 6/7am, no problem. you just have a very full diaper loh. no leaking so far.

for pampers active, as long as price for a piece is below 33 cents, its very good buy.


Yup she was like that too after her last injection. Yay! No more injections till 6 months later [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kiddy Palace - til Oct mth end

Only Pigeon regular items on 20% sales.

NTUC - Pampers active sales but only M & L

pai seh cant remember the no of pcs per pack.

hi mummies, since i was the one who started the post on the committee thingy, can i suggest tt i be the main coordinator? if not, got another one on the list below who would like to be main coordinator? bcoz i think we need one to get things started for now....

One Year Old birthday bash committee:

(pls volunteer!)

1. GBH

2. wendees (cake)

3. pinkzee (gifts)

4. cottagefry

5. orangey (design invitation cards?)

6. celynlee

7. Dazz

8. vicma - Treasurer! faints! delete hor if u think no need

9. juye

10. adak

11. juski22

morning mummies

siew ping,

for nan, you need to register with nestle babyclub. mamil, just go to dumex website and request. s26, not sure cos i never request. but i did fill up a form during babyfair so they will send me too.

41A, 22 babies and 8 tods

x'mas gathering at ming's place 11th Dec (dec), pls list down ur names here with no of paxs need the names before 26th nov [p/s: i think Ming did mention if possible, no helpers due to space constraint. =)]

1) bbdust: 2A + 1 baby

2) Dazz: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 Baby

3) piglet08: 2A + 1 baby

4) woofmeow: 2A + 1 baby

5) pinkzee: 2A + 1Tod + 1Babe

6) orangey: 2A + 1 baby

7) cottagefry: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

8) Baymic: 2A + 1 baby

9) Elmoo: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

10) Joelle: 2A + 1 baby

11) Judy: 2A + 1 baby

12) Vicma: 1A + 1 tod + 1 baby

13) Rurucat: 2A + 1 baby

14) Siew Ping: 2A + 1 baby

15) adak: 1A + 1 baby

16) zhuzhu: 2A + 1 tod + 1 baby

17) ynby80: 2A + 1tod + 1 baby

18) juye: 2A + 1 baby

19) juski22: 2A + 1 baby

20) Innocent Devil: 1A + 1 baby

21) syzygy6: 2A + 1 baby

22) Taro: 2A + 1 baby + 1 tod


Want to make it a dozen? I don mind helping out as a volunteer. Can try to see if we can find sponsors for our goodie bags [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi All,

Thanks for the great response for the X'mas party on 11 Dec [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We are now at 41 Adults. Due to space constraints, I am going to cap the party at 48 Adults.

BB-Dust: Once we hit 48 Adults, PM me, and I will tie up the logistics with you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Still need one more volunteer for gift exchange...

1st year birthday bash: Found a summary of birthday cake suppliers on the kiasu parents website. See link below for ideas:-


arh Ming, I want to go!!!

43A, 23 babies and 8 tods

x'mas gathering at ming's place 11th Dec (dec), pls list down ur names here with no of paxs need the names before 26th nov [p/s: i think Ming did mention if possible, no helpers due to space constraint. =)]

1) bbdust: 2A + 1 baby

2) Dazz: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 Baby

3) piglet08: 2A + 1 baby

4) woofmeow: 2A + 1 baby

5) pinkzee: 2A + 1Tod + 1Babe

6) orangey: 2A + 1 baby

7) cottagefry: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

8) Baymic: 2A + 1 baby

9) Elmoo: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

10) Joelle: 2A + 1 baby

11) Judy: 2A + 1 baby

12) Vicma: 1A + 1 tod + 1 baby

13) Rurucat: 2A + 1 baby

14) Siew Ping: 2A + 1 baby

15) adak: 1A + 1 baby

16) zhuzhu: 2A + 1 tod + 1 baby

17) ynby80: 2A + 1tod + 1 baby

18) juye: 2A + 1 baby

19) juski22: 2A + 1 baby

20) Innocent Devil: 1A + 1 baby

21) syzygy6: 2A + 1 baby

22) Taro: 2A + 1 baby + 1 tod

23) KDD: 2A + 1 baby

Long time never follow thread..what about gift exchange volunteer and what abt bday bash??

I am facing hairloss problem, do I need to see doctor? What shampoo are u gals using?

talk abt hair loss problem, is it true those hair dye outside come from china ? and high possibility to cause hair drop ? I mean those use in salon not DIY.

I went a place XXXXX and did a hair dye past 2 mths and suffer heavy hair loss. After which I went to my usual hair salon my hair condition improve.

cake link from Ming http://www.kiasuparents.com/kiasu/content/childrens-birthday-cakes

Thumbs up for The Patissier


Very very good and very very expensive.. any of u pass by can go buy a slice to try.. this shop near my ex office downstairs alwys go there and buy for any celebrations in office

me too!

