(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Lynn, yes i have MS throughout the night. Last night also..and wake up this morning until now.

I try not to complaint again after reading this forum how many mothers wanted badly to have MS to know the baby is Ok.

but yeah..it's really terrible feeling. I think my MS now is the worst. But seeing my baby last night scan that it grows well..and grow so big now..I am feeling better.

I am drinking my lime juice while typing this. But I learn one thing though, when i feel nausea, i will quickly munch something..either fruit, biscuit, nuts..i feel slightly better.

yup, i'm munching on sthg too...my colleagues must be wondering how come i'm snacking so much. sometimes, when the nausea comes, i get chills too and my hands and feet go cold...sigh...then i struggle to the toilet in case i retch...

my MS started to be really bad since yest... mom said once past 40 days.. all the symptoms will hit you. i had hard time taking my dinner last nite and also this morn... i kept forcing the nasi lemak down and told myself i had to eat something.

the funny thing is, when i saw the light spot yest.. there was a slight cramp on my left and lil one is on the right.. thats why i dint feel too alarmed too.

and OLO is fine la.. sounds like ulu...hhahahahah

naivesg, you are such an inspiration for us. I really admire your spirit. Yes, chat with us in this forum, and you will feel better. In the meantime, eat well and sleep well. My MS wasn't so bad in weeks 4-6. Now, i am week 9..i think it's the worst MS i had. Not only throughout the day, but also throughout the night. I will endure it after reading your comment.

Btw..I study in nutrition. And according to my knowledge, it's good for us to cut down sugary food and eat more iron food before pregnancy. It will help with fertility.

I am 38 yrs old, and I just got married early July and got pregnant straightaway. It was a shock to me, cos most of my friends in my age told me it's not easy to get pregnant in my age. I think everyone has different body..but I think living healthy is very helpful to our body to prepare for pregnancy. I hardly take any sugary food and never take doctor medicine for the last 7-8 years cos I believe in natural healing..that's why study nutrition. Before pregnancy, I also taking enzyme and some greens. Didn't do it purposely for pregnancy though, cos i have this habit for years, but I think it really help.

Honestly, when i found out i am pregnant straight away after my wedding, I feel very shock and in denial. I really think I am not ready. But after talking to my gynae, I realise it should be something that i feel so grateful of, cos in my age usually the pregnancy is usually not easy to come by. Now I am reading pregnancy and natural health book everyday.

Reading this forum give me so much encouragement and I start to feel more excited with this pregnancy.

wah anmaria! do u know how lucky u r!

my aunt and uncle tried for 15 yrs for baby and after they gave up, my lil cousin appeared miraculously but she was bedridden for early stage of pregnancy as she had prev cases of MC.

yes healthy living and positive thinking...! thats the way to go...

oh yah, not only cut down sugary food, but also eat my ZINC food. The best sources of zinc include beef, lamb, pork, crabmeat, turkey, chicken, lobster, clams and salmon.

Lynn, my hand and feet also very cold. I am lucky not to stay in aircon room cos i am at home now. Maybe you can fill in hot water in a bottle and hold the bottle to get some warm. I did this a lot when i am in winter country.

Hi, anmaria

Great to hear that ur baby grown so much. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm also in week 8 when i saw Dr A but my baby is only 1.7cm leh I'm kinda worried now. Dr A also didnt ask me about the OSCAR thing leh, why?

anmaria, yesterday complain ms to you, this morning like ms gone abit worried. I'm so confused, know ms is good for bb but cant tahan ms,

when no ms worried liao! Haizzz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Going crazy soon, I'm neg again!

ya, i cup my hands around my hot water...

good to have a nutritionist around [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i cant imagine stomaching most of the things you listed above! but i guess it'll get better later on...


why u worried abt bb measurement

It's normal size leh... my bb was 1.87cm

Dr Adrian wun ask u till 2 weeks later one.

Now book still early

elmoo dun worry, i get rare occurences where my ms disappears too...but it'll be back! so long as no spotting/bad cramps/bleeding, you should be fine.

Lynn, I'm worried cos my previous mc also sudden disappear of ms, Dr A said if got same thing happen and I'm worried go back to him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

zhuzhu, cos anmaria around same week as me mah so her's so big mine so small abit worried.

You mean how many weeks he will ask about the OSCAR test?

me too! there will be days when i can play mj till 2am and still no prob.. then suddenly another day i feel so terrible from waking moment.

it may not be the same this time. stay positive ok? if just one morning ms disappear, should be ok - continue to monitor. last sat, i only had ms in the evening.

for anmaria, she also had more rest than us coz she's not working hence her baby could grow faster. It's quite big isnt it?

