(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Hi mummies,

having my good break. My first day of child care leave. Brought baby to the pd, supposed to have vaccine, but he's having a cough, so postponed to this sat. At 19 weeks, he's just an average weight baby, not very big leh, 6.6kg and 64cm... Though this mummy hopes he can be a chubbier. Of course pd is so assuring to say he's growing well.

I asked pd about milk intake, she says about 5 feeds a day should be sufficient. No need to wake baby up in the night to feed, cos this might become a habit later. Cos I told her sometimes, he tossed about and even sucks his thumb. Pd says this is for comfort and also tossing is just a lighter phase of asleep.

I've given sophie to baby and he loves it. Savouring the backside first, then the ears. So cute.

Is there a facebook for april mtb? I also wanna join! Wanna see all of you and cutie bubs.

Vicma, just to add on about calcium and pregnant woman. I watched this from CSI NY (can't rem which season). A lady was found murdered. CSI found out that her bones had low density and showed that the surface has many dents. They deduced that the lady was pregnant because of the high transfer of calcium from the mother to the foetus. Later on found out that she was killed by someone who desperately wanted to get a baby but could not give birth.

Anyway, ladies should always take more calcium. Cos by the time we reach menopause, we would have depleting bone mass. One of my mum's friend(in her 50s) has an index of minus 5, super high risk. But this is also because of a large metal plate in her lower calf, that's y it's so low.


those who are asking abt our apr smh page in FB, search for "Singapore Motherhood - April 2010 MTBs'..

join the group..

under the info tab, u should be able to see who is who..

thanks for the advice, gals

i took typhoid and hep A/B vaccinations today. will take tetanus booster and second hep A/B next week. my left arm hurts like crazy. esp when i came home and tried to side latch C2 on bed.

pump and throw is the easy option. but i need to have a real good think and exhaust all the alternatives b4 i really resort to it.

still on work call. such is the life of FTWMs

Hi All,

Any thoughts or feedback on the following:-

1. Julia Gabriel's Playnest (can start from 6 months onwards)

2. Pat's Playgroup

3. Growing Up Gifted (can start from 8 months onwards).

It's abit early I know but thought I should start collecting feedback while work is not too hectic yet. Thanks in advance for sharing!

maddie: no lo...! i'm no where compared to Vic. lolz.. she's the QUEEN~! haha.

Juye~! U're the saviour~! that's the page i've been looking for la.. remember seeing it before but couldn't find it. hahaha.. and, of course i know who u r la~! So many yrs liaoz! lolz.

Hi Vic Ma,

*Smooch*!!!! Thanks so much for the information. Give you VVVV special discount hor, wait for my pics to be taken. Too many, got 80 over prints. Hee....

Hi Ming,

I am planning to bring my gal to playgym once she starts to crawl. May also start music appreciation class at the same time. What about you?

Hey, we join the same class hor, then we can regularly meet up with the April mommies and chitchat hor! Hee....

There are many advantages to starting school early because babies at this age absorb really fast but the downside is the virus in the school =(

choco (choco_mm),

the paper is like those recycle paper type. light brown in colour. how i make into photo album is i put photo in shape i like, pasting it in the way i like and good thing is i can write something nice beside the photo to describe the photo or to note down the words to my baby for him to read when he can understand it next time =)

Im still cutting and pasting it now... take time to do coz need to attend to bb as well... heheee... but will definitely share it out once im done with it.. heheee.e..

Dazz- I love my manduca too!

Ming- I also wanna get more feedback on those schools. Thinking of going for trial at kindermusik too once my baby gal can sit up on her own.

i abit upset. My #1 quite spoilt by my dad. I put my foot down disallowing him to pick her up.

I think she knows my dad coming so wont eat her meals. Like tt the teachers also v hard to help me lor.

To help my little girl. She's been hving tummy pains due to constipation and recently perhaps due to gastric. I had to decide on this.

A hard step to make but i agree w cc teachers. They nicely put it its norm sg grandparents and parents spoil the 1st grandchild in the family.