45A, 24 babies and 8 tods

x'mas gathering at ming's place 11th Dec (dec), pls list down ur names here with no of paxs need the names before 26th nov [p/s: i think Ming did mention if possible, no helpers due to space constraint. =)]

1) bbdust: 2A + 1 baby

2) Dazz: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 Baby

3) piglet08: 2A + 1 baby

4) woofmeow: 2A + 1 baby

5) pinkzee: 2A + 1Tod + 1Babe

6) orangey: 2A + 1 baby

7) cottagefry: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

8) Baymic: 2A + 1 baby

9) Elmoo: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

10) Joelle: 2A + 1 baby

11) Judy: 2A + 1 baby

12) Vicma: 1A + 1 tod + 1 baby

13) Rurucat: 2A + 1 baby

14) Siew Ping: 2A + 1 baby

15) adak: 1A + 1 baby

16) zhuzhu: 2A + 1 tod + 1 baby

17) ynby80: 2A + 1tod + 1 baby

18) juye: 2A + 1 baby

19) juski22: 2A + 1 baby

20) Innocent Devil: 1A + 1 baby

21) syzygy6: 2A + 1 baby

22) Taro: 2A + 1 baby + 1 tod

23) KDD: 2A + 1 baby

24) chlosper: 2A + 1 baby

Re patissier, I get 10% discount. If you need to get anything, can let me know. I'll send you the details and you can order online yourself. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Re hairloss

I'm having dandruff problem! It's those hard type that sticks to the scalp. When I tried peeling them, the affected area became reddish.

oh patissier u got disc.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_clap.gif] - thks.

hehee I need anything I get from u

Celyn - thanks for the information. Ok, shall go and register and get more sample.. need to see what my gal wants for stage 2.

Re: BM in cereal - gng to introduce cereal to my gal soon. Understand can mix BM into the cereal but what type of BM? I noe not those thawed FBM, and of course best is freshly squeezed BM, but what about heated chilled BM? Ke yi mah?

chlosper.. and all,

i got 15% disc fm the patissier (mohamad sultan branch only). corporate discount w my staff pass.

anyone wants to tompang for any occasion is more than welcome.

i need to be physically there during the payment process. PM me shd you decide to order, as i m not always around in the office.

extending my lobang for regulars of this thread only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

well then, count me in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

47A, 25 babies and 9 tods

x'mas gathering at ming's place 11th Dec (dec), pls list down ur names here with no of paxs need the names before 26th nov [p/s: i think Ming did mention if possible, no helpers due to space constraint. =)]

1) bbdust: 2A + 1 baby

2) Dazz: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 Baby

3) piglet08: 2A + 1 baby

4) woofmeow: 2A + 1 baby

5) pinkzee: 2A + 1Tod + 1Babe

6) orangey: 2A + 1 baby

7) cottagefry: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

8) Baymic: 2A + 1 baby

9) Elmoo: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

10) Joelle: 2A + 1 baby

11) Judy: 2A + 1 baby

12) Vicma: 1A + 1 tod + 1 baby

13) Rurucat: 2A + 1 baby

14) Siew Ping: 2A + 1 baby

15) adak: 1A + 1 baby

16) zhuzhu: 2A + 1 tod + 1 baby

17) ynby80: 2A + 1tod + 1 baby

18) juye: 2A + 1 baby

19) juski22: 2A + 1 baby

20) Innocent Devil: 1A + 1 baby

21) syzygy6: 2A + 1 baby

22) Taro: 2A + 1 baby + 1 tod

23) KDD: 2A + 1 baby

24) chlosper: 2A + 1 baby

25) cellow: 2A + 1tod(C1) + 1baby(C2)

Hi guys! been a long time since i posted.been so busy shifting house!count me in for the xmas party!!

1) bbdust: 2A + 1 baby

2) Dazz: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 Baby

3) piglet08: 2A + 1 baby

4) woofmeow: 2A + 1 baby

5) pinkzee: 2A + 1Tod + 1Babe

6) orangey: 2A + 1 baby

7) cottagefry: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

8) Baymic: 2A + 1 baby

9) Elmoo: 2A + 1 Tod + 1 baby

10) Joelle: 2A + 1 baby

11) Judy: 2A + 1 baby

12) Vicma: 1A + 1 tod + 1 baby

13) Rurucat: 2A + 1 baby

14) Siew Ping: 2A + 1 baby

15) adak: 1A + 1 baby

16) zhuzhu: 2A + 1 tod + 1 baby

17) ynby80: 2A + 1tod + 1 baby

18) juye: 2A + 1 baby

19) juski22: 2A + 1 baby

20) Innocent Devil: 1A + 1 baby

21) syzygy6: 2A + 1 baby

22) Taro: 2A + 1 baby + 1 tod

23) KDD: 2A + 1 baby

24) chlosper: 2A + 1 baby

25) cellow: 2A + 1tod(C1) + 1baby(C2)

26) tinybubu : 1A + 1toddler + 1 baby


1sttimepapa..hw's yr bb doing???

I took option 2..substitute 1 feed completely with step 2 & increase gradually...some bb can withstand the change ..while some cannot..depends on individual.

