(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Wonderland - piak means i using ruler to beat cellow's backside! hehz.

Orangey - means EBM after heat up if cant finish can refridgerate again?

BBdust - u working mah? if yes, wake up le.. rrriiiinnnnggg...



hahaha me working leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] kekee dont feel like waking up leh... going to pump milk soon

Very sianz

My ss has dropped to 700+ml since last week..

Still a mth to go before I complete the 6m bfding thing..

How How How!! Besides pumping frequently which is quite impossible at work.. anything else to help?

sg_sg, so far i go got space to use so not so bad. ya la, is good time to have me/quiet time during the frantic work day tho sometimes feel stress scared phone ring etc.

i always thought BM also must discard within an hour of feeding. when gal in hospital, nurses mix FM with BM cos both must discard after 1 hour. oh but that was the premix liquid FM, dunno if same or not. anyway when i think of the risk of any lao sai etc, i rather throw away. sometimes, stretch to 2 hours already i feel uneasy.

zz: take milk tea? but hor, then will engorge very fast, still must pump.

sp: u on HFMD leave? how is it?


yes i do it at home leh.. when i pump i just nap... now in orpit cannot nap...


eh eh fernugreek? milk tea? if worse case get a prescribed medicine to increase milk ss

hi all, have been reading posts from here to get valuable info all these time..my gal born on 19 apr..coming to 4 mths now..i hav a problem here..she hates her milk (my EBM)..every meal time is a big fight hence we have resorted to sleep feeding her all the time..this has been going on for at least 2 mths..PD says weight gain ok so no concern..any ideas on how i can do??? =(

cellow, siew ping, :p hope I never give wrong advice.

Wonderland, thanks for the link.

I also learn sthg new. I also do what cellow says. If want to top up to total 120ml, I'll add 30ml water and 1 scoop powder to 90ml fbm. This is depending on the amount of fbm I have in each feed. This is for me to save time. Cos few months ago, when I feed like 90ml fbm to baby, he'll finish all. I'll run to make another 30ml fm. Then feed again. Sometimes, by the time I come back with the 30ml, he doesnt want anymore. So a friend suggested topping up till required amount. But we'll discard if baby can't finish total amount.

Now at ifc, the teachers will mix different dates of thawed ebm to top up. Otherwise, will feed total fm in one feed.

Mummies, How much are your babies drink each feed? Mine's only about 130ml each time, 3-4 hourly. Used to be able to drink up to 180ml. Keep changing pattern all the time.


ya, happened to me too. So becos of that I latched on a lot, especially then I was still on ml. Anytime, baby wants, I latch. Until feeding times all haywire. At least he's drinking. Does your baby drinks directly from you? If she does, it's because why choose 2nd best when mummy's there for me?

For ebm, I insist hubby or my mum or my mil to feed, I'll go away. Cos I was bottle-training my baby for ifc then. Kept telling him, 'ifc got no boobies for you'. One week b4 ifc started, he stopped his fights miraculaously.

my gal oso refused to latch..haiz...so sad..at 1st thought its the taste of my milk, so tried FM, oso the same...onli during the 1st 2 mths she managed to latch/drink from bottle without fuss..after tat she jus screamed n yelled all e way...need to use pacifier to calm her down, let her go into light sleep b4 feeding her..

iherb spree


1st batch of toothpaste is in - i will be packing those orders just toothpaste only out hopefully mail out by this weekend - hopefully earlier.

Thanks for your patience.

another note I will be emailing you all individually for payment & breakdown of the details. I have yet to get the 2nd & 3rd orders in my credit card yet.



it happened to me and has been going on before i went back to work until now still the same... hahha i think i have the longest milk strike baby here hahaha..

anyway now i latch him liao lah like wendees but only at time after i go home, at least he drinks loh better than he dont [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so now everything okie?


usually under 3 mths feeding is on demand de - as & when they want to feed. some pple however want to start a routine earlier la.

i tell u for 2nd time mothers they are more HEN XIN..

cos they know how they screwed up the 1st time perhaps (especially me la) then 2nd time u want more rest u no choice but to try to adhere to some routine & system to maintain some sanity.

#1 hb & i agree we will spoil her latch & let her suckle for as long as she wants. so we had to live with the consequences. a sticky baby haha!

