(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


ya straight hair girl likes curly hair! Curly hair girl likes straight hair theory!

Orangey u can try meiji plain crackers too - low sugar carbs.


I was at midvalley & i was doing Runs to the toilet for LAO SAI & VOMITTING it was really a great HOLIDAY!


I left my hb at secret recepie after a salad I ran back to the hotel as it was closer than the public toilets & we all know la SG & asian public toilets really very "clean"!!

Hi gals

abit worry after the scan jus now.. Not sure is it because different machine.. My bb size now is at 4.2mm.. Last wk is at 4mm and is already one wk.. ;( Gynea say is at ard sixwk plus of pregnancy.. Heartbeat can see beating at 111mpb.. Not sure ok or not as forget asks..

Sadz... Thot size shd be double so i asks gynea.. He say very diffcult to measure accurately since still small... Feel so miserable and worry now... He asks me dun take the injection , instead had perscribe me progynova.. Anyone taking this?

This gynea dr lc cheng wants see me one wk later but already hv an apptment with my existing gynea.. So most probably wun go for today gynea apptment.. Why he want see me one wk later?? Am so worry now... Sadz... And sigh... Next wk scan sure very stressful for me.. Wht a long wait again... ;(

bbdusttoall, pls dun get too worried. like u said, there is a heartbeat! and like ur gynae says, the bb is too small to measure accurately at tis time. being positive now is very very impt! do stay positive ya?

he wants to see u 1 week later cos he wants to make sure everything's fine with u so that u can be assured of bb's health.. dun worie dun worie

Bbdusttoall, yes please don't get too worry. Your gynae will tell you if your condition is serious. Have you get enough sleep and eat enough food/protein as well?

just went to see my gynae now, my 2nd scan. I got shock, the bb is already twice the size 2 weeks a go. i am on 8 plus week now, and bb already 3.1 cm.

He said, perhaps becos i eat a lot and sleep a lot. So he ask me to continue taking my duphaston 3 times a day... and I can't travel until over 3 months. Actually my MS is really bad now, but i still keep eating, cos feel hungry all the time.


my doc once told me before so long as u hear the bb's heartbeat you are safe...so I am sure ur bb is fine therefore pls don't worry so much... must eat well and sleep well then ur bb will grow well, jia you okay.

Hiya Ladies


I thought I was the only one with the lungs working hard! It was the same for my first preg as well. I remember once it beat so hard I almost fainted...Now 2nd one,I can feel breathless at times. Esp when lying down...haiz


Not all I guess but most at some point in their pregnancy.The level of MS or nausea does not reflect on the baby's health. Diff baby/pregnancy will give you different symptoms. My 1st I didn't have MS, craving, heartburn and the common stuff. My boy came out perfectly healthy. My current one is giving me nausea.So, count yourself lucky if no MS [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dun worry.I'm sure your bb is ok.Trust your instincts,if you feel ok, most prob the little one is ok too. rest well.

Hi Anmaria,

Can you share with me what time you sleep daily? And what protein you intake everyday?? I really hope to see my bb grow twice the size too... pls share with me...

Hi Givebbdust,Hippo and Yasmin,

Thank you so much gals for your support... it is really important for me... as i worry alot... now is hoping the machine is different so measurement also different... shouldn't hv anyhow change gynea for checkup...sigh..


What time shd we sleep everyday?? Jus like to survey... i sleep at 11pm and woke up at 7am... is it sufficient? ;-(

May I know anyone taking progynova now?


I have an active 18 month boy who is super hungry for attention. So, my sleep is usually naps :p though I wish I can sleep undisturbed.

I guess anything that's 8 hours or more should be fine. 11 to 7 seems good to me (and luxurious..keke..) sorry la, I'm jealous :p

Bbdust, i sleep a lot. Sleep at 11 or 12 at night, then wake up at 9 am. Then in the afternoon, i will take a nap again.

I think I have this priviledge because I am not working now. Maybe can ask MC from your gynae and rest during this 1 week. I read that it's very important to sleep during this time.

I heard Progynova and duphaston is the same, they are progesterone, hormon for women.

I am taking Duphaston 3 times a day.

