(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


no dear. this is a rare trip. anyway cost cutting measures are in place... prevents us from making a lot of trips! thank god for cost cutting! haha.

re email. let me check w the significant other and revert [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


at least he din shout it out at you in the meeting room.... when he wakes up (he is prolly not at office now), you call him and explain over the phone to him lor. this kind of conversation, betta call, dun email back and forth. email leads to a lot of misunderstandings and smtimes miscomm. stay positive and show him you are motivated in your work too.... just that home circumstances led to 7 days off already.

stay calm and stony faced. recognise that this is a negotiation you are going into.



I actually replied him listing out the so called "days out of office" reasons to him. Cause I think to him, he probably forgotten about what happen?

I did told him I know it's not nice cause I've just been back and have already been out for like 7 days but I have my reasons ma. Actually what he wants is no matter how sick I am, at least work from home. No wonder why my colleagues never like our US boss. They also find that Asians are lazy lor!

Actually I'm not happy with the fact that he is not flexible lah. If not flexible just tell me straight in the face don't like pretend to be so nice. I won't shout at him what even he says that he is not flexible.

I went Square 2 yesterday to try the Manduca carrier. My #2 cried when he's placed inside. lolz.. Partly he's grouchy because of not enough sleep and also he dun like to face me. He like to face outside, so that he can see things. Nonetheless, i bought the carrier because it's so comfy!! Much beta compared to my current carrier. He got drowsy just as i was about to leave the shop so i rocked him abit, and he fell asleep in the carrier. I continue to carry him and walk around the place. So shiok. With the carrier, i can carry him for a longer period of time oredi!!! Hope he'll get used to facing me lo... so that he can enjoy the time inside the carrier. hahahaha...


alamak, falling ill during a work trip is lagi lagi sian. sayang for you.

ok, thanks for the tips! must be TTS? normally i just go to my ordinary GP.

both for my own self (pumping) and for work, i absolutely positively cannot fall sick over this work trip.


one positive point abt all this - at least he tells you! and you are having a dialogue already.

tis even worse if he just gek gek gek then wait till appraisal time to unleash this 'fault' onto you.

... hmm. 'he says that he is flexible' - but no self-respecting person will admit to himself, let alone to a subordinate, that he is not flexible ah... tis a self-image thing. even though their actions really show that they are NOT flexible.


bad mummy here i will stick withmy becos since it was $249 before discounts paid $210.

i just bot a kate spade bag! been scouting for clearance items that looked cheap to me.

I think i can start a coach/kate spade service where u tell me what u Looking for & price range once i see it it email the person to indicate interest to BOOK it bag then u all can continue from there pay & transact.


remember to bring galviscon or those tummy magnesium for gastric. bring also lomotil or bf friendly anti LS meds - bring strong ones if u have a SENSITIVE tummy on top of charcoal lor.

cos the food there my friend said so spicey as well he also had to RUN to toilet cos of the BURNING spices.

pumping i try to stick to 30 mins at work but always still not completely emptied esp at work and have to end prematurely. like i said i need no 2 teats [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

orangey: ur boss sounds so much like my boss but better than mine.. mine don't even want to tell us directly, get others to tell us he's not happy with our attendance whatsoever.. and he is not pro-family kind of boss.. he's not happy when my colleague took childcare leave or child sick leave.. but when our babies really sick, we have to take what?? that's why i'm so dread from going back to work and if i really need to take leave for my girl, i will have problem... haiz..

dazz: u are making me so tempted to get the manduca carrier too.. argh...

i'm using ameda. hmm, i nv use max power...scared pain :/ esp when valves are newly changed, i only use 1/3 strength - v strong alr! boobs protesting...maybe i should up my tolerance...

At home today.. maybe for the rest of the week.. baby still on milk strike.. haiz..

Brandedfans - i love your post! so positive!

Cellow - i am clearing last year's leave first.. think i heard commotion in my office liao cos one supervisor asking if i can go back tomorrow to attend a meeting. i can provided i can bring my baby along man! and yesh, we can meet up but maybe after 7th mth.. and hopefully my baby's milk strike is over. today 3rd day of strike and i am gng crazy liao..

Ming - wah i havent seen some scenario before leh. Push to helper not healthy lah.. i think sometimes helper is more of help with household chores but baby still need to take care urself.. part time helper, not part time parent..