Oh dear, must be very difficult for you. But poo and pee ok? Sometimes, during 3rd month, my baby feeds on his mood. When he doesnt want, he'll scream and cry, as if you're forcing him. I read somewhere before, feed when the baby's hungry. Don't feed when they are ravenous. And also, they feed without distractions as well.

Gp215, Hang in there. U still on ml?


Now, it's ok for me. I'll just check with teacher at ifc how much he's drinking. At night, we'll do dreamfeed. He can suckle so we can having mother-son bonding. Miss him with me.


now dreamfeeding dont work ... he will suck for a few mins then wake up cause he knows then ended up crying ... worse to pacify him back to zz hahah so i just leave it liao lah.. he wakes up eh eh eh i just shove my breasts to him if he is hungry and wants to eat, he will.. if not i just pacify him to zz..at lesat keep my sainty then wake up warm up milk and ended up he is not hungry

wendees, me back 2 wrk for abt 2 wks already..my mom taking care of gal..vv tiring for her cos of the milk fight...haiz..she can go on w/o milk for 6 hrs n no fuss..like wont get hungry...

oooh... I asked pd yesterday when should I start, she gave me a very clear '6months'. Plus now, my boy still banging his head when we carry him, not very steady leh.

But your boy drinking enough? My pd says as long as 5 feeds a day should be sufficient.


5 feeds per day but not enough leh .. per day must have at least 500-600ml but he is lesser than that so thats why PD said at 4.5 mths can start solids but not as early as 4 mths

Hi Wonderland,

To double-confirm what you are saying, u mean as long as it is freshly ebm, even after baby drink abit and cannot finish, can still keep up to 4hrs (the 4hrs is in total of the moment i finish pumping right?)? Must store in fridge? Or keep in room temp can liao?

Wah, if it is true, then I not so heartpain woh, sometimes I can throw away up to 90ml for the midnight feed one leh, very sayang but no choice.

ZZ - eat more fish, drink more milk?

Maddie - nt i HMFD, is my SIL. so i cant bring bb to SIL hse (babysitter is SIL's MIL). i have to take leave to take care of bb..

Vicma - love it when you said "cos they know how they screwed up the 1st time perhaps (especially me la)".. think 2nd one i will still screw up leh. heh.

GP215 - jia you.. also going thru the same phase now.. now we must jian zhao chai zhao.

BBdust - record leh. Mine longest is 13 hrs..


kekek mine really record holder hahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


the nursing tea [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BM if fed to bb n cant finish can chill in fridge till next feed. But if next feed stil cant finish then must throw aft tat.

But am guilty to say tat jus tis morn i ask my mum to re-rechill the 2nd feed milk coz she simply dun wanna drink. got 80ml left..my heart so pain...no choice. Hope she drink liaoz dun LS. Selfish mommy me...


hv more faith in yrself dear u are doing fine.


as late as possible. Iwill staart with allergy testing on the 1st day of bb 's 7mths. Ks me wanto clock full 6mths 1st. Whole of 7mth i will do doing allergy testing.



brown rice









sweet potato





other leafy vegs like cai xin and kai lan too





pear-green type

dragon fruit-good to help w constipation as well as banana



chicken stock w onion and garlic

pork stock w o and g

threadfin fish

some better cuts of pork

chicken breast

much later cod.

i've been ignoring all the posts on weaning. my gal coming 4 months alr. also will wait till 6 months to wean altho she munches with us when she sees us eat - haha.

i can make puree and freeze into cubes for use for a week right? one feed of puree per day, the rest still milk? want to be the one making, not helper. or coz, easiest is to start with rice cereal?

Bbdust: our babies got exact same pattern lo. Still refuse bottle at home. Now at IFC she will take 50-100ml per time depending on how many hours starving already. At night get damn angry if dream feed bottle. Won't even drink a bit. Latch her just to stop her eh eh. Anyway shd be hungry bah cos whole day drink so little, diapers in evening super dry.

Lynn. Why don want helper to make bb food?

Vic ma, when your weaning manual xoming out?? I want to buy!! Hehe


same same haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i gave up liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

maddie, i trust only myself on standards of cleanliness. i just told my helper this morning to keep my place clean. i found a grain of rice on my fork last night after she washed, my dustbin area had food pieces so i had to clean up before pests come, and also under my dining table where she eats. my hubby and i dine at the coffee table. my helper's standards not v consistent.

re solid food intro, i asked pd last friday and he said can intro from 5month+ onwards. so i intend to start him grounded brown rice another 2 weeks time. wat do u all think?