I took alot of protein in my food, cos i read that protein and fat is so important now for bb to grow. I usually take a lot of beef soup, chicken soup, egg, and also take 5-6 serving of fruits everyday. Usually before pregnant i don't eat so much meat, but now..i eat extra meat.

oh yah, today my gynae also ask me if I want to do OSCAR test? I ask him if there is anything we can do if the test result result is not good?

he said no, except if we decided not to have the baby. Then I told him, I don't want to know then, cos there is no option of abortion for me. I will accept the baby whatever condition they are. I don't want to spent the rest of 9 months to worry because of the test result. i want to be a happy and fit expectant mum so my baby will be a happy baby. My gyane said..he respect my choice and it's ok not to have the scan.

Hi Anmaria,

But my today gynea want me to take both duphaston and progynova together...

May I know anyone here taking both together too?? Jus another worry again.. sigh...

Hi givebbdust,

THot progynova purpose is to thicken our lining... how come now also need to take?? sigh...

Shann Yheng, I am the same age as u. I tried 1 and a half month b4 my customary and only succeeded after trying v hard for 6mths, only to mc and so this mth I am so really looking forward to bfp when i see that those who in Aug 09 mtb all given birth with babies pictures....

I cant help feeling upset.

So now, my online friend also just told me my baby angel which I had mc had send his or her siblings for me. I so much treasure and thus worried also....

I start trying v soon, like maybe after 3 weeks, and it took me 8months now to be successful...futhermore, I came oversea in Feb, by rite shld be less stress...so in future when my sisters abt to get married, or even my children, I will tell them to try as soon as possible....but of course after lawfully married la....

cos being pregnant really not like a tap, open and close as and when u like...some pple are just plain lucky.

anyway so now hb also v pantang, he also cried when I started bleeding for last yr mc, so he initially already said when I asked him this time round I BFP, shld we be patang. He said cannot share to anyone, so including his parents, my family, everyone....

But I persuade him for a few days b4 he allow me to share with pple in forum, because the pple in forum encourage and share infor and give me support. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hippo, thanks for rem me in ur prayer. So u were in some other threads too hor? I cant rem, mtb got short term memory...which thread huh? , but I rem ur nick....How come butt will also have stretch mark huh? I dun dare to apply the clarin tonic oil which I gotten last yr, until after I see my healthy baby in 2 weeks time.

Joanne, I am in Europe, country of carrefour operator....:p

13hrs back to SG by plane....miss the 24hrs mac below my house, and the variety of food I can get....in SG.

Now I love and treasure SG so much! althou I am patrotic even b4 I leave SG.

Anyway I will be back in 1yr plus time. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thank you Elmo. Now with babydusts (Giving babydusts To all), Zhu Zhu's and many others encouragement I become super positive liao. And I know I will see my baby in 2 weeks time.

but I worried that I too positive and too confident and cannot take any blow.

Okie shhshhhhhhhhhhh.....

I AM SUPER POSITIVE and that my Baby also super positive wan me to see him or her, and knows that Mummy and daddy love him or her. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and wat they say quite logic, so I dun anyhow think liao...thou still got 1% any how think, but 3secs later the negative thot disappear.

I experience dizzyness first time for today, Jovial.

erm, how does a it feel like just b4 vomit huh?

I still not that sure leh...quite silly qns rite....

erm, is it the same feeling when vomit when drunk huh?

today got some feeling, but subside after a while...


naivesg, i m in oct07 mtbs lor. hahha.. my girl was born in oct'07. =) many hippos around..

anyway gal, keep the positive outlook! helps alot in pregnancies. u wldnt want bb to be frowning away right? laugh more! i m sure u'll be fine.. i had mc b4 i had my girl too. things just didnt happen and i know mc happens cos our body is trying to protect us from a unhealthy foetus. so pls look at tis pregnancy happily! u'll do just fine! =)

bbdusttoall, dun blame urself for changing gynaes la. u wanted another opinion and u did it cos u wan to ensure a gd pregnancy ma. gambate gal!

do your know wat does it means to have a lower level of HCG (Hormones)in pregnancy which is also related to MS huh?

Y some pple got low HCG and can deliver safely, becos I thot Pregnant ladies shld have a high level of HCG?

babydusts, yest I so hungry yet so tired, wanted to get up for breakfast in the end my body went to sleep....until noon, then I get up...

Morning Hippo. kekek...okie okie..yes, I just had my weekly dose of I guess, I guess I guess guess guess just now...but no hui ci...i wan to see hui ci...kekek...:p

U at work now ar? so early.

dreamababy, so u can hear watever ur that neighbour talk abt? Is she from China or some foreign land can only talk at nite?