Orangey - hug hug. i will also be angry if my boss is like that.. dun pretend to be nice lah, but i try to show that i work veli hard when i can loh. i dun expect good ranking lah, and you can even talk bad behind me lah, but i just keep my job and my pay, i dun care what you wan to do. the most i just complain here then over liao.. aniwae, i think ang mo lazier than us loh.. got this benefit, that benefit.. pui!~ haha.

Re: Milk - okay, not to anger mummies with low SS but i am scared my milk is all gone to waste if baby continues her milk strike.. my freezer wan to no space liao and i have been pouring away BM because baby refuses to drink.. AHHHH.. what to do...

Re: Dreamfeed - baby last feed is 130am this morning.. then refuse to drink.. she now sleeping.. i think if i shake her, she sure cry one.. how to feed her?


ya maybe u should crank it up & speed up the pumping time to 20 mins.

some days i am good like today within 10 mins my bottles full liao.


mix fresh with thawed fbm & try again.

ya check the way you warm maybe too hot liao or too long - too hot will make the MILK CHAO SNG -spoil very very fishy even to baby.


sayang. i also pump more than C2 is drinking. everyday v sian. everyday i think - pump so hard for wat, let my ss drop la. but the engorgement is terrible... last thu or fri, i waited and pumped only twice in the office. then the second time, i drag untilllllllllll my boobs cannot tahan. can actually feel physical pain.

more than enuf ss also problem, low ss also problem.

BUT the good thing is LUNCHtime is here - hahaha!

sp: like what vic_ma said, check the temperature of ur milk.. my girl also dun like drink hot milk.. room temperature is just right..

btw how to dreamfeed baby?? i only tried to latch my girl when she's sleeping but not bottlefeed.. how will they drink when they are sleeping.. even latching, my girl doesn't suck that much.. only for a while then she KO liao..


my friend son also need dreamfeed cos refuses to eat even after weaned. they scared he will hungry lor.

its just feed let them slowly suckle while sleeping.

siew ping,

i also damn sian during my gal milk strike. cos paid $299 for chest freezer and it was 90% full! but eventually she started drinking again. so after having pump surplus daily, now freezer only 95% full. just tong these few days/weeks and bb will start drinking again. r u able to latch??

cellow, high 5 same problem! try to stretch pump time but its just too uncomfortable..


Decreases in bone mineral in lactating mothers have been well documented. Typically, during 3 to 6 months of lactation, bone mineral density is reduced by 3 to 5 percent at the spine and neck, and by 1 to 2 percent in the whole body. This bone mineral loss is similar or greater to women shortly after menopause. These losses are reversed in subsequent lactation and after the end of breastfeeding, possibly in connection with the return of menses. This kind of bone mineral loss occur even in women with a high calcium intake.


Nursing Alters Calcium Absorption

During the early stages of nursing, mothers actually lose bone. The mother's extra calcium needs are handled by the body in two ways. Less calcium is excreted in her urine, and a hormone called parathyroid-related peptide (PTHr-P) apparently plays a role in pulling calcium out of the woman's bones and getting it into her blood. High levels of calcium in the blood keeps the excess calcium - for example, all those extra glasses of milk a nursing mother might drink - from being absorbed. Nursing mothers also have low levels of estrogen, which normally stimulates women's bodies to absorb calcium.

Once a woman stops nursing or menstruation begins, her estrogen levels rise and calcium begins to be absorbed normally again. It is in this period that the bone is rebuilt. Research indicates that a woman's bones are restored to normal within 6 months to a year after menstruation starts or she weans her child. 2 It is reassuring that the process of producing breastmilk may reduce the risk of bone disease.

Breastfeeding May Help to Prevent Osteoporosis

The process that occurs in the bones during nursing is thought to help protect women from developing osteoporosis later in life. Research has shown that women who breastfed had a considerably lower incidence of hip fractures in later years. One study even found that the more months a woman spent breastfeeding, the lower her risk was for a hip fracture later in life.3

Osteoporosis is a disorder that affects both men and women, but primarily women in the later years. Bone is an active tissue that is remolded constantly as older bone is gradually removed and replaced by new bone. With aging, the process of forming new bone seems to be slower than the removal of older bone. This results in a decrease of bone mass. The so-called trabecular bone is generally most affected. This is mesh-like bone within the marrow that acts as a grid, and provides strength to the other bone. When this bone mass is decreased the bone is weakened and fractures can occur even without falling. Women with low bone mass most often end up breaking their hips or vertebrae. The resulting pain and disability can be life threatening.