I am gng to post sth really gross.. if easily grossed out, please do not read below..

As baby is at babysitter house 5 days a week and i only bring home at nite, i only change her clothes out at night and also the used napkins (used to clean saliva and puked milk) and handkies.. so i only wash her clothes once a week. Yesterdae when i was washing, damn meah, one napkin got black stains so i looked closer - guess what? Its fungi growing out from yellow spots! my god, i threw away the napkin instantly.. but then i found 1 romper also kena black spots.. trying to wash and scrub the spots away but cant..

Okay, some questions..

1) How to get rid of these black spots? I love the romper alot but i cant seem to get rid of the stains..

2) How to wash baby clothes effeciently? Okay, i am using washing machine so i wan to at least accumulate the smallest load..

Sorry if i have gotten some mummies grossed out.. oops!

hello mummies ... have been busy and haven't logged in for quite some time.

east side mummies ... we should do a meetup. cellow is right ... i know cellow lynn and me are in the east! need to coordinate timing again since we have started working.

lynn ... how's ur beco carrier? hope it's doing some good for u?

re solid food, my pd recommendation is 6 mths/24 weeks. i will intro after 24 weeks i guess. my boy head is very firm already. he drools alot and make funny sound when looking at us eat. will start off with rice cereals. as for puree, i really need to read up alot more.

celia ... 5 mths old teething is pretty normal. average first tooth appears at 6 mths old and usually are the lower front teeth. some baby are faster =) time to step up in cleaning his mouth and teeth when the teeth appears.

any baby starting on separation anxiety? my boy always look upset and teary when i leave for work in the morning. i try not to say "bye" to him for too long.

ok going back to work again now ... continue later...

Vic ma, I also wanna buy your manual! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, have you already started using no. 3 teats (avent teats) for your babies? I'm still using no. 2. Thinking should I change so baby can drink more.

siew ping,

I think once have black spots cannot wash out already.

you can either wash the clothes every day by hand, or if you want to accumulate, you would need to make sure the dirty clothes are air dry before you dump all of them together, maybe in the laundry basket.

RuRu Cat (ruru_cat),

for me, i pump fresh ebm n bring out if im going out with bb, lazy to bring hot water n container to warm up chilled bm.. usually bb won finish it in a feed when heis out. so i will keep the fresh bm in room temperature for next feed... max 4 hrs frm the time u expressed... so far, my bb ok with this...

Hi HJ,

I'm also an eastie.

On separation anxiety, I leave for work before 7am, so I think it's me with the anxiety. My baby will still be sleeping at that time. So no issue for now. Weekends, we just tell baby, 'daddy and mummy not working today can sleep in with baby.'

Siew ping, can soak with vanish for a few hours, then scrub, then throw into wash if it comes out. Not sure if that will work, but can try. Me and my hubby will do that when we have tough stains.

HJ, i tried the beco once and bb screamed and struggled. i like the beco v much coz it's so easy to transfer bb in and carry thereafter, so i'm keeping it to try again when bb is bigger. i think she's still too small for it. will try again when she doesnt need the insert. meanwhile, she likes (erm, or dun mind) being in my MIM pouch or sling, being in the stroller or best, hand carried. haha.

black spots - can try soaking first before the final wash? but soak too long can be smelly also...

wendees (wendees), i changed to no3 teat 2 week ago. now bb can finish the whole bottol of 14 in 10 min or less! save my time!

Wendees, I wish u asked this question earlier. I bodoh go n buy number zero again after 3 months cos thot breastfeeding take this. Sianz.

Siew ping, black spots grow when cloth is damp for too long. Sorry but haven't know a way to get rid of it. Suggest washing every other day with u n hb clothes to make up a load. Else, if u really want to separate bb clothes then soak in water but need to change the pail of water every day. If shit stain rompers also need to wash out early.



no. 3 is 3-hole teats (medium flow). The thicker liquids is a one-slot cut silicone teat for variable flow. (Provides extra fast flow and accommodates thicker liquids.)