This is a mean price to pay.

If not for her bf attachment to me and i am her mummy anyway. I think my dad ad my girl inseparable.

He loves her too much offering her what she likes to eat. Not clampig down and allow her to reject food like veg till its become quite a problem.

Its with a heavy heart i told that to my parents. Sorry mum and dad i sound ungrateful but i am going mad le.

Hi Vic Ma,

U make the right decision! My niece is brought up by my parents from baby to 3yrs old plus, tell u leh, she is spolit rotten and behaves like a brat. Once my brother and SIL take her Hm nightly and discipline her, her behavior improved. U need to make a stand.

Ruru: Yes! Maybe we can send our girls to the same classes. Am thinking of the little gym (forum), gymboree and kindermusik.

Blushwax: My fren's daughter tried both gymboree and kindermusik. She preferred gymboree but I know others who love kindermusik. Guess we have to go for the trial classes and see what our babies like.

vic ma, sounds tough! but it's for your daughter's own good. my dad will be like that too, i've seen it with my sis's kids.

my FIL said in chinese 'kids must be loved with the heart, and not shown in the face' i.e. naughty must scold...heheh....

Vic ma,

i know it can be hard to put your foot down with the parents / in laws. Someone had to do it and take heart that you've done the right thing. Right now, I'm starting to see signs of my in laws spoiling my gal. Both of them spoilt their children rotten, my DH included. Up to this day, DH still reverts back to displaying spoilt brat attitude each time we're at his parents place - parents do everything to please him.

Ming - most of my friends n their babies prefer kindermusik. Like what you said, just have to bring baby for trial class n see which she enjoys more. We, mummies should go for trial classes tog then can discuss pros n cons together.

Nearly half of toys tested by CASE were found to contain harmful chemicals

A test of 50 toys conducted by CASE in July 2010 found that 23 of them (46%) failed chemical toxicological tests and were found to contain higher than permitted levels of phthalates, lead or both. The permitted levels on phthalates and lead were determined using US and international regulatory standards. These standards were used as Singapore does not have a test standard for toy safety.

The tests were conducted by Insight Laboratories. The company specialises in testing of children’s toys and products based on various international standards. Insight Labs is accredited and certified to ISO 17025 standards and recognised by ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board. Its facility is also approved by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and Toy Safety Certification Program (TSCP).

CASE commissioned the test following the incident in February 2010 where some students suffered from food poisoning as they did not wash their hands properly after handling a bean toy. The bean toy was later found to contain two types of phthalates.

For the tests, CASE purchased 50 toys randomly from the different parts of Singapore and sent them for testing. This included toy shops in the town and heartlands areas. The toys selected for the test included the following:


Bright and/or colourful paint on the toy (indication of possible presence of excessive lead contents)


Plastic toys that are soft and pliable in texture (indication of possible presence of excessive phthalates)

While the survey was not intended to be representative of all the toys sold in Singapore as it would be practically impossible to test all toys with CASE’s current resources, the findings were worrying nonetheless. Out of the 23 toys that failed chemical tests, 16 exceeded the limit for phthalates, 3 exceeded the limit for lead, while 4 exceeded the limit for both phthalates and lead.

According to US regulatory standards, the permissible limit for phthalates is 0.1%weight/weight, while that for lead in accessible substrate materials is 300 part per million(ppm). International regulatory standards specify that the limit for lead in paint/similar surface coating materials is 90 ppm.

The same toys were also subject to physical, mechanical and labelling tests conducted using the American Society of Testing and Materials Standards (ASTM) F963-08 for toy safety.

The findings included:


There were five toys that failed physical or mechanical tests. Out of these, 2 toys posed a potential choking hazard to young children because the components of the toy could easily be detached. 2 toys failed the design requirements for a toy gun, in which special toy gun markings are required to ensure the toy is not mistaken for a real firearm. The other toy failed physical tests as its packaging did not meet the minimum thickness required by the standards.