OLO, still can stay up till 2am?! i latest is 11am. weekdays i'll be dozing off 9+ in front of tv....or even when i just get back home around 6+, i can feel so tired i sleep off while waiting for my hubby to get home.

yes there are days i come home from work and all i can manage is to bathe.. and eat dinner.. then thereafter comatose all the way. I cant even go with hubby to go walk our fur boy. i sleep at 10 on weekdays. mayb mj perks up the bb! ahhahah it was only for once since i got preg... but i KO when i got home after that session.

I don feel crampy joanne but i get those pain from wind.. SUPER alot of wind and it aches in more the tummy area and not abdomen.

I'm also having occasional lower back ache. Feeling so fatigue now and I'm at work.. Grrrrr... anyway to keep awake besides caffeine?

elmo, don't worry at all. Your bb is perfectly normal. I think Dr. Adrian ask me because he only make my next appointment 3 weeks later which is already almost 12 weeks. Then he took blood test and urine test. He said, this is just a normal test..nothing to worry about. I think he saw my face so worry..I keep asking him if the bb heartbeat is normal? I am a little paranoid on the bb health..i think.

The 1st thing Dr. Adrian asked me when I come in is how's my appetite? He said, it's very important for me to keep eating during this time eventhough I vomit a lot too. and make sure i drink enough liquid to replace the vomit.

joanne, i am from march thread. saw that you are seeing LC cheng too? i took duphaston + progyona + cadiprin for my whole 1st trim. just stopped taking it because i have already 12wks+. all the best to you and stay positive yah!

bbdusttoall, I don't know what is the bbheart rate leh. is it stated in the scan? I never ask the doctor. I was worry cos when he did the scan, I couldn't see the baby and its heartbeat as clearly as the 1st scan. The doctor said maybe bb shy. But he told me the baby hand, leg, etc. I still couldn't see him clearly as much as 2 weeks a go. But feel relieve when he gave me the scan and i saw the size has grown.

Hi all,

Just came back from a scan today, 10 weeks now. Dr couldn't see the baby though the sac is still there. Dr said the baby failed to grow. Have scheduled for D&C tomorrow.


Please remove me from the list. Thank you.

Hi all,

I'm new to this thread. It's great to find so many moms-to-be going thru the same phase as me currently.

Btw, just wondering if any of us heard of any pantang about attending funerals? A friend's mom passed away. I havent told my parents about my pregnancy yet coz I had a miscarriage earlier this year. This is my 2nd preg. Was worried they will be disappointed again. I'm in dilemma whether to attend the wake.

Like most MTBs here, i do feel the fatigue and nausea everyday as well. n seems like the only food that agrees with me is tomyum and curry tho i get bad stomach thereafter coz i m not used to spicy food before i'm preg. was wondering if any of you felt the same way?

pantang ones will say try not to attend la. unless really boh bian. it's v. subjective...i think frens will understand if u tell them y...

Dear ladies

I'm new here...just did my scan yesterday. I'm 6 weeks now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really thank God for this pregnancy cos i'm a PCOS case who was on clomid. and i got preggie at 1st cycle. =)

Pls add me into the list.

EDD : 22 April 2010

Doc : Dr Ang Huai Yan

Hospital : Gleneagles

Kid : # 1

Hi Ailing,

Really sorry to hear that. Please take good care of your health.

Ailing, please be strong and God will bless you with a healthier baby next time. Do take care your health and do a mini confinement after this to take care your body.


Can I suggest u not attend ur fren's mum wake?

It's better to be cautious in times like this.

Maybe u can explain to her why..


I'm fighting hard to pull my eyelids up. I so want to sleep [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Elmo, don't complain..don't complain :)

it's ok to feel worry. I had ms since last night till this morning. Then had my breakfast, and until now, haven't attack me again..so I feel very relieve. Have been spending whole morning trying to prepare my counter attack MS food..just in case. Cut Fruits, ginger tea, some small foods to bite.

Oh I just read in the book that said we need to eat something before the nausea kick in. Try eating small amounts of slow releasing carbohydrates every few hours. Rich and fatty foods or highly spiced foods can often make us feel sick, so try and avoid them.

It is important to keep our fluids up, so try sipping iced water, drinking ginger beer or cold peppermint tea. Morning sickness is definitely made worse by stress, and it is easy to get into vicious cycle of worrying about being sick leading to us actually being sick.

so don't get worry anymore yah..the baby is okay. The more we are happy and take care ourselve, the baby will also be happier :)

Hi ailing

hugz.. Saiyang.. Know is not easy to go thru.. Rest well and do a mini confinement k..will pray that u can conceive again very soon but with a strong body.. Take care.. Sadzzz...;( be strong k..

Hi givebbdust

hows ur scan today? Anxious for u..


since preggy.. m totally anti cold drinks.. body just cannot imagine drinking cold drinks.. strange...

i just had a yummy peanut butter with jam toast!