Adequate Calcium and Being Active is the Best Prevention

There are probably many causes of osteoporosis, but it occurs more frequently in women who are petite and have been sedentary. Smoking and excessive alcohol use are often related as well. However, scientists and health professionals still have much to learn about this condition. Why do some women lead very healthy lifestyles and still develop osteoporosis, for example?

Some factors that we cannot modify, such as one's genetic make up, affect the risk of osteoporosis. We also know that men are at lower risk for the disease because they generally have a greater bone mass than women of similar weight. In addition, women who are heavy tend to have greater bone mass than those who are slim, although being overweight is a risk factor for a host of other problems including heart disease and diabetes.

Current knowledge suggests that an active lifestyle and a good lifelong calcium intake are the best ways to prevent osteoporosis.

The lesson here is that all women need plenty of calcium throughout their lives, not just when pregnant and breastfeeding. It's easy enough for women to get the required 1000 mg. of calcium daily. A combination of milk, cheese, yogurt and green leafy vegetables like broccoli and kale can provide the required 1000 mg needed. Women who don't care for milk can boost their calcium intake with enriched orange juice, soymilk, enriched soy products and calcium supplements. When buying a calcium supplement, choose simple calcium carbonate, which is 40% calcium, because researchers have found that calcium from these forms is better absorbed than some mixtures.4

something i been reading up on cos my bone density quite bad.


this website says need 1200mg instead of 1000mg commonly said in other websites.

normal 19-50 yr old women need 1000mg daily anyway so most websites say no change.

however this website also recommends 19-24 yrs old to take 1200-1500mg of calcium wor! bait diff for our local standards maybe there is this discrepancy from anlene's recommended normal 19-50 yr old women need 1000mg daily.

cos anlene's calcium is nano calcium easier to absorb wor.

its why when buying calcium supplement good to ask how's the absorption like - not just cheap can liao. else u will just be consuming power which might also risk kidney stones if we take supplements & dont drink enough water to flush up the fillers. yes all supplements have fillers - things to pad the capsule/tablet/softgel so that it comes to u in a nice little capsule/tablet/softgel for ease of consumption.

reminder to drink more water!

however having said do google i tot iread somewhere last week calcium supplementation also increases heart attack risk wor.

so irritating right? which is why i am readying up still not yet find out - if milk is natural calcium then maybe safer than supplements?


found it


Calcium supplementation -- without giving vitamin D at the same time -- appears to increase the risk of myocardial infarction, a new review of past research has shown.

hi mummy, sorry to disturb but im thinking good thing must share =)

I bought a few customsised diary/note book with our name printed on the cover for my family (me, husband and my boy) and tot it is quite good to be used for recording baby's growth (im designing a photo album using it for my baby), therefore, organising a bulk purchase coz I want to buy more for my other family member too.

Anyone interested? see http://elegantnbeauties.blogspot.com/2010/08/august-2010-bulk-purchase-customised.html for details.

Let me know and see how I could help =)

Ladies - i just poured away my 4th bottle of milk after letting it warm for more than 2 hours. now onto my 5th bottle of heating.. usually i heat till 70 deg for like 10 mins then switch to 40 deg. all this while okay leh, but nw why like that? and cannot latch cos she dun wan my boobies liao. So now is try chance wan loh. later when she awake then i try again loh.

My babysitter asking me to bring bb to her house cos she say bb will drink in her house leh (before the whole episode started on sat afternoon).. my only concern is my SIL who has HMFD.. aiyoh, bring back if she drink but kena HMFD i also jialat leh.. how how?

Vicma - yes, i think its time i build up on my calcium.. maybe thru milk or sth loh, cos i dun really like popping pills.. can we drink anlene lah? i dont think i see anlene for mums right?


anlene more for calcium. If u already taking a lactation milk just check the calcium it gives.

I need to read up on this. Calcium is usually v low in multivits cos it prevent absorption of another vit which is why during preg time we are given separate calcium supplements as well.

Maybe also look at yr daily diet cos orange juice and veg also are sources of calcium.