We also noted that many of the toys did not have proper labelling. Such labels include the country of origin, name and address of manufacturer and/or distributor, as well as the age limit that the toy is suitable for.

As a safety precaution, CASE has written to those retailers whose toys had failed the tests. They have been informed of the toys that have failed chemical and/or physical and mechanical tests. At the same time, CASE has urged them to take proper actions to ensure that toys sold at their premises comply with known safety standards. The retailers were also advised to recall affected toys and stop selling them.

CASE would like to urge manufacturers and distributors to ensure that their toys comply with known toy safety standards for chemical contents. It is also critical that manufacturers and distributors include proper labelling on their toys, especially to indicate the minimum age limit that the toy is suitable for. Without proper labelling, it is difficult for parents to determine whether a toy poses a potential hazard to children, especially if it contains small parts or with parts that are easily detachable.

Members of the public who have come into contact with those toys that CASE found to contain excessive lead or phthalates and have experienced symptoms such as diarrhoea, nausea, stomachache and vomiting should seek medical help immediately. Consumers who have bought the affected toys should keep them out of reach of their children and approach the relevant retail business for further assistance.

CASE has also been lobbying the authorities for some time to put in place more regulations for product safety, particularly children’s toys. We understand that the authorities are currently reviewing the legislations to give consumers better protection with regards to product safety.

Yeo Guat Kwang

CASE President

SGSC:mine can't sleep well these couple of days too... keep waking up after 10 to 15mins. and now wants someone to be in the room to watch him sleep..

RE: hokkien tradition bb 4th mth.

does bb need to shave his head?

Wendees - thanks for the link! seems like can work leh.. yeah, i love samples! Free~ Hm, FBM can mix w FM meah? nw i gv EBM since her appetite so unstable.

Cellow - my gal has been like this for the past 3 nites.. wake up 1, 2 times n wahahah..

Pumping in office - nw i try to keep to within 1 hr or 45 mins, coz paiseh to disappear so long. Some of my colleague mommy also only pump max 30 mins nia...i must learn. Practice makes perfect.

Cellow/Maddie - U all v fast lei..coz by the time i walk to other end of office where nursing room is + wash sterilise parts, setup my pump n officially start pump proper oredi at least 10 mins. So say i pump abt half hr, pack up, fastest also need 50 mins.

India - Cellow, good for u! Go check it out n tell the whole world i survived India! hhehee... Since u got ample ss at home, then jus pump n drink/throw. Dont risk storing in their freezer i feel. Also dunno wats lurking behind...Im one of the weirdo to actually enjoy my trip to India few yrs back. I tagged along wen my HB (then bf) had to travel Bangalore for work. I felt like a taitai for once coz travelling ard in chauffeur driven car, n i went shopping at some malls whilst HB working. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]Then meals were taken at hotel lounges or restaurants to minimise 'outbreak' . So far so gd. No diarrhoea or vomitting. Then we travelled up to see Taj Mahal...i luv the journey there..very rural kinda lifestyle.Many different breeds of animals on the roadside. U see cows jus crossing the road in front of u, camels, elephants, horses, monkeys etc n pple jus 'doing biz' in open view...wah...eye opening experience. But jus once is enuf, i wont wan to go again coz traffic conditions really bad n nothing much to shop there. n i neva knew tat India had winter (though no snow la) season too...tot is scorching sun everyday like spore. ;p

Re: Facebook

It is a closed group but the intro page hor, can see everyone nick and name even tho I haven't joined yet. Means anyone with FB account can search SMH April 2010 on FB and see who's who. Can the moderator put the list inside the group?

Sg_sc, i also have to walk to other building to reach nursing room, take me 5-10 min depending if must wait for lift. pump only 10-15 min la, lazy and bored... hehe

Adak - oh dear..then hw u work? i only sleep few hrs on n off i v headache liaoz..miss my ML days...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Siew Ping - Cannot fix FBM wif FM to mix in one bottle. Only can top up wif FM if breast milk not enuf. read somewhere say one..