If maybe can give 3 more chances, other wise u have to call the police again lor, bo pian....

dreamababy, my this comp v slow, so while reading the archives, I read my pregnancy book, and it say spinning is due to low blood pressure, so the books saywhen from sitting position to stand up position, do so slowly....not to suddenly increase the pressure....

naivesg, i m still lazing abt at home.. need to go bathe and get ready for work liao.. hahaha! oopsie! and dun guess guess guess liao le! hahaha


I normally sleep at 10 plus and wake up at 5 plus for work... but if I am really super tired, I will sleep at 9 plus... same as before I got preggie haha...

Naive dearie,

remember hor me and zz and the rest in the ttc thread will always support u one okay... if u feel giddy that is good haha.. I think u are not having MS now cause u are still too early lah.. wait till nxt week or so then I wish u got lots of MS okie *evil me keke*

eh for my case ah, it just come de loh.. like want to vomit when u are drunk..very xin ku inside..

dont read too much into the HCG and morning sickness cause MS is not only cause by HCG, its cause by an increase in estrogen and other hormones hor... so pls hor dont start thinking abt other things again ah..wait i piak u then u know.. my friend never never have MS one so she is shocked my MS is bad.. but her bb is super healthy loh.. pengx...

eat well and sleep well okay my dear... ur bb will then be the same..worry too much and ur bb will become a super worrier... then nxt time i see ur bb i will tell him ur mummy ah really worry until her hair all white liao keke..

Joanne, I thot pear liang? and can still take kiwi and honeydew? I thot they also maybe liang...I only think apples is the safest.

hippo, kekek, guess guess guess is bonding time with hb, and makes me laugh which is gd for me and baby kekek...:p

babydust,no la, my hair will nv turn white...:p

and Yes, thanks for being so evil, pls be evil to me, pray that my MS will be alot okie. :p

I sadist rite. Anyway I not working now, and stay at home most of the time, I dun mind I got MS and puke, as long as I know thru this way, my baby is growing well. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


kekeke i am sure ur MS will be super bad de... keke but not bad until need to go hospital lah... just bad nia... in a few more weeks then u know..cause now u giddy nxt will be MS liao.

Hi Anmaria,

But my today gynea want me to take both duphaston and progynova together...

May I know anyone here taking both together too?? Jus another worry again.. sigh...

Hi givebbdust,

THot progynova purpose is to thicken our lining... how come now also need to take?? sigh...


eh did ur doc scan ur lining...? the duphaston is to increase progesterone whereras the progynova is to increase the lining..so maybe different functions bah.... did u ask ur doc?


dont eat so much, i think 1 pc okay.. i also eat leh... but if u worry eat only during 2nd trimester okie... orange ah i also eat leh but i didnt eat a lot. moderate..

Hahahah, Babydust, okie, yes. I will want MS this bad, but not bad engh to go hospital kind. Is those manageable MS....:p

morn ladies.. yest evening while at my parents' for dinner.. had a shock cuz i saw very light brown stain on the undies..

i certainly don have this symptom before i started on duphaston! sad.. but it didnt happen again after that one slight spot...

Sigh.. pls tell me its normal?

hi naivesg, the raised red spots could be rashes i guess, i cant quite tell. not itchy though. went away after i stopped applying.

ugh, anyone gets ms throughout the night? very uncomfortable sleeping. i had to wake up and smell medicated oil, but still not much use. end up when i brushing teeth again vomit yellow gastric juice. i thought i had a proper dinner last night. sigh. now all nauseous again and sipping ginger tea...but feeling miserable. feel so tired.

lil one, spotting then give the doc a call and ask for next course of action.

or perhaps the rest of the ladies on duphaston can reply? i thot this drug supposed to stop spotting and bleeding?

hey lynn.. its just that little bit. i cant even call it spotting.. it looked more like i tried to clean off a small dried wound and nothing thereafter.


Dun worry lah. Normal one.

I dun know kanna how many weeks of light brown spotting leh.

So long no sharp pain no red fresh dc is ok one

Just highlight to ur gynae next visit



aiyo.. u ladies so optimistic... its damn good having u ladies ard... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


lil one,

Like you, i also have brown spot.. few times some more. Worry to sick also. But my gynae just ask me to take my duphaston diligently. Yesterday i ask him again what is the reason of my brownspot, he said, most probably is my hormon. so must take duphaston 3 times a day. And also can't walk too much, or take staircase. and not get too tired. Zhuzhu is right, as long as the brown spot didn't come with bad cramp, i think it should be okay.