Re: Sophie - okay, i am plain lazy to look back the old posts.. hehz.. anyone can direct this lazy mum how to purchase Sophie online and also provide the discount code? thanks!

juye, ur chance of using the carrier is higher than me leh.. corz u're now still at home n u can use it when u go out. i only use it over the weekend lo. i wanna carry my bb more and my hands r weak so i bought it.. lolz. If not everytime carry 5-10 mins only have to pass to helper or hubby oredi, sianz. The thing is, my #1 oso can use~! corz can take up to 20kg of weight but i doubt he'll let me carry him that way. lolz. U tell ur hubby, the earlier u buy, the more times u can use. Also, u can also use it for ur #2, #3, #4, etc ma!! =D Just have to maintain the condition. Quite easy. The lady told me just make sure all buckles are locked, put into laundry bag then throw into washing machine. U buy a neutral color lo, so in case next bb is boy, oso can use. Anyway, the colors there all bi-sexual de la. Beige, black, brown, green, red. I bought the brown de.

Vic, u hor... super duper shopping queen!! hahahah..

Hi Cellow,

Please buy Imodium from Guardian, it is super strong anti-diarrhea medicine. Also, please buy this sterilizing tablets for water (think 1 pack only $3-4). It kills 99% of the common bacteria in water.

I am not sure abt Chennai as I was in other parts of India, but even double (or triple!!!) boiled tap water CANNOT be consumed unless u stay in a posh hotel which has its own filtering system and they explicitly tell u it is safe to drink the water after it is boiled. So if you are super kiasu, just add a sterilizing tab in the boiled water to make double sure. If u don't dare, just use the boiled and sterilized water to wash teeth and face lor.

Also, Brandedfan's comment about reputable mineral water bottle is VERY important!!!! This is because it is normal practice for the locals to pick up used mineral bottle and rebottle them w tap water and sell to unsuspected tourists. So when choosing, please buy those that u can see is BRAND-NEW!!!! If you see those that looks like abit old old, DON'T buy.

So that being said, I think it is better to bring some mineral water bottle over there in your luggage.

As for the spice issue, Vic Ma is right. Even how u can eat 'hot' in Singapore, it is NOTHING compared to the food in India. So please pack some biscuits/cake (instant noodle must find clean water again!) to bring along so that you can excuse yourself from eating the meal if it is too spicy.

For me, the runs came from eating the spicy food. For my very gungho travelling companion, it is the curd (the local version of yoghurt) that did her in. She tried it during the buffet breakfast and then she diarrhea for 3 days!!! Power lor. Hee....

As you can 'sense' from my message, I am not very happy with my trip in India, hee....

Reading through the posts abt India really make me scared of that place lo.. Thank goodness I don't have to travel for work (at least for now). Cellow, u must equip urself with everything ya! Take care ~! When u flying?


Actually I wouldn't be pissed off if he is a good example to me. He always take leave to take care of his 2yo son and always last min! When I just returned back from work, he kept telling me to go easy if I need help tell him.. if need to leave early just go and if need to take leave just take. That's what he said to me ma. .and now he tell me a diff story.

I mean his not a bad boss but then having said that, he didn't setup a good example to me either. If he doesn't like me to take leave to attend to my baby then he himself should do the same right? Its like telling me, I can take leave to attend to my child but YOU CANNOT. Hmpf [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

dazz: how much is the carrier?? maybe go to take a look tomorrow.. u know who am i in FB right??? hahhaha.. my long time fren.. i also quite blur with some nicks n FB names.. anyway nevermind, i know they are apr mummies can already...

cellow: i had one fren who always goes to india for her business trip.. this is what she told me.. she will always bring one carton of mineral water & one carton of instant noodles to india.. then her mineral water is those 1.5l ones.. so u can imagine her excess baggage costs.. but she rather pay more for the excess baggage than being sick there..


i just realised after talking to colleague - india is "famous" for sudden power cuts. so even if i pump and freeze, the freezer might suddenly not work.

that means need to pump and throw bcz the infrastructure just does not support pump and freeze.


dazz, u r a shopping temptress too, along with vic ma! now i also want to buy manduca. am not sure if am your fb fren already or not. am also damn blur who is who.

cellow, can't freeze first and throw only if got power cut?


u have many fbm right?

i would suggest to pump and throw.

pump cos u have to keep up with the supply

i am sure u will be able to make up the difference when u are back to sg

the fact that india food and water is not so clean, even if u have no tummy upset but can guranteen ur milk will be ok?


interested in the notebook to make into a photo album.

hows the paper quality? if its those thin flimsy paper, how to make into a photo album?