MAddie - wah next building??then if occupied hw? Actually they shld have these nursing rooms schdules made avail on our outlook (like booking conference rooms) so tat we dun make wasted trip down. i quite enjoy pump session coz got 'me' time , then i can choose to sleep, yak on phone or jus simply sit there n nua...hehehe..

SG_SC - yah, i like heard of it before.. nw if can, i give EBM. i scare she reject my FBM.. once she stable again (after the milk strikes and the disturbed sleep) then i give back FBM bah.. and i agree lah, should give us BF mothers a proper room lah. i should join the breastfeeding audit team or sth, go and spot check companies and fine them maximum for not giving us a good room with facilities for pumping.. $$ collected for the fine we can use to organise next gathering, what say you mummies?

siao siao. C2 woke up 2x at 2am and 5am to drink, then drink already wanna play, flip over and laugh.

tis both comic and tragic at the same time. comic bcz of his antics and tragic bcz mummy is soooooooo tired out!

and this aftn got half year perf appraisal some more. sekali i snore halfway thro the telecon - muahahhahaaa.

for C1, i went for a couple of trial classes - kindermusik, JG - and think alamak, i can do all these things myself at home. but i must say that C1 enjoyed them all.... again, only when the stars are aligned, then i will consider bringing C2 to classes.

mixing FM with BM

learnt this myself fm the latest BMSG publication. FM is inherently different from BM, results are inconclusive how adding one to the other will affect bb's absorption of nutrients. So best not to mix. If want to give FM, then whole feed is FM. If breastmilk, then whole feed is breastmilk... just for clarity, tis ok to mix various forms of breastmilk (frozen thawed, chilled or fresh) in the same feed.

i better use this morning to prep properly for the perf appraisal. bye for now.

pls piak me if you see me posting again this morning - heh

RE: MIL spoilt bb

I learnt frm my fren in this way.. when my mil tryng to spoil my bb by giving him this n that... i will talk to my bb and tell this in not good for him n so on... then mil hear it, buay song is her own biz... haahaaaa.... like recently, my mil gave my boy a spoon n teach him to 'kok kok kok' on the table... i straight away scold my bb say, cannot kok, no one like bb tat making noise 1... then mil hear it, tell my bb, shiok, mummy said u very noisy... wakaakaaa....


(i know i said to piak me BUT i simply itchy fingers must add on)

reading the link you provided, key point (1) mixing powdered formula to breast milk only causes kidney problem IF you add powder directly to breastmilk. bcz ... and this is my theory la... powdered formula is made to be one scoop, add 30ml water (for instance). so THAT is the correct dilution / consistency / watever you wanna call it for bb.

so for example, you die die want to mix the 2 hor and make 120ml of milk, it is not so taxing on bb's kidneys to (a) add 2 scoops of FM to 60ml of water, top up w 60ml of breastmilk. Cannot do (b) take 110ml of breastmilk and suka suka add 2 scoops of FM without adding any more water

hope i made my point clear.

and yes... i m really gonna start prep for this aftn's perf appraisal now.

Something to ask. I read from the website "Breast milk, on the other hand, will "keep," refrigerated, for a number of hours in a bottle that's been fed." Is it true? kao, baby on milk strike, then those milk baby sipped alittle can put back into fridge meah? i pour away several bottles liao leh!


Actually says ur baby never finish her feed, you can use it again but just for 1 feed. That was what my LC told me but remember if left with a little bit, you have to throw lah cause scared bacteria content too high.

what is piak ah? hahaaa... too much 'terms' to pick up for a memory-losing mummy....

i don know leh, i check with my grandma she said better don mix in a feed, but alternate feed is ok lei... but some doctor recommending mix eh.... for me, i will avoid doing this at the moment when my ss allows...will consult PD if ss drop (and hope not)

emm, i pour away bm that cld not be finished in a feed unless it is fresh (not refridge) one... pd said only fresh bm have strongest good bacteria to fight bad bacteria so in a way can keep but max is 4hrs...