Hi Cellow,

Hmm... don't be too discouraged, the hotel u stay in is very lok meh? If not, got brand name one, then they will have back-up generator for their rooms, so maybe u don't have to worry too much??

Hi ladies,

More questions again! I would like to know where I can sell my skirt online? I will post my skirt pics on picasa.goggle site for all to view, but how do I direct people to view this site leh?

I know I can post on the BP thread of SMH, how about other popular forums that you mommies frequent? Care to share with me? How about livejournal? Is it the same as SMH? Someone please help!!! Thanks a million in advance!!!

ruru cat

there is another popular website call flowerpod

another way is facebook.

u tag ppl to ur photos then friend's friend will see.

i sometimes will click on my friend photo to view clothes also


WHen your website is ready:-

1) email:- [email protected] the they will reply you an email - some of the items they need is

2)get a scanned copy of your NRIC email back to them & transfer them $25/week for the BP u want to hold & preferabily to open on a monday -cos open on weekends BO hua le - no one reads much & your bp will look like no one interested then bad liao lor - so important give them enough time they need at least 1 week initially to process your 1st set up.

3) after u picked your date also go read some BPs in the forum - see their terms & conditions & read it back to yourself see make sense or not

u need your bank account also.

what u want them to pay u - dont do deposits hor if its a pre-order - just collect whole sum -refund out of stock items is easier than to ask EVERYONE for 2nd payment

U really got to do some homework & read the BPs see what happens.

u can post here your terms & conditions - i am sure mummies here will be able to comment for u.

something to note about flowerpod - it caters to a younger crowd - so the way you run your BP could be slightly different too.

but get ready with alot of patience for pple to ask & ask things.

break into market no choice have to bear with the bears.


Cellow, ya, better pump and throw to maintain the ss. India is really not a "play play" environment. Coz the situation there is really quite bad. Even I stay in posh hotel like Taj or Shangrila, I still have to use mineral water to brush teeth and do not rinse mouth when shower. (coz i thought Taj got "clean" water supply, end up gangho lo, brush teeth with

water tap, end up diarhear and kena colleague nag like anything)

Imagine this kind of environment, will you risk you bb with the liquid gold? All my colleagues who pump will just throw, coz they said the water used to sterilized and the air etc, they just don't want to risk. You can check with your other colleagues.

It's true, the power is always off and on. I have been to Tata Motors, big car manufacturing company in India, they can shut down the electric for 1 plant for 1 hr to go lunch, then shut down another plant when next plant's employeess go lunch. Same for hotel. During off peak (esp when all business goers go to office, they will just off the electric supply). Wouldn't be surprise lo.

when I call them why no internet, or suddenly no power, they said: "oh we shut down, you want to work har, go to business center lo". This is in Bangalore and Pune la.

Regarding the vaccination, I went to TTS coz it's near to my office, and we went in groups (those going to India together). Coz they have specilized department for international travel, not sure of other GP. Coz we assume they will have more updated news and requirements for the vaccine bah, since they are the "specilist" mah.

I normally pack 6 bottles of 1.5l mineral water from NTUC. Every bottle got to tie with plastic bag tight tight hor, else later your luggage will be "urinating" in case they throw / air pressure burst the bottle.

Siew Ping, I just try to make the week past quickly, waiting for pay day also, then can buy some more stuff for my bb.

Dazz, I also didn't knwo who is who in FB, i especially like to link the bb to the description like poo, milk strike, teething etc to the pics in FB, but still no guess except a few. Where is the link / list where I can find out who is who ah?


Orangey, my boss also like that. Always say must achieve work life balance, go off when you need to and just on standby mode will do... bla bla bla... but when his mood not good, may be his wife not making him happy *sorry sorry, being wicked here* but is real lo, say why so difficult to find me in communicator woh... last nite worked till 12midnite or 1 am, next day must logon 8.30am meh... he himself told me can logon late mah, but sometime he will say i didnt logon. So sianz... but I dont care lo. NOrmally what I did is I prepare some "work / achivement", means draft all the work whenever i can like bb sleep or can play by herself and #1 go school, and didn't send out at 1 go. Send in batches, to show that I really got work, actually I didnt really work on that specific day. Hope no one here is my boss yah... *wink wink* learn to work smart since boss didnt give me increment for so many years liaw.

